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1. SHORT ESSAY. In your own words do think it is important to study Rizal’s life and works? (3-4 paragraph)
It is my belief that learning about Rizal’s life and works is essential in grasping the history of the
Philippines and its identity. In particular, Rizal’s life echoes the struggles of the country for independence,
democracy and social justice. His written works for example “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo”
provide insights into societal problems during the Spanish colonial period. The writings made by Rizal expose
some of the injustices against Filipinos such as exploitation by church and government. Hence studying life
and works of Rizal leads us to develop insights on our past society as well as present which further enhances
understanding our own identity and place in this world.
Additionally, his ideals on nationalism, patriotism, and equality are still applicable even now. Basically,
his emphasis on education, self-reliance, and national unity underscores how vital these values are for
constructing a better society. Consequently through studying about Rizal we can be motivated towards
establishing a fairer society where every person has capacity to maximize their abilities fully.
2. Compare and contrast the arguments and perspectives of favor and against of R.A. 1425, taking into
account the context of the 1950s. Present your analysis in the table provided below.

Arguments in favor of RA 1425 Arguments against RA 1425

1. Stops academic freedom and creativity 1 Makes Rizal’s works a compulsory subject in
2. Builds national unity and identity 2. This can be seen as too narrow or dogmatic
in fostering a sense of nationalism.
3. Instills critical thinking and analysis of 3. It imposes a standardized curriculum that
Rizal’s ideas may not be effective for all students.
4. Aids in instilling Filipino culture and 4. Might lead to negligence on other equally
history important historical figures and events

During the 1950s, it was believed by those who supported RA 1425 that making his writings a compulsory
subject for education would promote oneness and nationalism as well as encourage analyzing and thinking over his
ideas. They saw it as the way of bringing about Filipino culture and history necessary for constructing a nation that is
mighty and sovereign.

On the other hand, some opponents of RA 1425 maintained that it would curtail academic freedom and
originality in terms of curriculum which may not be meaningful to all students. It would also create a nationalist
mindset which is myopic because it ignores other crucial historical figures or events. Finally, they contended that the
law would be too narrow or dogmatic with regard to Philippine history and society.

However, even though both sides had strong arguments, I think that studying Rizal’s life and works are
imperative to understanding Philippine history as well as identity. His thoughts still influence us today while his writings
give us an insight into our past and present.

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