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American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

2019; 7(2): 42-46
doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20190702.11
ISSN: 2330-8125 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8133 (Online)

Homeopathy and Pluralism of Theories in Medicine

Arguments Put Forward to Remove Homeopathic Products
from Pharmacies Contradict Actual Scientific Evidence and
Suggest Deliberate Misinformation
Peter Friedemann Matthiessen
Institute of Integrative Medicine (IfIM), Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany

Email address:

To cite this article:

Peter Friedemann Matthiessen. Homeopathy and Pluralism of Theories in Medicine Arguments Put Forward to Remove Homeopathic
Products from Pharmacies Contradict Actual Scientific Evidence and Suggest Deliberate Misinformation. American Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine. Vol. 7, No. 2, 2019, pp. 42-46. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20190702.11

Received: January 5, 2019; Accepted: April 13, 2019; Published: June 26, 2019

Abstract: Founded in 2000 by renowned physicians and researchers on the initiative of Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Jörg-
Dietrich Hoppe, then president of the German Medical Association, the Dialogue Forum Pluralism in Medicine (DPM) aims to
overcome the traditional partisan bias between conventional medicine and complementary medicine by way of continued
critical and objective dialogue between acknowledged representatives of different theoretical and practical approaches, in
favour of an Integrative Medicine. The article describes the initiative in Germany as linking up with the concept of Integrative
Medicine which originated from the United States and today is spreading across the world. The DPM strives to assess
divergent paradigms in medicine for their potential to complement each other. Current DPM members are established
proponents of mainstream medicine, anthroposophical medicine, homeopathy, classical naturopathy and Chinese Medicine
(TCM). It has become fashionable to belittle homeopathy as being ineffective, using inaccurate statements on the state of
research. On behalf of the DPM members as well as numerous medical organisations and renowned physicians and
researchers, this article comments on such unjustified claims by means of specific examples. The idea is to establish Integrative
Medicine in a spirit of critical but unbiased collaboration between mainstream medicine and selected complementary
approaches as a precondition for a fully orchestrated healthcare system that meets the individually varying needs and
preferences of the population. In this context, reference is made to a position paper on medical professionalism signed by all
DPM members which underlined that conventional and complementary medicine alike are obliged to adhere to scientific
standards. Ludwig Fleck and Thomas Kuhn already described tendencies among proponents of specific paradigms to claim
privileges for their own paradigm via legislation. However, under Basic Law (German constitution) Article 5 Paragraph 3, the
state is generally forbidden to pass judgment on scientific matters in the sense of advocacy of one specific paradigm. It should
also be noted that attempts to monopolize a single paradigm favour the emergence of totalitarian thought patterns. In a final
vote, the signatories – established medical organisations and numerous physicians and scientists of renown – reject all efforts
to pursue totalitarian thought patterns in our healthcare system which are irreconcilable with constitutional law.

Keywords: Status of Homeopathy, Therapeutic Efficacy, Placebo Effect, Meta-Analyses, Dispute Between Paradigms,
Co-existence of Paradigms, Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

Against the background of numerous and unsustainable behalf of the Dialogue Forum Pluralism in Medicine (DPM)
general attacks at national and international level on and other institutions and individuals listed below. There are
complementary medicine in general and homeopathy in two immediate reasons for this position statement: first, the
particular, “Münsteraner Memorandum Homöopathie”, presented at the
this article presents a plea for evidence-based integrative recent 121st meeting of the German Medical Association in
medicine as embodied in German Basic Law, drawn up on Erfurt with the demand to abolish homeopathy as an
43 Peter Friedemann Matthiessen: Homeopathy and Pluralism of Theories in Medicine Arguments Put Forward to Remove Homeopathic
Products from Pharmacies Contradict Actual Scientific Evidence and Suggest Deliberate Misinformation

