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Baby you know i promised to be home on Sunday, as we were working this morning the

machine i am using for drilling got broken and i am so confused that's why i did
not write you, right now as i am writing you i am still confused... to fix the
machine is $25,000 and right now i have $15,000, my friends said they will assist
with $5000 and my nanny said she is going to help me with $1000 i am confused
don't know how to get the balance money.... i miss u and love u more.. i don't know
if you can be of help but don't mean to bug you with my problem, I came to you
because i wont let my pride to take over me, i will pay back on the 15th of dis
month please help me with the balance of $3,500 please okay.

I have already signed a document here at the beginning of this job that if I do not
complete my contract I will not get paid so there is no way I can get money from my
employers, I tried but they refused and reminded me of the document I signed so I
had no other option than to look for help else where and you are the only hope I
have left, please sweetie you have to help me on this. Help me with whatever you
can assist me with to enable me get the machine fix so I can go back to work. I
miss you so much and I love you always...i know you are willing to help me,but just
try your possible best okay.......God bless you my sweetheart ,Honey I promise to
make it up to you soon as i get onshores.

How are you and how are you doing as well?I am Carla and the woman you have been
communicating with on as well.I just want to tell you a little bit about myself as
well.I am a single 32 female on here looking for a good and caring man to spend the
rest of my life with and i am also on here looking for a long term relationship as
well and to lead to marriage and i am also willing to relocate as well as well...I
am single with no kids as well.I am easy going type, adventurous, loving, ambitious
and have a very good sense of humor and also love to be with my partner and always
be the woman he has always known me to be a s well.. My hobbies are too many but to
mentioned a few; sports,watching movies, going for walks, listening to music
(almost all types of music), love on the beach, Walking with my partner and also
having a nice and lovely time with him as well..I don�t have any kids, I don�t
smoke or drink alcohol. am always smiling and don�t easily get irritated, I don't
even remember the last time I frowned.As i strongly do believe that smiling brings
a lot of happiness and love as well.i am also alone and looking for someone to
share my whole life with,not just someone but one who have all the good characters
in life.I am on here looking for nothing but a real and true love as well and i am
not a material person as i am not here for age or appearance but for real and true
love as well. I promise to make my one and only the most happiest man on earth if
only he�s willing to accept me as part of him. I�ll be there whenever he needs me
and promise never to do anything to hurt his feeling. I�ll love him just the way he
is, being blind, disable, deaf or dumb or whatever category that he falls in. I
really mean my words and I�m serious too.I�m ever ready to sail to the end of the
sea with him and ever prepared to do anything to have him forever. I promised to be
the woman of his dreams cuss I�m not going,to let him down, since the adage goes ;A
woman without a man is like a river or a stream without a source and as
relationship are build on trust and with mutual respect I assure him my whole
heart.Hope to hear from you soon and have a nice and pleasant day.I also sent you
one of my photo as well..Carla ...Hope to hear from you soon

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