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Impact of Digital Media Consumption on the

Academic Performance of Students

A Research Presented to The Faculty

of Benigno S. Aquino National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in the Subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Aries Justine M. Maniego

Jude Leo Q. Alcala

Jayrhon Castro

Julius D. David

Josh P. Gonzales

Bobby M. Yumul Jr.

April Joy L. Bueza

Trisha Lei E. Garcia

Hazelle Anne D. Gerona

Shiela Mae L. Macalino

Laverne Russel L. Musni

Elsie M. Valencia

Farrah Jayne M. Yumul

MAY 2024

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of Tarlac Province


Concepcion, Tarlac

Tel. No. (045) 923-0303


This research entitled “Impact of Digital Media Consumption on the Academic Performance of
Students” prepared and submitted by Maniego, Aries Justine M., Alcala, Jude Leo Q., Castro, Jhayron,
David, Julius D., Gonzales, Josh P., Yumul Jr. Bobby M., Bueza, April Joy L., Garcia, Trisha Lei E.
Gerona, Hazelle Ann D., Macalino, Shiela Mae L., Musni, Laverne Russel L, Valencia, Elsie M, Yumul,
Farrah M., in a partial fulfillment of the requirement of the subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion in
Senior High School, has been examined and is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval.
Research Adviser
Member Member

Accepted and approved partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course subject Inquiries, Investigation
and Immersion.

We, the researchers would like to express our gratefulness towards those who have help us thrive in the

research. To Ma’am Joahnna Paula Erese, our wonderful teacher who wanted us strive for the best and to be at

our most positive self, thank you. To our panelist, thank you for always lending us your time to correct our

mistakes and give us guides upon this research. To our research teacher, thank you for guiding us and leading us

with inspiring heartfelt words, showering us with motivation. To the participants of this study, thank you for

lending us part of your time of your busy schedules to answer our questionnaires and participate in our

interviews. To our parents, thank you for staying up with us every night and thank your for your thoughtful

words of inspiration when the deadlines do not get met at times. And above all, the almighty God, for strength,

perseverance guidance and wisdom, we thank you for giving us what we needed the most for the completion of

this study. The researchers are truly grateful.



The proponents dedicate this project to their families, who provided them with all their needs during the

research process and made sacrifices for its completion. They express gratitude for the support, guidance, and

belief their families bestowed upon them. Additionally, they extend thanks to their friends for their assistance

and encouragement. The proponents also acknowledge their instructors for their unwavering teaching, guidance,

and support. Lastly, they express gratitude to God for guiding them through the research process.

-The Researchers

Title: The Impact of Digital Media Consumption on the Academic Performance of Students
Researchers: Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences, Group 1 of Section Locke
Institution: Benigno S. Aquino National High School
Core Subject: Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of high digital media consumption on the

academic performance of the students. Through a mixed-method approach, the study identifies both negative

and positive effect of digital media consumption. Data accumulated through purposive sampling (descriptive

method) using both in-person interview and questionnaire on 10 random grade 12 students om the academic

track humanities and social sciences. Our study throughly investigates the signicant differences of students with

high and low digital media consumption and how they use it for their own convenience. We have cocluded to

study how and why the students use digital media for we want to figure out why they have decided to stick to

digital media for the time being, relying on digital media to ace and get through their school works with ease.

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………………………..i
APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………………………………………ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………….……06-07

CHAPTER I…………………………………………………….………………………………………………08
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND……………….……………………………………..……..08-10
Background of the Study…………………….………………………………………………………..…10
Statement of the Problem…………………….………………………………………………………….10
Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………………………11
Scope and Delimitation…………………………………..………………………………………………12
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………………………13

Foreign Related Literature……………………………………………………………………..……14-17
Local Related Literature……………………………………………..………………………………17-21
Foreign Related Studies………………………………………………………………………………21-24
Local Related Studies……………………………………………..…………………………………24-27
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………………………28

METHODS OF STUDY AND SOURCES OF DATA…………..……………………………………………29
Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………..………………29
Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………………..30
Population Sampling……………………………………………………………………………………..30
Methods of Data Gathering…………………………………………………...…………………………31
Statistical Treatment…………………………………………………………………………………31-32

Table 1: Hours Spent on Digital Media…………………………………………………………………33
Table 2: Hours Spent on Digital Media Related to Studies……………………………………………34
Table 3: General Average of the Students During the First Semester………………………..………35
Table 4: Kind of Digital Media Devices…………………………………………………………...……36
Table 5: Reasons Why Students Stick to Digital Media……………………………………………36-37

Summary of Findings…………………………….………………………………………………………38
Appendix A…………………..………………………...…………………………………………………41
Appendix B…………………..………………………...…………………………………………………42
Appendix C………………..………………………...……………………………………..…………43-44
Appendix D…………………..………………………...……………………………………………..45-51


Digital media is an integral part of modern life. It helps students to do work that is relevant to the real

world and encourages them to use what they have learned, but, keep in awareness that you need to use digital

media in a proper way. Students who use digital media excessively risks the possibility of becoming addicted on

digital technologies, lack of online connections, and privacy and security problems, even if their needs do not

require it. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out an integrated literature study to figure out how digital media

affects students' learning outcomes. Studying this issue is crucial for effective control.

In this era, students are among the most frequent consumer of online content and digital platforms both

within and outside the classroom. From social networking sites to educational resources, digital media

transformed how people communicate and how students learn. However, worries have been raised concerning

the possible impact or consequences of excessive digital media consumption on students' academic performance.

In addition to the advantages of quick access to information and a variety of learning possibilities. This report

investigates the complex effects of students digital media use, looking at how it affects their learning objectives,

study habits, and academic performance. Due to digital media being a major change for students, tons of pros

and cons have heavily impacted on the their live.

From within the perspective of the digital world, the learner is very different. They think and act differently.

New age learners are more interconnected and better informed. As a positive influence of digital media, it is

easy to work together with geographically distributed teams for project assignments using social networks.

Student can make WhatsApp and Facebook groups or even just use Twitter hashtags to exchange inputs

regarding the assignment and distribute information. Although this can moreover be completed through

communication mediums such as email, however social media provides an interesting conversational style to

interact. (Swapnil jail, 2019).


