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Identifying prepositions

Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

Prepositions tell us
where or when
Circle the preposition in each sentence. something is.
1. We played in the park. Common prepositions:
at, above, before,
to, in, from.
2. My family went to Florida.

3. My mom works with your mom.

4. The dogs dove in the pool.

5. Can you go with me?

6. The bus comes from the school.

7. The doctor buys candy for his patients.

8. The chair is by the back door.

9. I left my backpack on the floor.

10. She drank a glass of water.

11. We picked the flowers off the ground.

12. The gift was from my mom.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Identifying prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. We played in the park.

2. My family went to Florida.

3. My mom works with your mom.

4. The dogs dove in the pool.

5. Can you go with me?

6. The bus comes from the school.

7. The doctor buys candy for his patients.

8. The chair is by the back door.

9. I left my backpack on the floor.

10. She drank a glass of water.

11. We picked the flowers off the ground.

12. The gift was from my mom.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Identifying prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositions tell us
Circle the preposition in each sentence. where or when
something is.
1. My family went to the store.
Common prepositions:
at, above, before,
2. Michael came from Georgia. to, in, from.

3. We were in the pool.

4. My parents traveled out of town.

5. The boys put their gloves on the ground.

6. We got off the train.

7. This is a cake for the students.

8. The house was full of spiders.

9. He left his coat by his shoes.

10. Can we go with my friends?

11. Are we heading to New York?

12. My brother bought some flowers for his girlfriend.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Identifying prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. My family went to the store.

2. Michael came from Georgia.

3. We were in the pool.

4. My parents traveled out of town.

5. The boys put their gloves on the ground.

6. We got off the train.

7. This is a cake for the students.

8. The house was full of spiders.

9. He left his coat by his shoes.

10. Can we go with my friends?

11. Are we heading to New York?

12. My brother bought some flowers for his girlfriend.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Using prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositions connect
Fill in the blanks using prepositions from words to more information
the word bank. about place, time, or

by from to with in
of for out on off

1. I went to the store with my family.

2. Can you buy me a gift _______ my birthday please?

3. We have always lived _______ a lot of pets.

4. My mom was mad because I left all ____ my clothes _____ the floor.

5. Did you want to stop _____ Tennessee when we drive ____ Florida?

6. My grandma is originally _______ Russia.

7. I like to spend time _______ my room.

8. We got a new car _______ my big brother.

9. My family went _______ the door.

10. Bruce went ______ France ______ his vacation ______ his friends.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Using prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. I went to the store with my family.

2. Can you buy me a gift for my birthday please?

3. We have always lived with a lot of pets.

4. My mom was mad because I left all of my clothes on the floor.

5. Did you want to stop by Tennessee when we drive to Florida?

6. My grandma is originally from Russia.

7. I like to spend time in my room.

8. We got a new car for my big brother.

9. My family went out the door.

10. Bruce went to France for his vacation with his friends.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Using prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositions connect
Fill in the blanks using prepositions from words to more information
the word bank. about place, time, or

by from to with in
of for out on off

1. He received a package from his best friend.

2. The scout leader told us not to walk _______ the marked path.

3. My favorite spot is _______ the park _______ the pond.

4. Did you go _______ the beautiful, sandy beaches?

5. I had to visit _______ my mom and dad.

6. She wanted a slice _______ ham and a coffee.

7. My brother is having a party _______ his sixteenth birthday.

8. Her family is planning to go _______ Florida _______ December.

9. Can you leave your keys _______ the table so I can find them?

10. I dance often _______ my best friend, Stacy.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Using prepositions
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. He received a package from his best friend.

