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● Before the creation of anything, reality was just a thought, a passing dream, a mere
concept of the beings that we’ve come to know as The Aspects, three primordial beings,
whom we’ve taken to call Yenith, D’jin, and Kalil. Where these names came from, no one
knows, but they are fact nonetheless. With their combined powers, that dream became a
reality, a living breathing world that we call our own.
○ Addendum: Oddly enough, all civilizations, no matter how different their cultures,
or how early, or late they were established, show signs of knowledge to The
Aspects. But, even to this day, worship of The Aspects is nearly non-existent.
Perhaps the creators of reality wanted it this way? As far as we know, no one
has ever spoken to The Aspects, so where this knowledge originates from
remains a mystery for another day.
● For unknown reasons, maybe on a whim, The Aspects assigned themselves roles to
help them govern reality. These roles would establish the three core rules, rules that
everything in reality must follow..
○ Yenith - Aspect of Life
○ D’jin - Aspect of Death
○ Kalil - Aspect of Time
○ Addendum: While humanity's innate, and seemingly limitless, potential has
allowed us to bend these rules, at the end of the proverbial day, these rules reign
supreme over us. All beings, no matter how powerful, no matter how old, are
beholden to the hands of time, the embrace of death. And, while that may seem
sad, we are also blessed with the gift of life, to grow, to hope. I hope dear reader,
that you may take some solace in that.
● With the rules in place, The Aspects created the entities we know today as The Keepers,
beings that formed the six planes that reside outside our own. These keepers governed
these planes, ruling over their inhabitants, elemental beings.
○ Fons - Keeper of the Earth Plane
○ Aestas - Keeper of the Fire Plane
○ Autumna - Keeper of the Air Plane
○ Hiems - Keeper of the Water Plane
○ Toril - Keeper of the Feywilde
○ Ulor - Keeper of the Shadowfell
● While these beings are similar to us in nearly every regard, from their ability to love, to
their capacity to hate, they cannot dream. Without dreams, these elemental beings lack
the true potential to grow, to change, to be more than what they are now.
○ Addendum: While my studies on the nature of these beings only range from
those fairies of the Faywild, I posit that all beings residing in every outer plane
share the same qualities. Now, while I can never truly know if this is the case, I
believe this is due to one key component that separates material beings from
elemental ones, a soul. During campfire conversations with Szeth (A traveling
companion of mine), he told me that early in his “rebirth” he did not dream, it was
not until he met the rest Six that he was able to. I believe this was due to his
literal growing soul. As it grew in strength, so did he, and in turn his dreams
returned to him. And thank the Gods they did, I could not imagine a world where
I couldn’t dream, how boring.
● As time would pass, the pure magical energy radiating from these planes would, (either
by the design of The Aspects, or completely by accident) lead to the creation of the
seventh plane, The Material, the plane that we reside on. What makes our plane
different from the other six is that it is made of all the energies that make up the others.
While the circumstances of our plane's creation is unknown, it did not go unnoticed by
The Keepers.

Year -40,000
● Our plane is relatively short lived in comparison to the other six that created it, only
about 40,000 years have passed since its birth. Scholars date our ancient ancestors, the
Genasi, had come into being near or at the same time as the plane's creation. Elemental
beings in nature, the ancient Genasi are very similar to the ones that walk next to us
today, save their stature. The ancients stood well above fifteen feet tall, dwarfing our
own by nearly ten feet. Other than that, not much is known about them, other than that
they remained the dominant race for only a relatively short 5,000 years, and are
responsible for the Anitowers that dot our world.
○ The Anitowers are six gigantic structures that can be found on, or near each land
mass of Dal’Estel. Nearly a mile high, at the top of each tower can be found a
mirror that connects our plane to one of the other six sister planes.
■ Annestria holds the Shadowmirror, found off the coast of Menricksburg
■ Vandranor holds the Feymirror, found in the Old Kingdom of Nuloth
■ Faerun hold the Firemirror, found in the Orsraun Mountains
■ New Avaan hold the Watermirror, found in Lake Abanoth
■ The North Pole holds the Earthmirror
■ The Empty Sea holds the Airmirror

