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Name: Damaso, John Carlo M.

Section: E1E



65 46 60 40 41 52 78 45 46 37

52 92 33 32 92 86 65 55 82 74

47 34 72 63 70 46 82 40 60 70

36 76 50 52 63 77 85 90 92 87

43 45 36 82 30 36 63 86 72 83

a. Set up the following scores into a grouped frequency distribution showing the frequency,
relative frequency and cumulative frequency

b. Write a one-paragraph narrative summarizing the distribution as revealed in your table.

Score f RF CF≤ CF≥

30 - 38 8 16% 8 50

39 - 47 10 20% 18 42

48 - 56 5 10% 23 32

57 - 65 7 14% 30 27

66 - 74 5 10% 35 20

75 - 83 7 14% 42 15

84 92 8 16% 50 8

Based on the table above the lowest score that the students got was 30 while the
highest score is 92. The scores of the students that got the highest frequency ranges from
scores 39 - 47 with a relative frequency of 20%. And the lowest frequency of scores ranges from
scores 48 - 56 and 66 - 74 which both have a relative frequency of 10 %.

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