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• Head

• Mouthparts 1
• Mouthparts 2
• Thorax and abdomen 1
• Thorax and abdomen 2
• Cockroach dissection
© 1997 B.K. Mitchell & J.S. Scott, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
The compound eyes are often the most COCKROACH BRAIN - dorsal aspect The inside of the
The Insect Head prominent structures on the insect head.
Adult holometabolous insects,as well as
Drawing of dissected cockroach
head showing brain and related
head contains more
than the brain, of
immatures and adults of hemimetabolous course. There are
Insects are strongly cephalized animals, that is, many of the important insects have them. Insect compound
nerves. Frontal and hypocerebral
ganglia are part of the stomatogas- many muscles that
functions are moved anteriorly with a high degree of merging or eyes have thousands of more or less
tric nervous system, while the cor- operate the various
condensing of segments, sensory structures and neural ganglia. This equivalent sensory cartridges called om- appendages - the
pora cardiaca and corpora allata are
module illustrates the preceding statement. Additional information on matidia. Each ommatidium has a hexago- mouthpart muscles
the insect head can be found in the mouthpart module. nal lens (hundreds in focus in this picture) being particularly
and six to eight light-sensitive cells. Sin- complex.
Six or seven segments are condensed to form the head capsule. This gle homologous sensory cells from nu-
strong structure provides protection for the brain, support for eyes, oesophagus frontal ganglion
merous adjacent ommatidia respond to This cleared whole
ocelli, antennae and mouthparts. The strongest muscles in the head light in their limited field of view and send mount reveals an-
serve the mandibles in chewing insects and the sucking pump in the information to the same place in the recurrent nerve other aspect of the
optic lobe of the brain. The image formed head that is often
piercing-sucking insects. antennal nerve
in the insect brain is not as detailed as overlooked - the
The hard exoskeleton that is a common feature of arthropods is ours but insects can be exquisitely sensi- optic lobe tentorium (red ar-
particularly well illustrated in the head. The lesser appreciated internal tive to movement in the visual field. They rows).
cuticular support structures are also well represented by the cross- also can see in colour. corpus cardiacum
bracing tentorium. The tentorium is the “internal skeleton” which gives strength to the head capsule
corpus allatum
and provides a place for muscle attachment. It is formed by tube-shaped inward ex-
Supported in part by B.K.Mitchell and J.S.Scott
tensions of the exoskeleton. The mandibles, maxillary and labial palpi are all
Academic Technologies for Learning
and Faculty of Science, University of Alberta © Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
8 visible in this frontal view. 13
Grasshoppers and cockroaches This section through a compound This is a scanning
(drawings) are often used to illus- retinular
eye shows some of the features. electron micro-
trate the most basic form of the in- layer The lens layer is in red, the eye graph of the right
sect head. The eye is often promi- retinular layer in black and gray side of a bug em-
nent and the mouthparts can seem
layer and the first of three parts of the bryo.
strange to us. The evolutionary optic lobe in blue-gray.
flexibility of the four mouthpart seg- Can you find the
mental appendages is the theme of The retinular layer contains the following seg-
the mouthpart segment of this se- sensory cells (six to eight per om- ments?
ries. matidium). The dark layer just un-
der the lens layer contains pig-
In cockroaches, the head
is very flexibly attached to
ments that help reduce light scat- • labial
Back View tering during the day.
the thorax via an exten-
sive neck membrane
• labral
* (arrow). The oesophagus,
heart, tracheal system,
optic • mandibular
and nervous system all
pass through the foramen
at the back of the head The green arrow marks the boundary between the head and thorax.
( asterisk ). The eye is the bulge on the side of the head.
Ventral is down and anterior is to the right.
This is a dark adapted eye so the pigments are all at one end. This increases
1 light scattering (decreases resolution) but it increases sensitivity. 5 9

