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A Research Study Presented to

The Faculty of School of Teacher Education

West Visayas State University-Janiuay Campus

Janiuay, Iloilo

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Elementary Education


Amaro, Llen Mae C.

Armada, Inna Thallieah A.

Capillo, Ma. Vee Ann S.

Casiple, Mary Caroline D.

Clemente, Shiela Rose B.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines


The thesis attached here is entitled “Level of Importance of Laboratory Discipline

on OJT Performance” prepared by Llen Mae C. Amaro, Inna Thallieah A. Armada, Ma.

Vee Ann S. Capillo, Mary Caroline D. Casiple and Shiela Rose B. Clemente in partial

fulfillment of the requirements of the course EED 204 Teaching in Research is hereby


Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research.


Research Adviser Panel Member


Panel Member/ Course Facilitator


SOTE Director
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines


This research study would not have been made possible without the support and

assistance extended by the following persons:

Dr. Guiller P. Pendon, Campus Administrator for his approval in pursuit of this


Dr. Ma. Agnes H. Callanta, research adviser and Dr. Noel A. Insular, course

facilitator in the course EED 204-Teaching Research, for their untiring support and

guidance, and invaluable suggestions;

Dr. Lolita Manejero and Dr. Nancy A. Arellano, research panel, for the words of

encouragement, and suggestions to the study.

The validators for validating the instruments and suggestions to the study. The

respondents who spared their time and efforts in answering the survey questionnaires

and sharing their experiences.

The researchers’ parents, who gave their full support in terms of financial, moral

and spiritual needs.

Above all, God almighty, who showered the researchers with spiritual strength,

grace, wisdom, divine blessings and good health.

The Researchers
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Amaro, L.M.C., Armada, I.T.A., Capillo, M.V.A.S., Casiple, M.C.D., Clemente, S.R.B:
“Level of Importance of Laboratory Discipline on OJT Performance” Unpublished
Undergraduate Research Paper Bachelor of Elementary Education, West Visayas State
University- Janiuay Campus, Janiuay, Iloilo, January 2023.


This descriptive study aimed to determine the student’s experiences on the Level of

Importance of Laboratory Discipline on OJT Performances of West Visayas State

University-Janiuay Campus Academic Year 2023-2024. The respondents of the study

were the randomly selected 185 college students who were grouped by sex and courses.

The instrument used in gathering the data was the questionnaire-checklist. The study

employed the mean and standard deviation were utilized as descriptive statistics while t-

test and ANNOVA was employed as inferential statistical tools. Result revealed that

generally when taken as an entire group the level of importance of laboratory discipline

was very high when classified as to sex, male was high while female was very high in

the level of importance of laboratory discipline. When classified as to course, the BSHM

was very high while BSIT and BSICT high on the importance of laboratory discipline. For

inferential statistics there was no significant difference in the level of importance of

laboratory discipline on OJT performance when classified as to course.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines




Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables vii

List of Figure viii

List of Appendices ix



Background of the Study 2

Theoretical Framework of the Study and the Paradigm 4

Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis 7

Definition of Term 8

Significant of the Study 9

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 10



West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Research Design 19

Respondents of the Study 19

Data Gathering Instruments 19

Data Gathering Procedure 20

Statistical Data Analysis 21


Descriptive Statistics 23

Inferential Statistics 25



Summary 27

Findings 28

Conclusions 28

Recommendations 29


West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

List of Tables

Table Pages

1 Profile of Respondents 23

2 t-Test Results of the Difference in the Level of Importance of Laboratory

Discipline on OJT Performance to Sex 24

3 ANOVA Results of the Difference in the Level of Importance of Laboratory

Discipline on OJT Performance according to Course 25

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

List of Figure

Figure Page

1 The Schematic Diagram Showing the Relationship Between

the Independent and the Dependent Variable 6

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

List of Appendices

Appendix Pages

A Letter to the Campus Administrator 34

B Letter to the Respondents 35

C Letter for Validator 36

D Research Instruments 37
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines



This chapter is divided into six parts: (1) Background of the Study; (2) Statement of the

Problem and Hypotheses; (3) Significance of the Study; (4) Definition of Terms; and

(5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background of the Study, presents the introduction and information

about the study, the importance, and the validity of the chosen topic.

