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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management

Dr. Eng. Mia Wimala

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Graduate Civil Engineering
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan


Programming Analysis

Life Cycle of
Construction Fabrication

Project Renovation


Operation Construction
Demolition and Maintenance Logistics


Current Issues
Less attractive industries due to poor public image and temporary status

No HRM policy and plan → training, safety, exploitation of illegal workers,

avoidance tax payment, etc.

Product-oriented management skills → psychological needs ???

• Unique, one-off nature
• Tendency to be awarded at short
notice Short-term vs long-term objective of the organization
• Transient/temporary workforce → less training and personal development
• Increasingly demanding clients
• A male-dominated culture
Employee turnover and retention → loyalty ???

Rely on subcontractor and self-employment

Skilled employee

Source: Furniturk Magazine Online — Ready for Industry 5.0

The Opportunities
and Challenges


The Opportunities and Challenges

Menurut data Ditjen Bina Konstruksi Kementerian PUPR, per semester I/2019
jumlahnya meningkat menjadi 225 kantor perwakilan dan 412 BUJK PMA. Kontraktor
asal China menempati urutan pertama dengan jumlah 44 BUJKA, disusul Jepang 38
BUJKA, dan Korea Selatan 28 BUJKA. Per Juli 2017, jumlah BUJKA meningkat
menjadi 621 kontraktor yng terdiri atas 344 BUJK pelaksana, 165 konsultan, dan 112

Civil Engineer’s World 2025

• The civil engineer’s world of 2025 will be even more
challenging than today.
• The civil engineers realize that they must increasingly
transform themselves from designers and builders to
project life-cycle “sustainers” due to growing
population, shrinking resources, and climate change
that put sustainability at the forefront of issues
requiring global attention.
• In 2025, civil engineers will serve as master builders,
environmental stewards, innovators and integrators,
managers of risk and uncertainty, and leaders in
shaping public policy.
• The civil engineers personal attributes: knowledge,
skills, and attitudes—must expand to meet the
challenges of 2025.


Trends & Emerging Practices

• Project management styles are shifting away from a command-and-control structure for managing projects and toward a more collaborative and supportive
management approach that empowers teams by delegating decision making to the team members.
• In modern project resource management approaches seek to optimize resource utilization.

Due to the scarce nature The project manager The increase in using agile The availability of
of critical resources, in should invest in personal approaches mainly for the communication technology
some industries, several EI by improving inbound execution of IT projects such as email, audio
trends have become (e.g., self-management and has given rise to the self- conferencing, social
popular in the past several self-awareness) and organizing team, where media, web-based
years. outbound (e.g., the team functions with an meetings, and video
relationship management) absence of centralized conferencing has made

Self-organizing teams.

Virtual teams/distributed teams.

Resource management methods.

Emotional intelligence (EI).

There is extensive
literature about lean competencies. control. virtual teams feasible.
management, just in- Research suggests that In projects that have self- Advantages: being able to
time (JIT) manufacturing, project teams that succeed organizing teams, the use special expertise on a
Kaizen, total productive in developing team EI or project manager role project team thought is not
maintenance (TPM), become an emotionally provides the team with in the same area, work
theory of constraints competent group are more the environment and from home, and including
(TOC), and other methods. effective. Additionally, support needed and people with mobility
A project manager should there is a reduction in staff trusts the team to get the limitations
determine if the turnover. job done. The challenges: a possible
performing organization Successful self organizing feeling of isolation, gaps in
has adopted one or more teams usually consist of sharing knowledge and
resource management generalized specialists, experience between team
tools and adapt the project instead of subject matter members, and difficulties
accordingly. experts, who continuously in tracking progress and
adapt to the changing productivity, possible time
environment and embrace zone difference and
constructive feedback. cultural differences.

