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“SULIT AAM3073/A131/A, FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER I, ACADEMIC SESSION 2013/2014 [ave JANUARY 2014 DURATION : 2 wouns | AAM3073 HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT {PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. This paper contains one (1) section. 2. Answer all questions in the OMR form provided. 3. Candidates are not allowed to take the question papers out of the ‘examination hall 4. Please complete your particulars in Borang H. 00 NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO {This question paper has eleven (11) printed pages excluding this cover page HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM *SULIT ‘AAM3073/A131/A, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS [50 marks] This section contains 50 questions. Answer ALL questions, Each question carries 1 mark. 1. Swimming, drawing and singing are exampie of, human. human capital. human capital development. human development. pom> 2. According to Adult Learning Theory, the suitable approach to teach teenagers and children is pedagogy approach andragogy approach. self-paced approach. on-the-job training approach. com> 3. Below are the characteristics of adult learners EXCEPT self-directed. prefer downward communication approach, motivated to learn tasks than are relevant to them. ready to lear in arder to salve prablems, com> 4, Please choose the suitable methods to increase trainees learning outcomes 1) Give opportunity to use the knowledge being learned. Il). Used relevant examples that related with trainees job task il) Provide support to apply the learned knowledge in the warkplace. IV) Enhance the trainee’s readiness to learn. land Il land IV 1, Hand il 10, Mand tv HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 4 SULIT AAM3073/A131/A, ‘a set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet current job demands.’ This statement refers to the concept of A. human. B. human capital . human capital development D. learning, Self-questioning, outlining an article, forming a mental image and copying notes are example of pedagogy approach perceptual preferences. learning strategies. andragogy approach. Dope Which one is the correct flow of human capital development process? Design — Implementation — Evaluation —> Needs assessment Implementation —> Needs assessment —> Design > Evaluation Needs assessment —> Design —* Implementation —> Evaluation Evaluation > Design —> Implementation —> Needs assessment pop> . Below are the activities of human capital development EXCEPT skill training. performance appraisal career development. coaching. POPE One mechanism to maximize learning is retention of the learning outcomes, Retention here refers to A. remembering the newly leamed knowledge and skills following the training program, application of the newly learned knowledge and skills in the workplace. improvement of knowledge and skils following the training, Meaningfulness of the newly learned knawledge and skills, pop HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 2 SULIT 10, 1 12, 13, 14, ‘AAM3073/A131/4, Below are the example of perceptual preferences EXCEPT rehearsal. graphs and charts. aural. Printed documents, vom> The focus of learning is change. Change here means applying the newly learned knowledge and skills to the workplace. acquiring new knowledge and skills. the ability, knowledge and skills of the employee. the approach used during the training, pomp Below are the aspects that should be analyzed at the needs assessment stage EXCEPT job description and task identification. organizational characteristics (goals, resaurces, culture). training needs of the individual employee the availabilty of the potential workforce in the market. gompr Below are the good characteristics of writing program objectives EXCEPT an objective describes the product or result of the doing. ‘an objective describes the knowledge, skills and ability of a particular task. an objective describes the important conditions under which the performance is to occur. an objective identifies the criteria of acceptable performance. 9 O@> Below are the elements that should include in a training lesson plan EXCEPT ‘A. training content, sequencing, planning and timing of activities, 8. training media, method of instruction C. method of instruction, type of evaluation. D. the result of needs assessment. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 3 ‘SULIT AAM3073/A131/A, 18. In choosing the training methods and media, what factors should be considered? A B c. D. The trainer preferences. The size of the organization. The objective of the training program ‘The popularity of the methods and media For questions 16 to 19, please select the suitable description of the training evaluation criteria below: vom, 17. com> 18. 19. gom> gom> Reaction (16), Learning (17) Behavior (18), Results, (19), Measure whether trainee has applied the training outcomes to their job. Measure trainee perception about a program and its effectiveness. Measure whether trainee has leared something in training, Measure whether training has improved the organizational effectiveness. Measure whether trainee has applied the training outcomes to their job. Measure trainee perception about a program and its effectiveness. Measure whether trainee has learned something in training, Measure whether training bas improved the organizational effectiveness. Measure whether trainee has applied the training outcomes to their job. Measure trainee perception about a program and its effectiveness. Measure whether trainee has learned something in training, Measure whether training has improved the organizational effectiveness Measure whether trainee has applied the training outcomes to their job. Measure trainee perception about a program and its effectiveness Measure whether trainee has learned something in training. Measure whether training has improved the organizational effectiveness. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 4 SULIT AAM3073/A131/A, For questions 20 to 22, please select the accurate description for the following issues of data collection method selection. a 22. 23. 24. Reliability (20), Validity (21) Practicality (22) Freedom from error and bias in data collection method. The time, money and resources are available for an evaluation method, Data collection method actually measures what we want it to measure. ‘The method has been widely used in organizational training, cop Freedom from error and bias in data collection method. The time, money and resources are available for an evaluation method. Data collection method actually measures what we want it to measure. The method has been widely used in organizational training, com> Freedom from error and bias in data collection method The time, money and resources are available for an evaluation method. Data collection method actually measures what we want it to measure ‘The method has been widely used in organizational training, gom> The process of adjusting employees to a new organization is called A. organizational socialization. B. realistic job preview. C. people processing strategies. D. job preview. When the employee receives mixed messages about what is expected of him or her by others, such as a boss and coworkers, the employees are in situations of. role conflict role overload role ambiguity role orientation. GOR> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 5 SULIT 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. AANSO7SIAI31A, are the rules of conduct that are established by group members to. influence or control behavior within a group. A. Norms: B. Organizational Roles C. Socialization D. Orientation Below are the content of socialization of new emplayees EXCEPT overview of the organization function in the work group. the description of work task discussion with external employees. com> Which one is the correct flow of organizational socialization based on Feldman's. Model? Encounter —> Anticipatory socialization > Change and acquisition Change and acquisition —> Anticipatory socialization > Encounter Anticipatory socialization > Encounter —> Change and acquisition Change and acquisition —> Encounter —rAnticipatory socialization goo, The following statements are correct EXCEPT the socialization process begins before an employee formally joins an organization orientation programs typically begin on the individual's first day at work the process of deciding whether the job and the organization match individual needs is called personnel commitment. realistic job preview involves providing recruits with complete information about a job an organization. 