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Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah menerangkan bahwa berdasarkan keterangan dari :}{\rtlch \
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loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1
\af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \b1 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 BAKRI L}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \li720 \ri4 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin720 \rin4 \tql \tx1260 \tql \tx3960 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Tempat/tanggal lahir}{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
Malala/12 Juli 1974}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \li720 \ri4 \lisb0 \lisa0 \
widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin720 \rin4 \tql \tx1260 \tql
\tx3960 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch
\fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Umur}{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 49
Tahun}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \
af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
\par }\pard \plain \li709 \ri4 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin709 \rin4 \tql \tx1260 \tql \tx3960 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \
rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Jenis Kelamin}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \
afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1
\af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Laki-laki}
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \li720 \ri4 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin720 \rin4 \tql \tx1260 \tql \tx3960 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Pekerjaan}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
\tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 Petani/pekebun}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22
\rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \fi-3533 \li4253 \ri4 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin4253 \rin4 \tql \
tx1260 \tql \tx3960 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24
\rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
Alamat}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Dusun 3 Siginti Desa Malala, Kecamatan Dondo,
Kabupaten Tolitoli}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \
widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \itap0
\rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \
ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \
rin0 \tql \tx709 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch
\fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Orang tersebut
adalah penduduk Desa Malala, yang mempunyai kendaraan dengan rincian sebagai
berikut}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \
hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \itap0 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \
qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \
lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Merk / Type}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \
afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Hyundai}{\rtlch
\fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \
plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \
af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Tahun Pembuatan}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1
\af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 2010}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \
rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Warna}{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
Biru}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \
af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
\par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \
aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \
itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Nomor Polisi}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 DN
8806 DA}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25
\qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \
lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Nomor Mesin}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \
afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 -}{\rtlch \fcs1
\af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \
s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \
af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Nomor Rangka}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\rtlch \fcs1
\af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 -}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \
rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Nomor BPKB}{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 : }
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 -}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \
rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Bahan Bakar}{\rtlch \fcs1
\af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
Solar}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \
af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
\par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \
aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \
itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Isi Silinder}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 2000
CC}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \
par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4253 \itap0 \
rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Atas Nama}{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 :}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
BAKRI L}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \
hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \
tql \tx4111 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5
\afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \
f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \
s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx709 \tql \tx3969 \tql \tx4111 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \
af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1053 \langnp1053 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Kendaraan tersebut di atas adalah milik}{\rtlch
\fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f5 \lang1057 \langnp1057 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 }{\rtlch \
fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \b1 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 BAKRI L}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \b1 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \
af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1046 \langnp1046 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1046 \langnp1046 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 yang
beralamat}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \b1 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1046 \langnp1046 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1046 \langnp1046 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 di}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1053 \langnp1053 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \b0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Dusun 3 Siginti Desa Malala, Kecamatan Dondo,
Kabupaten Tolitoli.}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 }{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Bahwa Kendaraan Truck 6 roda Merk Hyundai
benar belum diambil Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor (BPKB) di PT. Adira Finance.
Karena masih di Lesing.}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \
lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880
\itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \tab }{\rtlch \fcs1 \
af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \
loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \
plain \s25 \qj \fi720 \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Demikian surat ini dibuat, untuk dipergunakan
sebagaimana mestinya.}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \
lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880
\itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \
qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \
lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch
\fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \
plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \
fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \
alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \
hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \itap0 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\trowd \trql \trgaph0 \
trrh2260 \trleft-108 \trautofit1 \trwWidth10188 \trftsWidth3 \trftsWidthB3 \
trftsWidthA3 \trpaddl10 \trpaddr10 \trpaddfl3 \trpaddft3 \trpaddfb3 \trpaddfr3 \
clvertalt \cltxlrtb \clpadt108 \clpadr108 \clpadfl3 \clpadfb3 \clpadft3 \clpadfr3 \
clwWidth4158 \clftsWidth3 \cellx4050 \clvertalt \cltxlrtb \clpadt108 \clpadr108 \
clpadfl3 \clpadfb3 \clpadft3 \clpadfr3 \clwWidth900 \clftsWidth3 \cellx4950 \
clvertalt \cltxlrtb \clpadt108 \clpadr108 \clpadfl3 \clpadfb3 \clpadft3 \clpadfr3 \
clwWidth5130 \clftsWidth3 \cellx10080 \pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \
intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cf16 \par }\pard \
plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \
lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \
tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch
\fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cf16 Pemilik}
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \
cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \
aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \
li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \
rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \
cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \
aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \
li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \
rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \
cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \
aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \
fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \
fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cf16 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \
li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \
rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \
cf16 BAKRI L}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cell }\pard \plain \s25 \qj \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \
widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl
\itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cell }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \
widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl
\itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22
\ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Malala, 22 April 2024}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \
afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033
\langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 Kepala Desa Malala}{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \
qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \
lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \
rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025
{\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \
afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033
\langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \
lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880
\intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5
\afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \
f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \
s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \
lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880
\intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5
\afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \
f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \
s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \
adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \
ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \
langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \
lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880
\intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5
\afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \
f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 AL'IMRAN A SAMAD}{\
rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \
hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par
}\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \
faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx2880 \intbl \itap1 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \
afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033
\langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5 \afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \
alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \cell }\pard \plain \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \
widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \intbl \itap1 \
rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\trowd \trql \trgaph0 \trrh2260 \
trleft-108 \trautofit1 \trwWidth10188 \trftsWidth3 \trftsWidthB3 \trftsWidthA3 \
trpaddl10 \trpaddr10 \trpaddfl3 \trpaddft3 \trpaddfb3 \trpaddfr3 \clvertalt \
cltxlrtb \clpadt108 \clpadr108 \clpadfl3 \clpadfb3 \clpadft3 \clpadfr3 \
clwWidth4158 \clftsWidth3 \cellx4050 \clvertalt \cltxlrtb \clpadt108 \clpadr108 \
clpadfl3 \clpadfb3 \clpadft3 \clpadfr3 \clwWidth900 \clftsWidth3 \cellx4950 \
clvertalt \cltxlrtb \clpadt108 \clpadr108 \clpadfl3 \clpadfb3 \clpadft3 \clpadfr3 \
clwWidth5130 \clftsWidth3 \cellx10080 \row }\pard \plain \s25 \qc \li0 \ri0 \
lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \hyphpar0 \aspalpha \faroman \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \
tql \tx2880 \itap0 \rtlch \fcs1 \af0 \afs24 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs24 \rtlch \alang1025 \
ltrch \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 {\rtlch \fcs1 \af5
\afs22 \ltrch \fcs0 \fs22 \rtlch \alang1025 \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \
f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1033 \langfenp1033 \alang1025 \par }}

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