Program Kerja
Investasi Lima Sasaran Prioritas
Reformasi Birokrasi “Kita akan sambungkan
infrastruktur besar dengan
kawasan-kawasan produksi
Penggunaan APBN
rakyat, dengan industri kecil,
dengan kawasan ekonomi
Sumber Daya Manusia khusus, dengan kawasan
pariwisata, kawasan
Aksentuasi pada: persawahan, kawasan
• Regulasi dan hukum perkebunan dan tambak-
• Pendanaan inovatif tambak perikanan”
• Sumber daya manusia → Presiden Jokowi
vokasional, lembaga manajemen Pidato Visi Indonesia
14 Juli 2019
• Kepimpinan
• Penerapan hasil riset dan teknologi



What is a Human?


Do you know yourself properly?

Are you truly an employable stuff?

If you are a quality one, why would you opt to work under someone or with others.

That’s all about your ego, attitude and mind set.

Think how complicated for a manager

to handle other people



The Johari Window

• The Johari Window is

named after the names of
the inventors, Joseph
Lufft and Ηarry Ingam
• An assessment tool to
help us discover important
aspects of ourselves with
emphasis in critical skills
such as behavior,
empathy, team
cooperation and personal


Development of RM Approach
• Concern more to production capacity due to changing industrial environment, 3 broad themes have

Production Scientific Administrative

efficiency management management

The influence of
Human psychology:
Collectivism management
behaviour neo-human

Organization as Close and open Contingency

systems systems theory



Development of RM Approach
Production efficiency

• Scientific management: treat people as machines (Taylorism, Gantt)

• Administrative management: emphasize the role of managers (Fayol)
• Bureaucracy: need a proper procedure → recognize the importance of organizational power & authority

Human behaviour

• Collectivism: organization as collection of individuals with a free will who were inextricably linked in a complex and dynamic social net work
(including stakeholders), perform positive organisational functions, a view which is gaining in popularity in construction project management
• The influence of psychology: neo-human relations: Maslow, Herzberg, Z, etc.
• Contemporary management theory: emphasized open communication and teamwork via the introduction into organisations of job-
enlargement and participatory decision-making schemes. The aim was to help workers achieve their higher-level needs, and managerial
effectiveness became measured by the degree to which a manager’s responsibility was accepted by subordinates

Organization as systems

• Close and open systems : The closed-system perspective conceives an organisation as independent of its environment, the open-systems
perspective emphasizes the interdependence between the organisation and its environment. A key aspect of open- systems theory is that
an open system depends upon its environment for sustenance and must be responsive to it in order to survive. In construction it is a
perspective which has proved very useful in explaining organizational effectiveness and for understanding why organisations fail.
• Contingency theory: more deeply into the relationship between organisations and their environments in the belief that there was no one
best way to organise for all situations. Appropriate management depends on situation and organization


Basis of Difference Personnel Management Human Resource Management

It is traditional approach of managing people at workplace It is modern approach of managing people at workplace and is
and is concern of personnel department. concern of managers of all level (from top to bottom).
Nature It is a routine function. It is a strategic function.
Focus Efficient management is given priority. Human values and individual needs are given priority.
Personnel administration, labor relation and employee welfare Acquisition, development, utilization and maintenance of human
are major functions of personnel management. resource are major functions of human resource management.

It determines human resource needs and formulate policies by

Objective It manages people in accordance with organization’s goal.
matching individual’s needs with organization’s needs.
It regards people as strategic and valuable resource to make
Perspective It regards people as basic input to make desired output.
desired output.
Job design Jobs are designed on the basis of division of labor. Jobs are designed on the basis of teamwork.
Interest Organization’s interest is valued the most. Interest of organization and interest of employee is harmonized.
It is development oriented. It provides space for employee
Orientation It is discipline, direction and control oriented.
involvement, performance and growth.
Communication Communication is limited, or even restricted. Communication is open.
It emphasizes on adherence of rules and regulations and their It emphasizes on combination of human energies and
implementation. competencies.
– Committed human resource
– Readiness to change
– Disciplined employees
Benefits – Increased production
– Increased production
– Increased profit
– Quality of work-life
Organizational goal is achieved and both employers and
Result Organizational goal is achieved, and employers are satisfied.
employees are satisfied.



