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Advances in orthodontics
Advancement, we were taught to believe, is an ortho- Often, we would sit for an entire day listening to a
dontic tradition. But what did we advance in? What lecture just to conclude the day with similar feelings.
does advancement mean in orthodontics? One could While the lecturer might have talked about how he/she
think of it as the understanding (of the tissues we seem does things with things he/she might have invented,
to affect) that we did not possess a few years ago. Or it and at the end of the day we will leave the lecture hall
could mean easier and quicker ways of doing things. knowing our system works just as well and we still do
But it could also mean discovering our mistakes – not not have any good means to control tooth movement or
to be repeated again. to make jaws shrink or grow. Yes, there may be com-
Clearly, advances are made in response to a need. puterized ways to put on braces, bend wires or balance
Need is the precursor of advancement. But how does our checkbook, they are no better than the manual
one go about identifying a need? What are our needs in systems. Nonetheless, the lecture was a good review.
orthodontics? Did our needs ever evolve over a century After hearing these statements, we would look, smirk
of existence? and give knowing nods at each other. We would be
If the question is asked: ‘What are our needs in elated for knowing that we are no more ignorant than
clinical orthodontics?’ Even the most sanguine profes- the rest of the crowd. Then it would be time to head for
sor would declare: ‘we need to control tooth movement the bar to have another beer with a buddy whom we
better, and we need to correct the pathology of over- had not seen in a while. After the first sip, we would
grown or undergrown facial parts.’ Hearing such comment: ‘I am glad the residents were there, it was a
statements would make us feel warm and fuzzy and good review for them. Perhaps, it should be alarming
comfortable because they are familiar. There is comfort that the repeat performance of this scenario happens
in the familiar. much too frequently. While we were kids in ortho
In our daily lives feelings of comfort and coziness are school no matter what the professor said in her/his
associated with the smell of the brewing coffee. Coffee lecture, we chose to believe the real clinician out in the
making went through a life of its own. Only a few years trenches saving her/his neighborhood from crooked
ago none of us yuppies could afford to be seen in a teeth, who said to us: ‘there is nothing new in ortho-
kitchen without a coffee grinder. What yuppie could dontics.’ There you are, the statement was right then
possibly face the embarrassment of serving coffee not and it is right now; things have not changed a bit. What
freshly ground? Certainly, the guests would notice if then, happened then to advancement? Did the speci-
their coffee came out of a can. Yet, we gradually, lost alty not advance at all? Do we do things better than we
interest in our newest toy and started to buy, and even did 40 years ago?
serve, ground coffee from a can or a vacuum packed Industry has capitalized on some of the research
bag. To our amazement, no one said anything. Were data. When academia said lighter forces are better, they
they just being polite, or simply did not notice? Or could produced the product. When academia said continuous
it be the freshly ground coffee does not particularly is better, they delivered the product. When academia
make better coffee? Our old system was working fine, said smaller is better for oral hygiene, they made the
why did we buy the grinder then? Who knows. Perhaps, braces so. True research data gave our clinical work a
we were caught in the mass hysteria, or it sounded too big boost. It is technically easier to do orthodontics
good to miss, or it was just something different to do. today than it was 40 years ago. But does easier mean
Yet at the end of it, we are still glad that we lived through better control of tooth movement? Did we figure out
the experience because we now know introducing a how to shrink or grow the jaw bones? Unfortunately,
computer-controlled grinder gives no better results these two questions share the same answer: no.
than the earlier method. Meanwhile, we heard about the What happened then, to all that research carried out
history of coffee, types of blends, and the like. None- in orthodontics in the last 40 years? Is this it? Is this all
theless, the experience was a good review. there is? Why is our money wasted on trivial things?

Orthod Craniofacial Res 5, 2002/129–130 129


How come there are no new things? Should academia The scientist does not make up questions just to
be accused of laziness? entertain herself/himself. It is the clinician who must
Science deals with the unexpected, and with a formulate the questions for the scientist to answer.
deliberate pace. It starts with the fundamentals. It Unfortunately, the clinician orthodontist has not been
cannot afford to make a mistake. When science gives a able to formulate serious questions and provide guid-
progress report with a caveat, the caveat is forgotten ance for the scientist. Instead, the clinician orthodon-
quickly. Subsequently, a myriad of treatment systems tist criticizes the scientist for messing around with
are proposed, applied to the patient, but with no dis- things that have no immediate benefit. Perhaps, we
tinguished benefit. Academics spend much energy, have no particular needs in orthodontics. Life is good
time and money just to prove this was a mistake never right now – no reason to advance the field. We are
to be repeated. Subsequently, just like automobiles, the content with the review lectures. All we need from
once-fashionable systems are recalled. science is for someone to tell us if our treatment
It appears that we spend much of our resources on methods (however, bizarre) are effective or not. If they
disproving things rather than advancing the field. Our are no better than the previous methods, then we will
miniscule-in-size academic manpower is busy putting call it a mistake and recall the coffee grinder. There are
out brush fires, while product testing is becoming a many other appliances waiting to be discovered, no
major preoccupation. Discovering our mistakes is what need to understand the tissue systems just yet. One can
we do best in orthodontic research. This is an awkward only hope this is not the defining characteristic of our
place to be. Out-of-control reckless proposals of alter- specialty.
nate treatment systems simply interfere with the Orhan C. Tuncay
advancement of our specialty. Editor-in-Chief

130 Orthod Craniofacial Res 5, 2002/129–130

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