2. The scout leader told us not to walk off the marked path.

3. My favorite spot is in the park by the pond.

4. Did you go to the beautiful, sandy beaches?

5. I had to visit with my mom and dad.

6. She wanted a slice of ham and a coffee.

7. My brother is having a party for his sixteenth birthday.

8. Her family is planning to go to Florida in December.

9. Can you leave your keys on the table so I can find them?

10. I dance often with my best friend, Stacy.

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Prepositional phrases
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositional phrases
Part 1: Rewrite the sentence adding a connect to more
prepositional phrase from the list. information like place, time,
or direction.
1. She wants to visit her friend.
2. There is a party.
Prepositional phrases:
on Friday
3. Did you see the dog?
___________________________________ with her parents
4. He will drive. in the park
to the game
5. They ran.
for her birthday

Part 2: Write sentences using these prepositional phrases:

1. over the bridge

2. through the door
3. inside the house
4. to the museum
5. with the cat

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

Answers will vary, but here are suggested answers:

Part 1:

1. She wants to visit her friend on Friday.

2. There is a party for her birthday.
3. Did you see the dog in the park?
4. He will drive to the game?
5. They ran with her parents.

Part 2:

1. We slipped when we ran over the bridge.

2. Our little dog sprinted through the door.
3. We found a rat inside the house.
4. Can we go to the museum?
5. I love to play with the cat.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositional phrases
Part 1: Rewrite the sentence adding a connect to more
prepositional phrase from the list. information like place, time,
or direction.
1. I hide my secret journals.
2. My parents won’t let me have a television.
Prepositional phrases:
in my room
3. The principals are having a meeting.
___________________________________ with my teachers
4. My dog loves to run. to the left
around the yard
5. We need to turn the car.
under my bed

Part 2: Write sentences using these prepositional phrases:

1. down the stairs

2. from my grandparents
3. by the fireplace
4. to school
5. with the entire family

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

Answers will vary, but here are suggested answers:

Part 1:

1. I hide my secret journals under my bed.

2. My parents won’t let me have a television in my room.
3. The principals are having a meeting with my teachers.
4. My dog loves to run around the yard.
5. We need to turn the car to the left.

Part 2:

1. I tripped and fell down the stairs.

2. We got a beautiful present from my grandparents.
3. My mom likes to sit by the fireplace and drink cocoa.
4. I love to walk to school.
5. We celebrate Thanksgiving with the entire family.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases and their objects
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositional phrases
connect to more
Underline the prepositional phrase, and
information like place, time,
circle the preposition. Write the object of
or direction.
the preposition on the line.

pets 1. Can we talk about the pets?

___________ 2. I want to eat dinner with my friends.

___________ 3. My grandparents live in a very small town.

___________ 4. My sister wants a doll for her birthday.

___________ 5. After the dance, we will go home.

___________ 6. We will first stop at the bank.

___________ 7. You can buy a lot of good candy from this store.

___________ 8. Tyler is walking across the street.

___________ 9. Stacy couldn’t see through the window.

___________ 10. The family lived among the jungle animals.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases and their objects
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

pets 1. Can we talk about the pets?

friends 2. I want to eat dinner with my friends.

town 3. My grandparents live in a very small town.

birthday 4. My sister wants a doll for her birthday.

dance 5. After the dance, we will go home.

bank 6. We will first stop at the bank.

store 7. You can buy a lot of good candy from this store.

street 8. Tyler is walking across the street.

window 9. Stacy couldn’t see through the window.

animals 10. The family lived among the jungle animals.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases and their objects
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositional phrases
connect to more
Underline the prepositional phrase, and information like place, time,
circle the preposition. Write the object of
or direction.
the preposition on the line.

parents 1. The teachers are working with the parents.

___________ 2. In the museum, we saw some amazing sculptures.

___________ 3. The truck was a prize for the contest.

___________ 4. I can get a phone after my thirteenth birthday.

___________ 5. At the zoo, we saw lions, tigers, and bears.

___________ 6. Can we get some new books from the library this

___________ 7. The player threw the basketball across the court.

___________ 8. I saw the little girl looking at me through the car window.

___________ 9. Can we communicate via email?

___________ 10. We found an old apple under my bed.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases and their objects
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

parents 1. The teachers are working with the parents.

museum 2. In the museum, we saw some amazing sculptures.

contest 3. The truck was a prize for the contest.

birthday 4. I can get a phone after my thirteenth birthday.

zoo 5. At the zoo, we saw lions, tigers, and bears.

library 6. Can we get some new books from the library this

court 7. The player threw the basketball across the court.

window 8. I saw the little girl looking at me through the car window.

email 9.Can we communicate via email?

bed 10. We found an old apple under my bed.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adjectives
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

A prepositional phrase
Underline the prepositional phrase, and can describe a noun.
circle the word it is describing.