Human Resource Management

HRM is that field of management which deals with planning, organizing & controlling the functions of procuring,
developing, maintaining and utilizing a labor force such that organization & individual goals are fulfilled
(Ivancevich and Glueck)

Objectives of HRM

To hire the To act as a link

To arrange To maintain
right between the To help keep
and maintain productivity To maintain
candidate at top up ethical
adequate and efficiency attrition of the
the right time management values and
manpower of the organization
at the right and behavior.
inventory organization.
job. employees.


Importance of Human Resource Management

Attracting & Promoting Increasing

At the Enterprise Training &
Retaining Synergy in Productivity
Level Development
Best People Organization and Profits

At the Individual Teamwork Promotes Promotes
Level and Team Commitment Satisfaction

Enhance Scarce
At the Society Employment
Standard of talents are put
Level Opportunities
Living to best use

Effective Use Reduce

At the National Industrial
of Human Disguised GDP Growth
Level Development
Resource Employment



Scope of Human Resource Management

Succession & Personnel
HR planning and reward
career planning administration

Talent Training and

Labor relations
management development


Human Resource Management

Nature of HRM Operative Functions of HRM
Pervasive force Action oriented
Training & Development

People oriented Future oriented
Reward System

Development Comprehensive
Auxiliary service
oriented function Records & Statistics

Continuous Interdisiciplinary
function function Separation




Basic for Comparison Human Resource Management Human Resource Development

Meaning Application of principles of management A continuous development function that

to manage the people working in the intends to improve the performance of
organization people working in the organization

What is it? Management function Subset of human resource management

Function Reactive Proactive

Objective To improve the performance of the To develop the skills
Process Routine Ongoing
Dependency Independent It is a subsystem
Concerned with People only Development of the entire organization


Strategic Human Resource Management

• A process of linking human resources with • Pillars of Strategic Human Resource
strategic goals and objectives in order to improve Management (SHRM)
business performance and develop organizational
culture that foster innovation, flexibility and
competitive advantage. Humans are not
Every change is
achievable only
just resources, but
through a proper
• Importance of Strategic Human Resource they are an asset to
planning followed
an organization,
Management (SHRM) which should
by execution with
respect to the
provide a
competitive edge
needs and
To solve business objectives or obstacles that to the organization.
may not occur within the direct purview of HRM. The main aim of
It is the people strategic HRM is to
within the concentrate on the
organization who ways through
It is basically tuning of human resource actually implement which the firm can
management (HRM) to suit business objectives. such change. take an edge over
its competitors.

There must be effective cooperation between the

top management and the HR head.



• The approaches used in strategic HRM :

Resource based Strategy: Addresses issues wherein

the strategic capabilities of the firm can be increased.

High Commitment Management: By enhancing the

mutual commitment between the managers and their

High Involvement Management: Treating employees

as their partners in the business.

High Performance Management: Improves the

performance of the firm by focusing on improving the
productivity, growth and profitability rate of its people.

Achieving Strategic Fit: Integration of human capital

and resources is necessary for smooth and profitable
operation of business.





Basic for Comparison HRM SHRM
Meaning Implies the governance of A managerial function with implies framing
manpower of the organization in of HR strategies in such a way to direct
a thorough and structured employees efforts towards the goals of the
manner organization
Nature Reactive Proactive
Responsibility lies with Staff specialist Line manager
Approach Fragmented Integrated
Scope Concerned w/ employee relations Concerned w/ internal & external relations
Time horizon Short term Long term
Basic factor Capital and products People and knowledge
Change Follows change Initiates change
Accountability Cost center Investment center
Control Stringent control over employees It exhibits leniency


The 10 Project
Management Financial
Includes financial planning,

Knowledge financial control,

administration and records

Areas Environmental
Includes environmental

& planning, assurance and


The 4 Safety

Includes safety planning,
execution, administration
and reporting

Unique Project Claim

Management Includes claim

quantification, prevention,

(PMBOK 6th ed., 2018)




Project Resource Management

• Based on PMBOK 6th ed., project resource management includes the processes to identify, acquire, and
manage the resources needed for the successful completion of the project.
• The Project Resource Management processes are:

Plan Resource Acquire Control
Activity Develop Team Manage Team
Management Resources Resources

