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Assignment Assessment Report 2010-12 Campus: Year/semester Assignment B Level: PCL-I Assignment Type Module Name: Sales Assessors

Name Students Name: Reqd Submission Date e-mail id & Mob No Actual Submission Date Stream BUSINESS Submitted to : Certificate by the Student: Plagiarism is a serious College offence. I certify that this is my own work. I have referenced all relevant materials. (Students Name/Signatures) Expected Outcomes Assessment Criteria Grade based Feedback on D,M,P,R system General Parameters Clarity Clear understanding of the concept Analytical Thinking Research and innovative approach Formatting & PresentationSubject Specific Parameters Clarity Analytical Thinking Research and innovative approach Ability to analyze the situation realistically and take required actions Research carried out to reach the outcome and innovative methods used Concise & clear thinking along with presentation Clear understanding on the overall sales plan. Ability to analyze the current industry situation and have a clear perspective of the road map for this new life insurance organization. Research carried out to understand the market, the competitors and the prevailing tactics/tools. Achieved Yes/No (Y / N)

Grades P M D

Grade Descriptors A Pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined. Identify & apply strategies/techniques to find appropriate solutions Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking.

Assignment Grading Summary (To be filled by the Assessor) OVERALL ASSESSMENT GRADE: TUTORS COMMENTS ON ASSIGNMENT: SUGGESTED MAKE UP PLAN (applicable in case the student is asked to re-do the assignment) REVISED ASSESSMENT GRADE TUTORS COMMENT ON REVISED WORK (IF ANY) Date: Assessors Name / Signatures:

Assignment: B

A new life insurance company has got license to do business in India. Prepare a set up plan for the organization in your state. The plan should include following:-

a) Sales structure of the organization and proposed hierarchy. b) Channels to be employed.

c) Competition analysis of top three insurance companies in your state on the business done in the last one year, no. of branches & employees. d) One day training programme for sales force of a local branch including: Sales management tools to be deployed in the organization- reporting formats, motivation & incentive tools, competition & performance review mechanism.

Note: Your presentation should include factual information report/questionnaire to three top insurance companies in your city.






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