However, even with all of these benefits, digital media can have a negative impact on the attention span of

the students in the class. The distraction of social media and texting is almost always present now that most

students have a smart phone with them at all times. This creates the potential for students to miss learning

opportunities within the class and means that it's harder for students to tune out the drama and stress of their

personal or home lives. It can also be difficult for students to understand that anyone can say almost anything

online and that there is a large amount of misinformation on the internet. This can be seen in students utilizing

untrustworthy sources for academic papers or students unable to recognize "fake news" that has been shared

with them. (Sevillano-García, Ma, and Esteban Vázquez-Cano).

For a variety of reasons, students use digital media in their academics. First of all, students may easily

access knowledge through digital media, which enables them to conduct research, and access other online

platforms as their materials. Furthermore, interactive textbooks, educational apps, and online learning

environments are examples of digital tools that offer personalized and interesting learning experiences.

Additionally, digital media makes learning more flexible and easier by letting students set their own pace and

customize their learning to suit their needs and preferences. All things considered, the use of digital media in the

classroom improves accessibility, and efficiency. Digital media is frequently used for several reasons. It offers

easy accessibility, allowing people to access and consume content at any time and from anywhere with an

internet connection. This convenience makes digital media widely available to a large audience. Secondly, it is

cost-effective compared to traditional media channels. Creating and distributing digital content can be done at a

fraction of the cost, making it an attractive option for businesses and individuals. Additionally, digital media

allows for interactivity and two-way communication with the audience. Features like comments, likes, and

shares enable active engagement, enhancing user experience. Moreover, digital media provides precise targeting

options for advertisers, allowing them to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and


Understanding how students' use of digital media affects their academic achievement as well as their

cognitive, social, and emotional development is the ultimate goal of research on this topic. Teachers, legislators,

and parents may use this knowledge to make well-informed decisions about incorporating technology into the

classroom, helping students develop positive media habits, and offering the right kind of assistance. The

ultimate goal is to minimize any potential negative effects while optimizing the use of digital media to improve

learning results.


1.What is the level of digital media consumption of the respondents?

2.What is the academic performance of the respondents with high and low digital media consumption?

3.Is there a significant difference in the academic performance between students with high and low digital

media consumption?

4.What made the students with high level of digital media consumption stick to digital media?

5.What are the implications of the study to digital media integration to education?


The benefits that this study will give is that it will provide awareness and can alert others about the risks that the

digital media has.

Students- this study will help the student know how they can avoid being addicted by

using a digital media that they can be go ahead do their other home work activities. This research can further

help the students learn a much better way of using digital media. Learning how to properly use digital

media can also improve the students’ ability to communicate through written and visual content.

Teachers- this study will help the teachers how they can manage there time by using digital media and to get

some knowledge that might uses as a lesson in there class and doing their other responsibilities.

Parents- this study will help parents determine whether they choose to let digital media be of any use to their

children or not by scanning the results that this study provides, determining if the effects or impacts are


Future Researchers- this study will provide its use to future researchers by broadening their perspective over

the usage of digital media and its impacts and further effects on the performance of the students.

Community- this study will be beneficial to the community why widening its horizon on the usage and impact

of digital media consumption on students.



This study will focus on the Impact of Digital Media Consumption on the Academic Performance of the

Students. The major study of this research will examine how students mostly use digital media, which affects

their academic performance. The focus of this study is limited to one aspect of their experience, mainly in terms

of poor academic performance among students. Some studies suggest that there is no relationship between

social media usage and academic performance. However, other studies indicate that social media factors such as

video watching, media sharing, internet searching, and video gaming can have a positive impact on academic

performance. Additionally, the use of social media for non-academic purposes has been found to harm students'

academic performance. The reasons for using social media for academic purposes vary, with factors such as

online sharing and academic comprehension having a positive impact on academic performance, while

completion of course tasks has a negative impact. It is important for academic policymakers to consider these

findings and develop strategies to improve student self-control over social media usage.


Academic Performance- how well a student demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding within
educational settings such as schools or universities.

Comprehend/Comprehension- to grasp the meaning of something.

Consumption- the using up of resources; use by or or exposure to a particular group or audience.

Crucial- important, essential or significant.

Digital Media- digitized that can be transmitted over the internet or computer networks.

Empirical- originating in or based on observation or experience.

Era- a fixed point in time from which a series of years is reckoned.

Flexible- characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different or changing requirements.

Hashtag- a word or phrase by the symbol # that classifies or categorizes the accompanying text (such as a

Impact- a force or impression of one thing on another; a significant or major effect.

Implication- the action or state of being involved in something.

Incorporate- to blend or combine thoroughly.

Integration- the action or process of combining two or more things in an effective way.

Misinformation- incorrect or misleading information.

Negotiate/Negotiable- to arrive at the settlement of some matter.

Policymaker- someone who is responsible for or involved in establishing policy.

Respondent- a person who replies to something, especially when supplying information for a survey or a
questionnaire or responding to an advertisement.

Significant- sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention.




This chapter presents the recently conducted literature and studies that can effectively relate to the possible

Impact of Digital Media Consumption on the Academic Performance of Students.

Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Social media marketing involves using social platforms to engage customers, transform traditional

marketing, and tailor communication to individual needs. It's crucial for retaining customers and has changed

how marketers interact with them, allowing for feedback, brand awareness, and increased sales. Digital media

literacy, on the other hand, refers to the ability to access, analyze, create, and use digital media, emphasizing

skills like fact-checking and source verification to combat misinformation. It includes technological knowledge,

skill application, and critical evaluation of digital technologies. Digital media literacy initiatives aim to bridge

digital gaps, enhance online safety, and promote social equality. (K.Kaye, 2023)

The growing presence of digital media in the lives of students signals a change in how use of such media in

educational contexts should be viewed. Institutional focus on technologically mediated education and the

promotion of blended learning initiatives further serve to encourage media use in academic settings. Scant

attention has been afforded to the potential negative consequences arising from heightened media engagement.

This is especially the case in areas of study where technological artifacts are often the medium and the subject

of interest, for instance the computer and information sciences. In this study a survey was done to investigate

students use of media, as well as the behavioral beliefs, norms and motivators surrounding such use. (Saman

Amjad et al. , 2017)


The main purpose of educational institutions is to provide quality education to their students. However, it is

difficult to analyze large data manually. Educational data mining is more effective as compared to statistical

methods used to explore data in educational settings to analyze students’ performance. The objective of the

study is to use different data mining techniques and find their performance and impact of different features on

students’ academic performance. The data set was collected from the Kaggle repository. To analyze the data set,

different classification algorithms were applied like decision tree, random forest, SVM classifier, SGD classifier,

AdaBoost classifier, and LR classifier. This research revealed that random forest achieved a higher score (98%).