Part Two, Statement of the Problem and the Hypotheses, indicates the purpose

of the investigation generally and specifically using both descriptive and inferential


Part Three, Significance of the study, presents the beneficiaries of the study, as

well as the benefits derived from the results of the study.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, alphabetically cites and defines essential words

or terms used in the study for the purpose of clarity and understanding.

Part Five, Delimitation of the study, gives the brief and concise scope or

boundaries of the study.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Background of the Study

Laboratory discipline refers to the rules, procedures, and guidelines students

are expected to follow while working in a laboratory setting. It includes safety,

equipment uses, experimental procedures, record keeping, cleanliness, organization,

respect for others, time management, ethical considerations, communication, and

follow-up. Safety protocols include wearing appropriate gear, handling chemicals and

equipment responsibly, and being aware of emergency procedures. Proper

documentation of experimental procedures, observations, and results is crucial for

obtaining reliable results. Cleanliness and organization are essential for safety and

efficiency. Respect for others, effective time management, ethical considerations, and

effective communication are also crucial. Following up on findings involves adhering to

specific formatting and reporting guidelines. Laboratory discipline is essential for

academic success and the safety and integrity of scientific research. (, 2018)

Laboratory discipline is crucial for maintaining safety, integrity, and efficiency in

scientific work. Common issues include safety violations, equipment misuse, plagiarism,

data falsification, lack of preparation, disorganization, poor time management,

communication issues, inadequate record keeping, ethical dilemmas, and resource

management. These issues can lead to accidents, injuries, and potential harm to the

scientific process. To address these issues, educators should provide proper training,

emphasize the importance of laboratory discipline, and enforce rules and ethics.

Encouraging a culture of safety, ethics, and responsible conduct is essential for

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

developing the skills and habits necessary for successful scientific work. Addressing

issues promptly and providing consequences for violations can help maintain discipline in

the laboratory.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) Performance is an assessment of an individual's ability

to acquire and apply new skills and knowledge in a real work environment. Key aspects

of OJT performance include skill acquisition, learning curve, knowledge application,

productivity, quality of work, feedback and adaptation, safety, and problem-solving. It

measures an individual's ability to adapt to job demands, meet performance goals, and

meet quality standards. OJT performance is crucial for both the individual and the

organization providing the training, as it helps determine the effectiveness of the

training program and whether the individual is progressing in their job performance.

Regular evaluations may lead to adjustments in training methods, additional support, or

changes in the training program.

Discipline in the laboratory involves following instructions, maintaining cleanliness,

and respecting the equipment and materials used. It also includes being punctual,

attentive, and focused during experiments. These qualities are essential for a successful

OJT experience as they contribute to the accuracy and reliability of the data collected.

Furthermore, laboratory discipline instills a sense of responsibility and

professionalism in students. It teaches them the importance of following rules and

regulations, which are essential in any professional setting. By practicing discipline in

the laboratory, students develop good work habits that will benefit them throughout

their careers.

Laboratory discipline is of utmost importance in ensuring the success of

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

students during their OJT. It not only contributes to the accuracy and reliability of the

experiments conducted but also instills valuable qualities that will benefit students in

their future professional endeavors.

Theoretical Framework

Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory suggests that individuals learn through

observing, imitating, and modeling others' behavior, known as vicarious learning. It

emphasizes cognitive processes, beliefs, and expectations, and the link between

behavior and consequences (Simply Psychology, 2023).

Discipline is a set of principles and ideas that guide the practice of maintaining

control, order, and self-regulation in various aspects of life, including personal behavior,

education, and organizational management. Key theories include behaviorism, self-

discipline, social learning, punishment and reward, humanistic theory, educational

discipline, organizational discipline, criminal justice and legal discipline, and parenting

and child discipline. Behaviorism suggests the use of positive and negative

reinforcement to shape behavior, while self-discipline emphasizes the development of

self-control and self-regulation. Social learning theory suggests that individuals learn

appropriate behaviors by observing others and the consequences of their actions.

