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Methods and types of irrigation

Lesson objectives

▪ describe methods of irrigation

▪ explain different types of irrigation

▪ explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method of irrigation


- this is the artificial application of water to the soil to meet the crop water requirements.

- irrigation is usually done to supplement rainfall shortages and during prolonged dry spells.

Methods of irrigation

- There are basically three main methods of irrigating crops namely;

1. Surface / flood irrigation

2. Overhead /sprinkler irrigation

3. Drip irrigation

1 Surface/Flood irrigation

- this is a method of irrigation that moves water over the soil surface through canals and furrows.
Siphons can also be used to move water from canals into the fields.

Types of surface irrigation methods are

i) ridge and furrow irrigation

ii) border irrigation method

iii) basin irrigation

Advantages of surface / flood irrigation

• Deep irrigation can be achieved

• It has low operation costs once land has been levelled

• Volumes of water can be measured accurately

Disadvantages of surface irrigation methods

• can result in soil erosion

• uneven wetting if soil is not properly levelled

• large volumes of water are required

• productive land is lost to canals

• changes in soil types along the water path may affect the efficiency of the method

• not suitable for sloppy land

2) Overhead irrigation method

- this system of irrigation imitates rainfall.

Water is pumped at high pressure usually via aluminium pipes.

The water is then delivered via nozzles in a form of a spray. –

Types of overhead methods :

i) sprinkler irrigation
ii) centre pivot irrigation
iii) drag hose irrigation
Advantages of overhead irrigation

• can be used on all terrain without any need of levelling the land

• can also be applied with fertilisers as fertigation

• cools the plants

• nocturnal/night irrigation is possible

Disadvantages of overhead irrigation

• may wash off chemicals before they are effective

• can be affected by wind

• operational costs can be high such as diesel or electricity for pumping, servicing of equipment
and repairs

• operation of some equipment such as the centre pivot may require skilled labour

• evaporation losses can be high

3) Drip irrigation

- this is a system of pipe networks set up in a predetermined pattern that supplies water at low
pressure to localized stations

- the water is discharged at each planting station adjacent to the plant or as a subsurface network
that discharges water at the root zone

Types of drip irrigation:

i) drip irrigation

ii) micro jets

Advantages of drip irrigation system

- less energy is required for pumping

- less evaporation loss - does not cause erosion

- effective in weed control as weeds are at a competitive disadvantage as they are not supplied
with moisture and nutrients

- offers improved fertilizer placement

- less labour requirement

- reduced disease incidence

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

- expensive to install
- the pipes can be blocked

- requires clean filtered water

- pipe network may hinder other operations in the field

- plant root development is restricted

- requires careful and skilled management

Choice of an irrigation system

- Choice of an irrigation system is determined by many factors:

1.Soil type

- The choice of an irrigation method depends on soil type, for example, flood irrigation methods
cannot be used on sandy soils.

2.Slope of the land

- The slope of the land also influences choosing of an irrigation method. Flood irrigation cannot
be used on sloping land. Sprinkler irrigation will be most ideal for sloping land.

3.Amount of water in the source of water

- Flood irrigation methods cannot be used with little volumes of water.

4.Availability of power

- Availability of power affects the choice of irrigation system. Offgrid areas may use diesel
pumps or rely on methods using alternative sources of power other than electricity

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