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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 1

Project Portfolio – Part A 4

Section 1: Briefing report 5
Section 2: Stakeholder meeting 9
Section 3: Policies and procedures 10
Section 3: Policies and procedures 12
Section 4: Action plan 14
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants) 22
Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants) 23
Section 6: Best practice memo 25
Section 7: Sustainability register 26
Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report 27
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business) 29
Section 5: Action Plan Implementation Report 30

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 2



Date: FEBRUARY 5, 2023

Business that this Grow Management Consultants

assessment is based on:

Area of sustainability:  Workplace or workstation

 Purchasing

 Meetings of company with its teams and department heads

 Environment

Description of policies and  Environmental Sustainability Policy

 Sustainable Packaging Policy

Policy and procedure 1 Environmental Sustainability

1. Working with supervisors,
educators, employees and
others at the service to
develop and execute
environmental sustainability
2. Giving the required
resources for the
implementation of the
stated environmental
sustainability strategies.
3. Ensuring all employees or
staff are aware of their
obligations under the
Sustainability Policy.

Policy and procedure 2 Sustainable Packaging Policy

1. Conduct background study
on sustainable packaging
and the prospects that may
be accessible for its
applicable packaging kinds.
2. Determine who will do the

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 3

packaging review.
3. Create a proper
documentation and filling

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 4

Project Portfolio – Part A

Use Part A of your Project Portfolio with Assessment Task 2.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 5

Section 1: Briefing report

Introduction The briefing report's purpose is to provide necessary details about

sustainability, as well as to obtain input for the development of policy
State the purpose of the
and procedure. They currently do not have any sustainability policies
report, including current
in place.
organisational sustainability
Attach copies of any
relevant, current policies and
procedures or company
information to this section of
your portfolio.

Some sustainable policies that are both good for the environment and
Sustainability facts and
good for business are listed below.
Include information on  Recycle as much waste material as possible
 Avoid the use of paper wherever possible. For example, sending
sustainability facts and
invoices and quotes via email as PDF files.
figures, as well as the  Recycling equipment that is no longer of use to the company. For
benefits to businesses. example, giving away items such as computers and printers that
we no longer use.
 Keep energy usage low. For example, making use of low energy
Attach links to relevant light bulbs throughout and ensuring that computers are shut
research, company down after work.
 Reuse waste paper (from the printer) where possible, making
information etc to this section
use of the blank side for notes, etc.
of your portfolio.  Purchase products made with recycled paper. For example,
paper towels, printer paper
 Purchase products with a lower environmental impact. For
example environmentally safe soaps and detergents.
 Use low impact transport for travel to and from work and travel
for business. For example, we use public transport to attend
meetings and offer a Cycle Scheme to encourage staff to cycle
to work or to carpool.
 Avoid unnecessary travel by making use of instant messaging,
video and audio conferencing, telephone, and email.


BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 6

1. Connect with the need. To lobby for internal support for
Business planning,
sustainability projects in large companies, the teams
opportunities and responsible for championing the cause need to create and
sustainability track metrics that resonate with the priorities of internal
stakeholders, i.e., how they will personally be empowered to
Describe how sustainability
improve sustainability in the business. Here are some of the
can be built into business actions that can be taken with specific business units:
planning and can inform o Operations units: help them understand how efforts
business opportunities to towards sustainability will increase efficiency or
reflect the organisation’s reduce costs
commitment to sustainability. o Procurement or sourcing teams: assure these teams
that sustainability initiatives will increase productivity,
reduce costs, or reduce risks of supply disruption
o Human resources: show HR how sustainability
initiatives will help attract or retain talent
o Marketing and corporate affairs teams: help them
understand how sustainability efforts will bring value
to the brand or increase license to operate
2. Repair social trust. Ever since the 2008 collapse of the
global economy, trust in business has been in short supply.
Business leaders need to make a concerted effort to regain
society’s trust, as well as that of their consumers, employees,
and the communities in which they operate. They also need to
repair their license to operate. Partnering with governments,
customers, workers, and civil society, contributing positively to
the community, and then openly communicating their
sustainable interactions with society, will offer sustained
success in rebuilding societal trust in the business.
3. Make sustainability a core principle. There are generally
three approaches to adopting sustainability into an existing
business – assimilation, mobilization, and transition – with the
latter being the most successful for long-term integration.
While businesses that adopt the transition approach will
continue to conform to elements of the existing company
mindset, they also focused on reshaping policies, processes,
and attitudes towards sustainability principles. This was
largely achieved through widespread training, communication,
and recruitment, thus ensuring mainstream adoption.
4. Do research. Businesses that only have a superficial interest
in sustainability will go after whatever mainstream eco-friendly
strategies are trending at the time. Typically, this will be used
as part of their marketing strategy in the hope to gain more
brand equity and consumers. However, these activities are
typically more about paying lip service to the concept of
sustainability, than as part of a deep-thinking sustainability
approach. The important action is to address specific
sustainability topics, rather than attempting to apply blanket
sustainability concepts on a business. This requires a
company to be decisive about which topics are a priority to
their organization, and to design a strategy that aims to
implement those specifically.
5. Innovate. Applying a sustainability lens to every aspect of the
business means there may be a need to change business
strategies. Innovations will arise out of the need to adjust the
business towards greater sustainability. These include:
o Empowering board members and business leaders to
focus on sustainability and drive execution
o Strategically planning and developing products or
services that produce sustainable outcomes
o Marketing products and services that evoke
sustainable choices from consumers