Insect heads take many shapes reflecting the characteristic feeding habits of the Jake Remple, a Cana- The sub-
species concerned. For example, predaceous insects have forward directed dian entomologist, oesophagus oesophageal
mouthparts with a corresponding forward protrusion of the head. The predators HEAD OF INSECT
summarized this inter- ganglion (SOG)
Acron + 6 segments pretation of insect of all insects
head segmentation serves the major
1 1 - labral based on a careful ex- mouthparts and
2 amination of develop-
2 - antennal it’s therefore
4 3 - intercalary ing embryos of the much involved
5 blister beetle Lytta. with feeding.
stalkfly 4 - mandibular
6 This picture is of
5 - maxillary
The last three seg- a frontal section
antlion larva 6 - labial ments are easy to see
scorpion 3 through the SOG
fly at all stages of devel- of a fly.
acron opment (mandibular, neuropil
maxillary and labial)
because they bear ob- nerve labellar
vious bi-lateral ap- tract nerve

The three anterior segments required developmental analysis to confirm their pres- A typical ganglion (functional concentration of nerve cells) is composed of a periph-
tsetse fly ence. The acron is homologous with the front part of the body of bi-laterally sym- eral region of cell bodies (nerve and glial cells - red) and a region of nerve to nerve
cicada connections called the neuropil.
water metrical animals such as the earthworm and is not considered a true segment
beetle 10
2 because it lacks a pair of appendages. 6

The three most prominent arrangements of the head have been given the names
Prognathous, Hypognathous and Opisthorhynchous. This unusual view of the
1 suboesophageal ganglion (SOG)
Plant bug corpus pedunculatum
of a fleshfly shows the brain and
SOG in the same orientation as
the previous picture. Use the oe-
2 prosocerebrum
Tiger 3 deutocerebrum 1 sophagus as a reference point.
tritocerebrum Here a single neuron has been
beetle commisure
filled with a fluorescent dye to re-
labral nerve brain veal its extensive branching pat-
nervus connectivus tern in the SOG and in the brain.
Prognathous 4 nervus recurrens The cell body of this neuron is the
frontal ganglion commisure
oesophagus bright dot just above the cell body
5 nervus procurrens label. This neuron is one of many
6 5 6 that process taste input from the
labellar sensilla.

Leaf Opisthorhynchous
beetle The largest structure in the head-neck region is the brain and sub-oesophageal gan-
glion complex. The oesophagus passes between these two major masses of nerv- cell
ous tissue. These are dorsal and lateral views respectively. The numbers corre- body ganglion
spond to the segmentation numbers of the previous slide. 11
Hypognathous 7
This frontal view of a cock- Dipteran mouthpart modifications
Mouthparts of Insects eye
roach head gives a better idea
of what the mouthparts look
like in situ. The tentorium is
REVIEW maxillary labellum
Insects owe their great success to their abilities to adapt to a palp
antenna also visible (see module on the
wide variety of habitats. Adaptations have occurred, indeed head in this series). Can you recognize the following?
continue to occur, at every level of organization from the
Note the well sclerotized man-
molecular to the ecological. The comparative study of insect dibular “teeth” (black ridges in • antennae Horsefly adult-
mouthparts is first and foremost a study of adaptation. We mandible lower center) and the protrud-
single out mouthparts and the gross morphological level of ing galeae/lacinia and para- • clypeus mouthparts
(ex. Micro-slide) maxillary
organization in introductory courses because the variety of glossa. The mandibles appear palp
adaptations is so great that we can address vast landscapes
to be at the front since the lab-
rum which largely covers them
• eye labrum
of insect evolution by looking at mouthparts alone. Also, they is transparent in this cleared
• frons lacinia
are relatively easy to see and appreciate and, perhaps most mandible mandible
important, the mouthparts are entral to insect trophic • labial palpi hypopharynx