The score of decision tree, AdaBoost, logistic regression, SVM, and SGD is 90%, 89%, 88%, 86%, and 84%,

respectively. Results show that technology greatly influences student performance. The students who use social

media throughout the week showed low performance as compared to the students who use it only at weekends.

Furthermore, the impact of other features on the performance of students is also measured. (Muhammad Younas

et al., 2022)

Despite the unhealthy impact of social media many students are engrossed in spending most of their hours

on social media sites which includes the most popular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Social media has

embedded a negative image upon many minds however it is also perceived as a pathway to develop vital

knowledge and social skills among students beyond their campus wall (Wang, Chen and Liang, 2011). Social

media has equal positive or negative aspects but many students are using these sites on a regular basis. Over the

years many studies have been conducted over the impact of social media on academic performance of students

and it demonstrates a strong relationship between the two variables.

According International Journal of Language Education (2023), it is crucial to ensure that the benefits of

EET are distributed fairly and that local communities are actively involved in the decision-making process to

maximize positive impacts and mitigate potential negative impacts. Overall, the results suggest that English

educational tourism can be a promising strategy for promoting the growth of local economy, but more research

is needed to fully understand the conditions under which this impact is most effective.

Digital technologies have permeated every aspect of people’s lives over the last two decades and

fundamentally changed how they communicate, shop, entertain, work, study, and access and use information.

As the use of computers, the internet, tablets, and smartphones have become ubiquitous and crucial for the

functioning of modern society, whether these technologies are beneficial or detrimental have become a matter of

concern. The pervasion of digital technologies has yet to escape the attention of educational scholars,

considering the potential benefits they might offer for a 21st century education, which inevitably takes place in a

fast changing environment entwined with technology. Considering these technological devices as vital

educational tools, technology integrated classrooms and technology enhanced instruction were advocated.

Indeed, some studies revealed several educational benefits; for instance, the internet was found to support

education by enabling more information access, better visual intelligence skills, and enhancement of teacher-

student communications.

The most commonly used method for communication is social media networking. It is being used by

individuals belonging to every walk of life. Social media was widely accepted by public. There are numerous

online networking platforms that include but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. The

capacity of social media networking to spread valuable data quickly has made it the quickest developing method

of association. Social media has changed numerous businesses, however the most impact of it is in the

classroom teaching and the overall education system. The use of digital technology in education has attracted

much interest in the recent years. It is a common expectation for academic staff and administrators to investigate

options to ensure the learning environment is modern, relevant and capable of producing graduates with

attributes aligned with the work environment and their career expectation.

Students who participate in social media networking activities have been found to devote more time and

energy to their academics as a result of being more focused on their academic goals. The primary goal of the

current experiment is to determine how college students' use of social media affects their academic achievement.

It was conducted in the Lahore District of the province of Punjab. Lahore, University of the Punjab, G.C.

University, University of Lahore, and Superior University were among the cities where the research was

conducted. This investigation used a multiphase sampling strategy. Four universities in the Punjab province's

Lahore district were chosen at random during the first phase of the project.

Despite the effective integration of digital technologies in higher education settings, there is a lack of

evidence regarding the impact of social media on academic performance from the perspectives of university

undergraduates, despite a growing corpus of research on the outcomes of digital technologies. By analyzing

student perceptions on how social media affects their learning outcomes qualitatively, this study aims to close

this gap in the body of current evidence. Through the use of the case study method and critical theory of

technology, this study investigates students' perceptions regarding the impact of social media on their academic

performance. The results demonstrated that students' academic performance is negatively impacted by their use

of social media. Social media limited pupils' access.

The impact of digital media on academic performance has been a subject of research globally. Various

studies have highlighted both positive and negative effects of social media on students' academic performance.

For instance, researchers have found that the use of social media can negatively affect academic performance by

distracting students from their studies, leading to lower grades and reduced academic success. Conversely, some

studies suggest that social media can be beneficial for students, improving their vocabulary, writing skills, and

providing a platform for educational discussions.


Local Literature

The advent of the internet in the 1990s led to major developments in the world of communication hence the

introduction of social networking sites (SNSs). The coming into being of these sites revolutionized the world of

communication and today we celebrate its improvements ranging from education to entertainment. The

evolution of the internet has led to its usage as the best medium of communication whereby two-third (2/3) of

the internet world‘s population visit social networking sites (SNSs) thus serving as communication and

connection tools. These networking sites are referred to as social media (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). Social media

exploded as a category of online discourse which enables people to create contents, share them, bookmark them

and network at a prodigious rate (Jha and Bhardwaj, 2012). This has breached the gab that existed in

communication where people had to rely solely on traditional methods such as letters and phone calls as a mode

ofgetting in touch with friends and relatives. (Bernard John Kolan, 2018)

The advent of technology in education has seen a revolutionary change in the teaching–learning process.

Social media is one such invention which has a major impact on students’ academic performance. This research

analyzed the impact of social media on the academic performance of extraversion and introversion personality

students. Further, the comparative study between these two personalities will be analyzed on education level

(postgraduate and undergraduate) and gender (male and female). The research was initiated by identifying the

factors of social media impacting students’ academic performance.

The Internet, and in particular, social media platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapps, Youtube and many

others, are obviously “overtaking the world” and could be regarded as “a global consumer phenomenon”. Social

media usage is one of the most common activities among children, adolescents, and emerging adults nowadays.

It offers today’s youth a portal for entertainment and communication and it is becoming one of the main

platforms for accessing information and news. This aggressive adoption of social media among the younger

generation could be attributed to their up to date knowledge of the latest technology and convenient accessibility

to these social networking tools.

According to The International Journal of Indian Psychology (2019), social media has got much

importance because of mostly use by people for a lot purposed including education. In world changing into

digital global village, social networking technology has played a vital role compare to other internet tools. This

study tried to examine which age group GPA is mostly affected by usage of social media and its correlation with

student’s academic performance. And also to examine its effect on GPA of different faculties, that GPA of

which faculty students is mostly affected by its use, This study is cross sectional survey in nature on the

student’s perceptions about their use of social networking sites and its influence on their academic performance.

