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Predisposing Factors Precipitating Factors

• Age: 32 • Physical Environment (family influence,

• Gender: Male peer pressure, access to substance)
• Status: Single

Perpetuating Factors Signs & Symptoms

• Education: Highschool Graduate • Tremors

• Coping Style: Drinking Alcohol and Drugs • Exophthalmos
• Behavior: Uncontrollable when under the (Bulging of eyes)
influence of alcohol and drugs • Goiter
(Bulging of neck)

Patient History Triggering Factors Attitude towards Sickness

• Infancy: Doesn’t cry often • Work Pressure • Denial
1. Haloperidol
• Toddler: Obedient, kind • Friends influence • Irritable
• School Age: good-hearted, hardworking • Conflict with Father • Uncooperative
3. Valpros • Adolescence: Worked at Holcim after
• Debt Stated by the Parents
4. Akidin high school Claimed by the Patient
5. Fluanxol Decanoate • Young Adulthood: Influenced by friends
with vices: (Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking) • Goiter • Has goiter
• Diabetic • Doesn’t sure if he
has diabetes or not.
• Funded the tuition
• Doesn’t even
Therapeutic Effect Adverse Effect Duration of Illness fee of his siblings.
1. Haloperidol provide a single
• Tachycardia Observable during Adulthood • Stopped using penny.
1. Haloperidol rebalances • Hyperprolactinemia
stage, prior to admission and drugs and quit • Still uses drugs and
dopamine to improve, thinking, • Parkinsonism
• Erectile dysfunction present smoking after cigarette despite
mood, and behavior.
2. Risperidone
knowing he has knowing that he has
2. Risperidone decrease • Anemia
goiter. goiter.
dopaminergic and serotonergic • Tachycardia
• • Admitted to ICDTRC
pathway activity in the brain. Abdominal pain or discomfort, vomiting, nausea,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, & dry mouth
• Admitted at
3. Valpros controls seizures by because He tried to
• Edema, pyrexia, chest pain, asthenia, & fatigue ICDTRC due to his burn their house
decreasing the abnormal and • Muscle spasms, musculoskeletal pain, back pain, &
excessive activity of the nerve arthralgia conflict with his and kill their family.
cells in the brain.
3. Valpros father. His addiction to
• Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea
4. Akidin improves muscle control • Alopecia drugs and alcohol is
and reducing the stiffness, an anti • Weight gain uncontrollable.
• Dizziness
4. Akidin
5. Fluanxol Depot helps correct
chemical imbalances in the brain.
• Urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, nausea,
• Tachycardia, arrhythmia
• Blurred vision, hallucinations, memory impairment,
• Rash, dry skin, flushed skin, hypersensitivity reactions
5. Fluanxol Depot
• Mask-like face
• Blurred vision
• Fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
• Fainting, dizziness

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