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20220719 Notes

1. 筆譯中 Centrelink 是一個品牌,不能被翻譯。

2. Financial difficulty/hardship 經濟拮据
3. 經濟拮据 I can’t make ends meet right now.= I am short of money. =I am hard up
for money.=I am broke.
4. Have financial difficulty
Experience financial hardship
Be in financial straits
Be hard up for money
Be short of money
Can't make ends meet
5. Payment 補助;津貼
6. Meet requirements
7. Don’t I meet all the requirements?
8. Income test 收入测试
The income from all sources will be assessed, including financial assets such as
9. Assets test 资产测试
Property or items you or your partner own in full or part or have an interest in
are assets.
We look at the type and value of any assets you own in and outside of Australia.
The value of your assets is what you'd get if you sold them at market value. We'll
deduct any debt you owe that your asset is security for, from its market value.
10. Superannuation 養老金(工資的一部分被劃入 superannuation 內)
11. Pension 包括養老金
12. Age pension 撫恤金-政府發給老人的補助
13. Guideline 指南;方針
14. Grant the benefit
15. Be subject to
16. you are subject to both an income test and an assets test
17. 失業 unemployed/lost my job/ out of my work right now
18. Layoff/dismiss/fire 解雇
19. 辭職 resign from a position/my job; quit my job
20. Resignation 辭職
21. Resignation letter 辭職信
22. Laid off/made redundant 裁員
23. I have been laid off by my company.
24. 失业的不同表达
Be unemployed
Lose one’s job Be out of work
*解雇 to dismiss sb; to fire sb
*辞职 to quit the job; to resign from a position
*裁员 be made redundant
25. My wife can no longer work because of her physical condition after giving birth
26. Source of income 經濟來源
27. KYC-know your condition (Commonwealth bank-對 customer 做 KYC 的調查-1.
Source of income 2.source of wealth 財富來源)
28. Between jobs 待業中
29. Source of wealth(股票、銀行借貸、父母餽贈、一切所擁有的…總財務狀況)
30. Financial well-being
31. Isn’t that enough for us to be elibile for the benefits?
32. Be entitled to/be eligible for/to meet the requirements
33. “够条件”也就是符合资格, to meet the requirement; be eligible for; be entitled
34. In line with the 相符合
35. Assess/evaluation 測試
36. Differences between assess and evaluation
Assess 用表格和數字來測試
Evaluation 比較 general,有個人觀點,不像 assess 那麼詳細和 objective
37. 资产测试不就是检查我们名下的资产状况吗 ?The asset test is to assess the
assets under our names, right?
38. Investigate 調查
39. We don’t have many assets, but only some savings in the bank./except for some
small savings in the bank
40. I have provided the lease, haven’t I?反義疑問句
41. 我也提供了租赁合同不是吗? I have provided the lease, haven’t I?
42. Property 房產
43. Lease 租賃合同
44. Proper account 在此有 statement 的意思(陳述、交代的意思)
45. A brief account 簡短的陳述
46. Account 除了表示账户外,还可以表示描述、陈述、交代的意思
To give a brief account of sth
A blow-by-blow account 一五一十的叙述
47. 債券 bond
48. 證券 securities
49. We are broke/We are as poor as church mouse.
50. Distant relative 遠房親戚
51. Heirs 繼承人
52. Beneficiary 受益人
53. Heir vs beneficiary
Heir: a person who has the legal right to receive sb’s property, money or title
when that person dies
Beneficiary: a person who receives money or property when sb dies Heir 是
beneficiary,但 beneficiary 不一定是 heir

*lawful heir 法定继承人

*direct heir 直系继承人
*be the heir to sth
54. life insurance 人壽保險
55. 澳洲人壽保險的四大種類介紹:死亡險 (Death Cover or Life Cover)、傷殘險
(Total & Permanent Disability Cover, 簡稱 TPD)、收入保險 (Income Protection)
、重大疾病保險 ( Trauma Cover or Critical illness)

56. 保費計算方式?