The use of social media is incomparably on the rise among students, influenced by the globalized forms of

communication and the post-pandemic rush to use multiple social media platforms for education in different

fields of study. Though social media has created tremendous chances for sharing ideas and emotions, the kind of

social support it provides might fail to meet students’ emotional needs, or the alleged positive effects might be


The twenty-first century is the world of technology where most of the people do not even imagine their

life without technology. Modern Technology in communication has no doubt turned the complete world into a

“Global Community.” It helps individuals to be better learned, open-minded and keeping informed with global

growths. Technology discloses humanity to a better way of doing things. Even our today’s day starts with alarm

in mobile phone and ends with what’s app messages on the smart phone, this situation is prevailing even in most

of the rural areas.

When social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter appeared, our world was divided into online

and offline. Social media are online technology platforms that help to connect people together far and near. It is

used to build relationship among people. With their help, we can communicate with each other, even on

different continents, listen to music, read books, look at photos and much more. Social media have greatly

simplified our lives and tightly tied to ourselves.

The younger generation is fond of social media and networking. At the same time the elders are always

cautioning them about the use of social media. Technological advancements is booming rapidly from year to

year, and the younger generations are the ones caught in this rapid change. Today social media and the advent of

the cyber world around us have led to youngsters being immersed in it. There is growing concern on how it

affects their life. Today, social media and networking is a term that everyone knows. Even the most remote

areas of the world youngsters have at least heard of Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Whatsapp, Instagram, Blog,

YouTube etc., and are probably using them on a regular basis.

According to Astodello (2016), students should be encouraged to limit the time they spend on social media

sites and be advised to rather substitute those hours with reading some learning materials-short stories, novels,

etc. to improve their vocabulary. Since the use of social media sites had affected the academic performance of

students negatively, there is a need to introduce the students’ other information resources or materials that

would motivate and help them perform well in their academics.

According to Jhoselle Tus November 2021, the widespread use of social media, particularly among

students, has become an integral part of daily life, influenced by the increasing prevalence of smartphones. This

trend has significantly altered communication and socialization patterns among students, who now spend a

substantial amount of time on social media platforms. These platforms serve various purposes, including

communication, reference gathering, updates, and educational content consumption. However, concerns have

been raised regarding the impact of social media on academic performance, with some educational institutions

implementing measures such as banning "like-based" assessments due to potential negative effects like

cyberbullying and increased pressure on students. While some studies suggest a positive correlation between

social media usage and academic performance, others find no significant relationship. Amidst these discussions,

this study aims to examine the influence of social media usage on students' academic performance within the

context of the new normal of education in the Philippines.

Related Studies:

Foreign Studies

According to Hafiz Safi Ullah, International Journal of Indian Psychology 7 (1), 2019. The study

investigates the impact of digital textbooks on students' academic performance, interest, and learning skills,

utilizing data from Korea's digital textbook experiment. Employing various statistical techniques, the authors

find that increased usage of digital textbooks positively influences students' academic outcomes. Moreover, the

study highlights greater improvements in academic performance among low-achieving students. These findings

have significant implications for education stakeholders and policymakers.

This study investigates the effects of social media on the academic performance of first-year university

students, mostly males aged 17-18. The study found that social media use was widespread, with Facebook being

the most popular platform accessed via cellphone and WiFi. Interestingly, the students' academic performance

(average GPA of 2.26-2.00) was not statistically linked to their social media habits. The study suggests that

social media may offer some time-saving benefits through collaboration, but its overall impact on academic

performance appears to be neutral for this particular group. (Ace Albert P. Cabral, 2016)

According to S.Samarasinghe (2019), Social media has become a crucial part of daily life, impacting

higher education and students' academic performance. However, there is a lack of comprehensive models to

summarize this impact, particularly in Sri Lanka. This study aims to examine this issue by forming a multi-

dimensional model integrating Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and

IS success model. The model will be tested for statistical validity using data from the higher education context.

The study sought to assess students' use of social media and its effect on academic performance of tertiary

institutions students in Ghana with a focus on Koforidua Polytechnic students. Questionnaire was used for

collecting data. Out of one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight copies of the questionnaire distributed, one

thousand five hundred and eight were retrieved which represented a response rate of 95.5%. The study revealed

that majority of the respondents had mobile phones which also had Internet facility on them and had knowledge

of the existence of many media sites. The study further confirmed that most of the respondents visit their social

media sites using their phones and spend between thirty minutes to three hours per day. In addition the study

revealed that the use of social media sites had affected academic performance of the respondents negatively and

that there was direct relationship between the use of social media sites and academic performance. (Micheal

Owusu-Acheaw et al. , 2015)

The impact of digital technology on academic performance has been a subject of study in various local

literature sources. Some studies have shown a positive relationship between the use of digital technology and

improved school performance, particularly in the areas of science, mathematics, and literacy. Additionally, the

effectiveness of digital learning tools in raising the speed and depth of learning for primary and secondary age

learners has been highlighted. On the other hand, the influence of social media on academic performance has

also been extensively researched. Studies have indicated that excessive use of social media platforms can

negatively affect academic progress, with students often prioritizing social media for non-academic purposes

over educational activities. This distraction from academic tasks can lead to reduced academic performance and

hinder students' learning outcomes.

Studies have analyzed the impact of social media on students' academic performance, considering factors

like extraversion, introversion, and personality traits. These investigations have highlighted both positive and

negative effects of social media use on academic outcomes, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to

integrating social media into educational settings.

This study examined the relationship between digital media use and academic performance. Self-

administered questionnaires were distributed to a sample of university students in Kuwait. Results show that

heavy mobile social media usage is positively related to lower GPA. The strong linear relationship suggests the

more students use social media the lower their grades will be. Results also show participants were aware social

media usage is lowering their grades, yet they continue to use them heavily regardless. Future research should

consider the context in which social media are used. It should also explore other ways in which to measure

social media use in addition to self-reports.

The research investigates pedagogical impacts of social networking sites on undergraduate students at the

College of Applied Sciences (CAS), Nizwa, Oman. Blogs, wikis, tweets, RSS feeds, discussion boards, podcasts

are educational nodes in a huge network. The study tabulates the usage of these web2.0 applications and their

impact on linguistic and social behaviors of young learners. The demographic segmentation constructs a

framework to evaluate social tools and e-learning technologies popular amongst learners. The results of

empirical evidence explore classroom and social software as paradigms that build young

knowledgeablesocieties. It studies variables that examine the effectiveness of these social tools in knowledge

sharing and general awareness of student communities.