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 7

o Using sustainable development goals to inform
leadership development strategies
6. Incorporate diverse leadership. Sustainable businesses
look to the SDGs as their road map to greater sustainability.
These are not only focused on the environment, but include
greater equality, fair wages, and investing in diversity.
Diversity is critical to strategy and implementation, specifically
in its capacity for leading people to consider myriad
perspectives and the ability to develop more complex
solutions to issues – something that could be enormously
beneficial when attempting to introduce nascent business
initiatives, such as sustainability projects.
7. Set a long-term, holistic vision. Understand that
sustainability is more than a token response to keep
consumers happy. Sustainable businesses set targets that are
well-researched and achievable. Goals may include
contributing to feeding schemes, expanding education
opportunities inside and outside the organization, or
something far more ambitious, such as initiating sustainability
efforts right through the supply chain.
8. Be accountable and constantly improve. Simply stated,
with amplified transparency comes accountability. These drive
change and improve results, which is key to successfully
rolling out corporate sustainability programs.
9. Embrace competitors as collaborators. When one key
player in a sector becomes openly sustainability-focused, it
drives others within that sector to follow suit. This type of
competition is encouraged by sustainable businesses, not
only because of the positive impact on the environment but
also because it forces them to continue their sustainability
innovations. Leaders find like-minded competitors and non-
profits to collaborate with to develop innovations that might be
out of reach for a single organization. Leaders attuned to their
competitors’ ways should embrace key components of their
strategies as their own.

Example sustainability Policy 1 Lighting
policies and procedures
Employees shall make every effort to reduce the amount of energy
Report on three sustainability associated with lighting in all company’s facilities by:
policies and procedures that
you have identified and  Turn lights off in unoccupied spaces.
 Discontinuing the use of incandescent lighting wherever more
reviewed. Summarise the
efficient lighting is possible such as when compact fluorescent
areas that they address. or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs can be used.
Include copies of the policies  Maximizing the use of natural light and turning off all
nonessential lighting whenever possible.
(or links) to this section of
 Utilizing task lighting in lieu of overhead lighting when
your portfolio. appropriate.
 Turning off exterior building architectural lighting between
11:00 pm and 6:00 am
 Personal safety shall not be compromised from lighting
energy reduction decisions

Policy 1 Office Equipment

 All powered office is equipment should be turned off or place

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 8

on standby when not in use unless it is detrimental to the
operation of the equipment to do so. Items such as copiers,
printers, calculators, shredders, etc., should be turned off at
the end of the workday.
 Office equipment quantities should be reduced through
consolidation to central locations for shirt use whenever

Policy 3 Environment

 Every effort will be made to maintain the occupied

temperature at 22 to 24 degrees Celsius. This excludes
special environmental needs such as server rooms and
computer laboratories.
 Only authorized personnel are allowed to operate the
centralized control system of the Air Conditioning units.
 Every effort will be made to improve the utilization of buildings
by consolidating activities from lower utilized buildings into
higher utilized buildings. This will allow building ventilating and
air conditioning system run time to be reduced, resulting in
energy saving.

