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Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas /Semester : I / Genap
Hari, Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 menit


1. Made : Hello
Joshua : ... ... ... Made
a. thank you
b. goodbye
c. hello
d. I am fine

2. Cici : Good morning Aisyah

Aisyah : ... Cici
a. good night
b. good afternoon
c. good morning
d. good bye

3. Aisyah : Hi, Cici. How are you?

Cici : ...
a. I am fine
b. good morning
c. thank you
d. hello

4. Made : ....
Cici : good afternoon Made.
a. good morning
b. good afternoon
c. good evening
d. good night

5. “Good bye” in Indonesia is....

a. Apa kabar
b. Selamat tinggal
c. Selamat malam
d. Senang bertemu

6. Aisyah : what is your name?

Aisyah : .................
a. My name is Aisyah
b. I am fine
c. Good bye
d. Thank you

Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka

7. Look at the picture! It is...
a. Afternoon
b. Morning
c. Night
d. evening

8. M-R-O-N-G-I-N
The correct word is.....
a. Afternoon
b. Night
c. Morning
d. Evening

9. Look at the picture!

Cici : What number is it?

Aisyah : It is number ….
a. One
b. Six
c. Four
d. Ten

10. “Lima” in English is...

a. Four
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Five

Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka

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