This study aims mainly at analyzing the relationship between social media and students’ academic

performance in Jordan in the context of higher education from a YouTube perspective. It intends to explore the

benefits this relationship may have in enhancing students; leaning and improving their academic performance.

To successfully reach its aims, this study proposes a new model aiming at verifying the relationship of social

Bookmarking, YouTube Features, Perceived Usefulness, Use of Social Media, on Jordanian students’ academic

performance. To verify the validity of the proposed model, data were analyzed using Smart PLS using structural

equations modeling (SEM). Data were collected from Yarmouk University in Jordan covering all the levels of

study at the university. An electronic questionnaire was conducted for a target of 360 students who participated

in this study. The findings of the study revealed that Social Bookmarking, YouTube Features, Perceived

Usefulness, Use of Social Media are important factors to predict students’ academic performance in relation to

using social networking media for e-learning purposes in Jordan.


According to Faridah Nurfalah (June 2023) , The study delves into the pervasive role of social media

in the lives of students, acknowledging its potential both for positive and negative impacts. It highlights social

media's role in expanding students' horizons by facilitating idea exchange and networking, as well as its

function in academic research and career development. Despite concerns, research suggests that social media

serves various beneficial purposes and is instrumental in fostering connections and disseminating content. The

study also underscores the prevalence of social media use among Indonesian and Filipino students, reflecting

broader trends in internet penetration and lifestyle choices. Its objectives include understanding students'

interests, activities, and opinions regarding social media usage in these contexts.

Local Studies

Students are the main users and sensitive to the smartphone and it affects the general population because of

their persuasiveness. Several results show that there is a positive correlation between smartphone usage and

academic performance since they lead to the behaviors that affect student’s career and learning behavior, e.g.

addiction, excess screen usage. However, these studies only focus on smartphone usage behavior which only

provides some usage patterns. We propose to fulfill the gap by measuring smartphone usage and academic

performance by combining them both to keep track of users. We analyse this study by study on 150 students

studying in Islamabad enrolled in different departments. They all used smartphones in their daily life routine to

learn academic content and lectures. By analyzing the results, we provided a quantitative estimate of positive

and negative results and correlations. Our result shows the positive correlation and impact of smartphone usage

on academic performance.

The study by Jhasper Managyo (2017) reveals that Filipinos extensively utilize their mobile phones not

only for communication but also as mobile computers, accessing the internet on-the-go. TNS's market study

found that among 38,000 respondents in Metro Manila, a significant percentage used mobile phones for various

purposes, including taking photos or videos (75%), browsing the internet (45%), accessing social networking

sites (44%), and checking emails (37%). The Kaiser Family Foundation (2005) identifies today's youth as the

"m-generation" due to their adeptness at multitasking, exemplified by their ability to use multiple media devices

simultaneously, such as talking on the cellphone, texting, and typing essays.

The conventional or technology-based pedagogy must emphasize on inculcation of academic excellence

and professional skills that help students to apply conceptual learning to live business situations while they join

any industry after completing their education. The students spend time for the purpose of scholastic as well as

co-scholastic areas which defines comprehensive curriculum evaluation in their holistic development. In the

modern era of digital and internet revolution and changing lifestyles patterns of family life, students preference

has changed beyond outdoor activities or reading bed time stories. The influx of new media technology has

affected the holistic development of students. Most of children prefer watching television, surfing internet,

playing video games on smart phones or on computer or watching their favourite video series using online

media (Kalyan & Lakshmikantha, 2016)

Digital media has profoundly changed our way of life, our ability to communicate, and our accessibility

from anywhere in the world. Although it has been criticized for reducing physical effort, it has offered

amusement and leisure, and there are apps and gadgets for improving fitness. It's crucial to learn how to use it

effectively and to keep a good balance between actual and virtual life (Shiv Gupta, 2024)

The study examines the potential of using mobile phones as learning tools in classrooms, focusing on

internet access, calculator use, and dictionary searches to improve academic performance. While some literature

suggests benefits, such as increased interest in academics in tech-integrated classrooms, others, like Dietz and

Henrich (2014), argue that the use of cell phones in class is associated with lower grades, decreased recall, and

diminished comprehension, particularly when used for non-educational purposes.

The study found that Filipino youth heavily use Facebook and Twitter for communication, entertainment,

and information. Facebook acts as a public space to connect with friends and family, but users feel limited in

what they can share due to privacy concerns. Twitter is more interesting: people have public accounts and also

private accounts for more personal thoughts and feelings. However, both platforms can be toxic and negative.

People experience stress and other negative emotions due to things like unwanted information, exposure to

inappropriate content, and privacy breaches. The study suggests using social media in moderation and being

careful about what you share to avoid these negative experiences. (Bea Claire W. Antiporda, 2021)

In this study, children reported several physical and mental health problems without indicating internet

addiction or overuse. Physical health symptoms included eye problems, headaches, not eating, and tiredness.

For mental health symptoms, children reported cognitive salience of online events, aggression, and sleeping

problems. Sometimes they reported these problems within 30 min of technology usage. This suggests that even

shorter time usage can cause self-reported health problems for some children. (Smahel, February 2015)

Digital media is the use of electronic devices to process, transmit, and store encoded information like audio,

video, and photos. It's popular because it's fun, engaging, easy to use, and delivers results quickly. Digital media

can save businesses time, money, and space by streamlining processes and data storage. Small and medium

businesses (SMEs) can benefit from digital media by digitizing their operations and using the internet to

improve their business performance. This can include increasing their customer base, improving communication,

finding new markets, strengthening marketing campaigns, and using social media to their advantage. Digital

media allows SMEs to reach a wider audience, including international markets, and compete more effectively

than traditional marketing methods. It also allows for faster communication with customers and suppliers, and

businesses can build trust with customers through features like live chat. However, digital media use is lagging

in the Middle East, despite the high sales of smartphones and other digital devices in the region. There are also

some disadvantages to using digital media, such as increased competition, more choices for customers, and the

potential for decreased product prices due to competition. The main reason for the lower digitization in the

Middle East is a lack of skills and preparedness among SMEs. Many SMEs are not convinced of the benefits of

digital media and don't have the trained staff or motivation to adopt it. This study focused on the UAE and the

Middle East, but the findings are generally applicable. More research is needed to close the information gap on

this topic and to quantify the benefits of digital media for SMEs compared to traditional business practices.

