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Objective Scope Date of implementation Abbreviations used:
Executing Agency Projects Department User Department or Shops Consultant Operation Department Power Distribution Department Power Blowing Station EA PRJ UD CON OPN PD PBS This procedure is issued to streamline the process of first charging of any HT electrical installations in ISP The scope of the procedure covers all 220 KV, 33 KV, 11 KV, 6.6 KV and 3.3 KV electrical installations in ISP With immediate effect

Procedure for First Charging:

Sl. No . 1 2 Activity Responsibilit y

For any new HT installation, the commissioning tests are EA to be performed as per the list given at Annex-1.
All the tests carried out at the site shall be witnessed by the PRJ / UD & CON concerned officials from Projects / User department and representative of the Consultant, if any. Copies of all approved drawings and documents are to be PRJ / UD handed over to Operation (Power Distribution /Power Blowing Station) department at least a week before the proposed date of charging.

M.K. Sen

A.K. Rath

B. Barik

B.K. Mohanty
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K.K. Choudhuri

Neel Kamal

Sl. No . 4


Responsibilit y OPN

Operation department shall submit their comments with defects if any for liquidation, which shall be attended by the executing agency.

Proposal for 1st charging shall be initiated with all the reports EA & PRJ/UD by the executing agency in the prescribed Format (as per Annex-2) and this shall be agreed upon by the Project Manager of ISP concerned, Consultant, Electrical In -charge of user department, GM (Projects) and GM(Power). First charging of the HT electrical installation shall be EA, PRJ, UD, performed in presence of the Commissioning Engineer of the CON & PD/PBS Executing agency, representative(s) of Projects, Consultant, User department and Power Distribution / Power Blowing Station department after signing of the Protocol. Handling of power system and operation of the switchgears PD/PBS & OPN shall be done in co-ordination with Power Distribution / Power & Blowing Station department and the Operation department shall keep all records of the operations. Successful charging shall be confirmed by measurement of EA & OPN voltage /current (e.g. measurement of PT voltage in all phases , checking of phasing, measurement of Voltage input to all meters, relays, transducers, current/ voltage at shop side etc). Paralleling, if required, shall be done after all checking. All the latest corrected drawings are to be handed over by the EA, PRJ/UD & Executing agency (after incorporating all modifications, if CON carried out) to Operation department after attending to all the identified defects, if any, through Projects / User department / Consultant. Necessary statutory clearances (e.g., CEA clearance) for EA & PRJ/UD electrical installations as per I.E rules should be obtained before charging.


M.K. Sen
GM (Projects)

A.K. Rath
GM (Projects)

B. Barik
GM (Projects)

B.K. Mohanty
GM (Power)

K.K. Choudhuri
DGM (Projects)

Neel Kamal

Page 2/2

Sl. No. 1 Equipment Transformers (all Power, Distribution and Converter / Inverter grade Transformers) Tests a) Insulation Resistance measurement [including PI value (R10 / R1) for Power Transformers 10 MVA capacity] b) Ratio Test c) Vector Group d) Magnetizing current e) Magnetic Balance test f) Winding resistance at all taps (Ambient temperature is to be recorded) g) Tan : (For Power Transformers and Converter / Inverter grade Transformers only. Power transformers: 10 MVA and above capacity for 33 KV voltage level and all capacity transformers for 220 KV voltage level. Converter/Inverter grade Transformers: All capacity with 33 KV voltage level) Main Tank Bushing h) Transformer oil: (From any Govt. accredited Lab.) BDV Tan Acidity Moisture content i) Stability Test: (For Differential & Restricted Earth Fault Protection, if provided) a) Insulation Resistance (By 2.5 KV Megger for 1 minute) b) Hi-Pot Test: With measurement of leakage current DC HV test shall be conducted for 5 minutes by application of 80% of the Test Voltage value which was applied while carrying out Hi-Pot Test at manufacturers premises. Or AC High Voltage test for 5 minutes as per IS 7098 Part II, 1985, as given below:
Cable grade in KV 3.3 6.6 Test voltage between conductor & screen /armour in KV (RMS) 10 17

HT Cable (XLPE) (Irrespective of length of the Cable)

11 33

28 48

Or DC High Voltage test for 5 minutes as per IS 1255, 1983 as given below:
Cable grade in KV 3.3 6.6 11 33 Test voltage between conductor & screen /armour in KV 9 18 30 60

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Sl. No.

Equipmen t

Tests a) Insulation Resistance b) Hi-Pot Test (AC HV Test by application of 2.5 times the rated voltage for 1 minute) a) Insulation Resistance b) Hi-Pot Test (AC HV Test by application of 2.5 times the rated voltage for 1 minute) c) Contact Resistance d) Closing time e) Tripping time a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) d) Insulation resistance (Primary and Secondary) Polarity Ratio Test Magnetizing curve Secondary resistance measurement Insulation Resistance Polarization Index (IR Value for 10 minute / 1 minute) Resistance and Inductance Measurement Stability Test for Differential Protection, if provided

Bus bar

HT Circuit Breakers

HT Current Transformers / Potential Transformers H T Motors

Protective Relays

a) All protective relays are to be checked for calibration as per manufacturers guidelines b) Composite Testing of protection, control and annunciation scheme shall be carried out by simulation c) Protection setting shall be done with the approved settings of the Consultant. Proper protection coordination shall be ensured considering the upstream and downstream network for proper discrimination for all type of faults a) IR Value b) Contact resistance c) AC Hi-Pot Test (By application of 2.5 times the rated voltage for 1 minute)

HT Isolators

M.K. Sen
GM (Projects)

A.K. Rath
GM (Projects)

B. Barik
GM (Projects)

B.K. Mohanty
GM (Power)

K.K. Choudhuri
DGM (Projects)

Neel Kamal

Page 2/2


Sub: Charging of . A. The .
is proposed for 1st charging. All activities related to equipment Erection, Testing and Commissioning of the above equipment have been completed. Related drawings, documents and Test Reports of the same have been handed over to ISP. Men and materials have been removed. The equipment may be energized.
Signature of Engineer I/c of Executing Agency / Contractor: Name: Date: Package No. Signature of Engineer I/c of Executing Agency / Contractor: Name: Date: Package No.

B. All protection, control and metering circuits of

..have been checked and are in order. Clearance is given for 1st charging.
Signature of Site Supervisor / Engineer, MECON Name: Date: Signature of Project Manager, ISP Name: Date: Package No. Signature of Project Manager, ISP Name: Date: Package No.

C. All protection, control and metering circuits installed at shop end (wherever applicable) have been
checked and are in order. Clearance is given for 1st charging.
Signature of Electrical I/c of User Department Name: Date:

D. ..has

been inspected. Certain minor defects observed are listed overleaf and are pending for compliance. These pending points are to be liquidated within days. Clearance is hereby given for 1 st charging.
Signature of DGM (PD) Name: Date:

Signature of DGM I/c (PD) Name: Date:



G.M. (Projects) Name: Date:

Jt. G.M. (MECON) Name: Date:

G.M. (Power) Name: Date:

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