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What is Human Development Index (HDI)?

- shows a country’s average performance In 1990, the United Nations Development
in three important areas of human Programme (UNDP) published its first Human
development: Living a long and healthy Development Report (HDR). The Pakistani
life, Having access to education, and Economist Mahbub Ul Haq and the Indian Nobel
Having an acceptable standard of living laureate Amartya Sen introduced the first HDR in
- The HDI highlight that instead of 1990. The Pakistani economist, Mahbub ul Haq’s
relying solely on economic growth to approach to human development was grounded in
gauge a nation’s development, Amartya Sen’s research on human capabilities.
consideration should be given to its
The HDI calculates a ;minimum and maximum
citizens and their potential.
value for each dimension referred to as
- HDI is one of the greatest instruments
“goalposts” and then displays where each nation
for monitoring a nation’s level of
sits regarding these goals. The value of the index
progress, as it can incorporate key social
is calculated for each dimension on a scale from
and economic factors that influence
0 to 1, with 0 denoting the least value and 1
economic growth despite its limitations.
denoting the highest value allocated to the
- The HDI can be used to question national
policy choices, asking how two countries associated indicator. A country’s HDI value
with the same level of GNI per capita can increases with its level of human development.
end up with different human HOW TO CALCULATE HDI:
development outcomes. These contrasts
can stimulate debate about government Data sources
policy priorities. • Life expectancy at birth: UNDESA (2022).
- The HDI simplifies and captures only • Expected years of schooling: CEDLAS and
part of what human development entails. World Bank (2023), ICF Macro Demographic
It does not reflect on inequalities, and Health Surveys (various years), UNESCO
poverty, human security, empowerment,
Institute for Statistics (2023) and United Nations
etc. The HDRO provides other composite
indices as broader proxy on some of the Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Multiple Indicator
key issues of human development, Cluster Surveys (various years).
inequality, gender disparity and poverty. • Mean years of schooling: Barro and Lee
(2018), ICF Macro Demographic and Health
Surveys (various years), OECD (2023),
UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2023) and
UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys expectancy at birth in several economies
(various years). already exceeded or came very close to 85
• GNI per capita: IMF (2023) and UNDESA years in 2022: 86.9 years in Monaco and 84.
(2023). 8 years in Japan.
• United Nations Statistics Division (2023) and
World Bank (2023). Societies can subsist without formal
education, justifying the education
The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized minimum of 0 years. The maximum for
indices for each of the three dimensions. expected years of schooling, 18, is equivalent
to achieving a master’s degree in most
Steps to calculate Human Development countries. The maximum for mean years of
Index values schooling, 15, is the projected maximum of
this indicator for 2025.
There are two steps to calculating HDI
values. The low minimum value for gross national
income (GNI) per capita, $100, is justified
Step 1: Creating the dimension indices by the considerable amount of unmeasured
subsistence and nonmarket production in
Minimum and maximum values (goalposts) economies close to the minimum, which is
are set to transform the indicators expressed not captured in the official data. The
in different units into indices between 0 and maximum is set at $75,000 per capita so that
1. These goalposts act as “the natural zeros” additional income above the maximum does
and “aspirational targets,” respectively, from not directly contribute to a country’s HDI
which component indicators are value or improve its ranking. Only five
standardized. They are set at the following countries (Liechtenstein, Qatar, Singapore,
values: Ireland and Luxembourg) exceeded the
$75,000 income per capita ceiling in 2022.
Having defined the minimum and maximum
values, the dimension indices are calculated

The justification for placing the natural zero

for life expectancy at birth at 20 years is
based on historical evidence that no country
in the 20th century had a life expectancy at
birth of less than 20 years (Maddison 2010;
Oeppen and Vaupel 2002; Riley 2005). Maximum life
expectancy at birth is set at 85, a realistic
aspirational target for many countries over
the last 30 years. Due to constantly improving
living conditions and medical advances, life
Step 2. Aggregating the dimensional Step4: Then Divide to 0.000070271
indices The HDI is the geometric mean of the
three dimensional indices: Step5: Round to 2 decimal places.

HDI = 1/3 (health) + 1/3 (education) + 1/3 (income)

___________________________________ Follow Along with your calculator:

Example: Nigeria (2022 HDI) Step1: 4,755

Step2: 1.00025842424

Step3: 0.00025842424

Step4: 3.67753753326

Step 5: 3.68

Income Index:


3.68-2.00 / 4.88-2.00

HDI = 1/3 (0.517) + 1/3 (0.545) + 1/3 (0.583) = 0.583 or 0.58

HDI = 0.548 = Low Human Development Note: The ff. then is constant since it is embedded
in the formula

log for 100 = 2.00

log for 75,000 = 4.88

Log Calculation using basic calculator:

Step1: Enter number you want to get the log.

Step2: Then press √ symbol of the calculator 15


Step3: Then minus 1

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