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Hello friends, welcome to a new Happy Learning video ... today we are going to learn about a
period of history very important and very revolutionary, today we are going to learn about the
Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution is the stage of history that goes from 1780 to 1850 and began in
England. For almost the entire history of mankind, life had been based on agriculture and
livestock. At the end of the 18th century, the Englishman James Watt invented, or rather
perfected, the steam engine. Until then the artisans had been dedicated to the manufacturing of
utensils with their own hands in small workshops, but with the arrival of the steam engine, that
changed forever. This machine used the energy of steam to transform it into power and moving
other machines. These new machines were applied to the industry and began to do the work that
the artisans used to do, so the small artisan workshops were disappearing giving way to the big
factories. The steam engine was also used for transport and the first trains and steam boats were
manufactured, which facilitated trade and travel between cities and countries. Europe was filled
with trains. During the Industrial Revolution, the rural society dominated by the nobility stopped
being as important as it was and the urban society dominated by the bourgeoisie started to
appear. The bourgeoisie were normal people who had become powerful and rich thanks to trade.
Since they had a lot of money, they started investing in technology and were the first to build
factories. The workers, also called proletarians, were the people who did not have wealth. Not
being able to make a living in the countryside or in the villages, they emigrated to the big cities to
work in the factories. At first, they worked in very bad conditions and for very little money
meaning that many children had to work on very hard and dangerous tasks so that their families
could feed themselves. The workers asked for rights to work in a dignified and safe way, and the
owners, the bourgeoisie, did not want to give it to them. After many conflicts, strikes and fights,
the workers managed to make the work days last eight hours, and allowed them to rest on
Sundays or take vacation days ... and also children were protected so that they did not have to
work anymore. Today we continue to use many of these rights and also many of the machines we
use are developments of those first steam engines. You already know that knowing the past allows
us to understand the present and improve the future.


1. It began in England a. The artisans ______

2. He invented, or rather perfected, b. The nobility ________

the steam engine.
3. They had been dedicated to the c. James Watt __________
manufacturing of utensils with
their own hands
4. This machine used the energy of d. They had a lot of money
steam to transform it into power _________
and moving other machines
5. A urban society dominated by … e. The first trains and steam boats
were manufactured. _________

6. Which facilitated trade and travel f. The work days last eight hours,
between cities and countries and allowed them to rest on
Sundays or take vacation days.

7. They worked in very bad g. The Industrial Revolution _______

conditions and for very little
8. The bourgeoisie h. The steam engine __________

9. After many conflicts, strikes and i. People who did not have wealth
fights, the workers managed to __________
10. A rural society dominated by … j. Proletarians _________

11. Proletarians k. They started investing in

technology and were the first to
build factories _______

12. The bourgeoisie l. The bourgeoisie _________


Por supuesto, aquí tienes las respuestas a las preguntas en inglés y español:

1. When did The Industrial Revolution take place and where? ¿Cuál es el período histórico
conocido como la Revolución Industrial y cuándo tuvo lugar?

2. What invention was crucial for the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and who
perfected it? ¿Qué invención fue crucial para el comienzo de la Revolución Industrial y
quién la perfeccionó?

3. How did the arrival of the steam engine change the way work was done in society? ¿Cómo
cambió la llegada de la máquina de vapor la forma en que se realizaba el trabajo en la

4. What new types of transportation emerged during the Industrial Revolution?

5. How did they affect trade and travel? ¿Qué nuevos tipos de transporte surgieron durante
la Revolución Industrial y cómo afectaron al comercio y los viajes?
6. What was the most significant social change during the Industrial Revolution in terms of
societal structure? ¿Cuál fue el cambio social más significativo durante la Revolución
Industrial en términos de estructura social?

7. Who were the bourgeoisie? ¿Quiénes eran los burgueses y qué papel jugaron en el
desarrollo de la Revolución Industrial?

8. What role did they play in the development of the Industrial Revolution?

9. Who were the proletarians and what conditions did they face in the factories? ¿Quiénes eran
los proletarios y qué condiciones enfrentaban en las fábricas?

10. What were some achievements of the workers after conflicts and struggles? ¿Cuáles
fueron algunos de los logros de los trabajadores después de conflictos y luchas?


1. Livestock
2. steam engine
3. society
4. trains
5. steamboats
6. cities
7. countries
8. bourgeoisie
9. Proletarians
10. labor rights
11. Streak and fights
12. poor working conditions
13. Sunday
14. vacation
15. children
pronunciation ed

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