Academic Research & Writing

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Student ID: 2114389

Student name: Florian Marian Hossain

Module: Academic Research and Writing
Tutor: Ibrahim Alkhataybeh
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3
2. Portofolio Task Guidance..............................................................................................................3
2.1. Adapting to new technology................................................................................................3
 Introduction..........................................................................................................................3
 Positive effects on companies...............................................................................................3
 Negative effects on companies..............................................................................................4
 Conclusion............................................................................................................................5
 References.............................................................................................................................5
2.2. Reflective Writing................................................................................................................7
2.3. Personal Development Plan.................................................................................................8
3. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................9
1. Introduction

This assignment guide will also cover three different topics. The first requirement concerns
the analysis of the concept of adaptation to new technologies, where the positive effects will
be analyzed but also the negative effects on companies regarding this concept and subject
analyzed. The second requirement is for Reflective Writing which will tell you what I have
learned from this module so far, why learning has become and is important from a personal
point of view but also how learning will be and how it will be used in my development
process in future professionally and not only. The third requirement will include the
development of the Personal Development Plan, based on the template and where I will
include at least two different academic skills.

2. Portofolio Task Guidance

2.1. Adapting to new technology

 Introduction
With the evolution of technology, companies have had to keep up with the new rapid changes
and adapt to them. Technology with its innovation, with the multitude of methods by which
companies could take advantage to improve their production, productivity, strategies and
many other managerial elements, has today become indispensable in any company, in any
household and for each individual. Some companies have had the ability to adapt gradually,
taking advantage of the technology that could help them thrive, but on the other hand some
companies have been forced by new technologies to adapt to change. This report will discuss
the impact that new technologies have on companies but especially what are the positive and
negative effects of new technologies on companies.

 Positive effects on companies

With the new technologies, companies have adapted to the changes and of course, the
benefits of these changes have brought companies that know how to use new technologies in
a real progress. There are a number of advantages that new technologies bring to companies,
namely, the first advantage is the efficiency of communication. Castro, M. C. (2007)

Before the advent of technology, people in companies, departments, and even company
branches and companies were very difficult to communicate with each other using letters or
other methods used at the time, which took a long time, which could be used to streamline
tasks. Gallani, S., Krishnan, R., Wooldridge, J.M. (2015)
Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, the ability to communicate between companies and
between company employees can be even between different parts of the world, but in real
time. Use of mobile phones and computers / laptops to the detriment of fixed telephony
networks or correspondence service. Aiken, L. R. (1996).

Another advantage of companies that use and have adapted to new technologies is easy
access to any kind of information. Currently, you can find any details about possible suppliers
or partners. Thapayom, A., Ussahawanitchakit, P. (2015)
The efficiency of the tasks and the speed of their performance represent another advantage.
Companies now use a variety of software and software to replace spreadsheet and pen
computing, are more efficient, automated, and reduce work time. The birth of social networks
is a real plus for companies, because they are used as a method of promotion. Gallani, S.,
Krishnan, R., Wooldridge, J.M. (2015)

 Negative effects on companies

Although the positive effects are very important today for the development and future of
companies, there are also a number of negative effects of adopting new technologies for
companies. One of the negative effects of adopting new technologies for companies is that
over the years and the mechanization of many tasks, the replacement of labor with machinery
and automation mechanisms, leads to a decrease in jobs in many industries that prefer to use
machines and equipment in people's place. Butler, F. şi Butler, M. (2011)

This is due to the fact that the production is much faster, the products can be made 24 hours a
day, without the need for a lunch break, bonuses for night shifts, qualification and other costs
with employees. Kennedy, F.A., Brewer, P.C. (2005)
For companies, this effect is negative because artificial intelligence is far from as morally
valuable as human intelligence, but with the passing of generations, there will be a real
challenge for companies, as today, to find a balance between productivity due to robotics and
artificial intelligence, human intelligence machinery and human labor. Abramson, L. Y.,
Seligman, M. E. P. şi Teasdale, J. D. (1978)
Another negative effect of technology on companies is given by the uncertainty of
technology and the security of society by technology. Specifically, Internet browsing and new
technologies, according to experts in the field, involve risks. According to experts, with the
connection to various Wi-Fi networks creates the power of data access by other unknown
people that can be accessed with the introduction of data in the browsing process. Beaman, I.,
Richardson, B. (2007)

