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Level 3 Assignment Guide


Preparing for a Professional Career

General Notes:

 You will need to attach the CPD Plan to the end of your word document as Turnitin
will only permit one document being submitted.
 Word counts given below are a guide – ensure to stay within the maximum word
count i.e. 1500.
 Direct citations of not more than 1 sentence are not included in your word count –
use your research wisely.
 Information in blue ink is only a guide to demonstrate one way of meeting the
criteria of the assignment and remaining within the wordcount.

Part A – 1000 Word Report:

A. Front cover – student name and ID number, module name, tutor name and
academic year.
B. Contents page – ensure all headings on this match the headings you have given in
the section of your report and that the page numbers are accurate. You must insert
page numbers into your word document.
C. 100 words Introduction – give an overview for what the report aims to do. To
simplify this, you can re-word the relevant sections of the assignment brief e.g.
assignment task details.
D. 200 words Paragraph 1 Introduce and define the issue/challenge chosen – 1 topic
from week 1 list of global ethical issues needs to be the focus of the report. Ensure
to include citations as support in this section. Use your research to highlight what
companies are doing to support the positive elements of the issue and what
alternative companies are doing to add to the issue e.g. negative elements.
 Citation that defines the issue.
 Research that informs as to how companies are reacting positively to the
issue – citation to give examples from at least 1 company and the work it
 Research/citation that provides examples of how a company is part of the
negative aspect of the issue.
E. 200 words Paragraph 2 Explains the code of conduct that assist in
resolving/addressing the issue – Use the code of conduct for the company(ies) that
you have already written about in paragraph 1 – this is key to show a coherent piece
of work. Explain what the code of conduct states, together with knowledge from the

lectures on business departments, about how employee actions/professionalism link
to the global ethical issue you have chosen.
 Use citations from codes of conduct that explains what employers and
employees are required to do to remain ethical and professional with regards
to the ethical issue in your report.
 Use research to support explanation of why the code of conduct is effective
in addressing the ethical issue.
F. 200 words Paragraph 3 Discuss the support and guidance available from the
relevant Professional Bodies/Organisations – due to word count you must not try to
write about as many different professional bodies as possible, but rather identify the
organisation(s) – two maximum - that can be of most use to support companies and
individuals with the ethical issue you have based your report on.
 Sentence to name organisation and what they do including why they are the
most useful organisation to aid with the ethical issue.
 Sentence that cites the support and advice they offer.
 Sentence explaining how companies have benefit from working with the
professional body – use research for this too.
G. 200 words Paragraph 4 Concludes with an assessment of the likely impact both the
support and codes of conduct could have on the issue – this paragraph needs to
assess the positive outcomes when codes of conduct and the professional body
information is implemented well within a company, it also needs to explain what are
the consequences when a code of conduct is not followed, and the professional body
advice ignored.
 Split the paragraph into two equal parts – positive and negative assessment.
 Use citations from research to identify the positive and negative assessment -
do not just make your own assumptions, you need to ‘prove’ what you are
saying through research.
H. 100 words Conclusion – Summarise the report by citing (with the aid of research)
whether the ethical issue you have chosen is having a reduced negative impact or if
the situation still needs to see improvements within companies, codes of conduct
and individual employee behaviour.

Part B – 500 word CPD Plan:

Only use the CPD plan template that is included in your assignment brief – DO NOT CREATE

Each segment of the table must have a detailed sentence – see examples below:

A. Area of Learning – to type ‘Code of Conduct’ will not be sufficient, you need to
describe the content in detail i.e. ‘Code of Conduct – their purpose, use and analysis
of the impact they can have on business ethics.’

B. Reflection of Learning – in this section you must describe in detail your knowledge
prior to the module and what you have learnt from the module e.g. ‘prior to
attending the module I had an awareness of what a code of conduct was through my
workplace, however I did not fully realise what the purpose was and how they are
used by organisations to address business and global ethics.’
C. Future Implication – explain how you will use your new knowledge to aid in your
studies, i.e. being a better student, and how you will use the new information to help
make you a better employee.
D. Action – each target that you create should be specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic and time-bound (SMART). Use the examples that will be discussed in the
last lecture to aid with this part of the CPD plan.

This Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the

Assignment Brief. To succeed, you must address each part of the
Assignment Brief and satisfy all the learning outcomes.

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