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Blood compact - The agreement forged in Bohol between Legaspi and Sikatuna is historically known as the
"Blood Compact," symbolizing friendship and alliance.
2. Individual differences - This principle acknowledges that no two individuals are exactly alike in terms of
characteristics and responses.
3. Noli Me Tangere - This novel by Jose Rizal exposes the injustices and sufferings of Filipinos under Spanish
4. Armed struggle - Andres Bonifacio fought for freedom through armed struggle and revolution.
5. Maslow - Abraham Maslow extensively studied the human side of enterprise, focusing on human motivation
and needs.
6. Hinduism - Hinduism is the oldest religion in Asia.
7. Consunji - Fernando Amorsolo is the famous painter known for depicting rural life and settings in the
8. d. Montano - Rolando Tinio proposed the experimental theatre in the Philippines.
9. c. Cecil Licad - Cecil Licad is a renowned Filipino pianist recognized internationally.
10. a. Adult citizen - The community tax applicable to all individuals typically refers to the tax paid by adult
11. b. Credit - A credit cooperative serves loans to its members.
12. b. Debt with high interest payments - One danger of credit cards is accumulating debt with high interest
13. c. Confucian Philosophy - Confucian Philosophy shaped Chinese values during the Han Dynasty.
14. b. Google - Google is a widely used search engine available on computers.
15. It is the biggest island in the country - Mindanao is the largest island in the Philippines.
16. b. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law - This is the primary governing law on agrarian reform in the
17. c. Clothing - Clothing is an example of material culture.
18. b. Adam Smith - Adam Smith formulated the concept of the "invisible hand" in economics.
19. c. Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand - These countries are members of ASEAN along with
the Philippines.
20. c. India - India is South Asia's largest country.
21. a. Personalism - Personalism refers to valuing personal relationships over impersonal outcomes.
22. a. Executive, Judicial, Military - Both datu and the Spanish governor-general held executive, judicial, and
military powers.
23. c. Emilio Aguinaldo - Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine independence on June 12, 1898.
24. c. Extended family - The family into which one is born is often considered the extended family.
25. c. Sulu - Sulu is known as the first seat of Islam in the Philippines.
26. a. Residence - Andres Bonifacio's election as director of the interior was protested on the grounds of
27. d. Agricultural Marketing Cooperative - This type of cooperative sells farm produce and provides
agricultural supplies.
28. a. President - The President has the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war in the Philippines.
29. d. MacArthur Landing Memorial - The MacArthur Landing Memorial in East Visayas is a landmark with
historical significance.
30. d. Traditionalists - Those who advocate for the revival of the classics in social trends are considered
31. c. Queen Elizabeth I - Queen Elizabeth I was known as the Virgin Queen.
32. a. Cebu - The Spaniards established their first permanent settlement in Cebu.
33. a. Christianity - Christianity is the greatest legacy of the Spaniards to the Filipinos.
34. c. Executive Order No. 83 - Executive Order No. 83 institutionalizes the Philippine Qualification
35. a. Mayon Volcano - Mayon Volcano is considered the most active volcano in the Philippines.
36. c. Cedula personal - The cedula personal replaced the tribute as a form of taxation in the Hispanic Philippine
colony in 1884.
37. a. Colonial mentality - Colonial mentality refers to favoring imported products over local ones.
38. c. Full independence - The Tydings-McDuffie Act granted partial independence to the Philippines.
39. b. Bahamas - Christopher Columbus thought he reached India when he landed in the Bahamas.
40. c. Arctic - The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean in the world.
41. c. Sebastian el Cano - Sebastian el Cano completed the first circumnavigation of the earth.
42. c. Ma-yi - Early Chinese traders and geographers referred to the Philippines as Ma-yi.
43. a. Mesopotamia - Mesopotamia is considered the starting point of Western civilization.
44. a. Revolutionary - The Philippine government during the proclamation of independence in 1898 was
45. c. Kinnotan - The Ilocano ants dance is known as "Kinnotan."
46. c. Just Compensation - "Just Compensation" refers to fair payment for property taken by the government
through eminent domain.
47. d. Cagayan River - The Cagayan River is the longest river in the Philippines, originating in Northeast Luzon.