 Conclusion
New technologies are now indispensable and help companies primarily to streamline their
work and tasks. New technologies help to achieve the objectives of a company, through new
technologies are developed strategies that highlight companies and many of the positive
effects brought by new technologies to companies. Despite all these positive effects,
companies also face a series of negative effects, such as the replacement of the human labor
force with machines and equipment, the lack of experts in the field or the need to qualify
some people.

Another negative effect is the fact that new technologies require experts and professionals
who know how to manage any problem, any situation and even find effective solutions for
company departments and the whole company. Moldof, A. (2014)
But these people are hard to find, plus they have to be supported by courses and
qualifications, to be motivated by various methods to stay in the company, but also the fact
that the salaries of these experts are commensurate with the qualification, but not many
companies. they have the power. financial support for such employees. Forman, C.,
McElheran, K. (2012)

However, the positive effects capture much more the negative effects, and today, without the
new technologies, the work done by companies would be much longer and that would lead to
a waste of time, compared to the same tasks that can be performed with the help of today's

 References

1. Abramson, L. Y., Seligman, M. E. P. şi Teasdale, J. D. (1978). Learned helplessness

in humans: Critique and reformulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, pp. 49-74.
2. Aiken, L. R. (1996). Rating scales and checklists: Evaluating behavior, personality,
and attitudes. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 98-101
3. Butler, F. şi Butler, M. (2011). A matched-pairs study of interactive computer
laboratory activities in a liberal arts math course. Australasian Journal of
Educational Technology,pp. 192-203.
4. Beaman, I., Richardson, B. (2007), Information Technology, Decision Support and
Management Accounting Roles, Journal of Applied Management Accounting
Research, vol. 5, nr. 1, p. 59
5. Castro, M. C. (2007). Technology and institutional change: Why some educational
institutions use technology and others don’t,. p.53
6. Forman, C., McElheran, K. (2012), Information Technology and Boundary of the
Firm: Evidence from Plant-Level Data, Working Paper, nr. 12-092, Harvard Business
School, SUA.
7. Gallani, S., Krishnan, R., Wooldridge, J.M. (2015), Applications of Fractional
Response Model to the Study of Bounded Dependent Variables in Accounting
Research, Working Paper, nr. 16-016, Harvard Business School, SUA.
8. Ghasemi, M., Shafeiepour, V., Aslani, M., Barvayeh, E. (2011), The Impact of
Information Technology (IT) on Modern Accounting Systems, Procedia – Social and
Behavioral Sciences, vol. 28, pp. 112-116.
9. Kennedy, F.A., Brewer, P.C. (2005), Lean Accounting: What’s It All About?,
Strategic Finance, vol. 87, nr. 5, pp. 26-34.
10. Lim, F.P.C. (2013), Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems, Asia-
pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and
Sociology, vol. 3, nr. 2, pp. 93-106.
11. Liyan, L. (2013), The Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Theory,
Accounting Profession, and Chinese Accounting Education, WHICEB 2013
Proceedings, Paper 103, pp. 748-753.
12. Moldof, A. (2014), Bitcoins, an All-Digital Currency and How It Affects Financial
and Managerial Accounting, part a II-a, Internal Auditing, vol. 29, nr. 3, pp. 36-39.
13. Mostyn, G.R. (2012), Cognitive Load Theory: What It Is, Why It’s Important for
Accounting Instruction and Research, Issues in Accounting Education, vol. 27, nr. 1,
pp. 227-245.
14. Thapayom, A., Ussahawanitchakit, P. (2015), Accounting Information System
Excellence and Goal Achievement: Evidence from Information and Communication
Technology Businesses in Thailand, The Business and Management Review, vol. 7,
nr. 1, pp. 309-321.