behaviour cfood gathering behaviour). Horseflies (Tabanidae) have the same kinds of mouthpart modifications as
labial maxillary • labrum blackflies, but since they are larger, are easier for us to study (their bite also
palp palp causes more physical damage). All of the basic parts can be seen here and
Supported in part by
Academic Technologies for Learning
B.K.Mitchell and J.S.Scott
Department of Biological Sciences
• mandible don’t resemble the mouthparts of the cockroach. Nevertheless these are the
and Faculty of Science, University of Alberta University of Alberta 4 8 appendages of the same segments - the result of the same basic develop-
•maxillary palpi mental plan.
This detailed view of a Dipteran mouthpart modifications
cardo cockroach maxilla clearly
Mosquitoes have carried the business of piercing and
The American cockroach shows the sclerites that
(Periplaneta americana) has make up this complex REVIEW sucking to a fine art. The stylets are modified labrum,
stipes maxillae and mandibles, just as in horseflies and
“generalized” mouthparts. appendage. The darker Here’s a better challenge. This is a blackflies, but the cross section size is markedly re-
This insect is omnivorous and the cuticle the heavier lateral view of a cockroach head with duced making for a much stealthier approach to feed-
its mouthparts are well suited the tanning and usually the mouthparts extruded. Which of ing.
to chewing on a wide variety the heavier the scleroti- the following can you recognize?
e of food items. zation. Thus, the lightest
cuticle is membranous- pharyngeal Only female mosqui-
The mouthparts are well de- like and semi- transpar-
ent while the darkest cu-
• antennal base mandibles
antennae pump toes take blood. Males
do not possess the
labium veloped in cockroaches. Each
antenna mouthpart pair comprise the lacinia
ticle is hard. • clypeus e
necessary m.pts. The
mosquito shown has
galea two bi-lateral appendages of galea maxillary

mandible labial
their segment. The blue arrow shows
where the maxilla at-
• eye labrum palpi all m.pts hence is a
female. Both sexes

labrum palp The mouthpart-bearing seg- taches to the head. • galea suck nectar, and pos-
sess the large label-
ments are the labral, man-
palp dibular, maxillary and labial. • hypopharynx laciniae
tentorium lum.
Two of the segments (mx and maxillary palp hypopharynx
• labial palp duct
5 • labium 13

This posterior view of the cock-

1 • labrum 9
This labium was taken from the Dipteran mouthpart modifications
foramen roach head shows additional same specimen as the maxilla in
magnum features as well as the various the previous slide. Note that much
mouthpart appendages. sub-
This completes our review of basic insect mouthparts
of the cuticle is thin, so much so
Note the complexity of the max- mentum that the muscles operating the la- as found in the American cockroach (Periplaneta
antenna illa and labium. bial palpi are visible (blue arrow- americana). Make sure that you understand this basic
See next slide for additional de- heads ).
eye plan before proceeding.
tails . Compare the tips of the galea and
lacinia in the previous slide with the
glossae and paraglossae in this
The rest of this module on mouthparts shows how vari-
labium stipes
mentum photo. All are dark indicating hard- ous insect groups have used the basic mandibulate
maxilla pre- ened cuticle. These structures are ground plan to produce highly modified mouthparts ex-
mentum used to manipulate food. x.s.
quisitely adapted to their own way of obtaining food.
By contrast, the tips of the palpi in Maxillary stylets- green
both appendages are covered with labellum Labral stylet - blue
labial palp
membranous cuticle and, as we will ( not seen in X.S.) Mandibular stylets - yellow
galea see later, with many sensory pegs. Food canal - red
paraglossa Salivary canal - pink
maxillary palp glossa labial Hypopharynx - black
paraglossa palp Mosquito head and mouthparts - Labium - tan
6 10 frontal view 14
Hidden among the maxil- You may be Dipteran mouthpart modifications Dipteran mouthpart modifications
lae and labium is the asked to dissect
glossa paraglossa Blackflies (Simulidae) are small in-
“tongue” or hypopharynx. labium the mouthparts of
labial palp It has very thin
antenna sects but their mouthparts are rela-
a cockroach in the
maxillary (membranous) cuticle and tively large. All of the parts are pres-
palp maxilla laboratory and this
ent in adults but they are greatly rostrum
contains the opening of is what your final
prementum the salivary gland duct. modified from the basic plan. The
maxilla dissection should eye labellum is used for nectar feeding
mentum look like. The
The labium is the most but the labrum, lacinia, and mandi-
submentum parts are ar- labrum
complex of the cockroach bles are modified as piercing struc-
ranged in the or- maxillary
mouthparts and exists as tures for blood feeding. The rela-
der of segmenta- palpi
a single piece rather than tively large wound and the antigenic
labium lacinia tion from anterior
as two distinct, mirror im- properties of the salivary proteins haustellum
hypopharynx to posterior. The
stipes age parts as in the maxil- lead to ugly skin reactions.
hypopharynx is
lae. This single labium is the only part that
cardo The higher flies (houseflies and relatives)
clearly formed from a fu- is not a true seg- labellum
maxilla maxilla sion of bi-lateral append- mandible have lost the mandibles and maxillae, ex- pseudotracheae
mental append-
ages as the paired palpi, mandible labrum cept for the maxillary palpi. They special-
age but rather a The fly labellum is a complex sen-
glossae and paraglossae ize in modifications of the labial append-
labrum modified part of sory organ and feeding structure
hypopharynx reveal. ages only to produce sophisticated lap-
the prostomium labellum ping, probing, scraping and piercing looking something like a sock. It’s
(foregut). maxillary palp dexterous being controlled by nu-
labrum mouthparts. Most of them cannot pierce
mandible mandible merous small muscles.
host skin but some, like the tsetse fly
3 7 11 15
(later slide) can.
Dipteran mouthpart modifications Hymenopteran mouthpart modifications These three drawings summarize
the structure of a typical insect taste
haustellum This SEM (Scanning Electron Micro- hair or sensillum. There are usually
scope) micrograph of a fleshfly label- four cells projecting to the pore tip
lum shows the sensory hairs that and these taste different chemicals
cover the surface of the oral surface with some overlap in sensitivity. A
of the lobes. These sensory hairs mechanosensory cell (not shown)
taste sugars, salts, amino acids, wa- 1µ usually terminates at the base of the
ter and other chemicals as well as sensillum. Supporting cells (brown,
conferring a delicate sense of touch blue and green) are important to the
on the whole organ. maxillary physiology of the entire system but
palp they are not sensory. The numbers
indicate the length of the scale bar
in micrometers.
The sawflies, bees and wasps have vari-
ous arrangements of mouthparts, the labial
most complex being those of bees (photo palp
at right). Like lepidopterans, bees use a
tube to suck nectar but it is a modified glossa flabellum Galeae of leaf beetles have specialized taste hairs with rounded tips (red ar-
glossa (part of the labium). Mandibles are 27
rowheads). These are used to taste leaves before a decision is made to take
retained primarily for handling wax - in
a meal. Leaves of poor host plants don’t taste right to the beetle so small
front 16 fact, the structure of the mandibles gives 20 meals are taken. Leaves of host plants are assessed quickly and extended 23 100 µ
rise to the precise hexagonal arrangement
feeding occurs.
Dipteran mouthpart modifications These two examples of taste

