DLP Epp6 Technology-Based (1) (DONE)

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Student Name: Jessica R. Tadeo

Learning area Epp Grade 6 Topic Sewing Date April4,2024 Time 1hr
Level Tools and Frame


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding in the use of sewing tools in
dress making/tailoring
B. Performance Standard The learner independently uses tools and dressmaking
C. Value Standard Students can acquire new knowledge, understand concepts, and
grasp information across various subjects and disciplines
D. Learning Competency At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
-Define what sewing tools and materials are.
-Give and write their own examples of sewing tools, materials, and
their uses.
-Explain the importance of sewing tools and materials
E. Technology Based

A. Instructional Materials Laptop, Flash drive, power point presentation

and Technology

B. References Peralta, Gloria A., Arsenue, Ruth A. et al; (2016) Life Skills through
TLE; Vibal Group, Inc.; p 108 – 114

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Routinary Activities
Classroom Management


-Good morning, Class, How are you? We're good ma'am.

-I'm glad to know that you're all okay.

Thankyou ma'am


-Let us pray first

May I request someone to lead the prayer.

(One student will lead the prayer)

-Before we start kindly turn on all your cameras and

we will take a picture for our photo documentary.
Smile in 3,2,1 *click*
*Open their cameras*

•Checking Attendance

- Who's our secretary? May I know who is absent

Wow Great!
-There's no absent for today

-Before we go to our next topic, let's have a quick

review of what lesson we talked about last

- So, last week we tackled how to make different

lines in sewing. Anyone from the class? Give me an
example of a sewing line.

-Very Good! So, Let's move on. *A student volunteered*

Seam-the line where two pieces of
fabric are joined together by
sewing them with thread.

B. Motivation

"Your creative work will tell your story."

- Ma'am Ica

-Okey class, I will show you some pictures and you will Yes ma’am!
identify or guess what sewing tool or material you will see.

*Showing pictures*
*Everyone in the class*
Tape measure.
Very Good Class!

C. Presentation of the Lesson

•Measuring Tool

Tape Measure- Usually made of cloth or plastic, this is used

for taking body measurements as well as cloth and

•Cutting Tool
Embroidery Scissors- These small scissors are designed for
needle work.

-Do you understand the measuring and cutting tool Yes ma’am!

•Marking Tool
Tailor's Chalk- This is a hard square wax usually colored
orange used to mark the seamlines or sewing lines in fabric.
•Sewing Tool
Needle-used for hand-sewing, is a long slender tool with a
pointed tip at one end and a hole to hold the sewing


-Do you have any questions about measuring, cutting,

marking, and sewing tool examples?

If none let's proceed to our next tools and materials.

D. Development of the Lesson

-We have four different types of tools used for sewing. *A student volunteered*
What are they again? Ma'am, our four different types of
Anyone in the class? tools used for sewing are
measuring, cutting, marking, and
sewing tools.
Very Good Class, you are all totally paying attention to our

-Now we'll look at many characteristics of sewing

equipment and materials to see what they have in common
and what they don't.

*We have different types of measuring tools.

-What is the first one we talked about earlier?

Ma'am, Tape measure.
•Ruler- This is used to measure and draft lines on a
fabric or pattern.

Class, do you understand what is sewing ruler? Yes ma’am!


*Drafting Tools

•French Curve- This tool is used in drafting curves in

the pattern of the arm, neckline, and crotch.

-Again, we used French curve for what?

Anyone? Ma'am, We used French curve in
drafting curves in the pattern of the
arm, neckline, and crotch.
Yes! Very Good.

•Taylor's Square- used for the correct measurement of

lines in the right angle.
They're all used for measuring and
drafting but they have their own

-Class, in your own understanding, what are their

similarities and differences?

-Correct! They're all used for measuring and drafting but

they have their own texture.
Ma'am, Embroidery scissor.

*Next, we have here different types of cutting tools.

-What is the first one we talked about earlier?

Correct! Next is
•Dressmaking Shears- These big scissors are used for
cutting fabric.

Yes ma'am.

-Did you understand class?

•Pinking Shears- are the scissors with the nearly

mystical power to prevent fraying on raw hems by cutting
fabric in a zigzag pattern. They also are useful when you
need to reduce fabric bulk on seam allowances, and they
make a great pattern that can add flavor to the edges of
sewing or even paper projects.
The first has flat edges, whereas
the second has teeth or a metal

- Class, what did you notice about these two?

•Stitch Ripper- a small tool made of metal used to

remove stitches.

No ma’am

-That's all of our cutting tool examples.

Do you have any questions? Clarifications?

-Now we are going to our next material, which is sewing

•Pins- to hold pieces of fabric, be sure to use pins that
have sharp and pointed tips.
We have four types of pins, a glass, lace pins, t-pins,
and safety pins.

•Thread- a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other

fibers used in sewing or weaving.
Are you familiar with this sewing material?

•Pin Cushion- made of varied materials such as cotton, Yes ma’am!

it is used to keep needles and pins when unused.

•Thimble-a metal or plastic cap with a closed end,

worn to protect the finger and push the needle in sewing.

-That's the end of our discussion about sewing tools and

materials. Do you have any questions?

-Now that we've finished with this topic, let's try something
else before we end.

No ma'am
E. Generalization

•Quick review

- What was our lesson all about? Our lesson is all about sewing tools
and materials. We've discussed
their functions and uses.

What are those materials? Can you tell me what is their *First student
tool names and where they belong as a type of tool? a tape measure and it belongs to
measuring tools.
Very Good!

Another one
*Second student
a scissors and it belongs to cutting
Correct! Very Good

*Third student
Taylor's chalk and it belongs to
marking tools.

*Last student
Needle and it belongs to sewing

Wow! Good Job. You're all totally paying attention to our Thankyou ma'am

Do you have any questions about our lesson?

No ma'am
F. Application

Okay, listen. We will have a short exercise

today. You are going to answer the question I
sent in our Gc. I will check your answers after
you are done doing it. Send it to me in a private
message. Do you understand class?

Yes ma’am!
Check the question in our GC and you may
start answering it.

List any sewing tools you have in your home or

have tried before, along with an explanation of
how you utilized them.

Are you all done?

Great! I will check it now and give you the Yes ma’am

Very Good. All of you have your own

experience using sewing tools, and I guess
you’re all really enjoying using them.

G. Valuing

•Can you remember some instances in your life

that you must use sewing materials? If yes, could *At least 3 students' responses
you share it to the class.

I. Assessment/Evaluation

Study each photo carefully. Write the name of the correct sewing tool and their use in
the spaces provided.
1. Sewing Tool name Use




II. Assignment/Agreement

•Make a short video using any one of the materials that we tackled earlier.

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