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UNIT 5 TEST: Consolidation


1 Complete the communication verbs. The first letter is given. / 5 marks

0 w hisper 1 a 2 g

3 t 4 i 5 a

2 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 Can you repeat / translate the question, please? I couldn’t hear you.
1 Adam complained / apologized to the waiter because his soup was cold.
2 Everybody at the party had to complain / shout because the music was very loud.
3 In class today we discussed / explained how to stop climate change.
4 Can you translate / explain how to operate this coffee machine, please?
5 My brother screamed / shouted when he saw the spider!

3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. / 5 marks

communication  discussion  explanation  expression  pronunciation  suggestions

0 I don’t know which film to see. Do you have any suggestions ?

1 I think she’s angry with us. Look at the on her face!
2 When we arrived they were having a about politics.
3 The of the word ‘tomato’ is different in American English.
4 His teacher didn’t believe his about why he was late.
5 between countries is easier if the people speak the same language.

4 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 Please don’t interrupt / interruption when I’m talking.

1 You can find a define / definition of that word in your dictionary.
2 Dolphins communicate / communication using strange noises.
3 He wrote a very clear describe / description of the accident.
4 It’s easier to understand a text if the punctuate / punctuation is good.
5 My teacher wants to discuss / discussion my homework with me.

Vocabulary total / 20 marks

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UNIT 5 TEST: Consolidation


5 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 If I lose / lost my phone, I’d buy / I bought a new one.

1 I wouldn’t / won’t play golf if I wouldn’t / didn’t enjoy it.
2 What will / would you do if you broke / would break your dad’s tablet?
3 My parents were / would be angry if I wouldn’t / didn’t get home until midnight.
4 If I am / were you, I’d / I’ll ask your sister to help you with your homework.
5 I’d go / I go to the dentist’s if I would have / had a toothache.

6 Put the words in order. Make second conditional sentences. / 5 marks

0 a film star / live / Los Angeles / I’d / if / was / in / I

If I was a film star, I’d live in Los Angeles.
1 arm / do / what / you broke / if / would / you / your / ?

2 rich / an / sports car / if / buy / I’d / were / I / expensive

3 amazed / the World Cup / be / won / I’d / my team / if

4 drive / the station / Tom / if / you asked / you / would / to / him

5 a cold / you had / if / the doctor’s / go / you / would / to / ?

7 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 You don’t have to / shouldn’t drink coffee before you go to bed.

1 You don’t need to / mustn’t pay to go into the museum – it’s free.
2 Students don’t have to / mustn’t arrive late for their classes.
3 I think you should / must take an umbrella in case it rains.
4 We mustn’t / don’t have to wear a uniform at our school.
5 Sorry, I can’t chat online because I have to / don’t have to do my homework.

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UNIT 5 TEST: Consolidation
8 Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of the modal verbs in brackets. / 5 marks

0 It isn’t a good idea for you to go to bed late on school nights. (should)
You shouldn’t go to bed late on school nights.
1 It’s important to do your Maths homework tonight. (must)
You your Maths homework tonight.
2 It isn’t necessary for us to get up early on Sundays. (have to)
We early on Sundays.
3 It’s a good idea to ask your teacher if you don’t understand. (ought to)
You your teacher if you don’t understand.
4 It’s important not to use your phone during my lesson. (must)
You your phone during my lesson.
5 It isn’t necessary for you to come to the supermarket with me. (need to)
You to the supermarket with me.

9 Read the dialogue. Choose the correct answers. / 10 marks

Sara: What’s the matter?

Matt: I’m a bit worried because I only got 55% in my French test. I 0 must /
mustn’t get better marks in my exams next June! What do you think I
should / must do to improve my French?
Sara: Well, maybe you 2 must / ought to spend more time reading in French
when you’re online. For example, if you 3 read / would read articles in
French newspapers, you 4 learned / would learn lots of useful vocabulary.
Matt: Yes, that’s a good idea. But I think I 5 need to / must improve my listening
skills, too. It’s really hard to understand when people speak quickly.
Sara: Yes, you’re right. Do you ever watch French films?
Matt: No, I don’t enjoy watching films in foreign languages.
Sara: Why not?
Matt: Because you 6 must / have to read the subtitles while you’re watching the
film. It’s hard work!
Sara: Yes, but if you 7watched / would watch French films and TV shows, you
got / would get better at understanding spoken French.
Matt: Yes, I suppose you’re right. But I don’t have time to watch French films!
And I’m sure my family wouldn’t agree to watch a film in French on TV if I
suggest / suggested it.
Sara: Well, you 10 don’t have to / mustn’t watch French films with your family.
You could watch them with your friends from school. There are some
great films on the Internet!

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

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