Punishment and reward theory suggests that people are more likely to repeat rewarded

behaviors and avoid punished ones. Humanistic theory emphasizes personal growth

and self-actualization. Effective discipline often strikes a balance between maintaining

order and promoting positive development.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a practical approach to skill development and

performance improvement, focusing on learning by doing. Performance theories can be

applied to OJT to improve the learning process and maximize skill development.

Behaviorism, cognitive learning theory, social learning theory, constructivism,

experiential learning theory, performance feedback, motivation theories, transfer of

learning theory, performance support tools, and assessment and evaluation are some

of the principles that can be applied to OJT. Behaviorism emphasizes observable

behaviors and reinforcement, while cognitive learning theory emphasizes mental

processes and problem-solving. Social learning theory suggests that individuals learn

through observation and interaction with others. Constructivism encourages active

construction of knowledge by learners, while experiential learning theory suggests a

cycle of concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and

active experimentation. Performance feedback is essential, and motivation theories can

be applied to tailor training experiences to align with individual motivations. Transfer of

learning theory emphasizes the application of skills from training to the actual job.

Performance support tools can assist learners in applying skills on the job.
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Conceptual Framework

This study dealt with the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT

performance of selected BSIT, BSHM, and BSICT students for school year 2023-2024.

Paradigm of the Study

Independent Variables Intervening Variable Dependent Variables

Female Laboratory Discipline OJT Performance


Figure 1:

As shown on the table above, the independent variables were sex and the

school, the dependent variable was OJT Performance. In between was the intervening

variable which was laboratory discipline.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the level of importance of Laboratory discipline on

OJT Performance.

Specifically, this study sought answer to the following questions:

1. What is the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT Performance

when taken as an entire group and when classified as to sex and course?

2. Is there any significant difference in the level of importance of laboratory

discipline on OJT Performance when classified as to sex and course?


Based on the aforementioned problems, the given hypothesis was advanced.

1. There is no significant difference in the level of importance of laboratory

discipline on OJT performance when classified as to sex and course.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Definition of Terms

For purposes of clarity and understanding, the following terms were given their

conceptual and operational definitions:

On-the-Job Training (OJT)- is a type of training that is provided at the workplace. It

helps students get direct experience in using tools, software, techniques, or equipment

used in a live environment (Training magazines, 2023).

In this study, OJT means training in the public or private institution that provide

knowledge and skills.

Laboratory Discipline - refers to a set of rules and protocols that are followed in

laboratory setting. ( Deepak, 2018 )

In this study, laboratory discipline means maintaining a clean and organized

work environment, handling tools and equipment safely, adhering to ethical conduct,

and practicing proper record-keeping.

Performance - It is an assessment which is a measure of the students’ ability to apply

the skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study. Typically, the task

challenges students to use their higher-order thinking skills to create a product or

complete a process (Chun, 2010).

In this study, performance refers to the activity or task given in the laboratory

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Significance of the Study

The group of people who will benefit from the result of this study:

Laboratory Teachers. This study serves as springboard in reawakening to ensure

and maintain laboratory classroom discipline especially to provide male students with

helpful ideas and discipline.

Department. This study serves as to the rules and strategies applied in

department to manage student behavior and practices used to encourage self-discipline.

Administration. This study serves as guide to administrator to revisit and take

initiative in enhancing the laboratory policies and guidelines to include explicit

components that promotes and assess laboratory discipline.

Students. This study aims to train students’ minds, make them aware of right and

wrong, and help them focus on goals, while also promoting classroom discipline.

Future Researchers. The result of this research may serve as reference for further

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Delimitation of the Study

The descriptive study focused on the level of importance of laboratory discipline

on OJT performance. It aimed to find out if there is a significant difference in the level

of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT Performance of BSIT, BSHM, and BSICT, at

West Visayas State University- Janiuay Campus for S.Y. 2023-2024.

