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Collapse behavior of soil in a Brazilian region affected by a rising water table

Article in Canadian Geotechnical Journal · January 2011

DOI: 10.1139/T10-065

61 826

2 authors:

Orencio Monje Vilar Roger Rodrigues

University of São Paulo São Paulo State University


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Collapse behavior of soil in a Brazilian region

affected by a rising water table
Orencio Monje Vilar and Roger Augusto Rodrigues
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by ESALQ ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE on 04/29/11

Abstract: Collapsible soils are usually nonsaturated, low density, and metastable-structured soils that are known to exhibit
a volume reduction following an episode of moisture increase or suction reduction. This paper describes the collapsible be-
havior of clayey sand based on controlled soil suction tests carried out on undisturbed samples from the city of Pereira
Barreto, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Foundation settlements due to soil collapse are common in this region and oc-
curred during the filling of the reservoir of the Três Irmãos Dam, which induced the elevation of the groundwater table in
different parts of Pereira Barreto. This paper shows that collapse strains depend on the stress and soil suction acting in the
sample and that saturation is not necessary for a collapse to occur. The influence of soil suction, gradual wetting, and the
wetting and drying cycle on the collapsible behavior of the soil is also shown and discussed.
Key words: unsaturated soils, collapse, soil suction, oedometric test.
Résumé : Les sols ayant un potentiel d’effondrement sont généralement des sols non saturés, à faible densité et de struc-
ture métastable qui présentent une réduction de volume suivant un épisode d’augmentation de l’humidité ou de réduction
de la succion. Cet article décrit le comportement en effondrement de sables argileux basé sur des essais de succion contrô-
lés réalisés sur des échantillons non remaniés de la ville de Pereira Barreto, dans l’état de Sao Paulo, au Brézil. Des tasse-
ments de fondations causés par l’effondrement du sol sont courants dans cette région et se sont produits lors du
remplissage du réservoir du barrage Três Irmaos, ce qui a engendré une élévation du niveau phréatique dans différentes
parties de Pereira Barreto. Cet article montre que les déformations lors d’effondrement dépendent de la contrainte et de la
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succion qui agissent sur l’échantillon, et que la saturation n’est pas nécessaire pour qu’un effondrement se produise. L’in-
fluence de la succion du sol, du mouillage graduel, et des cycles de mouillage-séchage sur le comportement en effondre-
ment du sol est aussi démontrée et discutée.
Mots-clés : sols non saturés, effondrement, succion du sol, essai odométrique.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction stress applied to the soil. This procedure, albeit valid, does
not consider some issues related to the problem — espe-
Some soils under constant applied load show a volume
cially the soil suction — due to the limitations of the exper-
decrease related to an increase in moisture content. This
imental technique. Field evidence indicates that strain due to
wetting-induced or collapse strain is a typical feature of the
collapse may occur due to the gradual increase in moisture
so-called collapsible soils, which are usually nonsaturated,
content or, in other words, due to the gradual reduction in
low dry density, and metastable-structured soils (Feda 1966;
soil suction such as during rainy seasons or after a water or
Dudley 1970; Jennings and Knight 1975; Vilar et al. 1981).
sewage spill. In this case, volumetric variations can occur
Collapse strains induce settlements and can cause damage,
without saturation, but with the soil still presenting signifi-
such as cracks in walls, floor subsidence, and the impair-
cant soil suction, as shown by Escario and Saez (1973), Ta-
ment of water supply and sewage facilities. Figure 1 illus-
depalli et al. (1992), Vilar (1995), Machado and Vilar
trates architectural and structural problems caused by the
(1997), and others, when using controlled soil suction tests.
collapse of soil in the city of Pereira Barreto, SP, Brazil.
In the city of Pereira Barreto, Brazil, the construction of a
The characterization of soil collapse is traditionally per-
dam and canal have changed the local hydrogeological char-
formed using a conventional oedometric test in which a
acteristics and led to the gradual elevation of the water ta-
specimen, under a constant load and at a certain moisture
ble. As the rising water table induces moisture variations in
content, is flooded. Figure 2 shows typical results of a col-
the soil that can cause collapse strains, this paper describes
lapse test. The vertical lines indicate the stress at which the
the collapse behavior of soil from this city, based on results
samples were fully soaked and the additional deformations
from laboratory suction-controlled tests.
that arose upon soaking, which typically depend on the
Received 31 August 2009. Accepted 5 August 2010. Published Case history
on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 26 January
2011. The area studied is located in the northwest region of the
State of São Paulo, Brazil. The typical soil stratigraphy can
O.M. Vilar1 and R.A. Rodrigues. University of São Paulo, Av. be described as follows. The top layer consists of colluvium,
Dr. Carlos Botelho, 1465, 13560-250 – São Carlos – SP, Brazil.
which is very loose clayey fine sand, with the thickness
1Corresponding author (e-mail: varying between 5 and 10 m. This soil has been under the