Life cycle mapping Lifecycle mapping is a simple, yet effective method to show how a
service supports its users through a specific task. It generates a map
Explain life cycle mapping as
that illustrates the lifecycle of a task, including the stages within the
it relates to one of your policy
task, the actors involved, the options they have, and the impact their
areas (using Sustainability
actions bring. Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) refers
Victoria resources from their
website), including lifestyle to the evaluation of all environmental, social and economic
stages, life cycle map, life negative impacts and benefits in decision-making processes
cycle matrix and identify and towards more sustainable products throughout their life cycle.
selecting the most effective The life cycle mapping approach enables you to gain a better
strategies to reduce understanding of resource and energy as well as identify
environmental impact. important environmental consequences and more accurately
decide on mitigation solutions. It may be used internally to track
the procedures required in manufacturing items or services for
your company or organization.
1. Lifestyle stages identify and document the main stages
or process in the manufacturing of your product or
service in the linear life cycle.
2. Create a life cycle map for your products or service that
depicts the key stages.
3. Determine the most significant environmental
4. Create a strategy to lessen environmental impact.


BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 9

Legal requirements in The current key legislation that is related to sustainability are:
relation to workplace
 Environmental Protection Act 1990 which covers
integrated population control in local authority or
List and explain key population control, waste on land and statutory
legislation related to Nuisances and clean air.
sustainability and that is
 Climate change act 2008 ensures long-term framework to
relevant to the business.
cut carbon emission
The above key legislation has been practically all over Australia
to sustain the policy in the workplace. Organisation follows these
legislations to overall the working strategy will depend on the
sustainability of the policy and procedures.

Sustainability actions Several sustainability activities will be undertaken in order to inform

the sustainability strategy for the following 12 months, as shown
Include example
sustainability actions to
inform the sustainability 1. Use of sustainable cleaning product. Toxin-free products
action plan for the next 12 should be used by employees only. This is a high-priority that
months. You should identify should be implemented as soon as possible.
at least five ideas initially,
2. Using more sustainable utensils and replace plastic plates,
including identifying priority
cups and many others at meeting. Utilizing stainless steel
actions and longer-term
plates and cups and giving each employee their own set of
utensils so they can reuse them will help reduce this.
3. Replacement of equipment that provides less sustainable
measures. This can be a short-term objective because the
company does not have a policy regarding equipment
purchases and only make purchases as needed. By being
responsible and making earlier purchases of more
environmentally friendly goods, this can be decreased.
4. Green purchase policy. The company has been wasting
energy and using outdated fluorescent lights, so this is a
priority action. Staff members have not yet tried or made
efforts to turn off the lights. In order to use solar energy for
lighting, the company can also remind employees to turn off
the lights at the end of the workday.
5. Review the book publishing policy. This is a long-term policy
because we will be publishing books for a long time. As a
result, it is critical for the company to review our policy. To
environmentally friendly, we will recycle paper and encourage
people to read electronic books.

Performance indicators  Understand and examine environmental policy. Environmental

performance begins with environmental policy that clearly
Provide recommendations on
communicates standards of success and expectations of
suitable performance
performance. Start by taking a look at strategies and goals
indicators that can be used to

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 10

measure environmental outlined in your policy. Also, take a look at the language of the
performance once the policy itself – if it doesn’t clearly state performance standards, it
policies and procedures are can easily create confusion.
 While you’re inspecting your environmental health and safety
policy, you should also take a look at how responsibility is
distributed throughout your organizations, alongside
observations made in the everyday work environment. Spend
some time with employees. Observe their work. Ask how they
think about environmental responsibility and how that plays into
their daily tasks. This will open the door for further dialogue
about environmental performance across the organization.

 You should also bolster employee involvement. These are the

employees that show up to work aware of their surroundings,
willing to pay attention to the small details and speak up when
they see a problem. The best place to start reinforcing
employee involvement is through in-person dialogue and safety
training. Safety talks on environmental performance are a great
option here.

Environment Protection Authority or EPA’s advice is focused on:

Continuous improvement
 conducting a waste assessment
Discuss possible strategies  improving purchasing to reduce waste
for ensuring that resource  improving storage and inventory management
efficiency continues to occur.  conserving energy
 conserving water
 preserving waterways
 keeping waste out of drains
 reducing waste outputs
 reducing risk by improving waste management practices
 improving recording and reporting within your business
 updating systems to improve operations and support staff
 reducing odour and air emissions.

