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Alamat : Jalan Persatuan Raya Kelurahan Mannanti Kecamatan.Tellulimpoe Kabupaten Sinjai Kode Pos 92672


Satuan Pendidikan : UPTD SMPN 20 Sinjai NAMA :

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII NISN :
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit
Hari, tanggal : Jumat, 16 Juni 2023

Petunjuk Umum
1. Periksa dan baca soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawab
2. Dahulukan menjawab soal yang dianggap paling mudah
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 10 butir
4. Periksalah dahulu pekerjaannya sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas

For questions number 1-3, take a look at the monolog text below! (Untuk
pertanyaan nomor 1-3, perhatikan teks berikut!)

Source: Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris VIII, Halaman 40

1. What should the students wear from Monday to Thursday?

A. T-shirt
B. Batik Shirt
C. Sport Uniform
D. Scout Uniform

2. What must the girls wear?

A. A black skirt
B. A pair of black pants
C. Sport Uniform
D. Scout Uniform

3. What must they not wear at school?

A. Uniform
B. Proper shoes
C. T-shirt
D. Black skirt
Take a look at this picture card to answer questions number 4-7! (Perhatikan
gambar kartu ucapan berikut ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 4-7!)

4. Who is the receiver of the card?

A. A daughter
B. A son
C. A friend
D. A mother

5. Who is the sender of the card?

A. A father and mother
B. A friend
C. A son
D. A teacher

6. “… we’re always here to support you.”

The underlined word refers to …
A. Parents
B. Grandparents
C. Teachers
D. Friends

7. What is the kind of the card?

A. Birthday
B. Graduation
C. Condolence
D. Celebrating an event

Complete the following dialogue by choosing the appropriate answer.

(Lengkapi percakapan berikut dengan menggunakan pilihan jawaban yang paling
Dayu : I like eating bananas. It is a (8) … fruit.
Lina : I like bananas too, but I think strawberry is (9) … than a banana.
Siti : Hmm… for me, mango is the (10) … fruit of all.
A. delicious
B. deliciuoser
C. more delicious
D. most delicious
A. delicious
B. deliciuoser
C. more delicious
D. most delicious

A. delicious
B. deliciuoser
C. more delicious
D. most delicious

Read carefully the following text to answer questions number 11-15! (Bacalah
dengan seksama teks di bawah ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 11-15)
On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year
and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would begin
at twelve in twenty minutes later. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve,
the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but
nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted, ”It’s two minutes past twelve! The
clock has stopped!”
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New
Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.
11. When did the clock stopped?
A. At 5.12
B. At 11.55
C. At 12.00
D. At 12.02

12. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?
A. To welcome the New Year
B. To see the newly bought clock
C. To strike the laughing people
D. To stop people who shouted

13. Based on the text, where was the writer?

A. At the center of the town
B. At the beach
C. At home
D. At the market

14. When did the event happen?

A. In the middle of the year
B. Christmas celebration
C. The end of the yeaR
D. D. At the weekend as usual

15. Which of the following is not true according to the text?

A. The writer was waiting to celebrate the New Year.
B. The writer brought a watch.
C. The writer was very happy.
D. The writer celebrated the New Year with his family.
Read carefully the following text to answer questions number 15-20! (Bacalah
dengan seksama teks di bawah ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 15-20)
Last holiday my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel
which is not a long way from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in
There are three significant sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Siwa, and Wisnu. They are
truly stunning. We went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds
that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday morning we went to Yogya
We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds that a brilliant
and amicable aide drove us. At that point, we proceeded with our adventure to
Borobudur. We touched base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration
that the Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Yogyakarta by

16. The content above basically talks about ...

A. the writer's trip to Yogyakarta.
B. the writer's first visit to Prambanan.
C. the writer's impression of the guide.
D. the writer's experience at Yogya Kraton.

17. The content is composed as a/an ... text.

A. recount
B. narrative
C. report
D. anecdote

18. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell past events.
B. To Entertain readers.
C. To describe the smugglers.
D. To report an event to the police.

19. What else the big temples in Prambanan?

A. Angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples.
B. Paria, brahmana, and temples.
C. Brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples.
D. Wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples.

20. When did they go home?

A. On Saturday morning
B. On Friday evening
C. On Thursday evening
D. On Saturday evening
For questions number 21-23, read carefully the short message below! (Untuk
pertanyaan nomor 21-23, perhatikan pesan singkat berikut!)

Dear Mrs. Tiffany,

I’d like to remind you that you will have a meeting
with a client 1 p.m. sharp. I have prepared all the
documents you need. Thank you.

21. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To give information
B. To give an opinion
C. To invite someone
D. To notice someone

22. What should Mrs. Tiffany do after receiving the message?

A. Prepare the documents needed
B. Reschedule the meeting
C. Check the documents
D. Fetch the client

23. When will the meeting be held?

A. In the morning
B. At noon
C. In the afternoon
D. In the evening

For questions number 24-26, read carefully the short message below! (Untuk
pertanyaan nomor 24-26, perhatikan pesan singkat berikut!)

Sekar, remember to wear your

scout uniform.
Tomorrow is Scout Day. We will
hold a ceremony.

24. Who sends the message?

A. Sekar’s mother
B. Sekar’s neighbour
C. Sekar’s classmate
D. Sekar’s father

25. The Students should wear scout uniforms because …………………..

A. tomorrow is Monday.
B. they will go camping.
C. they remember scout Day.
D. tomorrow is scout Day.
26. ‘’Sekar, remember to wear your scout uniform’’
What is the similar meaning of “remember “?
A. Keep in Mind
B. Run after
C. Stay calm
D. Give a hand

Take a look at the following notice to answer questions number 27!

(Perhatikan teks pemberitahuan berikut ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 27!)

Please return all books when you have
finished using them !

27. Where can we find the notice above!

A. At school
B. In library
C. In a room
D. At collage

Take a look at the following notice to answer questions number 28-29!

(Perhatikan teks pemberitahuan berikut ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 28-


10.OO A.M

28. What does the notice mean?

A. You will have breakfast at 10.00 a.m.
B. The breakfast will be served at 10.00 a.m.
C. You will have breakfast until 10.00 a.m.
D. The breakfast will be served after 10.00 a.m.

29. This kind of notice is found in …

A. cafe
B. hotel
C. hospital
D. restaurant
Take a look at the following notice to answer questions number 30!
(Perhatikan teks pemberitahuan berikut ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 30!)


30. You probably can find that warning in front of …

A. department store
B. a library
C. the office
D. on the road
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D

11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. D

21. D
22. C
23. C
24. C
25. D
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. A

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