9 op > Below are the example of employee assistance programs (EAPs) EXCEPT employee education campaigns clinical services. a policy and procedure concerning employee health and personal problems. provide mini bar for employees to get social after working hour. gow> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 6 SULIT 30. 31 32. 33. ‘AAM3073/A131/A, Below are the example of organizational stressor EXCEPT the size of the organization. inequitable rewards. poor relationships with leader. inadequate career opportunities com> One of the stress interventions is providing employees with new ways to cope with stressors that affecting their lives and performance. This intervention is knawn as skill-acquisition intervention. educational intervention. stressor intervention. mental health intervention. com> Coaching will involves face-to-face communication between employee and supervisor both to solve problem and to enable the employee to maintain effective performance. This process is known as coaching discussion. coaching analysis. coaching roundtable. personal coaching. com> Which of the statements below is NOT correct about coaching? A process used to encourage employees to accept responsibility for their own performance. A process used to enable employees to achieve and sustain superior performance. A process used to treat employees as partners in working toward organizational goals and effectiveness. A process used to introduce new employees to a job, supervisor, coworkers and organization o 9 p> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 7 SULIT 34. 36. AAM3073/A131/4 One factor that contributes to poor performance in organization is deviant workplace behavior. Which of the behaviors below is regard as deviant workplace behavior? ‘A. Follow supervisor instructions. B. Lying about hours worked. C. Communicate with other workers politely D. Showing favoritism. What action should be taken by the organization if coaching analysis failed to improve employee performance? Transfer the employee to work he or she can perform, Do coaching discussion. Revise the work system. ‘Terminate the employee. vom> For questions 36 to 39, please fill in the blank with accurate step in conducting coaching discussion. Step 1 36. ‘Step 2: Discuss alternative solutions to the problem Step 3: 37, 38. Step 4 38, Step § 39. Follow up to measure results. Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem. Recognize achievements when they occur. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists. pomp Follow up to measure results. Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem. Recognize achievements when they occur. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists. gom> Follow up to measure results. Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem. Recognize achievements when they cour. Get the employee's agreement that a problem exists, com> HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 8 SULIT AAM3073/A131/A 39. A. Follow up to measure results. B. Agree on actions to be taken to solve the problem. {. Recognize achievements when they occur. D. Get the employee’s agreement that a problem exists, 40. Which of the statements below accurately explain about career management? ‘A process of preparing, implementing, and monitoring career plans undertaken by the individual employee or organizations career systems. A process of becoming aware of self, opportunities, constraints, choices and consequences. ‘A process of identifying career-related goals. A process of programming work, education, and related developmental experience to attain a specific career goals. po mp > 44. ‘Leasn job, learn organizational rules and norms, fit into chosen occupation and organization, increase competence and pursue the dream! are the characteristics of A. preliminary career, B. early career. C. midcareer. D. late career. 42. Below are the individual career management activities EXCEPT career exploration. awareness of self and environment. feedback from work and non-work sources, management and information system. gom> 43, Which approach proposed below career management methods? - Counseling = Individual career development program contracts - Provide training opportunities, performance evaluation schemes and reward systems ‘A. Asystem view of career management approach B. Team-based career development approach. C. The pluralistic approach. D. Acafeteria approach. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 3 SULIT AAM3073/A131/A, For questions 44 to 46, Please fill in the individual career counseling process with suitable answer. Stage 1 (44), Stage 2 (45), Stage 3: —(46) 44. A. Provides support for implementing the career strategy. B. Establishes rapport and determines the employee's goals for the counseling sessions. Assisting terminated employees in making a transition to a new organization. Providing assistance in self-assessment and establishing career goals and strategies. pe Provides support for implementing the career strategy. Establishes rapport and determines the employee's goals for the counseling sessions, Assisting terminated employees in making a transition to a new organization Providing assistance in self-assessment and establishing career goals and strategies. go a> Provides support for implementing the career strategy. Establishes rapport and determines the employee's goals for the counseling sessions. Assisting terminated employees in making a transition to a new organization. Providing assistance in self-assessment and establishing career goals and strategies. pO p> 47. Activities that help employees prepare for the transition from work to non work is called as ‘A. outplacement counseling. B._pre-retirement counseling C. mentoring. D. job posting. HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM 10 SULIT ‘AAM3073/A131/A 48, Please choose the suitable methods to increase employees’ career motivation, com> V) Provide positive feedback and reinforcement, Vi) Encourage employees to set their own goals. \Vil)Provide career development opportunities. Vill) Reward solid performance through recagnitian and/or financial bonuses. | and Il tand iV 1, Mand Il 11 land Iv 49. Below are the strategy to create a career development program EXCEPT pom> ensure line manager participation, starting with system development. maintain high visibility and ongoing communication of career development. duplicate career development program from external organizations. build career development system that link with other management and human resource system 50. Which of the statement below is refer to common cultural characteristics? vom> 1) Race. I) Language or dialect. UW Religious faith IV) Food preferences. land 1! land Iv |, Mand il HI, Mand Iv ENO OF QUESTION HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM "1

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