PH B. Inggris 1

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Jl. Raya Kalimulya Rt 01/05 Kel. Kalimulya Kec. Cilodong Depok 16471 Tlp. 021 83717691


Nama : ……………………
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : V Al – Fatihah
Waktu : 60 Menit
Hari/Tanggal : …….. / Februari 2022

Kompetensi Dasar Nilai

3.1 Vocabulary(Merespon secara tertulis
dengan melakukan tindakan, sesuai
dengan instruksi dan informasi secara
berterima dalam konteks kelas.)
3.2 Writing (Menulis tulisan bahasa
Inggris sederhana secara tepat dan
3.3 Reading (Memahami isi teks bacaan
pendek secara tertulis.)

Choose the correct answer by choosing A/B/C/D!
Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan memilih A/B/C/D!
1. A large room designed as a recreation center and informal gathering place for
members of a family is called ...

A. family room
B. dining room
C. terrace
D. kitchen
2. A room or an area equipped for preparing and cooking food is called ...

A. guest room
B. kitchen
C. terrace
D. storage

3. The room in a house where people have their meals, or a room in a hotel where
meals are served is called ...

A. kitchen
B. family room
C. bedroom
D. dining room

4. A private room where people usually sleep for the night or relax during the day is
called …
A. bath room
B. downstair
C. upstairs
D. bed room

5. The main or largest bedroom in a house or apartment is called ....

A. master bedroom
B. guest bedroom
C. kitchen
D. living room

6. My family and I are having dinner in the ....

A. bedroom
B. master bedroom
C. dining room
D. D. family room
7. I put my old toys in the ...
A. kitchen
B. storage
C. dining room
D. down stair

8. I can do many things in the upstairs. The word of upstairs means ....
A. lantai bawah
B. teras
C. lantai atas
D. lonteng

9. My friend and I are playing together in the terrace with my friend. The word of
terrace means...
A. teras
B. halaman
C. closet
D. taman

10. Hanan likes his house, because he has an attic at his house. The word of attic
means ...
A. loteng
B. teras
C. lantai bawah
D. dapur

Look at the picture then answer the questions based on the picture by using
preposition (in, on, beside, between, under)!
Perhatikan gambar kemudian jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan gambar
dengan menggunakan kata depan (in, on, beside, between, under)

11. Where is the picture? .........................................

12. Where is the washbasin? ...........................

13. Where is the lamp? .......................................

14. Where is the firidge ? ..................................................

15. Where is the cat? ......................................

KD 3.3 Reading
Read the following text and answer the question!
Bacalah teks bacaan di bawah ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaanya!

17. Is Auzie’s house small?

18. Does his house have an attic?
19. Where is the living room?
20. Where is his bedroom?
21. Where are the washing and drying machines?

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