• The process of • The process of • The process of • The process of • The process of • The process of
defining how to estimating team obtaining team improving tracking team ensuring that the
estimate, acquire, resources and the members, facilities, competencies, member physical resources
manage, and utilize type and quantities equipment, team member performance, assigned and
physical and team of material, materials, supplies, interaction, and the providing allocated to the
resources. equipment, and and other overall team feedback, resolving project are
supplies necessary resources environment to issues, and available as
to perform project necessary to enhance project managing team planned, as well as
work. complete project performance. changes to monitoring the
work. optimize project planned versus
performance. actual use of
resources, and
corrective action as


Construction Resource Management

• Human resources may be a construction organization’s most asset and a key factor for business success.
Many other resource types play an important part in the success of construction projects, and the relative
importance of each resource depends on the type of facility being built, the construction strategy, etc.
• This section of Construction Extension to the PMBOK
Guide addresses management of all types of resources in
Project Resource
the context of construction projects. The expression Management
human resources refers specifically to the people working Closing
Project Resource
• General Resources
on the project. Management
Monitoring and • Human Resource
Project Resource Controlling
Project Resource
Management • General Resource
Planning • Human Resource
Project Resource ✓ Staffing
Management in ✓ Team Building
✓ Interpersonal
• Resources Types Skills
• Project Location
• Project Size & Type



Resource Management in Construction

• Resources form the biggest part of the cost in any construction project; productivity and timely availability
greatly influence project time and cost → should be carefully managed if the project is to reach its goals.
• Resource Types

Permanent Bulk materials Consumption Consumption

equipment •Materials that are materials resources
•Equipment that is installed as part of •Materials that are •Electric energy &
Human the facility being Temporary
Machinery Tools installed as part of consumed as part water are applied
resources the facility being built, controlled in of the in a similar way as facilities
built, e.g., pumps, bulk quantities construction work consumption
compressors, such as meters or in large quantities, materials but are
boilers & electric kilograms, e.g., e.g., welding differentiated
panels. cables, steel electrodes, nails, because they are
pipes, and floor bolts, and fuel managed in a
tiles different way


Resource Management in Construction

Project Location
• The project location is almost always unique to the project and may differ from the home location of many of the management team.
This situation means dealing with resource providers that are new to the performing organization, which may require a greater level of
formality and bureaucracy in resource management.
• The availability of resources from skilled labor to consumption materials varies at different project sites. In projects with multiple
sites, the availability of resources may vary from one site to another and may influence construction strategy.
• The methods and procedures for acquiring the team and other resources for a construction project can vary significantly in different
parts of the world. Managers of construction projects should be aware of local conditions and customs and their impact in project
management and execution strategy, including aspects such as the project work calendar, and the size, type, and display of site
temporary facilities. For example, one such case occurred in a hydroelectric plant project in Malaysia: the living facilities for the
construction crews included temples for eight different religions

Project Size and Type.

• In large teams, it is not possible to rely solely on the interpersonal skills of the project manager for leadership, communication,
negotiation, and conflict resolution. Interpersonal skills are required at all layers of the project hierarchy and of every stakeholder’s
human resources working on the project.
• The type of facility being built may require resources from multiple origins. This adds complexity to the logistics of activities such as
establishing offshore purchase contracts subject to different local tax and labor regulations; adhering to international law; managing
transportation to the job site in foreign countries, whether by road, sea, or land; and obtaining insurance, custom clearance, and other



Resource Management Planning

• Once the types and quantities of resources are estimated →
choose the best alt. for managing them. Determine project roles and responsibilities
• Division of responsibilities, as determined by the contract, is
an important input for managing resources.
• e.g., the owner may be responsible for purchasing long-lead-
time equipment, but the contractor may be responsible for Identify staffing requirements
unloading, storing, and preserving it at the site until installation
and start-up.
• Construction strategy determines the quantities, locations, and
time frames when resource will be stored and made available. Determine project relationships
• Resource management planning involves the logistics of
bringing resources to the site and storing or distributing
them to each construction fronts.
Determine how and when the team members
• Special cases in logistics are the placement of
telecommunications facilities, energy and water points, and
will be acquired and released
the handling of oversize and overweight loads.
• Other unique logistics: the daily transportation of workers in
and out of the site and, in some projects, between the different Plan for recognition and rewards
construction fronts.


