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From : _________
Lovely School of __________________ Department: ________________________
Name of the faculty Member: __________________
Course No: __________________ Course Title: ________________________
Class: __________ Term: _____________ Section: ________ Batch: ________

(A) Term Planner: For Lectures/Tutorials (Faculty member must fill the complete detail to arrive at effective no. of
lectures available)
Total Lectu Total Tutor Tot. Holid 2nd Expecte Functio 5 Lectures as Effective No
weeks res/ Lectures ials Tutori ays Sat d leaves n Contingency of Lecture &
availa week /week als by Etc. Tutorials
ble Faculty
(A) (B) T=AxB (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) H-I
Lec. Tut.
Part-I 7 3 21 1 7 2 1 3 1 2 14 5
of Sem
Part-II 8 3 24 1 8 1 2 3 1 3 16 6
of Sem
Total 15 6 45 2 15 3 3 6 2 5 30 11

• Planning should be done for Effective No. of Lectures (E) for each parts of semester after subtracting days of
holidays, 2nd Saturdays, Expected leaves and contingencies of around 5 Lectures
• This plan is to be communicated to the students after obtaining approval of the appropriate authoritie
• For regular courses : At the time of preparation of the Instruction Plan , the Date column given below is not to
be filled for the entire term but only for the first fortnight . It will be updated every fortnight, topic wise &
communicated to the students .
• For honour courses : At the time of preparation of the Instruction Plan the Date column given below is to be
filled for the entire term & communicated to the students.

(B)Term Planner: For academic activities other than Lectures/Tutorials/Practical to be undertaken as part of
continuous assessment for the course. (Separate plans should be made for the academic activity as per
Type of Total no. First of particular Second of particular Third of particular Mark
academic of academic activities academic activities academic activities s of
activity* academic Conti
activities nuati
to be on
undertak asses
en in smen
term t

Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of

allotment submission allotment submission allotment submission
March 3 March 10 March 12 March 19
Apr. 28 May 5 May 9 May 16
Quiz March 17 May 9
*Type of activity: Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Class Test, Take home exams, etc.

S. No Topic Scheduled Text books with Journals/website/ Date of Lec. Mode of

chap/ Page No. magazine/newspa Delivery Reqd Delivery*
per/periodicals/an Lecture/CD
y other with Page / Case study
No /Extension
any other
1 K.Ashwathappa 2 PPT + Case
Ch. 1, Pg. 3
2 K.Ashwathappa 1 PPT
Ch. 1, Pg.16
3 Tanuja Only hr vol1 oct PPT
Aggrawala 2007 pg 30
4 K.Ashwathappa Online issue of PPT
Ch. 2, Pg.26 Human Capital
5 Snell / Bohlander Indian management PPT
Ch. 2, Pg.48 nov 2007 pg 44
6 K.Ashwathappa PPT
Ch. 5, Pg.93
7 K.Ashwathappa HRD newsletter pg PPT
Ch. 6, Pg.131 11 vol 23 issue 2
8 K.Ashwathappa Indian management PPT
Ch. 7, Pg.155 jan 2008 pg 48
9 K.Ashwathappa PPT
Ch. 8, Pg.178
10 K.Ashwathappa Only Hr vol 1 oct PPT
Ch. 9, Pg.193 & 2007 pg 32
Snell / Bohlander
Ch.7, Pg.281
11 K.Ashwathappa PPT
Ch. 10, Pg.225 &
Snell / Bohlander
Ch.7, Pg.281
MTE ( 3 hours duration) From ______ to _________ ( 50 % of Course to be covered before this MTE)
S. No Topic Scheduled Text books with Journals/website/ Date of Lec. Mode of
chap/ Page No. magazine/newspa Delivery Reqd Delivery*
per/periodicals/an Lecture/CD
y other with Page / Case study
No /Extension
any other
K.Ashwathappa Indian
12 Ch. 11, Pg.272 management Nov
2007 pg 54
13 K.Ashwathappa
Ch. 12, Pg.298
14 K.Ashwathappa
Ch. 13, Pg.319
15 P.Jyothi Indian manage oct
Venkatesh Ch. 2007 pg 24
17, Pg.433 &
Gary Dessler Ch.
10, Pg. 348
16 K.Ashwathappa Only HR vol 1 Oct
Ch. 16, Pg.384 2007 pg 36
17 P.Jyothi HR Newletter vol
Venkatesh Ch. 23 issue 5 pg 16
18, 482
18 K.Ashwathappa Only HR vol 1 oct
Ch. 28, 638 & 2007 pg 44
Gary Dessler
Ch.17, Pg.654
19 K.Ashwathappa
Ch. 22, Pg.519
20 K.Ashwathappa
Ch. 24 , Pg.554
21 C.B Mamoria

22 K.Ashwathappa
Ch. 17, Pg.395
23 K.Ashwathappa
Ch. 20, 463

• It must be ensured that the instructions in theory/ practical are planned in such a way that before performing the
experiment/ developing the programme/ preparing a job in lab/ workshop, students are given instruction on the
theoretical aspect of experiment/ programme/ job. Wherever required, sequencing of chapters can also be done
• All case Studies should be highlighted with Blue, all demonstrations with orange and all extension lectures with
pink color. (For this use only highlighters)
• For all demonstrations, it must be ensured that all material/equipment be available before one week.
• It must be indicated whether the case is Practice (P) / Graded (G).
• Tutorial ( Class Test, Presentation, Case Study, Paper Solving, Doubt Clearing, Revision, Quiz, Group Discussion,
Simulations, Brain Storming, Media Watch or any other)

Syllabus coverage Reports (SCR) – Dates of submission are

• 1st SCR : 21.03.2008 (10 days before MTE)
• 2nd SCR : 17.05.2008 (15 days before ETE)


S.No Case Title Topic covered with Source (Book /magazine , Practice Mode of
this case page no./ web site) (P) / Conduct
Graded (Presentation/
(G) Discussion /
Written Report
/ Video case)


S.No Topic When (tentatively) Resource Person (If you can suggest)

VISITS PROPOSED (industry, seminar, conference, outside library, lab )

S. Visit To When (tentatively) Purpose


My Resource Bank:
S.No Text Books Author Publisher Edition

S.No Reference Books Author Publisher Edition

S.No Websites (including online libraries)

S.No Journals (including e-copies) Published By

S.No Newspapers & Periodicals Publisher in case of Periodical

Additional Resources used during the Term ( other than those planned above at the beginning of the Term):

S. No Resource Author/Publisher/Source/any other

Details of the changes made in the Master/Standard Instruction Plan

S. No. Particulars of the changes Purpose

Date:______________ Sig. of Faculty member: ______________________

Remarks by HOD (Mandatory )

Sig. of HOD with date

Remarks by HOI (Mandatory)

Sig. of HOS with date

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