NewsletterCIMD 112011 Engl

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Cahaya Impian Masa Depan


Dear sponsor and supporter, Per Oktober, we moved our office from Kuta to our project Lovina, Singaraja. We deceided not to select new sponsor children this year. First, we have a group of 12 children who will attend senior high school and we need to know how much this will cost us. Second, we dont want to overrush things.

But the Sponsorship is only a part of what we do. Next to our other programs, we will start with vocational training. We will teach some of the parents of our sponsor children how to work with a ..naaimachine. This is a straight to the point sollution: teach them a job, give them a job and a decent income and after a while, they dont need our help anymore. Geert van Praet director CIMD

Project Lovina:
Our biggest concern was: how do we get our sponsor children, senior high school, to Singaraja, (three different schools) and no public transport. We had to buy our own minibus. An urgent appeal for financial support was launched, unfortunately with only limited result. But they go to school, that is the most important and with all respect for these children because there is always one who has to be earlier in school and this means that all of them has to leave at 4.30am. while the school starts at 7am! For Putrayasa we had to buy a clock, the first day he was too late and 2 days later he was already waiting at 3am. In junior high school everything goes well. The extra lessons (english, mathematics, IPA, indonesian) are popular and full attended also by classmates of our sponsor children. Maybe because of our way of teaching ?

Project Amed:
More and more tourists find their way to this region. You can see it on the beach; there are more children than before. With a sad face, trying to sell baskets (bought in Denpasar) with salt, so they have money and can go to school. Dont run in to it ! Elementary school is COMPLETELY FOR FREE. Going to school is not very popular in this region, 3 drop-outs in elementary school ! For junior high school there are also some changes. Some children receive beasiswa, a kind of subsidy from the government for poor children. Unfortunately the system doesnt work optimal. Also some of our sponsor children received this beasiswa and we will inform their sponsor about this because this means: double sponsoring ! We solved the transportation problem by closing a deal with a bemo, but we have a better and more positive solution. More news about this we will give you in our next newsletter.

Herorientation and Integration:

Janis Aussems (ortho-pedagoge) visited us and saw that everything went well. She gave extra training to our staff members and with new ideas they can go back to work. In the mean time, Zaenal (behavior problem) goes to school and we accompany him 3 times a week. For Ketut (learning problem) we will try to make an agreement with the elementary school. Jagar (autism) made a big progress and we focus momentarily to approve his concentration. The small business of Tantri (ceremonial equipment) makes more profit and can be used as an example for others. New on the program is a monthly trip to the beach, very popular amongst Adawiah, Tarmuji and Mashadi. (mental and down syndrome) This program runs well in our project Lovina, but also in our project Amed they are waiting for us to start up. Blind children will need our extra attention here.

In good cooperation with the John Fawcett Foundation 2 children will be operated for Cleft Lip and have a better future. For the program health and nutrition we follow-up the monthly medical check-up for the children minus 5 years. This will give us a better idea about the growth of the children in our project Amed.

Vocational Training:
Keep sponsoring or find a decent solution ? Straight-tothe-point. We teach them a job, find work and they dont need sponsoring ! If it works out, more about this in our next newsletter.

Sponsors meet their sponsor child. Always a suprise for the sponsor and the sponsor child. You can visit the child at home, meet the family and how they live. They will give you a warm welcome.

If you decide to support us, please e-mail us: with the amount and date of transfer, so we can follow up the transaction. Phone: (+62) 856 397 1730

Bank: Account: Name: Swift code: Bank Mandiri 145-00-0675412-7 Yayasan Cahaya Impian Masa Depan Jl Bakung Sari, gg Biduri 4 Kuta Bali BMRIIDJA

On behalf of Foundation CIMD we apologize, if you didnt want to receive this newsletter. To avoid this in the future, please sign out by sending us an e-mail.

Special Person:


The Belgian connection: Cafe des Artistes, set-up by Belgian Rudy Kerremans in 2003 in Ubud Bali, quickly became the place to be for many travelers, expats and locals alike. Rudy was born in Lier, a small city, about 15 Km South of Antwerp, Belgium 2nd city after its capital Brussels. After working in Belgium in the hospitality industry for many years and running his own late-night bar in Antwerp for a couple of years, he decided that the time was right to search for new horizons and experiences. In 2001, he ended up in Bali, visiting a Belgian friend who was living in Ubud at that time and fell in love immediatly with the place, the people who live there and its artistic atmosphere. After visiting another 5 or so countries in the region, he decided that Bali in general and Ubud in particular was the place he wanted to live, and quickly came to the idea of opening a restaurant there. Apart from being a restaurateur, he is also involved, as contact person for Indonesia, in Vlamigen in de Wereld, an organization supported by the Flemisch government in a search to connect all Flemisch abroad. Close contacts to the Belgian Embassy in Jakarta also make him the ideal person to talk to, if you have any questions about doing business here in Bali, or just for a relaxed chat.

Ni Made Tantri Herorientation and Integration, project Lovina. 15 years chained at the wall outside the house, under a small roof ! That is how Tantri lived ! Eating, sleeping, washing and toilet at the same place. Her parents didnt know how to deal with her and saw this as the only solution. Her father, too sick and too old to work. Her mother has once and a while work for 6.000Rp a day ! Today, Tantri makes equipment for the daily offerings, grows flowers and vegetables. The ceremonial equipment we sell at the market in Singaraja. She became, together with her sister (also mental problems), kostwinner in the family. She lives inside the house again, has a matras to sleep and the chain is gone. Every week she saves a small amount on a bank account. We accompany our persons with special needs individualy and find a way to integrate them back in to the community.

Art and Handicraft

A.S. Dewi


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