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Marcos Vinicius Souza Silva

Supervisor: Rosangela Sarteschi

Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences -


Materials and Methods
The research aimed to analyse the
ways in which social issues — With regard to the methodology, a
especially poverty and violence — are comparative approach was chosen.
represented in Watered Eyes (2014), Comparativism makes it possible, as
by Conceição Evaristo, and Mornas Antonio Candido points out, to
were the nights (1994), by Dina understand literature as a consequence
Salústio. Thus, it was intended to focus of a dialectical relationship between
on historically silenced and internal factors that structure the stories
marginalised individuals, bringing to the and external, social and historical
fore themes such as the invisibilization factors. In the specific case of the short
of blacks and the poor, processes of stories studied in this research, it
oppression and their implications, social consists of understanding how the
hierarchies, and the effects and historical issues involving colonialism,
repercussions of these conditions on anticolonialism and postcolonialism act
the literary aesthetics of the authors (or not) in the literary production of
targeted in this research. Focusing on these subaltern individuals.
the individuals represented in the short To this end, texts from literary theory
stories, their identities, experiences and and comparative literature were
the way in which poverty and violence articulated together with studies from
directly affect their lives and their other areas of knowledge, such as
destinies, the research in question also Sociology, History and Anthropology.
aimed to reflect on the ways in which The research was concerned with
literature works as a form of aesthetic carrying out a description and
apprehension of reality, developing, in panoramic analysis of the literary
the process, a critique of Brazilian and production of the authors, thus enabling
Cape Verdean societies. the propagation of black authorship
productions and the expansion of narratives that explore the daily life,
research in the field. experiences and subjectivities of
historically silenced black and poor
individuals. Furthermore, we were able
As Fanon recalls, every colonial to demonstrate the ways in which social
process leaves deep marks on the criticism and social protest are
experiences of its peoples. Thus, it is represented in the literary aesthetics of
possible to observe such repercussions the two authors.
in contemporary times in Cape Verde
and Brazil. That is, even after the
independence that occurred in very References
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perspectives: the daily life of the black Conceito de Literatura Afro-Brasileira”
population and poor is seen from the Revista de Crítica Literaria
periphery to the centre, not the other Latinoamericana 41, no. 81 (2015),
way around. That is, as a form of páginas 19–43
resistance to the hegemonic discourse, EVARISTO, Conceição.. Olhos d'água.
with the writings of these authors, it is Rio de Janeiro: Pallas: Fundação
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conjuncture from the internal and FANON, Frantz. Os condenados da terra.
Tradução de Ligia Fonseca Ferreira e
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Reginaldo Salgado Campos. Rio de
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Conclusions Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 2008.
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carried out, we were able to observe a contemporânea”. Crítica Marxista, São
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and children — all involved in an 153.
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marginalisation. Therefore, we can say
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that the stories make up a set of

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