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Block D, 2nd Floor, Mactan Marina Mall, MEPZ 1, Ibo, Lapu-Lapu City
TEL NO. (6332) 340-3215 FAX NO. (6332) 341-3169



Coralpoint Properties Inc. oversees Mactan Marina Mall, a prominent establishment located within
Economic Zone 1, housing a variety of tenants including supermarkets, restaurants, salons, spas, offices,
and various other services.


Coralpoint Properties Inc. has taken the necessary steps to create the following Emergency Response
Contingency Plan. The aim of this strategy is to safeguard the well-being of both employees and the
community in case of an emergency response incident, focusing on readiness and prevention of such

The Emergency Response Contingency Plan serves as a comprehensive guide outlining emergency
procedures in case of unforeseen events during business operations. This plan encompasses internal
protocols, mutual aid, and external arrangements. All employees expected to participate in its execution
and oversight must have a thorough understanding of its contents. It is crucial to note that this plan
does not supersede individual judgment. In situations where life or property is at risk, employees may
need to make immediate decisions on appropriate actions, prioritizing life over property. Only
individuals who have received proper training should be tasked with responding to emergency
situations. It is essential for personnel consulting this manual to be well-versed in the equipment and
procedures required to effectively manage an emergency scenario.


A. Emergency Response Organizational Structure

Emergency Response
Team Leader

Hazardous Material/
First Aid Team Solid Waste Fire Brigade Team Chemical
Management Team Management Team


Description of responsibilities of each member of Emergency Response Team. Please include contact
number of each member.

B. List of Potential Emergencies and Scenarios

An emergency is any condition which results in the increase in potential for loss to the company and/or
individuals. Emergency conditions may be caused by natural forces, equipment malfunctions, or
operator error, including breakdown in communications and deviation from standard operating

1. Fire or Explosion

Any fire or explosion directly involving Mactan Marina Mall will be considered an emergency
condition. A fire or explosion which occurs close enough to a pipeline or terminal facility that
threatens the facility is considered an emergency situation.

2. Natural Disasters

Natural disasters such as typhoons & earthquake which could affect the safe operation of the
establishment will be considered an emergency situation.

C. Prevention & preparedness

1. Risk Assessment

Identify Fire Hazards:

 Regularly inspect the premises to identify potential fire hazards, including faulty wiring,
flammable materials, and malfunctioning equipment.
 Keep storage areas organized and clear of combustible materials.

Install Fire Prevention Equipment:

 Install and maintain fire prevention equipment such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and
sprinkler systems.
 Ensure all equipment is compliant with local fire safety regulations.

Structural assessment:

 Engage licensed structural engineers to thoroughly assess all structures & buildings.
 Identify vulnerabilities and prioritize retrofitting efforts.
 Develop a detailed retrofitting plan with timelines and budget considerations.

Weather Analysis & vulnerability assessment:

 Monitor reliable weather sources for updates on severe weather conditions.

 Establish protocols for tracking different types of severe weather, including storms, typhoons,
tornadoes, floods, etc.


 Collaborate with meteorological services to access real-time weather data and forecasts specific
to your location.
 Evaluate the vulnerabilities of your premises to different types of severe weather.
 Identify areas prone to flooding, structural weaknesses, or other risks.
 Prioritize mitigation efforts based on the vulnerability assessment.

2. Emergency Preparedness

Compile Emergency Contacts:

 Create a comprehensive list of emergency contacts, including local fire departments, medical
facilities, and utility providers.
 Disseminate this information to all staff members and prominently display it in common areas.

Communication Plan:

 Establish a centralized communication system with redundancy measures, including alternative

communication devices.
 Conduct regular training sessions for staff on emergency communication protocols.

Schedule Regular Drills:

 Conduct fire emergency drills at least twice a year, involving all occupants, employees, and
 Simulate various scenarios, including evacuation from different parts of the building.

Designate Evacuation Routes:

 Designate and communicate safe assembly points outside the mall premises.
 Practice directing occupants to these meeting points during evacuation drills.
 Coordinate with local authorities to establish off-site meeting areas if needed.

D. Specific Procedure for Responding to emergencies

1. Type of emergencies

Fire: Signs of fire include visible flame or visible smoke. In the event visible flame or visible smoke is
seen, building occupants must initiate the R.A.C.E. procedures outlined in the building-specific Fire
Safety and Evacuation Procedures.
Alert the Authorities:

 In case of a fire, immediately call the local fire department and provide clear information about
the location and severity of the fire.

Activate Fire Alarms:

 If not automatically activated, manually activate fire alarms to alert occupants.

 Ensure everyone is aware of the alarm system's sound and meaning.


Initial Fire Suppression:

 If safe to do so and within the scope of training, attempt to suppress small fires using
appropriate fire extinguishers.
 Evacuate the premises immediately if the fire is uncontrollable.

Earthquake: When shaking starts, DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON to protect yourself. If you are in bed, STAY
there and COVER your head and neck with a pillow. If you are outdoors, drop, then crawl towards open
space if you can. Stay away from buildings, power lines, and trees.

If you are indoors when shaking starts:

 “DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON.” If you are not near a strong table or desk, drop to the floor
against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms.
 Avoid windows, hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture, large appliances and cabinets filled with
heavy objects.
 Do not try to run out of the structure during strong shaking.
 Stay away from buildings. Glass from tall buildings does not always fall straight down; it can
catch a wind current and travel great distances.
 If you use a wheelchair, lock the wheels and cover your head.

If you are outdoors when shaking starts:

 Move to a clear area if you can safely walk. Avoid power lines, buildings and trees.
 If you’re driving or inside your car, pull to the side and stop. Avoid stopping under overhead

Once the earthquake shaking stops:

 Check the people around you for injuries; provide first aid. Do not move seriously injured
persons unless they are in immediate danger.
 Check around you for dangerous conditions, such as fires, downed power lines and structure
 If you have fire extinguishers and are trained to use them, put out small fires immediately.
 Turn off the gas only if you smell gas.
 Inspect structure for damage.

If you are trapped in debris:

 Move as little as possible so that you don’t kick up dust. Cover your nose and mouth with a
handkerchief or clothing.
 Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear where you are. Use a whistle if one is available.
Shout only as a last resort.

Severe weather: When a serious weather event such as heavy rain or a typhoon is approaching, pay
close attention to TV and radio reports and always try to get the latest information on the state of the
weather, river water levels, etc. If a heavy rain or flood warning is issued, prepare for evacuation (official
warnings will be announced on TV, radio, and on mobile phones.


Activation of Emergency Response Team

 Establish an emergency response team with designated roles and responsibilities.

 Activate the response team upon receiving severe weather alerts.
 Ensure the response team is well-equipped with necessary resources.


To prepare for a Typhoon, you should take the following measures:

 Maintain emergency kits containing essential supplies (e.g., first aid, water, flashlights) in
designated areas.
 Regularly check and replenish the contents of emergency kits.
 Equip key personnel, including security and first aid responders, with communication devices
and personal emergency kits.
 Be sure trees and shrubs around structure are well trimmed so they are more wind resistant.
 Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.
 Turn off Centralized LPG farms during typhoon.
 Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purpose such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the large
containers with water.
 Find out how to keep food safe during and after emergency.
 Stay indoors during the Typhoon and away from windows and glass doors.

Post-Severe Weather Response

Damage Assessment

 Follow emergency contingency plan for assessing and documenting damage after severe
weather events.
 Establish communication channels with emergency response team for reporting and
coordinating response efforts.
 Prioritize immediate safety concerns and address them promptly.

Ar. Grant S. Asilom

Technical Head/PCO

Mary Jean Mayores



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