(Mohammed T Nuseir, Al Ain University of Science and Technology, 2018)

According to Christine Marie Habito (2022) this study examines how digital technology are transforming

Filipino young people's relationship motivations and contexts. It found that these technologies enable social

comparison, rapid relationship progression, and self-expression, while maintaining conservative religious and

sociocultural norms. However, these changes also expose young people to risks that may lead to poor sexual and

reproductive health outcomes. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive sexuality education and

critical dialogue.

This study examines how international students in Manila learn English (L2) by focusing on five areas of

learning strategies. They interviewed 10 students and found that digital media plays a big role in their learning.

Students use various tools like Google Translate, language learning apps, and video platforms like YouTube and

Netflix. Based on this finding, the researcher proposes a new approach called the Digital Media-Assisted

Language Learning (DMALL) paradigm to improve L2 learning for international students in the Philippines.

This approach will consider the specific needs and challenges these students face, with the goal of incorporating

effective strategies into academic programs to better serve this growing population. (Jeffrey Rosario Ancheta,

November 30, 2022)


Conceptual Framework

Digital Media


High Media Low Media

Consumption Consumption




The study aims to explore and compare the overall impact or effect of high and low doses of digital

media usage on the students’ academic ability, performance and its consequences upon daily usage. The

research also aims to pinpoint both usage dose’s difference upon implication.



This chapter provides an extensive discussion and description of the important components of our research

technique, such as research methodology, research design, population sampling, methods of data gathering, and

statistical treatment.

Research Methodology

Qualitative methods for studying the impact of digital media consumption on academic performance could

involve in-depth interviews, focus groups, or content analysis of students' digital media usage. These methods

aim to understand students' perspectives, experiences, and behaviors regarding digital media and how they

perceive its influence on their academic performance. Through qualitative research, researchers can uncover

nuanced insights and understand the underlying reasons behind correlations observed in quantitative studies.

Research methods known as qualitative approaches are employed to obtain understanding of people's

experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. These techniques entail gathering non-numerical data to

comprehend the subtleties and complexity of an event, such as observations, interviews, and textual analysis.

Rather than using quantitative methods to assess social phenomena, qualitative research attempts to investigate

and understand them. It frequently entails thorough investigation, adaptability, and arbitrary data interpretation.

In this study the researcher used this method because to facilitate a better understanding of individuals'

experiences, beliefs, and different points of view. Qualitative methods also provide for greater flexibility in data

gathering and processing, resulting in more valuable, different information. Furthermore, qualitative approaches

can be particularly effective when investigating complicated or sensitive issues for which quantitative methods

may be inappropriate.

Research Design

The researchers used the qualitative interview methodology as the study is attempting to explore the

relationships between digital media consumption and the academic performance of students Benigno S Aquino

National High School specifically, in order to allow the researchers to ask more questions during the interview

if clarifications or additional explanations are required, a semi-structured interview will be done.

It is expected that the respondents’ subjective and objective observations served as the main findings of the

research, therefore a narrative and descriptive methodology was required to address the subject.

According to Oakley, A qualitative interview is a kind of framework where standards and practices are

not just documented but also acquired an debated, and as well as improved. Gathering the background

information of a participant's experiences is a particularly valuable application of interviews. The interviewer

has the option to look deeper into the subject.

Population Sampling

Purposive sampling used in this study. The respondents of the study are the selected ten (10) Grade 12-

HUMSS students of Benigno S. Aquino High School enrolled for the academic year 2023-24.

The student-respondents purposely chosen because the researcher believes that through purposive sampling,

can obtain a representative sample by using survey questionnaires.

Participation Frequency Percentage Populations

Students 10 100% 10

Methods of Data Gathering

To gather data for the questionnaire, a systematic approach followed. Initially, a sample size representative

of the target population selected, ensuring diversity in demographics and educational backgrounds.

Subsequently, a structured questionnaire distributed, encompassing inquiries regarding digital media

consumption habits, academic performance metrics, and perceptions of digital media integration in education.

The data on digital media consumption are collected through self-reported usage frequency, duration, and types

of consumed media. Academic performance was assessed through GPA scores or academic records, categorized

based on respondents' reported digital media consumption levels. The selected respondents also completed to

an online survey Google form as part of the researchers secondary online data gathering.

Statistical Treatment

The study utilized a purposive sampling technique to select a total of 10 respondents from the Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences strand. The study utilized an online survey via survey questionnaire to be able

to gather the data needed.Responses to the survey by the grade 12 HUMSS students will be statistically

analyzed with the check in the particular choice. The demographic profile of the respondents will be determined

by using the formula of percentage.The frequency of each response will be determined on the number of the

respondents who will check in the particular choice. The demographic profile of the respondents will be

determined by using the formula of percentage.


P = (F *100)/N


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total number of Respondents

To determine the answer on the problem 4 and 5 on what are the planned exits of shs students and how

sure they are, the average weighted will be used.

Formula: (x1w1…xnwn)(w1+…+wn)


X is the value

W is the weight of each item

N is the number of the cases

The weighted mean score will serve as interpreted in accordance with the following table.

4.50-5.00 Always
3.50-4.49 Often
2.50- 3.49 Sometimes
1.50-2.49 Rarely
1.00-1.49 Never

This segment expounds the presentation of the relevant data that is related to the previously outlined issues.

It entails analyzing and interpreting specific data using the statistical tool. The chapter reveals the findings and

conclusions drawn from the obtained data. This study included 10 students from Benigno S. Aquino National

High School, with data obtained via survey questionnaire. The information shown is in the order that the survey

questions were delivered prior to the start of the study.

Table 1

Hours Spent on Digital Media

Hours Frequency %
1-3 1 10%
3-6 5 50%
6-9 1 10%
More than 9 3 30%
Total 10 100%
The table above shows that the majority of the students which is 50% spend around 3-6 hours on digital

media. While the 30% spend more than 9 hours, while the remaining 20% is divided into 1-3 hours spent and

6-9 hours spent on digital media. As mentioned to by Astodello (2016), students should be encouraged to limit

the time they spend on social media sites and be advised to rather substitute those hours with reading some

learning materials-short stories, novels, etc. to improve their vocabulary. Since the use of social media sites had

affected the academic performance of students negatively, there is a need to introduce the students’ other

information resources or materials that would motivate and help them perform well in their academics.