57. 常見的保費有兩種模式,一種是固定式保費(Level Premium)和階梯式保費

(Stepped Premium)

58. 固定式保費(Level Premium)也就是即使年齡增長,保費依然保持不變,適合


59. 階梯式保費(Stepped Premium)的保費就像階梯一樣,每年往上增加,因為年

年齡較高(例如 45 歲以上的人)或者只打算保短期的人。

60. 混合式保費(Hybrid Premium) ,現在有些保險公司有推出混合式的保費,保

定式的低,等於是結合兩種保費的特性。這種收費結構適合中年族群(40 歲
61. 其實不論是哪一種,保險公司早就精算好了,你的保費絕對和你的風險成正
62. I thought 一般用於與事實相反的狀況(自己認為但與現實相反)
63. Tax deduction 稅務減免
64. Be obliged to
65. commit an offense 構成犯罪
66. Low Income Health Care Card
67. Sorry for keeping you waiting
68. business is getting difficult/is not doing well.
69. need to reduce expenses/costs 削減開支
70. have to lay off some staff/make staff redundant
71. I didn’t catch the bus I supposed to take.
72. had to make some staff redundant / lay off some staff
73. part-time 兼職工
74. The world economy is collapsing. 全球經濟正在崩盤/崩塌/崩潰
75. Recession 經濟衰退
76. 1st economic setbacks/regression 2nd recession (經濟衰退) 3rd economic
depression (大蕭條)
77. I am sorry to hear your situation. 我很同情/遺憾你現在的狀況
78. Job Seeker Payment 尋工者津貼;求職者補助 (最早叫 dole,不好聽,後來叫 New
Start Allowance)
79. Dole 救濟金
80. Low income healthcare card 低收入健保卡
81. Casual employee 臨時工
82. The good thing is that lunch and dinner are provided.
83. Gain access to 能夠得到
84. Gain access to sth 得到
Gain access to some place 进入
Gain access to sb 接触
85. Have you got access to the computer?
86. Concession 優惠
87. My income is definitely less than that.
88. Medicare card 保健醫療卡
89. Valid
90. My driving license is valid for 10 years.
91. 續卡 renew
92. 過期 expire
93. Do I need to renew the card after it expires?
94. 工資單 pay slips
95. 銀行對帳單 bank statement
96. That’s so troublesome/complicated!!! 這麼麻煩
97. What should I bring?
98. Application form 申請表
99. Pay slips and bank statement will do.
100. In person 本人親自
101. Social worker
102. I started drinking again recently.
103. Sad about it
104. She doesn’t want to see me fail after all the effort I’ve put in.
105. A little setback is inevitable
106. Setback 挫折
107. Sober 清醒
108. 但我越不让自己喝越是想喝
The harder I try to stop myself from drinking, the stronger my cravings become.
109. take one step at a time
110. drunk 喝醉
111. Withdrawal symptom 戒斷症狀
112. Insist on
113. I can totally relate to that. 我深有體會/感觸
114. Ended up drinking the whole night
115. I cannot keep doing that anymore
116. 不安 uneasy
117. I still feel insecure deep down.
118. Deep down 內心深處
119. Self-pity 自怨自艾
120. That’s the spirit! 就是這個精神!
121. Bring/get my life back on track 讓生活回到正軌
122. Bright light
123. Sensitive to
124. 眼睛澀澀的
125. Gyprocker 水泥工
126. Are you on any medication now?
127. Ophthalmologist 眼科醫生
128. Optometrist 驗光師
129. have double and blurred vision
130. I cannot go back to my previous job.
131. Orthopaedic surgeon
132. Sharp pain
133. Fell down the stairs
134. It still hurts.
135. Have you taken any pain killers?
136. referred me to you
137. MRI 核磁共振
138. The x-ray and MRI results
139. be admitted to the hospital 住院治療
140. 發紫 turn blue
141. 發脹 swollen
142. 發麻 numb
143. The injured parts are still in pain even when I stay still.)
144. an “L” type plaster cast
145. It’s the first time that I’ve injured so badly.
146. hassle
147. rash
148. She complained for feeling unwell.
149. Blister
150. So that…
151. The rash appears in crops(粟囊) and papules (丘疹)
152. Extremities 四肢
153. Limbs 四肢
154. Dewdrops 露珠
155. She got chicken pox from other kids. /Other kids pass it on to her./contracted
chicken pox from other kids
156. Be recover/be cured
157. crusts
158. oral medicine/oral medication
159. I don’t want to see her suffering.
160. She might get infected from other kids.
161. 老師的 gmail

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