The respondents of this study were 185 randomly of BSIT, BSHM, and BSICT at

West Visayas State University- Janiuay Campus. They were asked to answer a checklist

which would determine the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines



This chapter presents the review of related studies and consists of 3 parts (1)

History of Discipline, (2) Local Literature about On-The-Job Training, and (3) Importance

of having On-The-Job Training.

History of Discipline

The term ‘discipline’ comes from the word ‘discipulus’ in Latin which means

teaching and learning. The term has the essence of control in it and means “to teach

someone to obey rules and control their behavior or to punish someone in order to keep

order and control” (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2020, p. 443); and

thus it is mostly connoted with punishment in case of disobedience. Punitive strategies

such as detention are used in schools based on “the premise that isolation gives the

perpetrator time to reflect on what happened, realize the error of his or her ways, and

return to the same situation but with a change of behavior and attitude” (Pane, 2019).

According to (2021) Discipline in school is vital to helping students

achieve strong academic gains, yet this is one area where many schools fall short. When

it comes to schools keeping students on-task and safe, discipline is a key component.

Effective school discipline practices help students make wise decisions and stay focused

on their studies
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Local Literature about On-The-Job Training

On-the-job training (OJT) program is one of the most influential programs in

higher education and has been an integral part of the educational system in the

Philippines specifically in tertiary and senior high school levels but not in the secondary

level. The students obtained an average rating in their academic performance. However,

other factors which affect their class standing such as time conflict between classes and

OJT schedule were revealed. Thus, it is recommended to re calibrate the existing OJT

policy and guidelines to enable the future students become well-trained and motivated in

achieving excellent performances both in the field and academically.

In a world where advanced technology and globalization are deemed to be

necessities, immense training programs for future employees is an important factor for the

business industry to proliferate. A 2015 review by Surbhi found out that the main reason

of the conduct of employee training is to develop knowledge and skills of employees

based on the requirements of the job and at the same time, eliminate performance

problems (El Hajjar & Alkhanaizi, 2018). Through on-the-job training (OJT), employees

can be more productive, can make more efficient use of capital and machinery, and can

have a positive effect on the performance of the peers (Veloza, Rosas, & Flores, 2016).

In the field of cooperative education and internship, OJT of students, a pre-

professional instructing has originated in the academic departments (Bechtel, as cited in

Mendis & Arachchige, 2015). On the other hand, OJT improves students’ learning

retention since their work experience helps strengthen recall the information compared to

classroom learning (Kapadia, 2014; Serrano, 2017).

In the Philippines, OJT has been one of the mechanics of Higher Education to
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

develop the required competencies of its graduates. The goals and objectives of OJT

served as guides in developing the needed competencies for finding a particular job, and

translating the training into a profitable working experience (Ylagan,2013). OJT training

requires students to demonstrate their specific skills that are connected to their field of

specialization which can be essential considered as essential application to their future

work environment (Bernardo, Landicho, & Laguador, 2014). When K+12 curriculum was

introduced in the country, the Department of Education (DepEd) announced that work

experience will be given to senior high school students in the Grade 12 level which aims to

teach high students specialized skills as well as holistic development that is outcomes-

based to make Filipino high school graduates employable (GMA News Online, “DepEd

Chief: Highs School Students to undergo OJT under Proposed K+12”, 2011, p.1). Thus,

OJT program which is commonly designed as the culminating activity of undergraduates in

the country, was officially became part of the senior high school curriculum.

