Research Notes

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Research Notes


Components of fitness:

Health Related Components of Fitness

1. Cardiorespiratory endurance- the ability of the lungs, heart, blood vessels and blood to

work efficiently together.

2. Muscular Strength- The ability of muscles to exert a lot of force one time.

3. Muscular Endurance- The ability to use muscles for a lengthy period of time without


4. Body composition- The combination of all the tissues that make up the body such as

bones, muscles, organs and body fat.

5. Flexibility- The ability to use your joints through its full range of motion.

Skill Related Components of Fitness

1. Speed- The ability to move all or a part of the body quickly

2. Agility- The ability to change body positions quickly.

3. Coordination- The ability of two or more body parts to work together to perform a task.

4. Balance- The ability to keep the body under control while standing or moving

5. Power- The combination of strength and speed.

6. Reaction Time- The ability to respond quickly to a signal.

F.I.T.T. Principle

Frequency- How often you train.

Intensity- How intense/hard you train.

Time- How long you train.

Type- Type of training.

Aerobic exercises- Uses oxygen to produce energy.

Anaerobic exercises- Produces oxygen with the use of oxygen.

Lactic Acid- is a chemical produced by anaerobic respiration.

Fartlek Training Method- speed training that involves varying your pace throughout your run,

alternating between fast segments and slow jogs.

Overtraining- is training that is too intense for the athlete and may lead to injury, muscle

soreness, joint pain and sleeping problems.

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