Waste assessments can help you identify and mange waste

responsibly and efficiently.
Improved purchasing practices can reduce the resources you use.
Improved storage can make your site safer. It can minimize risks to
health and the environment.
Conserving energy and water can help to reduce your costs and
minimize emissions.
Improved record keeping and reporting can help you keep track of
waste, emissions and costs. This can help you assess your
performance and make positive changes.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 11

Policy options You will need to research the cost, timeframes and likely effectiveness
of the proposed changes. Some changes will be more expensive
Recommendations for policy
initially and you will need to be able to justify the spending. Over time
options including discussion
costs may decrease or the savings may eventually be greater than the
on likely effectiveness,
costs of implementation.
timeframes and any costs.
Assessing policy options in terms of their cost, timeframe and
effectiveness is easier if you consult stakeholders. Staff from the
finance department can help with likely costs, employees with
technical expertise can help with timeframes and internal and external
specialists can help with assessing effectiveness.
Assessing effectiveness is difficult, as it is with any plan. On paper it
may look great but turning a plan into reality involves many things that
are out of your control. Conduct a risk assessment in terms of what
could go wrong or have a negative impact on effectiveness. You can
then decide which option has the lowest risk and is most likely to
succeed. Decide of a method and process to assess and rank options
and apply it consistently.

Proposed scope Policy 1

Provide a scoping of the Environmental Sustainability Policy
Sustainability Policies and
Procedures, including a list of
headings to be included and 1. Working with supervisors, educators, employees and
a brief description of each others at the service to develop and execute
heading. environmental sustainability strategies.
2. Giving the required resources for the implementation
of the stated environmental sustainability strategies.
3. Ensuring all employees or staff is aware of their
obligations under the Environmental Sustainability

Policy 2
Sustainable Packaging Policy
1. Conduct background study on sustainable
packaging and the prospects that may be accessible
for its applicable packaging kinds.
2. Determine who will do the packaging review.
Create a proper documentation and filling system.

Attach: Current policies and procedures ☐

Links to research ☐

Links to review procedures ☐

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 12

Section 2: Stakeholder meeting

Summarise the stakeholder The stakeholders were enthusiastic about the changes we were
feedback attempting to implement with the sustainable policy in growth
consultants. They appreciated that we were using non-toxic
How will you implement the
chemicals, recycled paper, and reusable utensils. Furthermore,
stakeholder feedback in your
stakeholders were pleased with the few changes, such as
policies and procedures?
encouraging customers to buy electronic books and using solar
Attach a recording of the energy for electricity. They proposed that employees be encouraged
meeting if your assessor did to turn off the lights and laptops at the end of each shift. As a result,
not observe or participate in they must be reminded. Similarly, they advised employees to take
the meeting. the train or train station, which is only 10 minutes away from the
Attach any notes from the office. We can reduce our carbon footprint in this way.
meeting to this section of your

Scope Policy 1
Use the feedback from the Environmental Sustainability Policy
meeting to finalise the scope of
This policy applies to all employees of Grow Management
your sustainability policies and Consultant. It will be communicated to our customers, suppliers and
procedures including: people we do business with and wherever possible they will be
asked to meet this policy as a minimum or show where they will
required outcomes exceed standards in their relationship with Grow Management
KPIs Consultant.

methods of We will assess the environmental impacts of our operations and

implementation. listed below are the objectives and targets in order to improve our
environmental performance :
 Improve the sustainability of the company
 Enable and support all staff to address company’s
environmental impacts
 Contribute through these actions to global environmental
 Seek to continuously improve its environmental and
sustainability performance

We will:
 Investigate and roll out an electronic records document
management system and online services initiatives to
reduce the need for paper
 Reinforce senior management commitment through
business planning and strategy
 Improve Environmental awareness amongst staff and
promote green housekeeping issues
 Review Policy and Action Plan regularly
 Consider setting up Environmental Focus Groups
encouraging staff to make suggestions and decisions on
local site issues
 Review building reports and implement as many
recommendations for improvement as possible
 Closely monitor utilities consumption for each building,
travel and courier details, keeping records as appropriate

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 13

 Where appropriate, increasing recycling options and fitting
time clocks on items of equipment which are not required to
be powered up 24/07
 Using environmentally friendly products in offices and toilet
 Installing light sensors and low energy LED lights where

Policy 2

Sustainable Packaging Policy

This policy and procedure applies to Marketing, Product and

Purchasing Departments as well as to senior management who
make decisions on products and packaging.

The Sustainable Packaging Policy plays an important role in

protecting the quality of our products and enhancing the health and
wellness experience. We aspire to reduce the environmental impact
of our packaging to align with our healthy environment practices.
The company is committed to reducing environmental impact and is
committed to the promotion and use of sustainable packaging. We
aim to optimise the use of materials and continually improve our
processes. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle being the focus for
sustainable practice.