On the other hand, very few secondary schools are known to conduct OJT

program for Grade 10- or fourth-year high school students with an average age of sixteen

(16). In most cases, only laboratory schools in the country conduct OJT program for their

graduating students. In the case of Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory

High School (PUPLHS), since the curriculum is defined as business curriculum where major

subjects namely: Bookkeeping, Entrepreneurship, and Office Technology, are offered as

early as Grade 9, the graduating students are expected to accomplish 150 hours of OJT

on the last two (2) grading periods of the academic year. The aim of the program is to

apply the knowledge they gained from their classes and be exposed on the field of their

interest which will hone their skills for their future endeavors. Memorandum of
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Agreement, Consent forms, and medical clearance are some of the documentary

requirements before entering the said program to secure the safety of the high school

students. Given the fact that OJT program has been also offered in the junior high school

level, it must be given importance as it plays critical role in the students’ education


Importance of having On-The-Job Training

According to Larios 2013, one of the success stories that may contribute

considerably to the overall efficacy of the curriculum created and implemented by

stakeholders from different sector representation is students' performance in their

individual on-the-job training (OJT). Students were placed in various businesses to gain

knowledge, skills, attitudes, and true job experience that would help them to be more

competitive upon completion of training and serve as input for future employment in their

chosen field.

According to Ylagan 2013, On-the-Job Training (OJT) is one of the mechanisms

used by the higher education business to enhance the necessary capabilities of its

graduates. Its aims and objectives acted as a guide in building the necessary abilities for a

specific profession and converting the training into a profitable working experience. The

internship is the capstone academic experience for human service students as well as

students from several disciplines enrolled in two and four-year academic programs. An

internship combines classroom learning with real job experience and can last anywhere

from three months to a year. Allowing graduating students to apply what they have

studied in books in a work setting through On-the-Job Training would help them acquire
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

the work values and attitudes required to produce efficient and successful leaders and

professionals in cross-cultural and transdisciplinary endeavors.

Laguador and Dotong 2010, state that the students' loyalty to their teachers aided

them in developing a strong character of complying with the expectations and demands of

their immediate superiors. Another mind-set that allowed them to prove that they are

truly competent for the role was their inventiveness and innovativeness, which helped

them stand out among employees who had the essential abilities but never found their

talents, cleverness, creativity and resourcefulness. When learning on the job, learners and

teachers work together and develop a sense that they are pursuing the same goal.

Employees are no longer merely given training; they are urged to engage in it as well.

Employees can offer timely feedback on what they don't understand and provide

suggestions to improve classes and processes.

Employees can offer timely feedback on what they don't understand and provide

suggestions to improve classes and processes. Students who receive on-the-job training

can learn to be adaptable to change. For example, manufacturers routinely make

enhancements and updates and may opt not to support earlier versions of equipment.

Similarly, production processes alter based on a variety of operational circumstances. OJT

allows training to be easily adjusted to reflect an employer's specific equipment, as well as

changes and activities unique to a company's culture. On-the-job training is one of the

oldest systematic techniques of educating and equipping employees on a variety of skills

for improved and more enjoyable job performance. Training occurs inside the employee's

typical work setting and may occur while he or she is performing their actual task. It
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

might also happen elsewhere in the workplace, such as in designated training rooms,

workstations, or equipment.

On-the-job training (OJT) is part of the tertiary curriculum which connects the gap

between theory and practice as well as between classroom education and real industry life

presenting a more precious learning experience that improves the importance of the

academic program and form the view of personal and social usefulness (Batool, Ellahi, and

Masood, 2012). It is the most effective method to develop the competence and skills of

the students through hand-on training as it exposes them to the different fields and

consequently, learned. It also allows students to become familiar and made known with

the actual operation of the business and state-of-the-art of the facilities, equipment and

technology used (Taladtad, Bala, Rodelas, 2010).

The on-the-job training (OJT) programs is significant, not only for students, but for

teachers and employers as well. In the academe, on-the-job training improves the

learning retention since the in-situ experience helps strengthen recall of information in a

way that classroom learning cannot (Holloway, as cited by Kapadia, 2014). It helps

instructors see how their lessons work in practice, fine-tune it, and field-test the ideas and

techniques they teach which leads not only to better teaching, but also to better

processes (Kapadia, 2014). It is also well suited to customize training to the employer’s

specific needs, while creating career advancement opportunities for entry level workers