Hemipteran hairs were taken from leaf bee-
tle galea. The pore in the tip is
where the leaf juice enters in
order to be tasted. The sensil-
eye lum with the little fingers in the
right hand picture does not
palpi have much of a pore and is
probably used to sense tem-
haustellum dilating muscles perature and humidity.
Inside the large taste hairs we find the sen-
Tsetse flies have carried labellar
maxilla mandible labium mandible maxilla sory cells, as this electron microscope cross
modification to an extreme un-
section through the base of the larger sen-
matched by any other insect. The
sillum at top right shows. The four num-
haustellum fine labellum with its tooth bearing 1 2
Insects with incomplete metamorphosis also bered cells are chemosensory while the one
tip makes a needle-like penetration
labrum use highly modified mouthparts as shown in marked with a yellow arrowhead is mecha-
of the host skin. salivary 3
the true bugs and their relatives. These are nosensory. Most taste hairs in insects can
duct 4
used for piercing and sucking and are similar also sense movement.
labellum { in some ways to the modifications seen in hypopharynx
17 mosquitoes. Note the large dilating muscles of 24
the sucking pump - the largest muscle in the 21
bug head.
Lepidopteran mouthpart modifications This series of increasing
magnifications are taken
antenna This concludes our survey of mouthpart modifications. In from the inside of the labrum
cardo ocellus several places we mentioned that sensory structures (epipharynx) of a leaf beetle.
The epipharynx forms the
were present on certain mouthparts, such as palp tips. anterior surface of the buccal
In fact, one of the greatest concentrations of chemosen- cavity (roof of the mouth so
eye to speak) and it also bears
stipes silla is found on the mouthparts - the other major site taste-sensitive structures.
food maxillary
canal palp pilifer being the antennae. These sensillae are not hair-
like but take the shape of
epipharynx short pegs-in-pits. They too
In the next section, we look in detail at some sensory have pores.
palp structures and comment briefly on their function. The
galea labrum
study of sense organs has major implications for phero-
mone biology, insect-plant interactions and the chemical
modification of feeding by the use of antifeedants.
In moths and butterflies the sucking mouthpart is largely the modified maxillary
galea. The area along the food canal is lined with taste pegs. The maxillary
palpi are much reduced and mandibles are absent. 25