Table 2

Hours Spent on Digital Media Related to Studies

Hours Frequency %
1-3 7 70%
3-6 2 30%
6-9 1 10%
More than 9 0 0%
Total 10 100%
The table above shows that majority of the students spend around 1-3 hours daily on digital media

relating to their studies. The table’s results deeply shows that even though they barely spends time on digital

media, they can somehow still use digital media for their school works and studies. In similar to the findings

Micheal Owusu-Acheaw et al. , 2015 sought to assess students' use of social media and its effect on academic

performance of tertiary institutions students in Ghana with a focus on Koforidua Polytechnic students.

Questionnaire was used for collecting data. Out of one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight copies of the

questionnaire distributed, one thousand five hundred and eight were retrieved which represented a response rate

of 95.5%. The study revealed that majority of the respondents had mobile phones which also had Internet

facility on them and had knowledge of the existence of many media sites. The study further confirmed that most

of the respondents visit their social media sites using their phones and spend between thirty minutes to three

hours per day. In addition the study revealed that the use of social media sites had affected academic

performance of the respondents negatively and that there was direct relationship between the use of social media

sites and academic performance. (Micheal Owusu-Acheaw et al., 2015)


Table 3

General Average of Students During the First Semester

General Average Frequency %

75-78 0%
79-81 0%
82-85 1 10%
86-89 2 20%
90-93 5 50%
94-99 2 20%
Total 10 100%
The table above shows that majority of the students have outstanding grades regarding high media

consumption. The table above also shows that the lesser the students use digital media, the lesser they maintain

their grades. In relation to the findings Yamouk University,Jordan about analyzing the relationship between

social media and students’ academic performance in Jordan in the context of higher education from a YouTube

perspective. It intends to explore the benefits this relationship may have in enhancing students; leaning and

improving their academic performance. To successfully reach its aims, this study proposes a new model aiming

at verifying the relationship of social Bookmarking, YouTube Features, Perceived Usefulness, Use of Social

Media, on Jordanian students’ academic performance. To verify the validity of the proposed model, data were

analyzed using Smart PLS using structural equations modeling (SEM). Data were collected from Yarmouk

University in Jordan covering all the levels of study at the university. An electronic questionnaire was

conducted for a target of 360 students who participated in this study. The findings of the study revealed that

Social Bookmarking, YouTube Features, Perceived Usefulness, Use of Social Media are important factors to

predict students’ academic performance in relation to using social networking media for e-learning purposes in


Table 4

Kind of Digital Media Devices used in School Activities and School Works

Digital Devices Weight Mean Descriptive Rating

Laptop 3.1 Sometimes
Phone 6.0 Always
PC 2.3 Rarely
TV 3.2 Sometimes
Radio 2.5 Sometimes
DVD 2.7 Sometimes
Tablet 2.6 Sometimes
Gaming Console 2.6 Sometimes
Kindle 2.3 Rarely
Virtual Reality 2.4 Rarely

The table above shows that phones are the most used digital media device by the student-respondents.

The study examines the potential of using mobile phones as learning tools in classrooms, focusing on internet

access, calculator use, and dictionary searches to improve academic performance. While some literature

suggests benefits, such as increased interest in academics in tech-integrated classrooms, others, like Dietz and

Henrich (2014), argue that the use of cell phones in class is associated with lower grades, decreased recall, and

diminished comprehension, particularly when used for non-educational purposes.

Table 5

Reasons Why Students Stick in Using Digital Media

Reasons Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

1. For school purposes. 5.3 Always
2. For socializing/communicating with friends and 5.2 Always
3. For searching. 5.3 Always
4. For entertainment (games, watching videos, etc. ) 3.8 Often
5. For keeping up with the latest trends and fashion 4.2 Often
6. For submitting school works. 5.3 Always
7. To be updated with school announcements. 5.3 Always
8. To research faster. 5.3 Always

Table 5 illustrated the ways that students used digital media on the daily basis. It shows that the students

mostly use digital media to do their school activities and school works. Next to their reason of using digital

media for school is so that the students can keep up of be informed with the latest trends from fashion icons,

after that is solely for entertainment. According to The International Journal of Indian Psychology (2019), social

media has got much importance because of mostly use by people for a lot purposed including education. In

world changing into digital global village, social networking technology has played a vital role compare to other

Internet tools.

Implication of the Study

Based on the findings of the study, digital media has become more convenient for students because part of

the findings digital media devices useful anywhere anytime, the students can just click and can open up entire

lectures and lessons from the comfort of their own hands and devices. The students have found digital media to

be the most efficient when it comes to school works due to the fact that these said devices can be carried

anywhere and anytime. The amount of digital media consumption that the students have is not just solely based

on the entertainment they receive but also from the knowledge that they consume, whether it be videos, audios

or texts.

Students using media and non-users

To the academic performance of the students

To the educational management-teachers, parents and others

Increased Access to Information

Multimodal Learning Opportunities

Dependency on technology

Personalized Learning Opportunities




This chapter is presented in four sections. The first section contributes to an overall summary of the study

followed by the summary of the findings and their conclusions. Subsequent to this are the implications of the

study and followed by recommendations for future research.

1. Level of digital media consumption of the respondents/students?

The majority of students spend around 3-6 hours using digital media. About 50% of students allocate three

to six hours for using digital media. On the other hand, 30% of students spend 9 hours or more on digital media,

and 10% of other students spend one to three hours on digital media.

2. Academic performance of the respondents with high and low digital media consumption.

Based on our study, the amount of digital media consumption does not matter because the students can

maintain their high grades whether they have high or low digital media consumption. Each of every student-

respondents have general averages of 90-93 without fail.

3.Significant difference in the academic performance between students with high and low digital media


The difference between academic performance and students with high and low digital media consumption

that students in the 82-85 and 86-89 range perform well, indicating that higher digital media consumption is

associated with better academic performance. However, the table is a summary and lacks specific data for each

category. To make more accurate conclusions, a detailed analysis is needed. Including data points from 90-93

would provide more perception into the performance of students with high digital media consumption.