(Kobes, 2013). It offers many opportunities for development as trainees can learn as they

contribute to the aims of the enterprise (Koontz, 2007). Kolb et al. (2000) purported that

the development of a framework to scaffold an area of expertise requires authentic

experiences coupled with opportunities to reflect systematically on those experiences.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Students must be provided with experiential learning, an active learning or learning by

doing, where students apply their theoretical, classroom knowledge though the “real

word” experience and application in the form of internship or practicum placement in

outside agencies (Hawtrey, 2007). Van Zollingen (2008) asserted that the students’ level

of achievement is significantly related to the on-the job training and what the students

learn from the classroom is what the students apply during OJT. While the school provides

related instruction and related skills, the role of industries is to sharpen the student’s

competencies. Hence, other than adapting and implementing the emergent outcomes-

based education by higher education institutions, the on-the-job training programs must

be given importance as it plays a critical role in bridging the job skills mismatch.
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines



This chapter contains Two parts (1) Research Design, (2) Methodology which include

Respondents, Instruments, Data Collection Procedures and Statistical Data Analysis.

Part One, Research Design, explains the reasons for studying the topic and as

well as the research designs used;

Part Two, Methodology which include Respondents, Instruments, Procedures and

Statistical Data Analysis.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Research Design

Considering the nature of this study and the statement of the problem, the

method of research used in this study is the descriptive design to determine the

importance of laboratory discipline. It also tried to find out if there was a significant

difference in the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT Performance.


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the 185 second-year students of BSIT, BSHM

and BSICT of West Visayas State University-Janiuay Campus. The respondents were

grouped according to their sex and course. To select the sample, stratified sampling

method was used.

Data Gathering Instrument

In gathering data for this study, the researchers utilized survey checklist to

determine the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT performance of

students at West Visayas State University -Janiuay Campus. the checklist was subjected

to expert validation for correction and improvement. After considering the suggestions

and corrections, revision of the instrument was made.

The questionnaire checklist was composed of two parts. The first part dealt with

respondent’s profile, such as name, sex, and course. The second part was the 30-item

checklist which required the respondents to check the appropriate column corresponding
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

their answer to the following Scale: Very High (5), High (4), Moderate (3), Low (2), and

Very Low (1). They were asked to choose the practices that they do.

In determining the result, an arbitrary skill was used with 5- point Likert Scale.

Scale of Mean Description

1.00 – 1.80 Very Low

1.81 – 2.60 Low

2.61 – 3.40 Moderate

3.41 – 4.20 High

4.21 – 5.00 Very High

Data Gathering Procedure

In the conduct of the study, 30-item questionnaires were used to gather relevant

data from the respondents. The researchers waited until the participants finished filling

out the checklist.

Upon the retrieval of the accomplished form, the researchers reviewed them for the

completeness of the data.

After all the data have been gathered, it was tabulated. With the help of

statistician, the results were tabulated and analysed using the appropriate statistical


After the statistician treatment was made, the researchers came up with the

findings, conclusions and recommendations.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

All the data gathered were interpreted by the following tests:

Mean was used to determine the importance of laboratory discipline on OJT

performance of selected BSIT, BSHM and BSICT when they were grouped according to

sex and course.

Standard Deviation was used to determine the dispersion of BSIT, BSHM and

BSICT students from the mean attained from different categories of the investigation.

ANOVA was used to determine the significant difference on the level of

importance of laboratory discipline on OJT performance of selected students of BSIT,


West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines


Result and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings of the study. The results were presented into

two parts: (1) Descriptive Data Analysis and (2) Inferential Data Analysis.

Part One, Descriptive Data Analysis reports the descriptive data and their

respective analysis and interpretations.

Part Two, Inferential Data Analysis presents the inferential data and their

respective analysis and interpretations.

This study would like to find out the level of importance of laboratory discipline

on OJT performance taken as an entire group and when grouped as to sex and course.

The mean and standard deviation were utilized.

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Description Data Analysis

The initial findings revealed the level of importance of laboratory discipline on

OJT performance of 2nd year students of WVSU-JC for Academic Year 2022-2023. The

composite mean was computed as basis for interpretation.