Resource Management Planning

The strategy, processes & performance indicators for RM should be collected into a plan:
• Number, size, type, and layout of facilities for storing goods.
• The design of these facilities should take into account applicable standards and regulations for hazardous materials and manufacturer
requirements for equipment storage.
• Resource requirements for resource management, such as warehouse crews; logistics and transportation teams; equipment;
consumption materials such as grease and nitrogen for preservation.
• Histograms for the most relevant resources in the project, such as heavy cranes, concrete, and others (depending on the project size and
type) (see Table 9-1).
• Processes for resources receiving, handling, stocking, preserving, and delivering to the point of application, along with responsibilities
and authorizations for requesting resources.

As each construction site has its particular characteristics → create their own policy e.g. :
• Incentives/restrictions for members to move to the region of the project, with or without their families;
• Schedule of periodic visits to the members’ home locations, allowable time off, and trip costs reimbursement;
• Currency in which salaries will be paid, as well as the local labor taxes involved;
• Site personnel fringe benefits.



Resource Management Planning - Inputs

Constraints to HR Organization Activity Resource
Planning Process Assets Requirements
• Organizational • Organizational • Templates
• Technical Structure • Checklists
• Interpersonal • Collective
• Logistical Bargaining
• Political
• Economic


Resource Management Planning – T&T

Organizational Charts and Position

• Hierarchical-type charts
• Matrix-based Charts
• Text-oriented Formats
• Other Sections of the Project Plan


Organizational Theory



Resource Management Planning – Output

Roles and Responsibilities

• Role
• Authority
• Responsibility
• Competency

Project Organization Charts

Staffing Management Plan:

• Describes the entrance and release criteria

human resources into the project.
• Includes resource Histograms and time-tables
which illustrate resource usage in the project


Resource Management Planning

Source: Construction Extension to the PMBOK Guide



WBS Guidelines
The top level represents the final deliverable or project

Sub-deliverables contain work packages that are assigned to a organization’s department or unit

All elements of the work breakdown structure don’t need to be defined to the same level

The work package defines the work, duration, and costs for the tasks required to produce the sub-deliverable

Work packages should not exceed 10 days of duration

Work packages should be independent of other work packages in the work breakdown structure

Work packages are unique and should not be duplicated across the work breakdown structure



Model Home
Build Project
Level 0 Level 0
Dream Team, LLLC

Level 1 Level 1
Initial Planning Sub-level Residence Closing
Approval Construction Construction Project
Dream Team, LLLC Dream Team, LLLC Dream Team, LLLC Dream Team, LLLC Dream Team, LLLC
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Level 2 Level 2

Lot Home Plan Preliminary Lot Home Grade- Concrete Final

WBS – Example

Selection Selection Approvals Preparation Foundation Soil Backfill Structures Utilities Flatwork Walk-through
Dream Team, LLC Dream Team, LLC Bldg. Inspector Gauthier & Sons Gauthier & Sons Gauthier & Sons Dream Team, LLC Dream Team, LLC Michiels Const. Dream Team, LLC
1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4.1 1.5.1