Can. Geotech. J. 48: 226–233 (2011) doi:10.1139/T10-065 Published by NRC Research Press
Vilar and Rodrigues 227

Fig. 1. Damage caused by collapsing soils in Pereira Barreto, Bra- rests on residual sandstone soil, also clayey fine sand, with a
zil. density index ranging from very loose to medium dense. Be-
tween the layers of colluvium and residual sandstone soil,
there is usually a layer of soil concretions a few centimetres
thick. A representative soil log with standard penetration test
(SPT) values is illustrated in Fig. 3.
In this area, a hydroelectric complex, composed of three
large power plants, was built to supply the electrical energy
for the State of São Paulo and the center-south region of
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Brazil. The Três Irmãos Dam is the largest hydroelectric

power plant in this complex and was built on the River
Tietê; it is 50 m in height and 3640 m long with a 785 km2
The construction of the Três Irmãos Dam and the Pereira
Barreto Canal (an interconnection between the Três Irmãos
and Ilha Solteira dam reservoirs) together with the geo-
graphical–geomorphological position of the region resulted
in the city of Pereira Barreto being situated in a peninsula
formed by the Três Irmãos reservoir. Because it was ex-
pected that this new scenario would introduce major changes
in the economy and landscape (Santos 2002), the company
responsible for the hydroelectric power plant project devised
many studies to assess impacts and help with preventive and
corrective measures.
Among the many concerns were the areas in the city of
Pereira Barreto that were known to be susceptible to soil
For personal use only.

collapse due to the gradual filling of the Três Irmãos reser-

voir. Thus, an attempt was made to identify the potential in-
fluence of the filling of the reservoir through risk zoning
analysis. More than 1000 buildings were identified as poten-
tially affected by the rise in groundwater and possible col-
lapse strains, and some of these buildings were selected for
settlement and water level monitoring (Albuquerque Filho
Extensive experimental laboratory and field programs
were carried out by the company that was responsible for
the hydroelectric power plant project to characterize the soil
collapse. Apart from exploratory boring with SPTs, cone
Fig. 2. Soil collapse development in oedometric tests. H, depth; s, penetration tests and monitoring of both settlements and ris-
stress. ing of the water table were carried out at approximately 20
building sites, specifically to evaluate soil collapse strains.
Figure 4 presents some data from monitoring one of these
buildings and includes the groundwater level rise as well as
the corresponding settlement of three marks with time (Ces-
tari and Celeri 1999). The elevation of the water level in the
residual soil did not introduce settlement, which begins to
develop when water approaches the base of the collapsible
soil. At this point, large collapse settlement begins and is
probably related to capillary water flow, but without satura-
tion of the collapsible soil. When the water level reaches the
base of the collapsible soil and moisture gradually rises to a
high elevation, settlement continues to increase and reaches
about 100 mm at the settlement mark S-5. The different
magnitudes of settlement that were measured in the same
building can be attributed to the different loads acting on
the soil as well as the differences in rigidity of the building
and its foundation components.
influence of laterization, a pedogenetic process that takes Monitoring was systematically performed from 1987 to
away bases and silica, resulting in a soil composed of the 1994 and showed that the groundwater rose by 20 m, lead-
more resistant minerals, such as quartz, with iron oxides ing to settlements and cracks in buildings. As a result of
and kaolinite forming its clay fraction. The colluvium layer monitoring and complementary investigation, the owner of