4. Reasons Why Students Stick in Using Digital Media

Based on our study, it is clear that the students who have high digital media consumption subconsciously

using digital media for the better outcome of their grades. The study has indicated that the more the students use

digital media, the more they seem to be able to comprehend and keep up with their school works and activities,

let alone being well-updated with the announcements the school has to offer. Aside from that, our study also

stated that the students often use digital media for entertainment which makes them use their devices more,

resulting in them being well-functioning and active.


Based on the findings of the study therefore concluded that

The number of hours spent by the respondents in using digital media is 3-6 hours, mostly have an equal

division between entertainment and educational purposes.

Using digital media has a great impact in the academic performance of the respondents.

 high digital media consumption a poses a positive impact on the academic performance of the students

even with a simple device which is a phone.

Aside from that, the difference between students who have high and low digital media consumption is

almost the same when it comes to their academic performance because we gathered data via survey

questionnaire. They use digital media to keep updated in school activities and school events.


The equal distribution of hours spent in using digital media consumption is well observed because

respondents used it for both academic purposes and entertainment, but is highly recommended that

avoid and careful used in the time spent in entertainment (watching videos, games, reading e-books,


Offer a variety of learning resources beyond digital media, such as textbooks, academic journals, and

offline study materials. Encouraging students to engage with diverse sources can deepen their

understanding and reduce reliance on digital media alone.

Encourage students to be mindful of how they use digital media. Suggest strategies such as taking

regular breaks, practicing self-discipline by limiting non-academic use during study sessions, and

using apps or browser extensions to block distracting websites.

 Set an example by modeling responsible digital behavior yourself. Demonstrate how to use

digital media as a tool for learning and productivity, rather than as a source of distraction or


Teach students how to critically evaluate online sources, discern credible information from

misinformation, and use digital tools effectively for learning purposes.



Appendix A

Letter of Permit to Conduct Study

May 15, 2024

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

We are the grade 12 Senior High School Students of Humanities and Social Sciences strand from the section 12-

Locke. We would like to request from permission to conduct the study entitled “The Impact of Digital Media

Consumption on the Academic Performance of Students”. The study aims to thoroughly access the overall

impact of digital media consumption on the academic performance of the Senior High School students of

Benigno S. Aquino National High School. We greatly appreciate your guide in conducting this study.

Best regards,

Group 1 of 12-Locke


Research Adviser SGH-HUMSS


Principal II


Proposed Intervention

Based on the findings, a proposed intervention is developed to further enhance the academic performance of

the senior high school students who use digital media.

Objective Activity People Involved Time Frame Budget

To improve Provide time frames Parents, teachers, Rule Digital Media

responsibility over and limit screen students, implementation (1-3 Devices, Data

digital media usage times of the administrators, months) analysis software

among students. student’s digital guidance Result analysis

devices. counselors. (1 month)

To improve digital Provide applications Students, Application Digital media

media for school or softwares Administrators, Creation (1-6 device, digital

purposes. designed for school. guidance counselor months) media application,

Implementation (1 data analysis

month) software


Survey Questionnaires

Name(Optional):___________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section:__________________________________

Please note, this paper is only meant to collect your personal data and opinions for our on-going research about how
digital media affects one’s academic performance. We do not intend to invade your privacy, thank you for your

-The Researchers

Directions: Place a check on the box () of your most desired answer.
1. How many hours per day do you use digital media?

 1-3 hours

 3-6 hours

 6-9 hours

 More than 9 hours

2.How many hours per day do you spend using digital media that is related to your studies?
 1-3 hours

 3-6 hours

 6-9 hours

 More than 9 hours

3. What was your general average during the first semester?

 75-78

 79-81

 82-85

 86-89

 90-93

 94-99

4. What kind of digital media devices you usually use to keep updated in your school activity or school events?
 Laptop

 Phone

 Personal Computer

 Television
 Radio
 Tablet
 Game console
 Kindle
 Virtual Reality (VR)

5. In what ways do you usually use digital media?

 For school purposes

 For socializing/communicating with friends and family

 For researching

 For entertainment (games, watching videos, etc. )

 For keeping up with the latest trends like fashion icons

 To submit your school works

 To be updated with school announcements

 To research faster


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Alcala, Jude Leo. Q

Contact Number: 0963-728-9120


Address: Sitio Macabacle, San Francisco, Concepcion Tarlac

Elementary: Macabacle Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Castro, Jayrhon

Contact Number: 0970-109-4440


Address: Dutung a Matas, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Dutung a Matas Elementaty School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino


Name: David, Julius D.

Contact Number: 0981-034-9295


Address: Sitio Pao, Sta. Cruz Concepcion Tarlac

Elementary School: Pao Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Maniego, Aries Justine M.

Contact Number: 0930-204-8603


Address: Jefmin, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Cristo Rey West Elementary School

Junior High School: Cristo Rey High School

Senior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Gonzales, Josh P.

Contact Number:0950-876-9254


Address: Sta. Rita, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Aurora Aquino Elementary School

Junior High School: Anastacio G. Yumul High School

Senior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino


Name: Yumul Jr., Bobby M.

Contact Number:0915-962-2305


Address: Rose Park, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Minane Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Bueza, April Joy L.

Contact Number: 0963- 933-6488

Email: apriljoybuezaapriljoybueza@gmail,com

Address: Dutung A Matas, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Dutung A Matas Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Garcia, Trisha Lei

Contact Number: 0946- 737-2741


Address: Culatingan, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Culatingan Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino


Name: Gerona, Hazelle Anm D.

Contact Number: 0970-180-9043


Address: San Jose, Cconcepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: San Jose Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Macalino, Shiela Mae L.

Contact Number: 0963-286-8299


Address: San Lorenzo Ruiz, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Ligaya Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Musni, Laverne Russel L.

Contact Number: 0985-305-1328

Email: lavernerusselmusni06@gmail.como

Address: Castillo, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Castillo Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino


Name: Valencia, Elsie

Contact Number: 0994-737-9351


Address: Alfonso, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Alfonso Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino

Name: Yumul, Farrah Jayne M.

Contact Number: 0985-800-5104


Address: Sto. Rosario, Concepcion, Tarlac

Elementary School: Magunting Elementary School

Junior High School: Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Senior High School:Benigno S. Aquino National High School

Language: English, Filipino



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"How Mobile Impact Students' Lives." JBMS,

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