The company is committed to applying the Sustainable Packaging

Guidelines to all new packaging and reviewing existing packaging to
support the following:

 Minimising the amount of material used for packaging

 Maximising use of recycled materials
 Promoting the use of recyclable plastic materials
 Optimising the packaging design for transporting and
 Using logos and clear information to consumers on
recyclable materials.

To implement this, the policy in-charge are required to:

 undertake background research on sustainable packaging
and the opportunities that might be available for relevant
packaging types
 develop a suitable documentation and filing system
 develop the most appropriate method, schedule and
responsibility for reviewing new and existing packaging
 document the review process and retain underlying
evidence for the decision that were made
 identify helpful information sources and investigate best-
practice sustainable design in the packaging category

Recording of meeting (if relevant) ☐

Notes from meeting (if relevant) ☐

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 14

Environmental Sustainability Policy
Policy and Procedure 1

Section 3: Policies and procedures

Purpose statement This policy will encourage management consultants to take an

active role in environmental sustainability and in promoting and
Explain the main reason for
contributing to a sustainable future.
the policy and the issue it is
designed to manage.

Scope 1. To create an inclusive and fair society, infrastructure and policies

should improve quality of life, access, and wellbeing.
Outline overarching policy
principles, for example, 2. Infrastructure and policies should increase productivity, the
organisational commitment Australian economy, and provide equitable access to economic and
and compliance with growth opportunities while utilizing financial resources efficiently.
3. Environmental outcomes should be protected through
infrastructure and policies that reduce pollution, balance resource
consumption, conserve natural ecosystems and resources, and
support climate mitigation and adaptation.
4. Infrastructure and policies should foster trust in government and
institutions by making decisions that are transparent, accountable,
and inclusive.
5. Best practices for grow consultancy sustainability
6.Sharing the sustainability responsibilities

Procedures Procedure title Responsibility

Procedures will contain
Energy Management  Responsible for all data
enough detail to enable
collection , measurement,
action, so the procedure is
monitoring and reporting
supported and applied. If
of facility energy
there are consequences
consumption and
relating to not following a
greenhouse gas emission
procedure, these must be
against the company’s
stated clearly in this section.
sustainability target on an
Roles and responsibilities annual basis.
should be documented.  Addressing energy
The following table should reduction (reducing energy
be used. Numbering should demand, purchasing
energy efficient plant and

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 15

be used. equipment and
maintaining all equipment,
control and management
systems to ensure efficient
operation and minimise
energy wastage)

Sustainable Transport  Engaging with staff to

promote change in favour
of active and sustainable
transport options

 Planning, designing,
installing and maintaining
infrastructure that
facilitates greater uptake
of active and sustainable
transport options and
supports remote working

 Ensuring that all travel

conducted for the
company’s business
purposes considers its
environmental impact and
offsets it where practical
and possible

Waste Management  Avoid waste generation

 Maximise resource
recovery and reuse

 Effectively comply with

hazardous waste

 Measure progress and

communicate effectively

 Ensuring existing recycling

programs are reviewed
regularly and improved
where possible.

 Following appropriate
procedures in dealing with
hazardous waste.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 16

Policy and Procedure 2 Sustainable Packaging Policy

Section 3: Policies and procedures

Purpose statement The purpose of sustainable packaging policy aims to reduce the
negative environmental and social impacts of packaging. This can
Explain the main reason for
involves assessing the lifecycle of packaging material options and the
the policy and the issue it is
availability of waste and recycling infrastructure to process waste
designed to manage.

Scope The 10 Principles to be considered in the design and procurement of

packaging to improve sustainability are:
Outline overarching policy
principles, for example, 1. Design for recovery;
organisational commitment
2. Optimise material efficiency;
and compliance with
legislation. 3. Design to reduce product waste;
4. Eliminate hazardous materials;
5. Use recycled materials;
6. Use renewable materials;
7. Design to minimise litter;
8. Design for transport efficiency;
9. Design for accessibility; and
10. Provide consumer information on sustainability.

