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Sec: ISR.

IIT _*CO-SC(MODEL-B) Date: 11-05-24

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 183
MATHEMATICS: PRESENT WEEK(80%): AREA: Application of Definite integrals to find the area
involving simple curves
PREVIOUS WEEK(20%): Leibnitz Rule, Definite integrals, Inequation,
Approximation, Definite integrals - Reduction formula
PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK(80%): Magnetism: Magnetic force on moving point charges
and current elements, Motion of a charged particle inmagnetic and electric field,
Magnetic dipoles moment, magnetic torque, magnetic dipoles, Torque, P.E and
interaction regarding magnetic dipole, Cyclotron
PREVIOUS WEEK(20%): Potentiometer, Applications, Experiments:
Resistivity of the material of a given wire using metre bridge, Resistance of a
given wire using Ohm's Law,Potentiometer-1.Comparision of emf of two primary
cells.2. determination of internal resistance of a cell, RC-circuits (Including
Experiments:-Verification of Ohm’s law using voltmeter and ammeter, and
specific resistance of the material of a wire using meter bridge and post office
CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK(80%): Amines: Preparation from nitro compounds, nitriles
and amides; Reactions: Hoffmann bromamide degradation, Gabriel phthalimide
synthesis,Physical properties, reaction with nitrous acid, alkylation, acylation,
carbylamine reaction, hinsberg test, Hoffman mustard oil reaction, EAS of
aniline, nitration, sulphonation, bromination, diazotization,Azo coupling reaction
of diazonium salts of aromatic amines; Sandmeyer and related reactions of
diazonium salts;
PREVIOUS WEEK(20%):Carboxylic Acids & Derivatives: Preparation methods
of carboxylic acids from alcohols and aldehydes, alkylbenzenes, nitriles and
amides, Grignard reagents, acyl halides esters and anhydrides, Formation of
anhydride, heating effect, Esterification Reactions with PCl5, PCl3 and SOCl2,
Reaction with ammonia reduction, decarboxylation, HVZ reaction EAS of
benzoic acid,Preparation and properties of acid derivatives, reaction with water,
alcohol, ammonia, amines, claisen condensation, Dieckmann condesation
(Exclude: acylion condensation)
Narayana IIT Academy 11-05-24_ISR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-45_QP
Time: 03:00 Hr’s IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 183
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions With Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 7) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 8 – 12) Questions With Integer Answer Type +3 0 5 15
Three column paragraph
Sec – III (Q.N : 13 – 18) +3 -1 6 18
Questions With Single Answer Type
Total 18 61

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions With Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 25) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 26 – 30) Questions With Integer Answer Type +3 0 5 15
Three column paragraph
Sec – III (Q.N : 31 – 36) +3 -1 6 18
Questions With Single Answer Type
Total 18 61

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions With Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 43) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 44 – 48) Questions With Integer Answer Type +3 0 5 15
Three column paragraph
Sec – III (Q.N : 49 – 54) +3 -1 6 28
Questions With Single Answer Type
Total 18 61

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MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
1. The area of the region given by x  2 y  x  2 y  8 and xy  2 is/are

 e3 
A) 4  3  ln 4  B) 4  3  ln 4  C) 4  ln  D) 4  ln e3 
 4

2. Consider the function f(x) and g(x) both defined from R  R and are defined as
f  x   2 x  x 2 and g  x   x n , n  N and if the area between f  x  and g  x  in the first
quadrant is ½, then n is a divisor of
A) 12 B) 15 C) 20 D) 30
3. Let S be the area of the region enclosed by y  e x , y  0, x  0 and x  1 . Then
1 1 1 1  1 1  1 
A) S  B) S  1  C) S  1   D) S   1  
e e 4 e 2 e 2

4. Suppose p  x   a0  a1 x  a2 x 2  .....  an x n . Let g  x   e x 1  1

A) Area of the region bounded by the curves y  g  x  , x-axis, the lines x = 1 and x = 2
is (e-2) units
B) Area of the region bounded by the curves y  g  x  , x-axis, the lines x = 1 and x = 2

 e  1 units
C) If p  x   e x 1  1 for all x  0 , then p '(1) can be

D) If p  x   e x 1  1 for all x  0 , then a1  2a2  ....  nan  1

5. If f  x   e x  sin 6 ax  cos 4 ax  where a  R  and S1 be the area of the region bounded by

y  f  x  , with x-axis and between the ordinates x  0, x  4 , S2 be the area of the region
bounded by y  f  x  , with x- axis and between the ordinates x = 0 and x   such that
 A , then which of the following is/ are correct ?