Table 1 revealed that generally when taken as an entire group, the level of

importance of laboratory discipline (M=4.53, SD=.26) “very high”. When classified as to

sex, male (M= 4.35, Sd= .16) “high” while female (M= 4.67, Sd= .21). “very high”.

When classified as to course, for the BSHM “very high” (M= 4.45, Sd = .28) while BSIT

(M= 4.21, Sd= .22 and BSICT (M= 4.19, Sd= .18) “high” on the importance of

laboratory discipline.
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Table 1 Profile of Respondents

Category N Mean Description Sd.

Entire Group 185 4.53 Very High .26


Male 82 4.35 High .16

Female 103 4.67 Very High .21


BSHM 64 4.75 Very High .29

BSIT 68 4.21 High .22

BSICT 53 4.19 High .18

Level of Importance of Laboratory Discipline on OJT Performance When Taken as an

Entire Group and When Classified as to Sex and Course

Inferential Data Analysis

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

The findings of the study revealed the differences on the extent of the level of

importance of laboratory discipline on OJT performance of WVSU-JC year 2022-2023.

The mean rank T- value and significant (2-tailed) were computed as basis for


Level of Importance of Laboratory Discipline on OJT Performance

Table 2 result showed that the level of importance of laboratory discipline

towards OJT performance when grouped according to sex is not significant, for the male

(SD= .2.61, T= 0.458, Sig. = .326) and for the Female (Sd= .199, T= 0.458, sig.

= .325).

Table 2 t-Test Results of the Difference in the Level of Importance of Laboratory

Discipline on OJT Performance to Sex

SD t- Value Sig.(2tailed) Description


Male .2.61

0.458 .326 Not


Female .199

P< .05
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Table 3 showed the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT

performance. There was no significant difference in the level of importance of laboratory

discipline towards OJT performance when classified as to course between groups and

within groups using the (F=1.041) and (2-tailed) =.346. The results revealed that P<0.5

level of significant which means that there was no significant difference.

Table 3 ANNOVA Results of the Difference in the Level of Importance of Laboratory

Discipline on OJT Performance According to Course

Sum of S Mean S F Sig. (2 tailed)

Course Remarks

Between Groups .210 0.72

1.041 .346 Not


Within Groups 2. 153 0.54

Total 2. 363

P< .05
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines


Summary, Findings, Conclusion, & Recommendation

This chapter presents three parts: (1) Summary ;(2) Conclusions; and (3)


Part One, Summary, reflects the salient points of the study and the findings. Part

Two, Conclusion, presents the generalizations drawn from the result of the study. Part

Three, Recommendations, offer some suggestions and recommendations based on the

results and conclusions.


This study aimed to determine the level of importance of laboratory discipline on

OJT performance at West Visayas State University -Janiuay Campus.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of importance of laboratory discipline on OJT

Performance as an entire group and when classified as to sex and course?

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

2. Is there any significant difference in the level of importance of

laboratory discipline on OJT Performance when classified as to sex and



Result of the study showed the following findings:

1. When taken as entire group, the level of importance of laboratory

performance on their OJT was very high, yet when group as to sex, female was very

high than male. When they were classified according to courses, BSHM was very high

than BSIT and BSICT were high.

2. There is no significant difference in the level of importance of laboratory

discipline on OJT Performance when classified as to sex and course.


Based on research findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. It can be concluded that the level of importance of laboratory discipline when

taken as to sex, female has higher level tend to demonstrate a notable ease in adhering

to established rules and protocols. Their commitment to following guidelines contributes

to a smooth and structured working environment. While male may display a propensity
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

to disregard established rules, instruction and protocols. When taken as to course,

BSHM has higher level of discipline in the field. They are following strict rules and

protocols. However, BSIT and BSICT both had high level of discipline. Some individuals

within these field may not adhere strictly to established rules and protocols.

2. There is no significant difference in the level of importance of laboratory

discipline on OJT performance when classified as to sex and course.


