AAM3073 - Human Capital Development

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SULIT ‘AAM3073/A151/A FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER |, ACADEMIC SESSION 2015/2016 DATE : JANUARY 2016 DURATION : 2 HOURS L __ __ __ | AAM3073 HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT (PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. This paper contains one (1) section. 2. Answer all questions in the OMR Form 3. Candidates are not allowed to take the question papers out of the examination hal. 4. Please complete your particulars in Borang H DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO ‘This question paper has eleven (11) printed pages excluding this cover page | stanoanos
  • For questions 6 to 9, please select the suitable description of a four-stage model of career development below: Stage 1 (6) Stage 2 @) Stage 3 (8) Stage 4 (9) Feeling comfortable with the existing career and organization. Facing difficulty to maintain high performarice due to poor physical factor. Having ambition and fuffill the requirement to achieve the ambition Rethinking about the existing career due to lack of job advancement. gom> Feeling comfortable with the existing career and organization Facing difficulty to maintain high performance due to poor physical factor. Having ambition and fulfil the requirement to achieve the ambition. Rethinking about the existing career due to lack of job advancement. gsop> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 2 SULIT AAM3073/A151/A, Feeling comfortable with the existing career and organization Facing difficulty to maintain high performance due to poor physical factor. Having ambition and fulfil the requirement to achieve the ambition Rethinking about the existing career due to lack of job advancement vom> Feeling comfortable with the existing career and organization Facing difficulty to maintain high performance due to poor physical factor, Having ambition and fulfil the requirement to achieve the ambition. Rethinking about the existing career due to lack of job advancement. com> For questions 10 to 12, please select the suitable description for each concept below: Career development (10). Career planning (11) Career management (12) 10. A. identifying the status of each profession, B. monitoring the employees career progress. C. Moving to different position which have different responsibilty. D. Choosing the right career with the assistance of counselor or supervisor. 11. A. identifying the status of each profession, B. monitoring the employees career progress C. Moving to different position which have different responsibility D. Choosing the right career with the assistance of counselor or supervisor. 12. A. identifying the status of each profession A B. monitoring the employees career progress, C. Moving to different position which have different responsibilty D. Choosing the right career with the assistance of counselor or Supervisor. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 3 SULIT AAM3O73/A151/A, Questions 13 to 16 are the activities of career management based on an individual oriented career management model. Please choose the right description for each activities below: 14 15. 16 Strategy development’ (13) Awareness of self and environment. (14). Career exploration (15). Goal setting (16). Understand the strength, weakness, oppartunity and constraints ‘The ambition that an individual try to obtain. Collecting information about competencies, target job and organization The actions to be cartied out to accomplish the career goal gom>r Understand the strength, weakness, opportunity and constraints The ambition that an individuat try to obtain Collecting information about competencies, target job and organization The actions to be cartied out to accomplish the career goal com> Understand the strength, weakness, opportunity and constraints ‘The ambition that an individual try to obtain. Collecting information about competencies, target job and organization The actions to be carried out to accomplish the career goal. com> Understand the strength, weakness, opportunity and constraints, The ambition that an individual try to obtain. Collecting information about competencies, target job and organization The actions to be carried out to accomplish the career goal. com> Questions 17 to 20 are the activities of career management based on an organizationally oriented career management model. Please choose the right description for each activities below: 17. Mentoring (17) Job rotation (18) Cafeteria approach (19). Outplacement counselling (20) A. The relationship between counselor and client B The relationship between coach and player. C. Personal relationship between experience and inexperierice employee. D. Personal relationship between managers in organization. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 4 SULIT pem> voom> gom> AAMBO73/A151/4 Transfer employees from one organization to another organization Making open positions in the organization. Providing many assignment to ernplovees. Assigning employees with different tasks and responsibilty. Providing training opportunities and reward for their achievement. A contract between employee and organization Collecting information about competencies, target job and organization, ‘The actions to be carried out to accomplish the career goal. A discussion between employee and an organizational representative ‘A discussion to help employees prepare for the transition from work to non-work A discussion with terminated employees. ‘The actions to be carried out to accomplish the career goal 21. Which statement describe the meaning of career plateau? com> Giving a positive feedback to employees to develop their self-confidence. ‘The opportunity to develop career is low due to limited position. Supply employees with information to achieve their career goals. Encourage job involvement through job challenge. For questions 22 to 24, please select the suitable description for each concept below: gom> oom> Coaching (22), Coaching analysis (23), Career discussion (24), ‘An ongoing process of performance improvement Encourage employee to accept responsibility for their own performance. Emphasize employee values, participation and engagement Choosing the right career with the assistance of counselor or supervisor. To understand the factors that contribute to low performance. To discuss alternative solutions to the problem. To discuss the action to be taken to solve the problem To determine whether the problem is resolved. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 5 SULIT AAM3073/A151/4 To discuss the obstacles that lead to poor performance. To discuss whether the performance problem is worth fixing To clear up with employee that their performance do not meet expectation. To get agreement with employee that the problem exist pom> For questions 25 to 28, please fill in the blank with accurate step in conducting coaching discussion. 26. rg 28. 29. Step 1 25 Step 2: Discuss alternative solutions to the problem. Step 3: 26 Step 4 27 Step 5: 28 Follow up to measure results. ‘Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem. Recognize achievements when they occur. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists. gom> Follow up to measure results. ‘Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem Recognize achievements when they occur. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists com> Follow up to measure results. ‘Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem Recognize achievements when they occur. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists goa> Follow up to measure results Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem Recognize achievements when they occur. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists. pomp ‘What action should be taken by the organization if coaching analysis failed to improve employee performance? ‘Transfer the employee to work that he or she can perform, Do coaching discussion Revise the work system. A 8 c. D. Terminate the employee HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 6 SULIT AAM3073/A151/A 30. Below are the steps of conducting coaching analysis EXCEPT com> analyzing the obstacles beyond an employee control analyzing the subordinate awareness about their unsatisfactory performance discuss alternative solution to the problem identify the unsatisfactory employee performance. For questions 31 to 34, please describe each counseling component below with suitable answer. a 32, 33. 34. pom> 90mY Dope Sopp Referral (31). Education (32) Follow up: (33). Treatment (34) Providing intervention to solve the problem. Inform employees about the likely causes of a problem. monitoring employee progress in implementing the treatment Guiding the employees to the right resources for assistance Providing intervention to solve the problem. Inform employees about the likely causes of a problem, ‘monitoring employee progress in implementing the treatment Guiding the employees to the right resources for assistance Providing intervention to solve the problem Inform employees about the likely causes of a problem monitoring employee progress in implementing the treatment Guiding the employees to the right resources for assistance. Providing intervention to solve the problem Inform employees about the likely causes of a problem. monitoring employee progress in implementing the treatment. Guiding the employees to the right resources for assistance. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 7 SULIT 36, 36. 37. 38. 39. AAM3073/A151/A Below are the example of employee assistance programs (EAPs) EXCEPT employee education campaigns. clinical services. a policy and procedure concerning employee health and personal problems provide mini bar for employees to get social after working hour. oom> Below are the example of organizational stressor EXCEPT the size of the organization. inequitable rewards. poor relationships with leader. inadequate career opportunities gom> One of the stress interventions is providing employees with new ways to cope with stressors that affecting their ives and performance. This intervention is known as skill-acquisition intervention educational intervention, stressor intervention mental health intervention, vom> When the employee receives mixed messages about what is expected of him or her by others, such as a boss and coworkers, the employees are in situations of role conflict. role overload. role ambiguity. role orientation. gomr are the rules of conduct that are established by group members to influence or control behavior within a group. Norms Organizational Roles Socialization Orientation gom> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 8 ‘SULIT 40. 41 42. 43. AAM3073/A151/A, Below are the content of socialization of new employees EXCEPT A. overview of the organization. B. function in the work group. C. the description of work task D. discussion with external employees. Which one is the correct flow of organizational socialization based on Feldman's Model? Encounter —> Anticipatory socialization —» Change and acquisition Change and acquisition —» Anticipatory socialization —» Encounter Anticipatory socialization» Encounter —» Change and acquisition Change and acquisition —» Encounter —mAnticipatory socialization som> The following statements are correct EXCEPT ‘A. the socialization process begins before an employee formally joins an organization B. orientation programs typically begin on the individual's first day at work C. the process of deciding whether the job and the organization match individual needs is called personnel commitment, D. realistic job preview involves providing recruits with complete information about a job an organization ‘Leam job, learn organizational rules and norms, fit into chosen occupation and ‘organization, increase competence and pursue the dream’ are the characteristics of A. preliminary career B. early career. C. mideareer. D. late career. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 9 SULIT AAM3073/A151/4 44. Activities that help employees prepare for the transition from work to non work is 45. called as outplacement counseling pre-retirement counseling. mentoring job posting. gom> Below are the ethical issues in employee counseling EXCEPT 1). involving employer and employee. voluntary Ill) confidential IV) honesty. fand Il land IV 1, Wand it 4,4 land IV com> For questions 46 to 49, please describe the following process of Realistic Job Preview with suitable answer. 47. Personal commitment (48), Self-selection: (47) Coping effect (48), Vaccination of expectation’ (49) ‘The employee effort to perform their jab effectively. Providing information to applicants about the reality of the job. Employees decide whether the job match their individual needs, An employee character after deciding to join an organization. Dope The employee effort to perform their job effectively. Providing information to applicants about the reality of the job. Employees decide whether the job match their individual needs. ‘An employee character after deciding to join an organization gop> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 10 SULIT 48, 49. 50. AAM3073/A151/4 A, The employee effort to perform their job effectively B. Providing information to applicants about the reality of the job. C. Employees decide whether the job match their individual needs. D. An employee character after deciding to join an organization A, The employee effort to perform their job effectively B. Providing information to applicants about the reality of the job. C. Employees decide whether the job match their individual needs. D. An employee character after deciding to join an organization. Below are the content of orientation program EXCEPT ‘A. organizational information. 8. job specific information C. information about the Safety and accident prevention in the workplace D. introduction to every employees’ profile END OF QUESTION Dicetakaieh Unit Peperiksaan dan Pengijazahan ‘Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik Universit Sains Isiam Malaysia HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 1
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