Acquire Bids- Deck Certificate of

Financing Subcontractors Structures Occupancy Final Draw-
Hardscapes Payments
KayT Loans Dream Team, LLC JS Construction Bldg. Inspector
1.1.4 1.1.5 1.3.3 1.3.4
Donnie Macs KayT Loan Pro.
1.4.2 1.5.2
Level 3
Rubish - Water/Sewer
Land Clearing Excavation & Home Service Posts-
Foundations Installation Municipal Appr.
Gauthier & Sons K. Kelly Bed Preparation- Clearing Gauthier/Michiels D&G Modular JS Co./Bldg. Insp. Plantings Title
Donnie Macs KayT Loan Pro.
Municipal Rough Grade Gas/Electric
Surveying Service 1.4.3 1.5.3
Approval Homesite
Budgeting- Bldg. Inspector Rice Municipal Gauthier & Sons Concrete WPS/Engebretson Front/Back
Loan Closing Approval Flatwork Entr. Decks
Lawn Mortgage
KayT Loans Culverts- Bldg. Inspector Michiels Const. Phone- JS Construction Installation Closing
Obtain Accesses-
Donnie Macs KayT Loan Pro.
Permits Gravel Base
1.4.4 1.5.4
Gauthier/Donnie AT&T / TWC
Dream Team Gauthier & Sons
Drain Tiles(2nd)- Garage Level 3
Municipal Backfill Construction Geo-Thermal
Approval HVAC
Gauthier & Sons JS Construction
Bldg. Inspector Nicolet Heating




Organization Breakdown Structure

• The OBS displays organizational relationships and then uses them for assigning work to resources in
a project. It is used in complex projects and in conjuction with the WBS.
• While the WBS is used to define the project during early stages of its cycle, the OBS provides an
organizational structure for the project as it moves to completion. The hierarchical nature of the OBS
allows for the appropriate resources and responsibilities to be assigned.
• OBS guidelines:
– Identify the organizational structure for the resources involved in the project
– Once the structure has been filled out, identify all team members.
– Assign each team member a position in the structure.
– If there are extra positions that have not been filled, fill them now. If there are additional resources,
assign those resources so that all resources and positions are accounted for.
– Be sure that the OBS is structured from the most responsible department and then by the performing
departments at the lower levels.


OBS – Example






Responsibility Assignment Matrix

• A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) uses the WBS and the OBS to link deliverables and/or activities
to resources.
• The RAM provides:
– A realistic picture of the resources needed and identify if they are enough or not.
– Clearly shows who is responsible for what
– If it is associated with the schedule, it can identify when the deliverable is needed.
– By creating a RAM; deliverables are assigned a responsible party, who will review or add input and the
appropriate approval authority is identified.
• The RAM can be as simple as placing a check mark in a matrix to assign the deliverables or activities.

Use the WBS Deliverable: Office, Role or Office, Role or Office, Role or
person person person
to identify Identify Office,
deliverables Environmental Permits ✓ Role, or Person
and activities i.e. Utilities
Traffic Report ✓
Office, Utilities
Utility Locates ✓ Coordinator, or
persons name
Intersection Design ✓ ✓




• Additionally, roles and assignments are identified • PARIS: Participant, Accountable, Review, Input,
by using a coding structure such as RACI or Sign off
PARIS: • Participant - involved but not at a critical level
• RACI: Responsible, Approval, Consulted, • Accountable - must answer to management for
Informed the project task status
• Responsible - owner, the person who owns the • Review needed or required
work. Each deliverable or activity must have • Input needed or required
an owner. • Sign Off Required
• Approval - the person who approves the
deliverable or activity. There should only be
one approver.
• Consulted - this person delivers information
required to do the work.
• Informed - a person that needs to be informed
of the progress of the work.



RACI Coding
Deliverable: Project Manager Environmental Traffic Office Utilities or
Mark Cross Coordinator Tammi Bailey Cindy Santos
Enviro. Permits A R
Traffic Report A R
Utility Locates I I R
Intersection Design A C R C

PARIS Coding
Deliverable: Team Leader Environmental Traffic Design
Marcia Weeks Office Frank Morelli Utilities

Enviro. Permits A S
Traffic Report A R A R
Utility Locates I R R A
Intersection Design A R S R



1. You have been assigned as a project manager for a building project. The project team consists of 15 team
members. You want to understand who is responsible for doing what in the project. Where can you find
this information?
A. Responsibility Assignment Matrix
B. Resource Histogram
C. Bar Chart
D. Project Organization Chart

2. What type of organization is BEST for managing a design-built amusement park projects involving cross
disciplinary efforts?
A. Projectized
B. Functional
C. Line
D. Matrix


1. You have been assigned as a project manager for a housing project. The project consists of 10 house
project, type-36. Create RAM - RACI for this project.

See link: for easy explanation



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