Lepidopteran mouthpart modifications

labial mandible maxillary
maxillary palp palp
antenna The real thing looks different palp
from the previous drawing of
course. For one thing, moths
eye and butterflies are covered with
scales (modified cuticular hairs),
as seen in this cleared lepidop-
teran head. The large labial
palpi are sensory, in fact, in
some specialized nocturnal
moths the organs of hearing are
also on the palpi. The galeae
are separated in this prepara-
If you have been studying this module carefully, you will likely be
tion. During feeding, they are able to quickly make sense of this ventral view of the head and
palp held close together to form a mouthparts of a leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae). Leaf beetles chew
sucking tube. leaves hence have strong mandibles. The palpi are well devel- The most obvious of the mouthpart sensory structures are the palpi (maxillary
oped for sensory purposes as are parts of the labrum and the and labial). In leaf beetles, the palp tips provide four surfaces that are covered
galeae galea. with small sensory pegs - some for taste and some for smell.
19 22 26
Mesothorax of spruce budworm moth - lateral view
The Insect Thorax and Abdomen
In the simplest terms, the thorax is the locomotory centre of the insect
since all six legs and the wings are found there. The largest muscles
are also found in the thorax. The thorax is a box-like structure with
extensive internal cuticular cross bracing. It also sports numerous
dorsoventral The Wing Base
cuticular plates (sclerites) that are intimately involved in locomotion. flight muscle
basalar subalar
To conserve mass, some of the thoracic muscles are involved in both The wing must move with great dexterity if
walking and flying. This works because these are mutually exclusive muscles to alary sclerites the insect is to fly properly. The axillary scle-
rites (red arrows) provide a major part of this
behaviours and the motor nervous system plays the appropriate motor prothoracic complex attachment and the muscles that
program at the appropriate time. The abdomen is simple in its anterior pleuron insert on them are responsible for small but
subalar muscle
region getting quite complex in the last three segments where the crucial movements of the wing in flight. This
(wing supination) Respiration in insects is mediated by a complex, multi-branched tracheal sys-
sclerites of the external reproductive system are found. Both male and sclerite/muscle system is also involved in
female insects have extensive cuticular modifications for reproduction, wing folding. tem. The tracheal tubes (tracheae) are epidermal in origin and so are lined with
thin cuticle. They communicate with the outside via segmental openings called
females particularly for oviposition (egg laying) and males for sperm basalar muscle spiracles found on the thorax and abdomen. When present, there are two spira-
insertion. Many insects can be identified at the species level only by (wing pronation) trochanter muscle cles per segment. Not all segments have spiracles, for example, compare the
looking carefully at the male genitalia. spiracles in an adult cockroach and an adult fly. These photos show examples
coxa trochanter
Supported in part by B.K.Mitchell and J.S.Scott of spiracles and associated tracheae. The spiracle on the right has a filter sys-
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and Faculty of Science, University of Alberta © Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
tem to prevent entry of dust. Many spiracles have complex opening/closing

Ventral View of Periplaneta Thorax part of cuticular Mating behav-

Most insects have four wings
cross bracing flight muscle which either beat quite independ- iour in insects
neck region ently as in dragonflies or with is often a com-
haemocoel varying degrees of unity. The front plex business
pronotum and hind wings of moths are that is a critical
strongly linked together and the part of the
prothoracic hind wing has a strong structure species isolat-
sternum called the frenulum (red arrow) ing mecha-
that is part of the linking appara- nism. Thus,
tus. It hooks into a process on the intricate be-
mesothoracic front wing called a jugum (in ju- haviours cor-
pleuron gate moths in any case). rectly per-
mesothoracic formed signal
tergum femur species iden-

mesothoracic gut
trochanter leg muscle
membranous ventral nerve cord In the honeybee (not shown), the hind wing has little hooks
In addition to behaviour, the structure of the last few abdominal segments plays
metathoracic a major role in species recognition. Here two craneflies are locked in copula.
cuticle Cross section through the thorax of a cockroach showing some major internal
that look very much like the hooks in a Velcro strip and the
Specialized sclerites of the last three abdominal sclerites (terminalia) allow only
coxa fore wing has a corresponding surface for attachment.
members of the same species to proceed this far.
structures. Note the size of the muscles and that some are cut in longitudinal
1 section while others are cut in cross section. 5 9 13