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228 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 48, 2011

Fig. 3. Typical soil profile of Pereira Barreto, Brazil (modified Oedometric tests with controlled soil suction
from CESP 1988). The tests with controlled soil suction were carried out in
oedometric cells similar to the one developed by Escario
and Saez (1973) using specimens that were 70 mm in diam-
eter and 20 mm high. These cells were equipped with high
air-entry porous stones that allowed the imposition and con-
trol of soil matric suction using the axis translation techni-
que (Hilf 1956). Figure 5 displays the suction-controlled
oedometer. To apply suction, the specimens were first wet-
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ted to reduce the soil suction to zero and then the air pres-
sure was raised to the target value, allowing specimens to
drain until equilibrium. The influence of suction on soil
compressibility was studied by testing seven specimens that
were monotonically loaded under constant soil suction that
varied between 0 and 400 kPa.
The strains due to collapse were studied by testing eight
specimens. In these tests, initial suctions of 60 and 200 kPa
were imposed on the specimens. Specimens were then
loaded to a target stress, allowing for the stabilization of the
strains. Subsequently, the specimens were gradually wetted,
thus reducing soil suction in steps. When the suction
reached 10 kPa, a cycle of suction was applied by increasing
the suction to 30 kPa, reducing it to 10 kPa, and finally re-
ducing it to 0 kPa.

Test results and analysis

For personal use only.

Soil studied
The soil used in this study was obtained from a site where
it is assumed that the rising groundwater table did not mod-
ify the original soil characteristics. This site is situated on
the hydroelectric complex has adopted remediation measures the highest portion of the city, where the water level is
as part of compensatory actions for the dam construction more than 10 m deep. An exploratory well was dug in this
(Albuquerque Filho 2002). These actions included the fol- location for disturbed and undisturbed sample collection at
lowing: fixing damaged buildings, relocating and construct- a depth of 1 m. Tensiometers were installed to measure soil
ing new wastewater and water pipeline networks, suction, which varied between 10 and 60 kPa. The larger
constructing a new water treatment plant and sanitary land- value was measured in the drier season of the year, which
fill, and refurbishing the cemetery. As many as 300 build- extends between June and October.
ings were refurbished, and many homes were constructed to Table 1 shows the average physical indices of the soil.
accommodate people whose homes had been demolished. The studied soil showed low moisture content and low val-
ues of dry unit mass, and consequently, low levels of satura-
Materials and methods tion, which are typical characteristics of collapsible soils.
The soil was classified as clayey sand (SC) in the Unified
Soil-water retention curves
Soil Classification System (ASTM 2003a) and A-2-4 in the
Tests were performed to determine the soil-water reten- American Association of State Highway and Transportation
tion curves with undisturbed soil specimens and with speci- Officials (AASHTO) Soil Classification System (ASTM
mens previously loaded at 50, 100, and 400 kPa. The water 1994).
retention curves were obtained following drying paths and
using different techniques. The porous plate funnel method Soil-water retention curves
was used for low soil suction (ASTM 2002); the pressure
plate (ASTM 2009) and filter paper (ASTM 2003b) methods Figure 6 shows the results of tests to determine the soil-
water retention curve, together with the fitted van Gen-
were also used to cover a wide range of soil suctions.
uchten (1980) equation. The large suction range that could
The results obtained were fitted according to the van Gen-
be measured by the paper-filter method showed a soil-water
uchten (1980) equation, expressed in terms of gravimetric
retention curve typical of soils with a bi-modal pore distri-
moisture content
  bution. To fit the experimental data, it was necessary to con-
1 sider two curves: one encompassing the data until
½1 w ¼ wr þ ðws  wr Þ approximately 2000 kPa of suction and the other for suction
½1 þ ðasÞn m
above that value. Regarding the air-entry pressure, the ob-
where wr and ws are the residual and saturation water con- served value of approximately 2 kPa was expected due to
tents, respectively; a, m, and n are retention curve form the sandy texture and high soil porosity. The sandy nature
parameters; and s is the soil suction. of the soil can also be confirmed during draining because

