Tarea 1 - Conceptos Desarrollo Tarea 1 Gladys Bautista..

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– Tarea 1 Conceptos previos



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Molecule: Atom Elements are made up of particles called atoms. The atom is the smallest portion of an element that retains all of its
specific properties. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is made up of neutral or ionized atoms. Atoms are microscopic; typical sizes
are around 100 pm.
Atom: is the smallest amount of matter that undergoes chemical changes. The accepted theory today is that the atom is composed of a
positively charged nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, collectively known as a nucleon, around which is a cloud of charged
Electron: They are very small particles that have a negative electrical charge. Electrons form the “reactive” outer shell of atoms that
interact with others and form the chemical bonds that hold molecules together. The flow of electrons between two points generates
electric current.
Proton: They are particles that have a positive electrical charge, it is found within the atomic nucleus of atoms. The number of protons in the
atomic nucleus is what determines the atomic number of an element that is indicated in the periodic table of elements.

Bond: The union established by two component atoms of the same compound is called a bond. The links are constituted from the attraction
that is registered between opposite charges, in a process that aims at the search for stability. Bonds can be classified as covalent, metallic, or

Orbital: Each of the stationary states of the wave function of an electron in an atom is called an orbital. It is an approximation, which is
obtained after decoupling the movement of each pair of electrons and treating them as if each one moved in a

Octet: The octet rule consists of arranging the atoms of a molecule in such a way that each one is surrounded by eight electrons. The octet rule
is represented by Lewis structures. These are diagrams that represent the valence electrons of atoms within a molecule. These figures allow a
better visualization of the electrons that participate in the chemical bonds.
Lewis: The Lewis structure is a way of showing the electrons in the outer shell of an atom. This representation consists of placing the symbol of
the element of the periodic table, and marking points or asterisks around it to indicate the external electrons they have.

Photon: The photon is the particle of light that carries electromagnetic interaction. A photon is characterized by its energy or,
equivalently, by its frequency. Thus, higher frequency photons have higher energy, such that a blue photon has more energy than a red
one, and an X-ray photon has a higher frequency (and therefore energy) than a radio photon. The photon travels with a constant speed
in a vacuum, 299792.5 km/s, regardless of the speed of whoever observes it. Moving at the speed of light (it's light!), it has zero mass.
Length: The bond length is the distance between the nuclei of two atoms that are covalently bonded, sharing one or more pairs of
electrons. Bond length is closely related to bond energy, because two atoms will bond covalently only if their energy state is lower
when they are together than when they are apart.
Radiation: Radiation is energy that travels in a way that can be described as waves or a collection of particles. We are exposed to it in
our daily lives.
Valence: is the number of electrons that are being shared, received or given by an atom in an ionic or covalent bond.
Energy level: it is part of the fact that the electrons that are part of the atom are distributed in "layers" or energy levels.
The work function: is the minimum energy required to move an electron from a solid to a point immediately outside the solid's
surface. Here "immediately" means that the final position of the electron is far from the surface on the atomic scale but still close to the
solid on the macroscopic scale.
The displacement: approach towards the red or displacement towards the red (in English: redshift) is a phenomenon that occurs when
the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted or reflected from an object
Compton: (or Compton scattering) consists of the increase in the wavelength of a photon when it collides with a free electron and
loses part of its energy. The frequency or wavelength of the scattered radiation depends solely on the angle of scattering.
Quantum number: (n) indicates the energy level in which the electron is found. This determines the size of the orbital. It takes integer
values: 1,2,3,...,∞. It is related to the average distance of the electron from the nucleus of the orbital.
Mapa Conceptual

Doña, R. J. et al. (2014). Química. (pp. 55-75) ES: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria. Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica. Biblioteca Virtual UNAD https://elibro-

Chang, R. Goldsby, K. (2013). Química. (12a. ed.). (pp. 40-48; 275-281; 292-322; 443-54).
México, D.F: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Biblioteca Virtual UNAD https://elibro-


«Atom». Compendium of Chemical Terminology (IUPAC Gold Book). IUPAC. Consultado el 25

de abril de 2015.


Fuente: https://concepto.de/metales/#ixzz7dHU6MKAZ


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