2.2. Reflective Writing

This module was much more useful and useful for me because I learned most of the things I
know today. Many essays, projects I did not do correctly because I did not know and did not
understand correctly the requirements. But in this module I first learned how to understand
the requirements, how to differentiate between essay, project, portfolio and how to follow
each requirement separately. This module also taught me how to use the Harvard Referencing
System. The correct use of reference sources has helped me first of all not to learn words or
phrases that do not belong to me, which were not thought of by me and also to respect the
work and research of other people who have worked and studied to say through their books
what I can only read, inform myself and can only reproduce in my own words.

Learning will always be important and never enough. This module taught me first of all to be
disciplined, punctual, to respect my obligations and to be part of a team. But in addition to
these, I have acquired professional skills. I decided to study at this University because I
considered it the right place to develop professionally and to fulfill my professional goals. By
learning everything I have accumulated over time in this module, it will be useful for me
throughout my time at the University, because with each module, the notions deepen, become
more detailed and detailed regarding the chosen specialization. and which, I consider, will
help me in the successful completion of my studies and later to set even bigger goals than the
current ones and to be able to fulfill them.
Studying business was some time ago a field that I wanted to study, because it is the field in
which I consider that my skills fit best. But without education, I would never be able to run
my own business. What I have already studied so far has been just a few basics for the
business knowledge I need to have, but they are the most important. Following these
University studies will establish the necessary knowledge for me to be able to make the best
financial decisions. Regarding the future professional development plans, as an objective I
aim to get a job as an assistant manager at a company, to vote evolve, to continue learning, to
apply what I learn through these studies and then to be able to occupy a managerial position.
All these objectives will lead to the final goal, and to open my own business, in the field in
which I do best. If my career path proves to me that starting my own business is not the best
fit for me, then I will change my goals based on my previous goals, and I will want to
continue my professional development until I am sufficiently professionally prepared for the
position the manager.

2.3. Personal Development Plan

Academic skills Action Future Implications

Individual study With these university studies, I gained As for my future career, this
the ability to study alone, without much skill will be extremely
help from a teacher. I learned how to useful to me because at
structure and plan my time more work I will have to work
efficiently, how to ask questions about a both alone and collectively,
new concept or topic, and especially but once I work alone on a
how to answer these questions. I will project or a problem, I will
continue to take notes on any already know how to
information I consider important, I will organize myself so that I can
come to all classes and I will continue to solve any situation.
read as much as I have the opportunity.
Presentation of a Before I started my university studies I At work, all tasks are related
project in front rarely had to speak in front of an to other colleagues or other
of an audience audience and I didn't even have a departments and I will
pleasant feeling when I did that. Now, I probably be asked very often
have practiced presenting and discussing to relate to other colleagues,
in front of a colleague, in front of a few or to present a project to
friends, and then I can be prepared to potential investors or
speak in front of all my colleagues business partners. These
skills acquired at the
University will be the
elements that will bring me
professional success in the
proposed objectives.
Time There are so many tasks and things to do Professionally, it will be
management during college that I would not be able even more complicated if
to complete if I did not manage my time during my university studies
efficiently. Stress was the main factor I could not learn time
and effect caused by the time that was management. Tasks at work
not enough for me to carry out all my will be much more
daily tasks at the end, but I learned to complicated, more under
organize myself, to make an agenda pressure and often last
where I write down my dedlines for all minute announcement. The
tasks, I write down all the details due to way I organize myself now
my tasks and so I know which days are will be effective for me to
busier, I know what I always have to do adapt to the new conditions
and how to organize myself so as not to and to be able to manage my
fail. time management at work.

3. Conclusion

This assignment is a portfolio that was made up of three important parts. The first part of the
portfolio was a report on "Adapting to new technology". This concept was discussed and
mainly about the positive and negative effects of new technologies on companies. The second
part consists of "Reflective Writing" through which I answered three questions: what I
learned from this module, why learning is important and how learning will be useful to me in
the future and in my development plan. The last part of the portfolio is about the "Personal
Development Plan" where I specified three skills that I acquired while studying this module,
what were the actions that brought me these skills and what are the future actions that will
make a mark on my career.

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