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Aini : Assalamualaikum Nisa and Merry, what are you talking about?

Nisa & Mary : Waalaikumussalam Wr.Wb, we are talking about our next vacation

Aini : Do you have any idea for your vacation?

Nisa : Yes of course, I will go to Bali with my sister for three days.

Marry : I will follow my family to go to Bromo mountain to see the sunrise and the Bromo views. How
about you Aini?

Aini : Ehm...I still don’t have any idea for it My Parents are very busy with their business.

Nisa : Will you join with me to go to Bali to enjoy the sea in Bali and buy some beautiful souvenirs

Aini : No, thanks, Nisa, it is so far for me and maybe my parents don’t give any permission if I go

Aini : Maybe your parents will allow you to go with me because it’s not far from Malang. Do you
want to join with me?

Aini : Really? It sounds very great. if my parents give permission ,I will join with you because I want
to to
see Bromo mountain.

Marry : With my pleasure. please ask permission to your parents Aini. Certainly, My father will be very
happy because I have a friend tto accompamy meo go there.

Nisa : It’s very nice if you can go together. You can enjoy seasand and make sandcastle there.

Mary : Yes, of course. I hope Aini’s parents will give permission.

Nisa : By the way, it will be maghrib. Let’s go home now.

Marry : I wait your decisions as soon as possible Aini.

Aini : InsyaAllah, thanks Marry. Let’s go home. Good Bye. Assalamu’alaikum.

Marry & Nisa : Waalaikumussalam wr. wb. Bye - bye...

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