Procedures Procedure title Responsibility

Procedures will contain
Packaging Sustainability Strategy Requires staff in-charge to have a
enough detail to enable
packaging sustainability strategy
action, so the procedure is
that includes a commitment to use
supported and applied. If
of the Sustainable Packaging
there are consequences
Guidelines or SPGs to evaluate
relating to not following a
new and existing packaging.
procedure, these must be
stated clearly in this section.
Packaging Design & Procurement Measure and monitor how many
of their stock-keeping units or

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 17

SKUs have been reviewed
Roles and responsibilities
against the SPGs
should be documented.
The following table should be Packaging Materials Efficiency Measure and monitor how many
used. Numbering should be of their SKUs have improved or
used. optimised material weight

Recycled & Renewable Materials Measure and monitor how many

of their SKUs have recycled or
renewable materials.

Post-consumer Recovery Measure and monitor how many

of their SKUs can be recovered.

Consumer Labelling Measure and monitor how many

of their SKUs have consumer
labelling on-pack.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 18

Section 4: Action plan

Sustainability Action Plan

Current: (February 2023)

Issues Comments

There is older style florescent lighting in all offices, staff room and bathroom. These lights are often left on after the work day has finished.

There are no formal energy usage procedures for staff or signage to remind staff.

The company does not have a policy for purchasing equipment and buys equipment when required; often purchasing whatever is on special at the
3 time.

There is a waste bin and recycling bins, which are mostly used correctly.

The two principal consultants have company vehicles. Both vehicles are now five years old and need to be upgraded.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 19

Future: (February 2023)

No. Objectives Measures of Performance

After the workday is over, turn off these lights. The power bill will be lower.

Create a formal energy usage procedure for employees or use signage to To reduce building’s energy consumption and to identify and warn
2 remind them. staffs.

Create a policy for purchasing equipment and buy it as needed. To make the work of the staff easier.

The waste bin should be used correctly by the staff. As a result, there will be no more waste throughout the building.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 20

Strategy for Achieving Objectives
Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name

Admin Officer /
a. Switch off the lights in unused spaces and after office hours. All day Receptionist

Admin Officer /
b. Unplugging office equipments when they are not in use and unplug your devices Receptionist
All day
after charge.

After the workday is over, turn Operations

off these lights. Manager
c. Choose energy efficient light bulbs. All day

d. Remind co-staff to do the same procedure. All day All staff

a. Make a signage about energy usage procedure to remind all the employees.

Create a formal energy usage

b. Post business energy saving tips for employees in conspicuous areas around the Operations
procedure for employees or
office. Manager
use signage to remind them.

c. Ask for solutions for how employees can save energy at work.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 21

Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name

d. Promote sustainability in the workplace.

a. Maximizing the company purchasing power by focusing on strategic sourcing and Senior
obtaining the best value Consultants

b. Ensuring that purchases are made in accordance with all applicable laws, Senior
regulations, codes and ordinances. Consultants
Create a policy for purchasing
equipment and buy it as
c. Minimizing risk exposure while maintaining flexibility in procurement activity.

d. All purchases must be reviewed and approved by the Purchasing Department Operations
heads. Manager

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 22

Resourcing plan
Strategies Resources required Source Name

a. Human Resources – to dispose garbage from waste bin Human

The waste bin should be used Maintenance

b. Materials – garbage bags and waste bin Materials
correctly by the staff. Staff

c. Financial – money to buy inadequate materials like waste bin Operations

and garbage bags. Manager

a. Human Resources – required by making policy of buying Senior

equipments needed by the company. Consultant

Create a policy for purchasing

equipment and buy it as Operations
b. Materials – equipments to be used in the company Materials
needed. Manager

c. Financial – Funds for purchasing needed equipment for the Director / Senior
company. Consultants

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 23

Strategies Resources required Source Name





BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 24

In order to ensure continuous improvement, the organization should
Continuous improvement
review and analyse its sustainability goals regularly. Internal and
Explain your strategy for external reporting to the stakeholders on the fulfilment of the objectives
is a strategic way to ensure a systematic analysis of improvements.
continuous improvement
For employees
Employee training, skills development, cross-training programs,
educational benefits, and courses can all be seen as examples of
continuous improvement. Most employees will come into a job with a
particular set of skills and competencies and develop some more in
their day-to-day work. Offering them the opportunity to build upon
those skills with courses and training is just one way they can bolster
their existing skills and hone some new ones

For teams
Improving internal processes, ways of working, communication, and
collaboration are ways teams can look to consistently improve.
Running regular workshops, feedback sessions, and conducting
surveys can be the best way to highlight areas that require
improvement while plans and strategies will help streamline teams to
keep them running as smoothly as possible.

