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Curso: Íngles

Tema: Mono Choro

Nombres: Joseph Stanley

Apellidos: Castro Cruz

ID: 001592858

Sede: Moquegua-Tacna

Semestre: I CICLO

Turno: Tarde

Profesora: Adela Mendoza Chacolli

woolly monkey
Description and Characteristics of the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey

The Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey is a large primate, with a body that can measure up to 60 cm long
and a tail that can reach 90 cm. Its fur is predominantly dark brown, with a yellow spot on the
underside of its tail. It has a large, wide head, with a strong jaw and sharp teeth. Its eyes are dark
brown and are located at the front of its head, giving it excellent binocular vision.

Habitat of the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey

The Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey is found mainly in the forested regions of South America, including
countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. They
prefer to live in trees, and spend most of their lives in the treetops.


It is a social species that lives in groups of up to 20 individuals. These groups are led by a dominant
male, who is responsible for protecting his group and reproducing with females. Males can be very
aggressive, often fighting each other to maintain their dominant position.

Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkeys are diurnal animals, meaning they are most active during the day and
rest at night. They spend most of the day searching for food, which consists mainly of leaves, fruits and

Feeding of the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey

The Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey is mainly vegetarian, feeding on leaves, fruits and flowers. They also
sometimes eat insects and small animals, such as lizards and birds. Their diet can vary depending on
the season and the availability of food in their habitat.

State of conservation

The Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its natural
habitat. The felling of trees and the expansion of agriculture and livestock are some of the main
threats to their survival. In addition, they are also hunted for their meat and for the exotic pet trade.

How we can help conserve the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey

1 . Support organizations that work on the conservation of the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey and its

2 . Promote sustainable agricultural and livestock practices that minimize forest degradation and

3 . Avoid buying and selling exotic pets, including Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkeys.

4 . Promote responsible tourism in areas where this species lives, which can generate income for local
communities and promote its conservation.

Curiosities about the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey

1 . Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkeys are known for their loud howl, which can be heard up to 5
kilometers away.

2 . Despite their size, they are very agile and can jump between trees with ease.
3 . Males have a specialized vocal organ, known as the hyoid, which allows them to produce the loud
howl characteristic of the species.

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