additional medical specialization [1], and second, a pamphlet homeopathy reveals that high-quality studies substantiate the
by Edzard Ernst which appeared in the column therapeutic efficacy of homeopathy, and that 90% of
“Außenansicht” of Süddeutsche Zeitung on 10 August 2018, available clinical studies would have to be ignored in order to
where Ernst requests pharmacists to inform customers that conclude that homeopathy has no effects [18]. Homeopathy
homeopathic products are “ineffective placebos”, claiming applied by physicians is an important element of an
their therapeutic effect is unproven. On 11 October 2018 the Integrative Medicine which combines the best from
column “Meinung” of Süddeutsche Zeitung contained a conventional medicine and medical homeopathy for the
statement by Werner Bartens which is arbitrary by nature and benefit of patients.
in conflict with the actual evidence available. Among other After thorough evaluation Switzerland introduced
things Bartens argues that “anything that bears the label of complementary medicine as a constitutional right. As a
homeopathy should be removed from pharmacies since no consequence, homeopathy plus three other complementary
benefit has ever been reliably demonstrated for these and approaches are now covered by basic medical insurance in
many other such remedies …”, and that “this has been Switzerland and must be taught at tertiary institutions for all
proven a hundred times over”. health professions. The decision was preceded by a national
While a response to the “Münsteraner Memorandum referendum and a two-fold process of scientific evaluation.
Homöopathie” (authors: Münsteraner Kreis) has already been Despite assertions to the contrary there are a considerable
made [2, 3], the articles by Ernst [4] and Bartens [5] have not number of high-quality homeopathy studies, although
been commented upon so far. Ernst suggested to withdraw homeopathy research does not receive institutional backing
homeopathic products – which he believes to be placebos [18, 23, 30].
without therapeutic effect - from the market by requesting Robert Hahn, professor of anaesthesiology and intensive
pharmacists to inform customers accordingly. Unfortunately medicine at the Swedish University of Linköping, is the
the texts drawn up by E. Ernst and W. Bartens are neither author of more than 300 scientific papers in these two
objective nor scientifically substantiated; instead, they medical disciplines. The winner of several research awards
present study findings on the therapeutic efficacy of who has never been involved with homeopathic issues before
homeopathy in a manner that is tendentious and factually has made the following comment [18]:
inaccurate. This together with the fact that derogative “The organization ‘Vetenskap och folkbildning’ (VoF)
remarks on homeopathy have become fashionable recently (science and public education) launched a summer campaign
[6-12] has induced the members of the Dialogue Forum against homeopathy about three years ago. For the political
Pluralism in Medicine (DPM) as well as the institutions listed week in Almedalen the VoF equipped a group of teenagers
below and the physicians and scientists who have signed this with t-shirts bearing the inscription ‘Jag är skeptisk’ (I am
reply to draw up a corrective statement with reference to sceptical). The group appeared on television together with
international representative clinical studies, meta-analyses astronaut Christer Fuglesang, where they had the opportunity
and HTAs on homeopathy [13-25]. to argue against homeopathy for an entire evening, with no-
Founded in 2000 by Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Jörg- one to contradict them. Presenting homeopathy as nothing
Dietrich Hoppe, then president of the German Medical but a huge bluff, the teenagers all claimed there were no
Association, with the backing of renowned physicians and scientific studies to demonstrate that homeopathy actually
researchers, the Dialogue Forum Pluralism in Medicine works.
(DPM) aims to overcome the traditional partisan bias This disturbing event induced me to write something about
between mainstream medicine (conventional medicine) and available evidence in favour of homeopathy. In the late
complementary medicine by way of continued dialogue at summer of 2011 my three blogs on the topic attracted
eye level between acknowledged proponents of different considerable attention. My aim was to explore those
theoretical and practical approaches. Medical approaches scientific papers which addressed the question whether
represented within the DPM are mainstream medicine, homeopathy has a greater statistical effect on medical
anthroposophicic medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy and disorders compared to a placebo (globules or dilutions). […]
Chinese Medicine (TCM). The DPM strives to separate the In 2000 Ernst wrote a so-called meta-analysis on
wheat from the chaff and establish evidence-based homeopathy which actually was nothing but a systematic
Integrative Medicine as a precondition for a fully overview. […] So who can be trusted? We may start by
orchestrated healthcare system that meets the individually weeding out Edzard Ernst. I have read some of the studies he
varying needs and preferences of the population. Integrative has published, and all of them are dubious.”
Medicine does not mean arbitrariness; we, too, believe a As to the Australian study quoted by Edzard Ernst as proof
distinction between dubious or even unreliable approaches of the inefficacy of homeopathy, it must be noted that this is
from serious and valuable ones to be essential [26, 28]. not a meta-analysis but a literature research which a priori
The DPM methodically explores different medical excluded homeopathy studies with less than 150 participants;
approaches for their potential to complement each other, but as a consequence, a considerable share of datasets were not
also for mutual exclusion. Pertinent targets are pursued at the included in the evaluation [30, 31]. This means that the study
medical facilities listed below. A meticulous but unbiased quoted by Ernst has no validity. Accordingly, the study was
analysis of the published evidence on the efficacy of not published in a peer reviewed journal.
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2019; 7(2): 42-46 44