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Vilar and Rodrigues 229

Fig. 4. Water level and settlement monitoring of building in Pereira Barreto, Brazil (data from Cestari and Celeri 1999).
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Fig. 5. Schematic of suction-controlled oedometric cell. Patm, atmo- mination, r2, higher than 0.94, thus indicating a nice curve
spheric pressure. fitting.

Constant suction tests

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Figure 8 shows the curves of the tests carried out with

constant suction. These results show that increasing suction
causes an increase of soil rigidity and distinct curves are ob-
tained, with their recompression part increasing with suc-
To illustrate the influence of soil suction on soil overcon-
solidation, Fig. 9 plots the preconsolidation or yield stress
deduced considering the Casagrande method, where it is evi-
dent that yield stress increases with suction at a rate that
tends to decrease as the larger suction used in the tests is
approached. The influence of moisture reduction on the in-
crease in preconsolidation stress is in accordance with the
information provided by several authors, among them Dud-
ley (1970) and Jennings and Knight (1975), while Alonso et
al. (1990) present similar results taking into account the suc-
tion as a controlling variable. The experimental data were
fitted considering the following empirical relationship be-
tween the suction, s (kPa), and the preconsolidation stress,
most of the water content reduction is associated with a sv0 (kPa):
small variation of suction, between approximately 2 and  s 
100 kPa. ½2 s v0 ðsÞ ¼ 26:7 þ
0:008s þ 1:153
Figure 7 shows the soil-water retention curves for speci-
mens that were tested after reaching equilibrium under a In this equation, the constant 26.7 kPa is the preconsolida-
known load. Loading compressed the samples, reducing tion stress for saturated conditions.
mainly the macropores and affecting the initial portion of The empirical curve in Fig. 9 separates the (sv – ua, s)
the soil-water retention curve, below 10 kPa of suction. As plane, where sv is vertical stress and ua is pore-air pressure,
a result, the water content at saturation decreased, whereas in two regions and can be considered as a possible represen-
air-entry pressures tended to increase slightly with loading. tation of a loading–collapse (LC) curve. This concept was
Most drainage had taken place at up to 100 kPa of suction, first proposed by Alonso et al. (1990) when developing an
as was the case with the sample tested without any loading. elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils, now known as the
The characteristics near the residual condition remained un- Barcelona Basic Model (BBM). According to this concept,
altered, thus confirming that loading is capable of reducing any state of stress within the area on the left of the experi-
the macropores, but does not affect the micropores. mental points will produce elastic, recoverable strains. A
Table 2 presents the fitting parameters of the van Gen- state of stress, such as an increase of (sv – ua), decrease of
uchten (1980) equation that showed the coefficient of deter- s or both, that crosses the LC curve will take the curve to a

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230 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 48, 2011

Table 1. Average soil characteristics.

Percent by weight
Sr wL wP
r (g/cm3) w (%) rd (g/cm3) rs (g/cm3) e N (%) (%) (%) (%) Sand Silt Clay
1.574 6.95 1.471 2.682 0.825 44.5 22.8 18 11 79 6 15
Note: r, density; w, water content; rd, dry density; rs; particle density; e, void ratio; N, porosity; Sr, degree of saturation; wL, liquid
limit; wP, plastic limit.
Fig. 6. Soil-water retention curve of undisturbed sample. Fig. 7. Soil-water retention curves of previously loaded specimens.
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new position and enlarge the elastic zone. As a consequence,

