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Lorena Prifti


Module Two

My topic is how income levels affect diversity, from neighborhoods and communities to

how this affects certain regions, while at the center of it, I will also research high school graduate

rates, college graduate rates, and how these affect the diversity in certain states of the U.S.

depending on these variables. Specifically, I will choose to focus on the Midwest region of the

United States.

I chose to focus on the Midwest region and how income inequality shows up in certain

states versus other states. In my paper, I want to include college graduation rates, high school

graduation rates, and how these directly affect certain communities with lower income rates than

those with higher income rates. This has shaped the lives and experiences of the people in the

Midwest because it is often seen as very rural due to the perception that is in most mass media or

movies and TV shows. I want to be able to focus on a variety of variables but in different

communities and how diversity plays a factor in states, neighborhoods, and communities and

how income levels affect the diversity.

I will focus on the humanities lens as I feel it is the lens that covers the gamut when it

comes to history, social and natural sciences. Using historical facts from how certain

communities have increased in income and how this has impacted diversity in these

communities. I would say it is an easy decision as I feel like I can cover more of the topic while

looking through the humanities lens.

The various income levels, which will stem from research ranging from high school

graduate rates to college graduate rates, and how this has affected the diversity in the Midwest

region of the United States by breaking down the percentage of different ethnicities, races and

subcultures identified in this region. Using a humanities lens, we will be able to identify trends

and use historical data to see how the change has impacted the diversity in the Midwest, from

where we started to where we are now.

Works Cited
Fischer, M. M., Huber, F., & Pfarrhofer, M. (2021). The regional transmission of uncertainty

shocks on income inequality in the United States. Journal of Economic Behavior &

Organization, 183, 887–900.

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