Meso- and Metathoracic Seg-

ments of Periplaneta - ventral view seg ix male ( )
anal style
mesopleuron abdomen
seg vii
female ( )
anal cercus
mesosternum coxal suranal
plate haltere

Diptera, as you can see from the name, have two wings instead of four. In flies,
metapleuron As with most insects, the cockroach abdomen is composed of a series of similar the hind wings take the form of dumbell shaped structures that act as balancing
metasternum segments until the terminal end when sex complicates things. Mating behaviour, organs during flight. These highly modified and specialized hind wings are called
pheromone production, egg production and release are all handled largely by the halteres In the Odonata the male actually grabs the female by the back of the neck
coxal abdomen and particularly by modifications of the last abdominal segments. The during mating and as they fly or perch, the female reaches around with her
cavity male and female cockroach abdominal tips shown here clearly reveal some ob- abdomen and takes sperm from a specialized holding pouch near the junc-
2 vious differences. 6 10 tion of the male thorax and abdomen. 14

Grasshoppers are much

flyers than cockroaches and
this is clearly reflected in the
structure of the thorax. Note the
greater fusion of the ventral femur tibia
thoracic sclerites to form a
Insect legs have numerous
strong pterothoracic “box” to
tarsus adaptations that depend on
support flight.
the insect’s lifestyle. Here are
trochanter two examples. At top, a leg
coxa from an aquatic insect (note
mesothorax the numerous fine hairs that Wing veins provide support for the thin, delicate membranous cuticle that make
spread for swimming) it is up the rest of the wing, as shown here by these two wings from a fly. Many veins
also used to name the basic also house tracheae and provide a passage for haemolymph (blood). Numerous
leg parts. At bottom, raptorial sense organs are found on the wings, especially wind sensitive hairs, and the
spinasternum forelegs from a mantispid cells in these organs must respire and receive nutrients. Accessory hearts at the
Insects often have rather as-
(mantidfly) used for seizing base of the wing provide a sometimes complex flow of haemolymph in the veins.
metathorax prey then clamping during Wing veins can also be important taxonomic characters at the Family level.
tonishing reproductive struc-
tures, especially the male in- accessory
feeding. gland aedeagus
tromittent organ or aedeagus.
In this flour beetle the
aedeagus is withdrawn into
3 7 11 the abdomen when not in use. 15
exocuticle mesocuticle This is a section of bending
cuticle. As you can see, it is
tergite8 not exactly like the previous
stylus drawing. Not all cuticle looks
tergite10 alike. Some is very thick, oth-
tergite9 ers thin. Some cuticle has
well developed mesocuticle,
as shown here. The blue en-
o snakefly o cranefly endocuticle docuticle is elastic, so this
1 2 coxopodium cuticle is highly bendable.
2 gonapophysis
As the functional skeleton of arthropods,
the cuticle is the primary place for muscle
Male and female abdomens are also attachment. This section shows how inti-
variously modified, mostly for, in the tonofibrillae
1 gonapophysis mate is the connection between muscle
case of the male, holding the female cuticle and cuticle. Muscle extensions called to-
in position during copulation and in muscles nofibrillae make the actual link. At moult-
the female accepting the male dur- ing, these connections must remain func-
ing copulation and also for oviposi- tional until the last moment when new
This drawing shows, in generalized form, the way female abdominal seg- tion (egg laying). connections are established with the new
ments 8, 9 and 10 are modified for egg laying. Along with mating, egg lay- o waterbug cuticle developing beneath the old.
16 20
ing requires extensive modification of sclerites.

