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Below are the guidelines providing the basic minimum provisions for animal Care

in medical colleges using animals for teaching / research purposes.

According to the Medical Council oI India requirement, it is mandatory to have animal Iacilities
attached to every teaching medical college.
ealthy animals should be obtained Irom a recognized source.
Acceptable methods and norms oI transportation should be Iollowed, considering the
distance, seasonal and climatic conditions and the species oI animals.
The most commonly used animals are:-
rog, Mouse, Rat, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Sheep
Animal Houses
Animal houses should be made oI durable and preIerably moisture prooI material and should
have adequate space to Iacilitate Iree movement oI personnel as well as equipment.
Doors should be rust & vermin rooI with provision Ior door closure. Rodent barriers should be
provided at all entry points oI animal houses.
Walls and ceilings should be Iree oI cracks.
loors should be smooth, non absorbent and skid prooI.
Temperature and humidity in animal Iacilities should be controlled Ior the comIort oI the
laboratory animals.
Proper lighting system with adequate illumination at cage level should be maintained in the
animal room.
The animal cages should provide adequate space to permit Ireedom oI movement and normal
postural adjustments, and have a resting place appropriate to the species; provide a comIortable
environment; have an escape-prooI enclosure that conIines animal saIely; have easy access to
Iood and water; provide adequate ventilation; meet the biological needs oI the animals; keep the
animals dry and clean, be consistent with species requirements.
Physical separation oI animals by species, wherever possible, is recommended to prevent
inter-species disease transmission and to eliminate anxiety and possible physiological and
behavioral changes due to inter-species conIlict.
Animal Iacilities should be maintained Iree Irom pests and vermins
edding wherever prescribed, should be absorbent, Iree oI toxic chemicals or other substances
that could injure animals or personnel.
edding should be removed and replaced with Iresh materials as oIten as necessary to keep
the animals clean and dry.

Food and Water
Animals should be Ied palatable, non-contaminated, and nutritionally adequate Iood.
eed should be procured Irom reliable source.
Good quality eed and water should be provided ad libitum.
Areas in which Ieed are processed or stored should be kept clean and enclosed to prevent entry
oI insects and wild rodents.
Watering devices, such as drinking tubes should be examined routinely to ensure their proper
eeders should allow easy access to Iood and watery while minimizing contaminating by urine
and Iaeces.
$anitation and cleanliness
Animal rooms, corridors, storage spaces, and other areas should be cleaned with appropriate
detergents and disinIectants.
Animals should be kept dry except Ior those species whose natural habitation needs water.
Cages should be cleaned each time beIore animals are placed in them. Animal cages, racks
and accessory equipment, such as Ieeders and watering devices, should be washed and cleaned
Irequently to keep them Iree Irom contamination.
Cages, water bottles, sipper tubes, stoppers and other watering equipment should be washed
and disinIected regularly.
Deodorisers or chemical agents other than germicides should not be used to mask animal
#ecords keeping
Animal Iacilities should have the Iollowing records:
Animal ouse plan
Name & addresses oI the staII including the Iacility incharge and contact telephone nos.
ealth records oI staII
Training record oI staII involved in animal care & procedures
Records pertaining to the items in stock
Animal stock procurement and supply register
Records oI experiments or procedures conducted with the number oI animals used in each
Clinical record oI sick animals and any treatment administered
Mortality and ailing record.
It is essential to have appropriate housing Iacility Ior holding diIIerent species oI animals.
The minimum basic requirements are the Iollowing:
Rooms Ior accommodating animals: 3
Room Ior quarantine: 1
Room Ior storage oI Ieed / cage and other items: 1
Room Ior cleaning cages etc.: 1
To attend to the care and husbandry oI the animals and the maintenance oI hygienic conditions
the Iollowing staII has to be provided.
Animal Attendants - 3
Technical StaII - 1
Veterinarian (Part time 1 Ior breeding Iacilities)

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