For products or services

User or client interviews and reviews can help determine what areas of
your product or service may need tweaking. Gathering as many
insights as possible from tests and experiments will help to build a
culture of continuous improvement and help keep a product or service
innovative and adaptive.
Tracking and monitoring Evaluating the policy, establishing the goals of the policy, examining its
success effects and comprehending the available solutions.
Outline your strategy for Measuring the degree of participations of stakeholders in community
tracking and monitoring the and decision-making.
success of the policy
Make a timeline to track the policy’s development.
Monitoring the policy’s implementation progress and result.

High capacity for monitoring policy development, adoption, and

implementation includes being able to:
 Effectively and systematically collect, analyze, communicate, and
use data related to the process and outcomes of policy
development and implementation
 Use data (including financial data and data about service delivery
and health outcomes) to improve policy development and
implementation ƒ
 Build strong relationships among sectors and among individuals

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 25

 Ideas should be exchanged amicably and thought and points of
Supporting implementation
view ought to be respected.
What support will you  Training sessions for the staff to guarantee that information is
provide to others during distributed fairly.
 Handouts of the policies and procedures may be made available
for better comprehension in order to support the creation of a
sustainable working environment.
 Urging everyone to use eco-friendly goods.
 Mentoring staff members as the business develops and pursues
 Keeping an eye on the workers as they change to a sustainable
way of living.

Reviewing implementation
Describe your strategy for
reviewing implementation.
How will outcomes be
documented? How will
feedback be provided? How
will trends be identified and

Describe the process that
you used to seek feedback
on your action plan.
Summarise the feedback that
you received and describe
how you incorporated it.
Attach a copy of the
feedback that you received
to this section of your

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Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants)

Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing Option 1 with Assessment Task 3 (that is, if
you are working with the case study business).
Note: If you are completing Option 2 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this template. A
separate template has been provided for you later in this document.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 27

Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants)

Areas of RTO and practices The following aspects of Grow Consultants were examined during
reviewed my inspection:
 Chemical use – Contract cleaners who use common cleaning
supplies clean the office once each week.
 Staff members should be aware that the bathrooms, staff room,
and offices all use older-style fluorescent lighting. Frequently,
these lights are left on after the workday is over. Staff are not
required to follow any written policies or notices on energy
 Documents- Staff buy stationary requirements on an ad hoc
basis, often resulting in large stocks of items such as Note
pads and A grade printer paper. The company does not have a
policy for purchasing equipment and buys equipment when
required; often purchasing whatever is on special at the time.
 Replacement of Vehicles- The two principal consultants have
company vehicles. Both vehicles are now five years old and
need to be upgraded.

Use of consumables/ Printers utilize the least amount of energy compared to air
materials/ technology/ conditioners and refrigerators. The staff was not mindful of turning
equipment off the lights after work hours and on weekends, but after
consultation and a reminder, they are now doing it more frequently.
Identify equipment that
They have indeed been using the screen saver/mode. To use the
use energy and determine
screen saver and turn off the lights, reminders are sent out at the
which equipment uses the
end of business hours.
most/least energy?
Are switches left on
Do staffs use the sleep
mode/screen saver?
What practices are
currently in place to help
minimise energy

Energy usage e.g. water, In bathrooms and many other places, taps are used. Water is
electricity gas primarily used for flushes. The majority of the time, it was
discovered, employees would fail to shut off the faucets, wasting
How is energy used on a
water. Therefore, automated taps are fitted, which close themselves
daily basis?
once the hands are taken out of them.
What things/tasks use up
the most energy?
Are switches left on

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Are staffs using energy

What practices are in

place to support effective
energy use?

Waste Since we also operate a publishing house, the majority of our waste
is publishing paper. We've made an effort to cut down on waste by
Describe workplace
using less paper and recyclable paper are both advantages. In
addition to pushing customers to purchase e-books, we are
How is it disposed of? attempting to leverage electronic forms of data. Additionally, we only
Are staff conscious of print in colour when necessary.
waste management
practices e.g. recycling,
reuse, disposal?

Date of inspection/review: FEBRUARY 5, 2023

Completed by: JAY-R PARINGIT

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 29

Section 6: Best practice memo


To All Staff Members and Stake Holders

From Manager

The main aim of grow management consultant is to minimize its impact on our environment and
maximize the current use of resources. We strive to achieve this by involving all staff onto fostering
responsible environmental behavior. Currently, we are committed as a business to the wellbeing of
both economic and ecological systems, of both humans and other living things. However, guidance is
necessary to route our approach to actively move forward.
To make our business sustainable we as a team need to come together and follow all the policy and
procedures. Reusing, Recycling should be the moto towards sustainability. As we are bringing a big
change in the company so it’s our responsibility to ensure that we are doing as the plan and as a team
we are helping each other.
We are committed to helping to make the environment more sustainable and to strengthening the
positive impacts we have by.

 Ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, our clients and other key holder’s

 Ensuring that our processes and practices avoid waste and reduce the use of energy.

 Ensuring that our staff and distributors share our sustainability commitments.

 Ensuring we test continuously how we can boost our performance of sustainability. This is
how the company can be better and have brand images sharing sustainability.
We are providing training session next week to ensure everyone and practice sustainability. Let’s
come together as a team to make this work.
Time; 8;00 am
Venue: Conference room

Looking forward to seeing you in the meeting

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Section 7: Sustainability register

Develop a sustainability register here. Remember that your sustainability register will be used for recording and tracking all continuous improvements in resource
efficiency. Your register should be able to include, as a minimum:
the ability to record the reported opportunity
the action to be taken
the person with responsibility for the action

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 32

Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report

Analysis of staff survey results Following the survey, almost all of the staff are now aware of the
and achievements against sustainability measures being done, such as energy saving,
targets recycling, trash reduction, and taking care of waste management
procedures. The results of the energy audit were what made this
awareness possible. The survey's findings revealed that the
predetermined sustainability goals were met, and this had a
significant effect on the workforce as well.

Analysis of energy audit data Every six months, an energy audit was performed to evaluate the
and achievements against effects of resource and energy saving. An audit conducted every six
targets months revealed a 20% decrease in energy conservation. After only
two weeks of preparation, the purchasing policy was successfully
designed and even put into practice. Additionally, teams for catering
and cleaning were formed, and both the personnel and the
stakeholders are pleased with their performance. Because of the
steps taken, the office environment is now healthier, which has also
had an impact on lowering costs.

Recommendations for Given the addition of on boarding new staff, it is advised to reassess
additional actions that need to the sustainability and energy conservation targets. The number of
be taken based on a review of employees will eventually increase energy consumption, thus it is
the data important to evaluate the targets that have been set in order to take
into account the additional electrical appliances and energy use. In
order to meet the required objectives and raise awareness of the
importance of sustainability at work, training sessions on energy
sustainability initiatives will be conducted for new hires.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 33

Summary of success of The stakeholders, clients, employees, and even government
sustainability policy and agencies all expressed their appreciation for the sustainability
procedure based on analysis. initiative. Future policy improvements are always anticipated, and
they will eventually make the business one of the state's most
sustainable businesses.

Updates to sustainability policy For improved future outcomes, timely adjustments to existing
and procedure to account for policies are always required. The new policies will need to be
recommended improvements developed for at least three months. New policies will be presented
and worked on soon in order to improve implementation.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 34

Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business)

Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing Option 2 with Assessment Task 3 (that is, if
you are working with your own business).
Note: If you are completing Option 1 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this template. A
separate template has been provided for you earlier in this document.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 35

Section 5: Action Plan Implementation Report

Were the resources that you
identified and sourced in your
action plan adequate to
implement the sustainability
How did you
Describe any
Describe any
How might you resource
your next implementation
differently to improve

Providing support
Describe the support that you
provided to others to
implement the policy.
Attach notes, correspondence
and other evidence of support
that you provided to this
section of your portfolio.

Tracking and recording

sustainability improvements
Describe the strategies that
you used to track and record
sustainability improvements.
How did these comply
with organisational
policies and procedures?
How did you document

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 36

What trends did you
Attach copies (or screen shots)
of your tracking, recording and
documentation to this section
of your portfolio.
You should also attach or link
to relevant policies and

How did you provide feedback
to relevant stakeholders about
the implementation and results
of the policy and procedure?
How else did you engage with
stakeholders during
Attach copies of feedback
correspondence and/or results
to this section of your portfolio.

Sustainability results
Summarise the sustainability
gains that were made as a
result of implementation.
Is there anything that you
could have done
differently to improve the
sustainability gains?
What changes did you
make to the policy as a
result of the

Attach a final copy of the policy

with changes highlighted to this
section of your portfolio.

Attach: Evidence of support provided ☐

Copies (or screen shots) of tracking, recording and


Copies (or links) of relevant policies and procedures ☐

Feedback correspondence/results ☐

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Final policy ☐

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