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4/25/24, 7:11 PM Colegio Interamericano Mail - Perspectives in Flux: Exploring Philosophy Through Art.

Peer-to-Peer Evaluation form

Jun Park <>

Perspectives in Flux: Exploring Philosophy Through Art. Peer-to-Peer Evaluation

1 message

Google Forms <> Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 6:53 PM


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Through Art. Peer-to-Peer Evaluation form
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Perspectives in Flux: Exploring Philosophy

Through Art. Peer-to-Peer Evaluation


Please evaluate your peer's artwork based on the following criteria. Use the rating scale
provided to assign a score for each criterion, and provide constructive feedback (1 paragraph
each) in the spaces provided.

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submitted this form.

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Junsang Park =pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1797356584386851974&simpl=msg-f:179735658438685… 1/4

4/25/24, 7:11 PM Colegio Interamericano Mail - Perspectives in Flux: Exploring Philosophy Through Art. Peer-to-Peer Evaluation form

Title of Art Piece being Evaluated *

Obsession Over Beauty

1. Depth of Understanding:

- How well does the artwork demonstrate an understanding of the chosen

philosophical category?

1 2 3 4 5


The artwork demonstrates an understanding of the philosophical category called,

"existencialism". The artwork shows having beauty standards affect the individual's choice of
freedom. This creates the individual to be enforced by the standards and to become like the
others. The individual following this path leads to not having it's own unique apperance.

2. Creativity and Originality:

- How creative and original is the artwork in its interpretation and representation of
philosophical concepts?

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4/25/24, 7:11 PM Colegio Interamericano Mail - Perspectives in Flux: Exploring Philosophy Through Art. Peer-to-Peer Evaluation form


The artwork is creative and original gives the interpretation and representation of
philosophical concepts. The artwork fits with what's going on Korea and modern times.
Freedom of choice is now being uncertain and distorted. Peer pressure affects individuals
giving them terrible thoughts of becoming better for a better reputation.

3. Artistic Technique:

- How effectively does the artist use artistic techniques to convey philosophical

1 2 3 4 5

Feedback: *

The artwork shows a good use of artistic technique to convey the philosphical idea. The dark
colors on the individual and the hands that are peer pressure demonstrate the a sense of
dark reality. The vibrant color red that is the background is the blood, defining the plastic
surgery. The blue hand glove is the doctor. The lines on the individual's face shows the
individuals desired changes on his or her facial appereance.

4. Conceptual Coherence:

- How well-integrated and coherent are the philosophical concepts within the
artwork? =pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1797356584386851974&simpl=msg-f:179735658438685… 3/4

4/25/24, 7:11 PM Colegio Interamericano Mail - Perspectives in Flux: Exploring Philosophy Through Art. Peer-to-Peer Evaluation form

1 2 3 4 5

Feedback: *

The artwork fits the topic of existencialism very well with the a great usage of artistic choice
that fits the topic. The artwork can be easily be interpretted as existencialism due to hands,
the lines on the individual's face, and the background give a conclusion where the individual
is being hold back, having no freedom of choice. The beauty standards are seen every part
of the world where looks are important in life but it's not. We are becoming old thus looks
don't matter but individuals fret over it because they haven't be told to be themselves.

Overall Impression:

- What are your overall thoughts and impressions of the artwork?

Overall the artwork is great and deserves recognition to give message to the audience that
having their own unique character and appearance is important despite what the majority of
the people that is called, "Society" enforces the idea of being beautiful is essential. The
usage of colors is superb, that goes along well with the theme. The details in the artwork is
great giving a realistic approach to the art. The art did their part on showing the message and
making the viewers understand it easily.

Additional Comments:

Fantastic work.

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