some plastic, unrecoverable compressive deformation will
take place. The mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils reach a maximum with load and then decrease, as is the
can be modeled based on the LC curve and additional elastic case with the results from the studied soil reported in
and compressibility parameters as presented in the BBM. Figs. 11 to 13.
However, collapse strains forecasted by the BBM are known
to increase with suction. This is a characteristic of the BBM Soil collapse tests
and provisions to adapt the model for soils that have shown Figures 11 and 12 show the results of the tests to induce
a collapse maximum have been presented, for instance, by soil collapse, which were performed with a gradual reduc-
Josa et al. (1992); however, to discuss these adaptations is tion of soil suction and wetting and drying cycles. Collaps-
beyond the scope of this text. ing can be identified by the discontinuity in the compression
The influence of suction on the slope of the virgin com- curves, where additional strain arises upon wetting, but
pression curve or compression index (Cc) is shown in without any load increase. This strain can be calculated us-
Fig. 10. The experimental data were fitted with eq. [3] that ing the Jennings and Knight (1975) equation
shows a hyperbolic relationship between suction, s (kPa),
and compression index, Cc Dec DHc
½4 CP ¼  100% or CP ¼  100%
 s  1 þ e0 H0
½3 Cc ðsÞ ¼ 0:224 þ
19s þ 647:9
where CP is the collapse potential, Dec is the variation of
where Cc(s) is the compression index for a known suction; the void ratio due to wetting, e0 is the initial void ratio;
the constant 0.224 is the compression index of saturated soil. DHc is the height variation of the sample after wetting, and
In this figure, the compression index increases with suc- H0 is the initial height of the sample.
tion, and the trend of the results foresees a limit for the Figure 13 plots the collapse potential (CP) against net ver-
slope of the virgin compression curve for high soil suction tical stress (sv – ua). The collapse potential reaches a maxi-
because an asymptotic value is approached. In some instan- mum and then reduces with increasing stress. The vertical
ces, a decrease of the compression index with suction has stress at which the soil presented greater collapse potential
been reported (Alonso et al. 1990); however, an increase of was nearly 100 kPa for both suctions used in the tests, 60
that index with suction, as measured in this study, has been and 200 kPa. Similar results were obtained for natural and
observed by many authors, such as Wheeler and Sivakumar compacted samples by Dudley (1970), Booth (1975), and
(1995), among others. In this regard, it can be assumed for a Wheeler and Sivakumar (1995). Although the collapse varia-
given stress that the void ratio difference between the soil at tion with stress maintained the same trend for both sets of
a known suction and saturation will determine the collapse tests, the initial soil suction also influenced the magnitude
strain. Thus, increasing the compression index with suction of collapse strain because the greatest strain occurred for
will result in converging curves and in collapse strains that samples with an initial soil suction of 200 kPa. This behav-

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Vilar and Rodrigues 231

Table 2. Fitting parameters of van Genuchten (1980) equation.

Type ws (%) wr (%) a (kPa–1) m n r2

(1) 30.8 4.6 0.4249 0.4282 1.8420 0.940
(2) 4.6 0.9 0.0001 0.9248 13.302 0.960
(a) 28.26 5.58 0.2836 0.5255 1.9556 0.997
(b) 22.90 5.60 0.2796 0.3584 2.4907 0.966
(c) 19.94 6.20 0.0016 10.0261 0.6358 0.998
Note: (1) until approximately 2000 kPa of suction; (2) above 2000 kPa of suction; (a),
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(b), and (c), after applying 50, 100, and 400 kPa of net vertical stress, respectively.

Fig. 8. Compression curves of soil with different suctions. ua, pore- Fig. 10. Influence of soil suction on the compression index (Cc) of
air pressure; sv, vertical stress. the soil.
For personal use only.

Fig. 11. Compression curves of specimens under initial suction of

60 kPa and collapse strains.

