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Lab: Corrosion and Protection

Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Batch: 2021-2025

Lab # 3: Measure the electrode potential between two solutions at

different concentrations.

Submitted To: Dr. Tauseef Tanvir

Submitted By: Group 01

1. Hassan Ahmad (012)

2. Ali Raza (02)
3. Muhammad Rizwan Mustafa(031)
4. Muhammad Tasdiq (033)
5. Muhammad Ahtisham Aziz (021)
Dated: March 18, 2024

Abstract Format Introduction Discussion Timely Results


In the experiment, we explored the electrode potential across various concentrations of copper sulfate
(CuSO₄) solutions using copper electrodes. By using a salt bridge to maintain electrical balance, we
measured the potentials between solutions with different concentrations (specifically 0.1 M and 0.5 M
CuSO₄). The results shed light on the connection between concentration and electrode potential, offering
insights into the electrochemical behavior of CuSO₄ solutions.

Introduction ;
Concentration cells consist of two half-cells that have identical electrodes but different
concentrations of electrolytes. These cells dilute the more concentrated solution and concentrate
the more dilute solution to create a voltage as the cell reaches equilibrium. The electrons transfer
from the half-cell with lower concentration to the half-cell with higher concentration. There are
two types of concentration cells: Salt concentration cells and Differential Aeration cells. For
instance, when one copper electrode is placed in a concentrated copper sulfate solution and
another in a dilute copper sulfate solution, copper dissolves from the electrode in contact with the
dilute solution (anode) and plates out on the other electrode (cathode) when the electrodes are
short-circuited, thus bringing the two solutions to the same concentration. This is known as a Salt
Concentration cell. A Differential Aeration Cell may include two iron electrodes in dilute sodium
chloride solution, where the electrolyte around one electrode is thoroughly aerated (cathode) and
the other is deaerated (anode) by bubbling nitrogen through the solution, producing a potential
difference due to the difference in oxygen concentration and causing current to flow

Fig #1; Electrodes and salt bridge

Nernst Equation:
The Nernst Equation is a formula that allows for the calculation of cell potential under non-
standard conditions. At 25 degrees Celsius, the equation is as follows: Ecell = Ecello - (0.0592n
log Q), where E represents the voltage measured by a voltmeter (remember to convert millivolts
before using the equation). The Nernst Equation demonstrates that cell potential is influenced by
concentration, which arises directly from the relationship between free energy and concentration.

When Q equals 1, indicating that the concentrations of reactants and products are equal, the
logarithm of 1 is 0. When this happens, Ecell = Ecello.

Relates the cell potential (E) to the standard electrode potential (E°), temperature (T), and
reactant/product concentrations (Q).

E = E° - (RT / F) * ln(Q)
E: Cell potential (V)

E°: Standard electrode potential (V)

R: Gas constant (8.314 J/mol*K)

T: Temperature (K)

F: Faraday constant (96485 C/mol)

Q: Reaction quotient (dimensionless)

Salt bridge:
A salt bridge is a tube filled with an electrolyte solution like KNO3 or KCl, used to separate the
two compartments of a cell.

Salt Bridge Function:

 Maintains electrical neutrality within the cell by allowing ions to flow between
 Prevents the buildup of charge that would stop the cell from functioning.

In concentration cells, two electrodes are present - the anode and the cathode, which can also be
referred to as the left and right side, respectively. The anode is responsible for losing electrons
through oxidation, while the cathode is responsible for gaining electrons through reduction.

A voltmeter, distinct from other types of voltmeters that measure different forms of energy, is
utilized in measuring the cell potential that occurs between the two sides of a concentration cell.

Materials Used:
 Copper Electrodes.

 Copper Sulphate Solution(0.5M, 0.1M)

 Multimeter
 Salt Bridge
 Beakers
 Two separate beakers are prepared, each containing a different concentration of
copper sulfate solution (0.1M, and 0.5M).
● Two beakers of different concentrations are connected to each other through a salt
● Copper wire probes are placed into each solution and connected to a multimeter to
measure the potential difference between the two solutions.
● The resulting plot can be used to analyze the relationship between concentration and
potential difference in a concentration cell.

E=E’+0.059/2 log(oxd/red)
E=E’+0.059/2log(0.5) ............................. 1)
E=E’+0.059/2log(0.1) ............................. 2)
Compare both equation:
Anode Cathode Concentration Experimental Theoretical
gradient potential potential
difference differnce
0.5 0.1 0.4 22.2mv 20.62mv

Concentration cells play a crucial role in inducing corrosion. When different concentrations of a metal
come into contact, distinct areas of the metal exhibit varying electric potentials. Oxygen significantly
contributes to this type of corrosion, which tends to occur in regions with low oxygen concentration.
While some mitigation can be achieved by enclosing and keeping the cell clean, preventing corrosion
entirely remains challenging. Notably, when concentration cells interact with soil, corrosion is often
observed due to the greater concentration variations present in soil compared to fluids.

Conclusion ;
The occurrence of corrosion can be linked to concentration gradients, resulting in potential
differences that lead to the dissolution of metal from the anodic area. Notably, the magnitude of
the potential difference increases with the concentration gradient, making the metal more
vulnerable to corrosion. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that experimental readings may
deviate from theoretical expectations due to potential sources of error. For instance, using
inappropriate materials for the salt bridge such as cotton instead of a KNO₃ or KCl mixture with
agar could partially neutralize the concentration gradient and contribute to inconsistencies in the
obtained data.


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