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Sekretariat: Jl. Mojopahit Blok SSS, Jember. Telp. (0331) 429779

Parents Science quiz Score:

signature: Academic year 2017-2018
Name Teacher
: signature:
Day/date : Tuesday/August 15th
Time : 60 minutes
KKM : 75

A. Cross the best answer!

1. Which one is used to smell?
a. b. c.

2. Which one is used to taste?

a. b. c.

3. Which one is used to touch?

a. b. c.

4. Ear is used to ….
a. Smell b. see c. hear
5. Eyes are used to ….
a. Touch b. taste c. smell
6. Which one is sweet?
a. Coffee b. sugar c. salt
7. Which one is bitter?
a. Candy b. soap c. chili
8. Which one is smooth?
a. Stone b. tile c. durian
9. Which one is soft?
a. Table b. book c. doll
10. Which one is hard?
a. Leaf b. plastic c. stone
11. Fart is smell ….
a. Sweet b. bad c. sharp
12. Flower is smell ….
a. Sweet b. bad c. sharp
13. Durian is smell ….
a. Sweet b. bad c. sharp
14. Candy is ….
a. Sour b. sweet c. bitter
15. To observe small objects, we use ….
16. b. c.

17. To measure the length of object, we use ….

a. b. c.

18. To measure the weight of object, we use ….

a. b. c.

19. To measure the temperature, we use ….

a. b. c.

20. Look at the picture!

Computer helps us to ….
a. Observe small objects
b. Measure the length of objects
c. Look for information
B. Write “True” or “False”!
1. We see with our eyes (_________)

2. Lemons are sweet (_________)

3. Rubbish smells bad (_________)

4. Mirror is soft (_________)

5. We touch with our nose (_________)

6. We hear with our ears (_________)

7. Scale is used to measure weight (_________)

8. Ruler is used to measure length (_________)

9. Thermometer is used to observe small objects (_________)

10. Computer is used to cook (_________)

C. Draw a human with 5 senses!

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