48. a. Cartel - A cartel is a group of independent businesses that regulate production and pricing.
49. c. Suffrage - Participating in ratifying a proposed constitution is exercising the right of suffrage.
50. a. Enculturation - Enculturation is the process of learning and acquiring values and behaviors appropriate to
one's culture.
1. d. Reproduction for the preservation of a certain species - Reproduction is not considered an adaptive
mechanism of living things; rather, it is a fundamental process necessary for the continuation of a
2. c. to create new types of agricultural plants and animals - Gene manipulation aims to create new
agricultural varieties that can improve food production and quality.
3. c. hormone - Hormones are chemical substances produced by the body that regulate and coordinate
bodily functions.
4. b. cretinism - Cretinism is characterized by dwarfism, low intelligence, and sex immaturity due to a
lack of thyroid hormone during development.
5. A. a give and take relationship of organism - Symbiosis implies a mutually beneficial relationship
between organisms.
6. d. oxygen - Living things are classified as aerobic (require oxygen) or anaerobic (do not require
oxygen) based on their metabolism.
7. b. Plant cells have a stiff cell wall of cellulose but animal cells do not - This is a structural difference
between plant and animal cells.
8. b. irritability - Irritability refers to the ability of living organisms to respond to stimuli.
9. reproduction - Reproduction is essential for the preservation of species.
10. osmosis - Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a differentially permeable membrane.
11. biosphere - The biosphere refers to the earth’s entire zone of air, land, and water inhabited by living
12. kidney - The kidneys are responsible for removing waste from the blood and body fluids.
13. Removal from the cells and blood streams of substances which are no further use in the body -
Excretion involves the removal of waste substances from the body.
14. plasma - The clotting of blood is primarily the function of plasma.
15. homeostasis - Homeostasis refers to the tendency of living organisms to maintain stability or
uniformity in their internal environment.
16. A basic unit that shows interaction between living things and their environment - An ecosystem is a
unit showing interaction between living organisms and their environment.
17. phloem - Phloem transports organic nutrients (like sugars) up and down the stem and roots of plants.
18. optimum - Organisms live best or have the greatest chance of survival under optimum conditions.
19. chlorophyll - Chlorophyll traps light energy from the sun for use in photosynthesis.
20. leads to emphysema and lung cancer - Smoking cigarettes is associated with health risks like
emphysema and lung cancer.
21. immune defense - Blood cells and plasma factors play an important role in immune defense against
22. mixed nerve - A spinal nerve is a mixed nerve containing both sensory and motor fibers.
23. homeostasis - The anterior pituitary gland stimulates processes related to homeostasis in the body.
24. they prevent the egg from coming in contact with the sperm - All methods of birth control aim to
prevent fertilization of the egg by sperm.
25. upon successful implantation - Pregnancy begins upon successful implantation of the fertilized egg
in the uterus lining.
26. natural selection - Insects becoming immune to DDT is an example of natural selection.
27. as a source of energy - Glucose is used by the body as a source of energy during respiration.
28. photosynthesis - Radiant energy is converted into chemical energy (glucose) during photosynthesis.
29. vegetation by runners - Vegetative reproduction does not involve reproduction through runners.
30. proteins - Nitrogenous waste is produced from the metabolism of proteins.
31. blinking - Blinking is a reflex act.
32. both materials and energy are recycled - In an ecosystem, both materials (like nutrients) and energy
are recycled.
33. A, B, and C are correct - Plant distribution is affected by soil type, light availability, and rainfall.
34. ampalaya leaves flowers - Ampalaya leaves and flowers decoction contains traces of iron that can
help arrest hemorrhage.
35. milk of magnesia - Milk of magnesia can ease discomfort caused by hyperacidity.
36. sluggishness - Deficiency of carbohydrates can cause sluggishness or fatigue.
37. cell shrinkage - Salt as a preservative can cause cell shrinkage (dehydration).
38. technology - The practical or industrial application based on scientific principles is known as
39. faulting - Earthquakes are primarily caused by faulting in the Earth's crust.
40. electrolysis - Purification of metals is best achieved by electrolysis, a process involving the use of

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