e 4  1 e 4  1
A) for a = 3, A  B) for a = 6, A 
e  1 e  1

e 4  1 e 4  1
C) for a = 2, A   D) for a = 4, A  
e 1 e 1

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6. Area of the region bounded by the curve y = tan x and lines y = 0 and x = 1 is equal to :
1 tan1 1 tan1

A)  tan 1  x  dx B) 
tan y dy C)  tan x dx
D) tan1   tan
x dx
0 0 0 0

7. Which of the following is/are true?

A) If y  f  x  is a strictly monotonic function in (a, b) with f '  x   0 , then the area
bounded by y  f  x  , the lines x = a, x = b & y = f (c) where c   a, b  is minimum when
B) If y  f  x  is a strictly monotonic function in (a, b) with f '  x   0 , then the area
2a  b
bounded by the lines x = a, x = b & y = f (c) where c   a, b  is minimum when c 
a  2b
or c 
C) If the area bounded by f  x    x 2  a & the lines x = 0, x = 2 & the x-axis is
minimum when a = 2/3
D) If the area bounded by f  x    x 2  a & the lines x = 0, x = 2 & the x-axis is
minimum when a 
This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
8. Area of the region, enclosed between the curves x  y 2  1 and x  y 1  y 2 is_____

 x 2  2; x  1
9. The area of the figure bounded by x = -1, x = 2 and y   is  then    =
2 x  1; x 1
(where [ . ] is G.I.F.)
10. If   4 x 3  f  x   f  x  dx  then find the area of region bounded by y = f(x), x- axis and
ordinate x = 0 and x = 2.
11. Let An be the area bounded by the curve y  x n  n  1 and the line x = 0, y = 0 and x  .
2r Ar 1
If 
r 1 r
 then find the value of n.

12. If the area enclosed by g  x  , x  3, x  5 and x-axis where g(x) is the inverse of
f  x   x 3  3x  1 is A, then [A] equals:

[Note : [k] denotes the greatest integer function less than or equal to k.]

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This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,13, Q,14 and Q,15 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
Column II represents answer of Column I and Column III
I n   x n .tan 1x dx then 2
The area bounded by y  sin x ,

I) 0 i) P) x-axis and the lines x   is
1 8
 n  1 I n   n  1 I n2  …..(in sq. units)
is equal to
dt The area bounded by
If x   and
1  9t 2  y  cos 1  sin x  and y  sin 1  sin x 
II) 0 ii) Q)
d2y 2a 2 on the interval  0,   is ….
 ay then 
dx 2 3 (in sq. units)
  The area bounded by the curve
I n   1  x3 dx : n  N
y 2  2  x   x3 and its asymptote is
III) 0 iii) 6 R)
then the value of n K sq. unit. Then

such that 6
13 I n  12 I n1  0
  tan t 
2 If A is the area enclosed by the
curve  x  y    x  y   5 , for
If lim 0 k
IV) x  iv) 4 S) x  y, x, y  0 then 4A =
x2  1
k [. ] represents a greatest integer
then  ? function
13. Which of the following is the correct combination?

A) (I)(i)(S) B) (I)(ii)(Q) C) (II)(iv)(Q) D) (I)(ii)(R)

14. Which of the following is the correct combination?

A) (III)(iv)(P) B) (IV)(iii)(S) C) (II)(i)(P) D) (I)(iv)(R)

15. Which of the following is the correct combination?

A) (II)(iii)(Q) B) (I)(iii)(R) C) (IV)(i)(Q) D) (III)(ii)(P)

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Answer Q,16, Q,17 and Q,18 by appropriately matching the information given in
the three columns of the following table.
A) The parabolas y 2  4 x and P) Let f : R   0,   be a real valued
x 2  4 y divide the square region function satisfying
bounded the lines x = 4, y = 4 i) S1 , S2 , S3 are x
 tf  x  t  dt  e
and the coordinate axes.  1 , then
in A.P
If S1 , S2 , S3 are respectively the 0
S1  f 1 , S2  f  2  & S3  f  3 are
areas of these parts numbered
from top to bottom, then follows
 