In these views of actual
specimens you can identify mainstream flow
some of the cuticular parts endocuticle
shown in the drawing of
the generalized female ab- boundary layer
domen. This specimen is a
leafhopper. bending cuticle

laminar sublayer
Parasitic wasps take the busi-
ness of ovipositor modification
to an extreme but all of the
basic parts are there. 50% of The entire abdomen can also serve important functions in arthropods. The tail
all wasps are parasitic on flick that is part of the escape response of the crayfish is perhaps the best
other insects and need to lay known (it’s part of the reason that lobster tails are such good eating). Here is The spectacular picture of a wing base of a moth, shows a top view of bend-
their eggs with great precision another use of the whole abdomen displayed by blackfly larvae. They twist their ing cuticle. The yellow ovals are the cones of mesocuticle protruding down
since many are quite host abdomen 180 degrees so that their feeding fans can be properly oriented in the into the blue endocuticle, so this particular sclerite is very flexible. The
specific. mainstream water flow. large areas of yellow cuticle are exocuticle and are relatively hard.
17 21 25

Many aquatic insects use special adap-

tations of the last abdominal segments
for orienting in the stream or for breath-
ing. Notice how this mayfly nymph uses
its caudal filaments for orientation.

Requirements of internal organs also

influence the shape of the abdomen.
The crop of this mosquito is so full of
blood that the abdomen is swollen to
Flies, such as this housefly, have a different version of the ovipositor. near maximum size (cuticle does not
The last few abdominal segments telescope into the larger anterior stretch). A large egg load can also swell
abdominal segments except when the fly is laying eggs. Then these the abdomen like this.
segments are extended as shown here. 18 22

poison gonangium
trichoid sensillum
epicuticle dermal gland duct
2 coxopodium
2 gonapophysis exocuticle
bulb (hard)
1 gonapophysis In bees, the ovipositor function is endocuticle
subsumed by the sting which is exocuticle
served by a poison gland. Ovi-
position is through a simple epidermis
trichogen basement epidermal oenocyte dermal gland
cell membrane cell

The head, thorax and abdomen are covered with cuticle as are the foregut,
hindgut and tracheal system. These are the basic components of insect cuticle
that you should be familiar with. The epicuticle provides a continuous wax cov-
sting ering to prevent desiccation. The exocuticle is a mix of chitin (like cellulose) and
19 tanned protein. You can see why it won’t stretch. The endocuticle, including
mesocuticle is flexible and elastic. 23
Cockroach Dissection antenna
While it is impossible to chose an insect species that truly represents Recently killed male cockroach, HEAD
the morphology of all, the cockroach has gained a commanding with legs removed and partially
mesothoracic suboesophageal
position as the insect of choice for illustrating the ‘basic’ insect body imbedded (dorsal side up) in black ganglion ganglion
plan. Another strong contender for this role is the grasshopper. Even composite wax, in a dissecting tray.
terms like ‘the cockroach’ and ‘the grasshopper’ are terribly THORAX
Distilled water or Ringer’s solution
misleading, since there are many species of each with sometimes interganglionic
is added to the dish before the interganglionic connective
marked differences in various structures. Nevertheless, cockroaches connective
and grasshoppers are good representatives of insects with chewing dissection begins.
mandibles and lacking extreme morphological specializations of the ganglion
major body parts. interganglionic
fat body
Here we address the major external and internal parts of the connective
American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Some of the terms will metathoracic
ABDOMEN ganglion
be new but many will be strikingly familiar for they are named after cockroach mounted
in black composite wax
their, sometimes very approximate, counterparts in vertebrates. abdominal
Supported in part by B.K.Mitchell and J.S.Scott
Academic Technologies for Learning
and Faculty of Science, University of Alberta © Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta cercus


Abdomen of male cockroach.

Wings and abdominal tergites testis
vessel removed exposing fat body, testis

crop tracheae, dorsal vessel

and underlying alimentary organs.
tracheae vas deferens fat

testis lies dorsal seminalis
within this stomach
fat body

fat body
anal cercus

fat body
anal styles O external features

Lateral view of

mandibles cellular
hypopharynx sheath colleterial
tracheae surrounding
ovarioles separated gland
from cellular sheath

frontal view
frontal view
of entire head, operculum } spiracle anal
O external features
insect pin
of entire head stained and cleared to tracheae placed through
showing position show underlying tracheal supply around stomach
spiracle opening into
of mouthparts mouthparts connecting trachea

clypeus mandibles
(6) (5)
labrum (1) labium (4) oesophagus


maxilla (3)

labium testis enteric caeca

(4) hypopharynx (2)

maxilla (3) mandibles (5) ileum Malpighian

vas tubules
hypopharynx deferens
labrum (1)
(1) - (6) order of removal from head

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