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Department of Computer Science

Database Managements Systems

BS(IT)-4 A
Spring -2024

Assignment N0. 02
Marks: 5

• Instructions: Submit in the hardcopy.

• Plagiarized/copied solution will be marked ZERO.
• Meet the deadline of the assignment, Late Submission is not allowed.
• Support your answer with examples and diagrams where needed.

Question No. 1: (CLO – 2, PLO – 4, C3)

You are provided with 10 unnormalized tables, each representing data from different applications.
Your task is to normalize each table up to the 4th Normal Form (4NF). For each table, you must:

1. Identify and explain the dependencies present at different levels (1st, 2nd, 3rd Normal Forms).
2. Perform the necessary normalization steps, explaining the transformations made at each level.
3. Ensure that the final normalized tables adhere to the 4th Normal Form.
Your explanations should demonstrate a clear understanding of normalization principles and the
process of eliminating data redundancies and dependencies.

Unnormalized Table for Employee Information

Scenario: A company stores employee information on a single table. Each employee has a unique
employee ID, but the table contains redundant data such as department names and locations for each
Unnormalized Table (Employee_Info):
Employee_ID Employee_Name Department Department_Location Salary
1 John IT New York 60000
2 Alice HR Los Angeles 55000
3 Bob IT New York 62000
4 Mary Marketing Chicago 58000

Question 2: Unnormalized Table for Student Course Enrollment

Scenario: A university maintains a table to track student enrollments in courses. Each row contains
redundant data such as course names and instructors for each student.
Unnormalized Table (Student_Course_Enrollment):
Student_ID Student_Name Course Instructor Grade
101 John Database Dr. Smith A
102 Alice Networking Prof. Johnson B
103 Bob Database Dr. Smith B+

Student_ID Student_Name Course Instructor Grade
104 Mary Programming Prof. Davis A-

Question 3: Unnormalized Table for Library Inventory

Scenario: A library database contains a table with information about books and their authors. Each row
includes redundant data such as author names for each book.
Unnormalized Table (Library_Inventory):
Book_ID Title Author Genre Publication_Year
101 Introduction to Databases John Smith Textbook 2018
102 Networking Basics Alice Johnson Textbook 2019
103 Database Systems John Smith Reference 2017
104 Programming Fundamentals Mary Brown Textbook 2020

Question 4: Unnormalized Table for Customer Orders

Scenario: An e-commerce website stores customer orders in a table. Each row contains redundant data
such as product names and prices for each order.
Unnormalized Table (Customer_Orders):
Order_ID Customer_Name Product_Name Price Quantity
1001 John Laptop 1200 1
1002 Alice Smartphone 800 2
1003 Bob Tablet 600 1
1004 Mary Smartwatch 300 1

Question 5: Unnormalized Table for Student Grades

Scenario: A school maintains a table to store student grades. Each row contains redundant data such
as student names and course names for each grade.
Unnormalized Table (Student_Grades):
Student_ID Student_Name Course Grade
101 John Math A
102 Alice Science B
103 Bob English B+
104 Mary History A-

Question 6: Unnormalized Table for Inventory Management

Scenario: A retail store maintains a table to track inventory. Each row contains redundant data such as
product names and categories.
Unnormalized Table (Inventory):
Product_ID Product_Name Category Price Quantity
101 Laptop Electronics 1200 10
102 Smartphone Electronics 800 15
103 Tablet Electronics 600 20
104 Smartwatch Electronics 300 25

Question 7: Unnormalized Table for Movie Rentals

Scenario: A movie rental store maintains a table to store rental transactions. Each row contains
redundant data such as customer names and movie titles.

Unnormalized Table (Movie_Rentals):
Rental_ID Customer_Name Movie_Title Rental_Date Return_Date
1001 John Avengers 2023-04-15 2023-04-20
1002 Alice Titanic 2023-04-16 2023-04-22
1003 Bob Inception 2023-04-18 2023-04-25
1004 Mary Avatar 2023-04-20 2023-04-27

Question 8: Unnormalized Table for Restaurant Menu

Scenario: A restaurant maintains a table to store its menu items. Each row contains redundant data
such as item names and prices.
Unnormalized Table (Restaurant_Menu):
Item_ID Item_Name Category Price
101 Burger Fast Food 8.99
102 Pizza Italian 12.99
103 Salad Healthy 6.99
104 Steak Entree 18.99

Question 9: Unnormalized Table for Customer Feedback

Scenario: A company stores customer feedback in a table. Each row contains redundant data such as
customer names and feedback details.
Unnormalized Table (Customer_Feedback):
Feedback_ID Customer_Name Feedback_Text Feedback_Date
1001 John Excellent service! 2023-04-15
1002 Alice Needs improvement. 2023-04-16
1003 Bob Very satisfied. 2023-04-18
1004 Mary Great experience. 2023-04-20

Question 10: Unnormalized Table for Online Auctions

Scenario: An online auction website stores auction listings in a table. Each row contains redundant
data such as seller names and item descriptions.
Unnormalized Table (Auction_Listings):
Auction_ID Seller_Name Item_Description Starting_Price Current_Bid
1001 John Antique vase 100 150
1002 Alice Vintage watch 200 250
1003 Bob Rare painting 500 600
1004 Mary Collectible coin 50 75

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