Accused of having falsified the review on homeopathy All those who with eschatological doggedness demand the
[31], the National Health & Medical Research Council exclusion of complementary therapies from reimbursement
(NHMRC) as the highest public health authority in Australia via public health funds, and a ban on homeopathy and
had to admit to the Australian Senate that they manipulated withdrawal of homeopathic products, confirm what Thomas
the report. Only five out of originally 176 studies made it to Kuhn [35, 36] and Ludwig Fleck [37] described as the
the final round of high-quality studies. The decision not to dynamics of claiming privileges for one’s own paradigm via
include other studies in the analysis was obviously based on legislation. But Germany is a secular country, and under
the fact that many of these studies showed positive findings Basic Law (German constitution) Article 5 Paragraph 3, the
[31]. state is generally forbidden to pass judgment on scientific
A position paper on medical professionalism and matters in the sense of advocacy of one specific paradigm.
complementary medicine published in Deutsches Ärzteblatt Maunz et al. address this aspect in detail in their commentary
in 2010 and signed by all DPM members underlined that to constitutional law: persons active in research and teaching
conventional and complementary medicine alike are obliged are authorized to reject any state intervention to influence the
to adhere to scientific standards [32]. process of gaining and conveying scientific findings – subject
Ernst is also inaccurate in equating placebo effect with to the obligation of loyalty according to Basic Law Article 5
therapeutic ineffectiveness. Winfried Rief corrected this Paragraph 3. Science, so Maunz et al., offers a sphere of
claim in a commendable and highly competent reply which personal and autonomous responsibility for each researcher,
appeared in Süddeutsche Zeitung (column “Außenansicht”) free from state control [38]. The state is forbidden by Basic
on 22 August 2018. Rief refers to findings from modern Law to give preferential treatment to individual scientific
placebo research to point out that placebo interventions may approaches or medical paradigms. Accordingly, a
be highly effective and sustainable and that they depend on parliamentary committee charged with revising
patients’ and physicians’ positive (or negative) expectations, pharmaceutical law in connection with the new Medical
so that not the pill in itself is important but what it stimulates Products Act passed in 1976 declared that “in a controversial
in the patient. Rief urgently recommends more intensive debate of scientific positions the legislator’s task cannot be to
research into placebo effects, also in view of their role in unilaterally establish specific methods and thus determine a
mainstream medicine, and the integration of “placebo-related generally binding ‘state of scientific knowledge’; instead, it
interventions like homeopathy, acupuncture and some must be ensured that the scientific pluralism of drug therapies
naturopathic approaches” into medical and pharmaceutical is reflected in the approval of drugs or procedures” [39].
science. Homeopathic products are handled by a separate
For some decades the idea has been taking hold worldwide committee at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical
that a fully orchestrated health system must be based on Devices (AfArM), are described in the German
Integrative Medicine in order to meet the manifold and Pharmacopoeia of Homeopathy (HAB), and incorporated in
individually varying needs and preferences of the population, the German Social Security Code (SGB V).
and thereby the requirements of evidence-based medicine as When Hans-Georg Gadamer, doyen of hermeneutic
proclaimed by Sackett [33]. The concept of Integrative philosophy in Germany, was interviewed at the age of 100 by
Medicine describes a substantiated and transparent co- the SPIEGEL magazine on 21 February 2000, and asked to
existence of paradigms in the sense of different theoretical sum up the essence of his philosophy in one sentence, his
and practical approaches. answer was: “The opponent might be right.”
The US-American Academic Consortium for Integrative You do not conduct a conversation if there is no chance
Medicine and Health with a membership of more than 60 that your interlocutor is right. We in the Dialogue Forum
leading medical schools defines Integrative Medicine as have modified the sentence as follows: “The opponent might
follows: “Integrative medicine and health reaffirms the be right as well” [27].
importance of the relationship between practitioner and Monoparadigmatic reductionism will always result in
patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by totalitarian ideology, whether intended or not, with no respect
evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic and for citizens’ rights of self-determination, no tolerance
lifestyle approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines towards proponents of different theoretical and practical
to achieve optimal health and healing.” [34]. To those approaches, no recognition of individual quest for
involved, the concept of Integrative Medicine is a mission knowledge, nor respect for human dignity. Is that really what
statement which overcomes partiality between different we want for our system of medicine and healthcare:
schools of thought in favour of integration, associated with totalitarian structures?
an objective search for therapy approaches best suited to the We as members of the Dialogue Forum Pluralism in
individual patient. By the end of 2015, approximately Medicine (DPM) and all other signatories will persist in our
121,000 resident doctors in Germany distributed over ca. efforts to maintain and develop scientific and ethical
95,000 surgeries applied complementary interventions. This pluralism in medicine as the fundament of a liberal and
means that every second physician has already integrated democratic health system – a system that permits health care
complementary medicine into daily medical practice. in personal responsibility, consideration of the public interest
Conclusion and critical benefit evaluation, with a focus on citizens’ and
45 Peter Friedemann Matthiessen: Homeopathy and Pluralism of Theories in Medicine Arguments Put Forward to Remove Homeopathic
Products from Pharmacies Contradict Actual Scientific Evidence and Suggest Deliberate Misinformation

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