1. The boy in the yellow pants asked me to dance.

2. The house on the corner is the oldest house I’ve ever seen.

3. Did you see the car with the big tires?

4. She refused to eat the cookie on the counter.

5. We bought the dog with the spotted tail.

6. Morgan wants the game on the top shelf.

7. The lion in the cage was very scary.

8. The person behind my mom is my aunt.

9. The flowers beside my window need some water.

10. The little girl met the new student from Peru.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adjectives
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. The boy in the yellow pants asked me to dance.

2. The house on the corner is the oldest house I’ve ever seen.

3. Did you see the car with the big tires?

4. She refused to eat the cookie on the counter.

5. We bought the dog with the spotted tail.

6. Morgan wants the game on the top shelf.

7. The lion in the cage was very scary.

8. The person behind my mom is my aunt.

9. The flowers beside my window need some water.

10. The little girl met the new student from Peru.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adjectives
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
A prepositional phrase
Underline the prepositional phrase, and can describe a noun.
circle the word it is describing.

1. The girl in the green shoes is my best friend, Sally.

2. The woman with blond hair is her mom.

3. Can we buy the movie about penguins?

4. We saw the boy from the musical at the grocery store.

5. The picture on the shelf is one of my favorites.

6. The blanket in the washing machine was really dirty.

7. The apple under my bed is rotten.

8. The painting above the sculpture is by the artist, Claude Monet.

9. The puzzle behind the book is the one I tried to complete last year.

10. The family with the blue van was late to the picnic.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adjectives
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. The girl in the green shoes is my best friend, Sally.

2. The woman with blond hair is her mom.

3. Can we buy the movie about penguins?

4. We saw the boy from the musical at the grocery store.

5. The picture on the shelf is one of my favorites.

6. The blanket in the washing machine was really dirty.

7. The apple under my bed is rotten.

8. The painting above the sculpture is by the artist, Claude Monet.

9. The puzzle behind the book is the one I tried to complete last year.

10. The family with the blue van was late to the picnic.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adverbs
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
A prepositional phrase
can describe how, when, or
Underline the prepositional phrase, and where something takes
circle the verb it is describing. place.

1. He goes to his grandpa’s house after school.

2. We travel by bus when we go to school.

3. My brother walks the dog to the park.

4. I found three dollars under the chair.

5. My friend, Tony, rides his bike by the pond.

6. My mom said she is leaving before sunrise tomorrow morning.

7. The football player works out with weights.

8. The instructor said to drive with both hands.

9. Next year, our vacation will be in Orlando.

10. We learned our multiplication tables by practicing them every day.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adverbs
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. He goes to his grandpa’s house after school.

2. We travel by bus when we go to school.

3. My brother walks the dog to the park.

4. I found three dollars under the chair.

5. My friend, Tony, rides his bike by the pond.

6. My mom said she is leaving before sunrise tomorrow morning.

7. The football player works out with weights.

8. The instructor said to drive with both hands.

9. Next year, our vacation will be in Orlando.

10. We learned our multiplication tables by practicing them every day.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adverbs
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet
A prepositional phrase
can describe how, when, or
Underline the prepositional phrase, and where something takes
circle the verb it is describing.

1. On our camping trip, we slept in the tent.

2. My dog naps on my bed.

3. My dad travels to work by subway.

4. Can we run by the ocean?

5. I cannot hop on one foot.

6. After the game, we eat dinner.

7. Does your sister go to our school?

8. The turtle lives under the bridge.

9. I eat donuts before school.

10. He studies his words by spelling them over and over again.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Prepositional phrases as adverbs
Grade 4 Prepositions Worksheet

1. On our camping trip, we slept in the tent.

2. My dog naps on my bed.

3. My dad travels to work by subway.

4. Can we run by the ocean?

5. I cannot hop on one foot.

6. After the game, we eat dinner.

7. Does your sister go to our school?

8. The turtle lives under the bridge.

9. I eat donuts before school.

10. He studies his words by spelling them over and over again.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

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