Year -35,000
● As the Genasi walked the earth, two of the Keepers had taken notice of this unclaimed
plane. Toril and Ulor, (whom we refer to as the Twin Gods as shorthand), had left their
planes unattended and warred over which God would rule The Material Plane.
○ Ulor believed that the material beings should be treated the way the creatures of
the Shadowfell are, governed by order, their lives planned out, step by step by
beings who surely knew better than them.
○ Toril believed that the material beings should be treated the way the creatures of
the Feywild are, free to choose their destinies, chaotic in nature.
■ Addendum: While this sounds similar to the way we live our lives now, a
life under a God is not a free one, not by any means.
● Their war raged for millennia, the soldiers, the Gensai. The two armies ravaged the land,
splitting the supercontinent of Terra into the four realms we reside upon today.
○ Faerun
○ Annestria
■ Formerly known as Avaan
○ Vandranor
○ New Avaan
■ Formerly the South Pole
● The war would soon come to a head as the final stage of combat was chosen by The
Twins, the Anitower on Vandranor. The Twins chose champions who represent them in
this battle, their goal to defeat the opposing champions and ascend the tower. There, the
victors were promised divinity, seats amongst the other Keepers.
○ Ulor chose thirteen Champions of Order to represent them.
■ Loen - God of the Living
■ Yol - God of the Dead
■ Kudon - God of Law
■ Boren - God of Chaos
■ Ovanos - God of War and Battle
■ Menden - God of The Craft
■ Folkt - God of Nature and Hunt
■ Yoen - God of the Land and Sea
■ Nogan - God of Magic
■ Volon - God of Knowledge
■ Lunis - God of the Day
■ Solis - God of the Night
■ Bragos - God of the Arts
○ Toril chose thirty six Champions of Chaos to represent them.
■ Auril - Goddess of winter
■ Azuth - God of wizards
■ Bane - God of tyrant
■ Beshaba - Goddess of misfortune
■ Bhaal - God of murder
■ Chauntea - Goddess of agriculture
■ Cyric - God of lies
■ Deneir - God of writing
■ Eldath - Goddess of peace
■ Gond - God of craft
■ Helm - God of protection
■ Ilmater - God of endurance
■ Kelemvor - God of the dead
■ Lathander - God of birth and renewal
■ Leira - Goddess of illusion
■ Lliira - Goddess of joy
■ Loviatar - Goddess of pain
■ Malar - God of the hunt
■ Mask - God of thieves
■ Mielikki - Goddess of forests
■ Milil - God of poetry and song
■ Myrkul - God of death
■ Mystra - Goddess of magic
■ Oghma - God of knowledge
■ Savras - God of divination and fate
■ Selune - Goddess of the moon
■ Shar - Goddess of darkness and loss
■ Silvanus - God of wild nature
■ Sune - Goddess of love and beauty
■ Talona - Goddess of disease and poison
■ Talos - God of storms
■ Tempus - God of war
■ Torm - God of courage and self-sacrifice
■ Tymora - Goddess of good fortune
■ Umberlee - Goddess of the sea
■ Waukeen - Goddess of trade
○ Addendum: The discrepancy between the sizes of the respective forces baffles
me as well, best not to dwell on it.

From this point, until the next major historical event we will cover, I will speak plainly.
This conflict had originally ended in one of two ways. Now while that sounds confusing, believe
me, it will get even more so. In one outcome of the events, Toril’s army had defeated Ulor’s,
their champions had ascended the Anitower, activating it’s Mirror, and destroying the continent
of Vandranor in the process, the champions becoming “Divine” in the process. In another, Ulor’s
army had succeeded, the mirror activated, and Vandranor was destroyed, and more “Gods”
were created that day. Two worlds, with both outcomes, had existed, each named after their
respective rulers, the denizens of these worlds lived their lives unaware of their origins.
Now, you may be asking yourself, just how exactly do I know this? I, Taniel Mistfallen,
originate from Ulor, or at least a part of my soul does. During the events of The Second Kuldan
Uprising, Emperor Noah had attempted to activate the Anitower near Menricksburg, dooming
Annestira to a similar fate to Vandranor. The Six Sense and I had followed after him, ascending
the tower, but we were too late, and the Mirror had activated, resulting in us getting caught in
the blast. Waking in the Shadowfell, we had fought our way to the slumbering God Yol, where
we had traversed his dream, bearing witness to the events of the war.
In an attempt to wake him from his endless nightmare, we had convinced the two armies
to work alongside one another, take their war to the Twins, and defeat them, freeing the
Material Plane from their influence, telling them to name the world Dal’Estel, as we left them.
Defeating Loen, the true mastermind behind the Loen’s Light Cult, we were nearly destroyed in
the resulting wave of energy cascading from the dead God’s body, but saviors come in many
forms, ours a Gnome. Pensly Abbot, a man who’s touch on history only seems to grow by the
day, had returned us to the shores of Menricksburg safe and sound, but our meddling in the
affairs of Gods had changed our world.
When we awoke, it was not on Ulor, but Dal’Estel, the crater that had once scarred the
planet, gone, there sat Vandranor instead. A world with an entirely separate history laid before
us, and we were familiar with it all. Our memories conflicted, we had lived in a world with only
three continents, but now we had always lived with four, along with small details of our journey
that had also changed, Even stranger, only the Six Sense, the Moonlit Warriors, and a few
others seem to be aware of this, possibly due to Pensly’s influence. (Below this entry is a full list
of those who are aware of this knowledge.) Knowing the Astral Plane was just nearly within
reach to one of my fellow companions, Daxio Rhodar, he had traveled there, finding Ulor and
Toril gone, Dal’Estel being the only world to remain. Whatever happened, I am at the very least
thankful we were able to prevent disaster to the realms of mankind.
● Arx Holman
● Elend Nightweaver
● Finnean McGinly
● Jah'Thadros Thistlor
● Mu'ga N'to
● Arstice Chaefir
● Daxio Rhodar
● Renaer Alderidge Jr.
● Szeth
● Taniel Mistfallen
● Delilah Fletcher
○ Addendum: We have reason to believe that three men by the names of Heron
Kimary, Larak, and Fevihr would also be aware of these conflicting memories, as
they were friends of Pensly and Delilah. Upon asking Larak and Fevihr however,
they were unaware. All three natives of Vandranor, it’s more than likely they
simply did not exist before Dal’Estel had come into being, so to speak. We were
unable to track down Heron, but we suspect he would be unaware as well.

● With the Twin Gods defeated, the thirteen surviving champions of the conflict, now left
with no purpose scattered along Vandranor, establishing the kingdoms that had once
ruled over the realm.
○ Helm - King of the Living
○ Yol - King of the Dead
○ Kudon - King of Law
○ Bhaal - King of Chaos
○ Tempus - King of War and Battle
○ Menden - King of The Craft
○ Folkt - King of Nature and Hunt
○ Yoen - Kingof the Land and Sea
○ Mystra - Queen of Magic
○ Volon - King of Knowledge
○ Lunis - King of the Day
○ Selune - Queen of the Night
○ Eldath - Queen of the Arts

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