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Negocios Internacionales

Presentado por:

Carolina Llano Londoño ID: 732538


Erik Fabian Rico


Administración de Empresas

NRC: 7156
La nueva ruta de la seda

It is a great international project with which China intends to gain strength as a

power by creating land and maritime infrastructures and with which it wants to
improve China's connections with the outside world, promoting growth through the
global flow of goods, capital and technology, achieving with This will also have
great economic and political influence globally.

To carry this out, the Chinese Government is making large investments in

Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean, East Africa and some parts of Europe. Land
routes connect China to ports in those regions, as well as to other Asian countries
and Europe through Central Asia.

Since Chinese President Xi introduced the initiative in 2013, he has granted

hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to interested countries so that they could
invest in the construction of power plants, gas pipelines, ports, airports, roads, etc.
However, today due to the covid-19 pandemic, this project is affected and has
caused great difficulties for countries to pay the debt for which they have had to
request that payments be restructured.

Despite the bad timing, China is expected to incorporate into the program of the
new silk road: the health silk road and digital silk road. As part of this, China has
been building telecommunications infrastructure, hospitals and health facilities and
providing medical equipment and training to the countries that participate in the
Belt and Road Initiative as well as taking the opportunity to promote electronic
commerce, telecommunications and the commercial exchange of medical and
health products.

MUNDIAL, E. O. (2020 de ABRIL de 2020). EOM. Obtenido de ¿Qué es la Nueva Ruta de la Seda

Navas, M. E. (22 de JUNIO de 2020). BBC News Mundo. Obtenido de China: cómo la pandemia de
coronavirus amenaza la mayor iniciativa de política exterior de Pekín:

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