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● The word “artist” is generally defined as an art practitioner such as a
painter, sculptor, choreographer, dancer, writer, poet, musicians, and
the like, who produces or creates indirectly functional arts with
aesthetic value using imagination.
● “A person who creates art using conscious skill and creative
imagination” (Merriam-Webster)
● Artists are creative individuals who use their skills and imaginations to
communicate in an art form.

● An artisan is a craftsman, such as carpenter, carver, plumber,
blacksmith, weaver and embroiderer who produces directly functional
and/decorative arts.
● Artisans help us in meeting our basic needs, such as food, clothing,
dwelling, furniture and kitchen utensils; they craft everything that
makes our life easy.
● The artisan is basically a physical worker who makes objects with his
or her hands, and who through skills, experience, and ability can
produce things of great beauty, as well as usefulness.


● The art market is an economic ecosystem that relies not only on
supply and demand but also on the fabrication of a work’s predicted
future monetary or cultural values.
● The art market can appear somewhat unclear since artists do not
make art with the sole intention of selling it, and buyers often have no
ideas of the value of their purchase.


● A curator, who is a manager or overseer, and usually a curator or
keeper of cultural heritage institution (e.g, gallery, museum, library, or
archive) is a content specialist charged with an institution’s collections,
selecting art to be displayed in a museum, organizing art exhibitions in
galleries or public places, researching artists, and writing catalogs and
involved with interpretation of heritage.
● An art buyer is a professional who is knowledgeable in art, who may
scout talents for an advertising agency seeking to employ an art
director, or who may look for an art for a collector or a company.
● An art dealer is a person or a company that buys and sells works of
art. Art dealers often study the history of art before starting their
careers. They keep up with the trends in the market and are
knowledgeable about the style of art that people want to buy.

Robert Fritz
● Based on his book, enumerated the steps in the creative process, and
said that creating is a skill that can be learned and developed.
● There are some steps we can follow, not as a formula, to adopt, but as
an indication to guide our actions. Likewise, Fritz presented three
stages in the creative process.
1. Conceive the result you want to create.
2. Know what currently exists.
3. Take actions
4. Develop your creativity
5. Learn the rhythms of the creative process.


● It is the initial moment when you conceive a new project in your life. It
is a moment with a lot of energy coming out of the future you envision.
● The most important and difficult things in this stage are choosing.
● You have to give your vision a first shape, from which you decide next

● It is the crucial step in the creative process. During this phase you will
internalize and assimilate or incorporate the idea you want to create.
Plan, analyze it, and cultivate it with all the available resources.

● Completion is the time to finish you project, to give it final shape
before you present it to the audience. It is a difficult time because your
energy will be small and likely dispersed with a new vision. A beautiful
way to conclude your projects is by celebrating them. Celebrating is a
great opportunity to share with other people your happiness for what
you have done.

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