Fig. 9. Influence of soil suction on the preconsolidation stress of

the soil.

ior may be associated with the larger rigidity attained by the sponds to specimens loaded to stresses that varied between
soil at larger suction, which tends to compress less than the 50 and 400 kPa.
same soil with lower suction. As a consequence, there is The first peculiarity of the test results is that the collapse
room for large deformation when the suction is reduced, potential at zero suction reaches a maximum value, which
and the soil reaches a new equilibrium condition. tends to decrease as the stress is increased, as already de-
In Fig. 14, the CPs of the tests that used specimens with picted in Fig. 13. The collapse development with suction re-
200 kPa of initial suction are plotted as a function of the duction tends to begin at a relatively large suction, close to
suction. In this figure, the progressive reduction of the soil the initial suction applied to the specimen when the net ver-
suction, the wetting and drying cycle, and corresponding tical stress is large; this can be seen in the specimens tested
collapse development are shown. Each of these curves corre- under 100, 200, and 400 kPa of stress. In addition, for the

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232 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 48, 2011

Fig. 12. Compression curves of specimens under initial suction of Fig. 14. Collapse potential after reducing and cycling of soil suc-
200 kPa and collapse strains. tion. Initial suction of 200 kPa.
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stresses and the particles slip to a new position, generating

deformation. The continuous process of suction reduction re-
Fig. 13. Collapse potential (CP) versus net vertical stress. duces the soil shear strength and takes the soil to new equi-
librium conditions that result in additional deformation until
zero suction is reached when the maximum collapse defor-
mation takes place. For the initial suction of 200 kPa and
For personal use only.

applied stress of 50 kPa, the shear strength at a suction as

low as 10 kPa is able to support the shear stresses in the par-
ticle contacts and minimal collapse deformation is observed.
Significant collapse deformation only occurs when the soil
suction is reduced below 10 kPa.
In the field, soils are under seasonal climatic variation,
which is responsible for moisture and suction variations dur-
ing the year. Thus, the type of influence that the cycling of
suction could introduce in the strains during the life of a
building was investigated. Figure 14 shows that suction cy-
cling between 10 and 30 kPa did not introduce additional
significant strain regardless of the vertical stress applied to
the specimen. This result suggests that the studied soil, once
larger stresses used in the tests, most of the collapse strain reaching equilibrium under some stress and suction, will not
arises before zero suction. However, the largest collapse significantly deform by the cycling of suction above the
equilibrium value of suction. However, once the suction is
strain is associated with zero suction for all tested suctions
reduced below that value, additional collapse strain will oc-
and vertical stresses.
cur, bringing the soil to a new equilibrium condition under
Soil collapse results in deformations that are linked with a
the acting stress and suction.
soil shear strength reduction. As is known, the particles of
collapsible soils are kept in their position by the action of
some temporary bonding, such as soluble cement or soil Conclusion
suction (Dudley 1970). The present soil is highly weathered, The collapsible behavior of a nonsaturated soil from a
thus the main mechanism to maintain its structure is suction Brazilian region affected by the gradual rise of the ground-
as the test results show. When the soil is loaded, some de- water table was studied using suction-controlled tests. The
formation is needed to mobilize the necessary shear strength test results show that collapse strains depend on the net ver-
to resist the shear stresses generated at the contacts between tical stress and suction. The soil showed maximum collapse
the soil particles. As suction is reduced, the shear strength is strains at about 100 kPa of stress, after which they decreased
also reduced and new equilibrium conditions must develop. with increasing stress. Moreover, the initial soil suction of
For the specimens with an initial suction of 200 kPa, the re- samples influenced the magnitude of the collapse strain and,
duction of suction to 100 kPa does not cause collapse defor- for the same vertical stress, the larger suction induced a
mation because the available shear strength at this suction is large strain upon soil wetting or suction reduction.
able to resist the shear stresses acting in the soil. However, The gradual reduction of suction caused collapse develop-
when the applied stresses are larger than 100 kPa and the ment that was dependent upon net vertical stress. The larger
suction is reduced below 100 kPa, the shear strength is re- the stress, the more the collapse strain was distributed with
duced to a value not sufficient to resist the acting shear suction reduction. For low stress, significant collapse strain

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Vilar and Rodrigues 233

started to develop only at low suction, below 10 kPa. How- Dams, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3 March 1999. Brazilian Com-
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