Based on the conclusions drawn from the findings of the study, the following

recommendations were presented:

1. The laboratory teacher should focus on developing clear and comprehensive

guidelines for laboratory discipline tailored to male students particularly, BSIT and BSICT

who are undergoing OJT, emphasizing the importance of discipline in conducting

experiments and adhering to safety protocols and work standards.

2. The students have to follow what instructions and directions given by their

laboratory teacher to foster effective learning, enabling students to make the most of

their OJT experience.

3. The department should focus in ensuring a uniform and high-quality training

experience for all students.

4. The administrator should initiate and visit policies and guidelines concerning

laboratory discipline.
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines


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School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

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West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

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West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

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West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

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Appendix A
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Letter to the Campus Administrator


Campus Administrator

Dear Sir,


We, the BEED IV-A students of West Visayas State University - Janiuay Campus are presently
conducting a study entitled " Level of Importance of Laboratory Discipline on OJT performance”
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor in Elementary Education.

In connection with this, we are asking permission from your good office to conduct a survey
among randomly selected education students on November 27, 2023, from 8:00-12:00 NN. The
proper protocol will be followed during the conduct of the survey. We are looking forward to a
positive response on this matter. Thank you very much!

Very truly yours.








Research Adviser


SOTE, Director


Campus Administrator
Appendix B

Letter to the Respondents

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Dear Respondents,

Good Day!

We, the BEED - IV A students of West Visayas State University-Janiuay Campus, are
presently conducting our thesis entitled, ”Level of Importance of Laboratory Discipline
on OJT performance ” as a requirement in our subject Research in Teaching (EED 204).

In this connection, we would like to ask your support by answering the questionnaires.
Your favorable response will be highly appreciated.

Respectfully yours.





Research Adviser

Appendix C

Letter to the Validators

December 06, 2023

West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines


Course Facilitator
WVSU-Janiuay Campus

We, the undersigned BEED IV A students of the West Visayas State University-
Janiuay Campus, are presently conducting our thesis entitled: “Level of Importance of
Laboratory Discipline on OJT performance “ as a requirement in our course, EED 204-
Research in Teaching.

In this connection, we would like to request your expertise to be our Validator on

our research instrument. Your comments, suggestions and your favorable response will
be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,




Research Adviser



West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

Appendix D

Research Instrument


Name (Optional):_________________________________ Sex: _________

Course: ________________

Direction: Put the check on the box that best describe to your answer.

5 - Very High
4 - High
3 - Moderate
2 - Low
1 - Very Low
ITEMS Descriptions

Very High High Moderate Low Very Low

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Work Attitude

1. Shows interest and

enthusiasm in performing
his/her task and
2.Shows exceptional sense of
duty and can always be
depended upon to do good
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

3.Cooperates willingly and fits

easily to the group.
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

4.Always take initiative

5.I always discipline in training

6.Shows interest and

enthusiasm in performing
his/her task and
7.I remain optimistic in
training makes me gain
8.I can't set time so training
get interrupted
9.I saturated quickly during
10.Discipline in each training
makes me gain achievement
I don't t believe in my own
Work Habit

1.Comes on time

2.Observes proper break time

3.Performs duties in an
organized and orderly manner.
4.Performs assigned task
within the given time.
5.Neatness is very important
to me
6.Other people seem to accept
lower standard from
themselves than I do.
7.I am very good focusing my
efforts on attaining a goal
8.Eliminate distractions
West Visayas State University
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines

9.Maintain quality of work

performance in routinary work
10.Keeping on a task until its

1.Understands the instructions

2.Performs assigned tasks with
minimum supervision.
3.Willing to accept work
assignments and
4.Cooperates with all other
members of the organization.
5.Shows resourcefulness

6.Learn how to manage time

7.I become more confident in

dealing with other people
8.I am able to learn on how to
respect my co- workers
9.I learn how to understand
the values, ideas, beliefs,
opinions, needs, and want of
other people
10. I become more responsible
in problem solving and
decision making related in my

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