B) If S1 , S2 , S3 are the areas Q) If  t 2 f  t  dt  1  sin x, x   0, 
 2
bounded by the x-axis and any sin x
ii) S1 , S2 , S3 then
three consecutive half waves of
the curves y  e ax sin  x, x  0 , are in G.P  1   1   1 
S1  f   , S2  f   & S3  f  
from left to right, then  a,   0   2  3  4
are follows
C) Let
 
f  x   max. x 2 , 1  x  , 2 x 1  x  ,

where 0  x  1 if the areas of  /2

the region bounded by the sin 2 nx
iii) R) Let Sn   sin 2 x
dx , then
curve y= f(x) between S  S  2S
3 3 3 0
1 3 2
 1 1 2   2  S1, S 2 & S3 are follows
x  0,  ,  ,  ,  ,1 and x-
 3 3 3   3 
axis represented by
S1 , S 2 , S3 then
S) Let
 /4
cot x
D) If the area bounded by
S1    tan x  dx,
y 2  x, y  x ; x y , y  x and  /4
iv) S1  S 2  S3 tan x
y  x 2 , y  x are denoted by S2    tan x  dx and
S1 , S 2 and S3 respectively then 0
 /4
tan x
S3    cot x  dx are follows
16. Choose the correct option
A) A, ii, P B) A, iii, P C) B, ii, Q D) C, i, P
17. Choose the correct option
A) C, ii, R B) D, ii, S C) D, i, R D) A, ii, S
18. Chose the correct option
A) A, iv, S B) D, iv, S C) B, ii, Q D) C, iii, Q

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PHYSICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
19. A particle of mass m and charge q, moving with velocity V enters Region II normal to
the boundary as shown in the figure. Region II has a uniform magnetic field B
perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The length of the Region II is l. Choose the
correct choice(s)

A) The particle enters Region III only if its velocity V 

B) The particle enters Region III only if its velocity V 

C) Path length of the particle in Region II is maximum when velocity V 

D) Time spent in Region II is same for any velocity V as long as the particle returns to
Region I

20. Consider the motion of a positive point charge in a region where there are simultaneous
 
uniform electric and magnetic fields E  E0 j and B  B0 j . At time t =0, this charge has

velocity v in the x-y plane, making an angle  with the x-axis. Which of the following
option (s) is (are) correct for time t > 0?

A) If   0o the charge moves in a circular path in the x-z plane.

B) If   0o the charge undergoes helical motion with constant pitch along the y-axis.

C) If   10o the charge undergoes helical motion with its pitch increasing with time,
along the y-axis.
D) If   90o the charge undergoes linear but accelerated motion along the y-axis.

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21. A particle of charge +q and mass m moving under the influence of a uniform electric
field Ei and uniform magnetic field Bk follows a trajectory from P to Q as shown in
figure. The velocities at P and Q are vi and 2vj. Which of the following statement(s)
is/are correct

3  mv 2 
A) E   
4  qa 

3  mv3 
B) Rate of work done by the electric field at P is  
4 a 

C) Rate of work done by the electric field at P is zero

D) Rate of work done by both the fields at Q is zero
22. A proton moving with a constant velocity passes through a region of space without any
change in its velocity. If E and B represent the electric and magnetic fields respectively.
Then, this region of space may have

A) E  0, B  0 B) E  0, B  0 C) E  0, B  0 D) E  0, B  0

23. A charged particle of charge +q, mass m is moving with initial velocity 'v' as shown in
figure in a uniform magnetic field B   
k . Select the correct alternative/alternatives:

A) Velocity of particle when it comes out from magnetic field is V  v cos300i  v sin 300 j
B) Time for which the particle was in magnetic field is

 mv
C) Distance travelled in magnetic field is

D) The particle will never come out of magnetic field

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24. A particle of charge 'q' and mass ‘m’ enters normally (at point P) in a region of magnetic
field with speed v. It comes out normally from Q after time T as shown in figure. The
magnetic field B is present only in the region of radius R and is uniform. Initial and final
velocities are along radial direction and they are perpendicular to each other. For this to
happen, which of the following expression(s) is/are correct

mv R m
A) B  B) T  C) T  D) None of these
qR 2v 2qB

25. A proton of charge 'e' and mass 'm' enters a uniform and constant magnetic field
 
B  Bi with an initial velocity V  Voxi  Voy j . Which of the following will be correct at
any later time ‘t’
 qBt 
A) x-component of velocity of the proton will be Vox cos  
 m 

 qBt 
B) y-component of velocity will be Voy cos  
 m 

C) z-component of velocity will be Voy sin 

 qBt 
 m 

 
 along  k direction.

D) x-component of velocity will remain unchanged.

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
26. In the circuit shown length of potentiometer wire AB is 100 cm. Resistance of wire AB
is 800  The value of l1 (in cm) is x  10 . Find x (Where l1 corresponds to null point)

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27. For the arrangement of the potentiometer shown in the figure, the balance point is
obtained at a distance 75 cm from A when the key k is open. The second balance point is
obtained at 60 cm from A when the key k is closed. Find the internal resistance r (in  )
of the battery E1

28. As shown in the figure, a potentiometer wire of resistance 20  and length 300 cm is
connected with resistance box (RB) and a standard cell of emf 4 V. For a resistance R of
resistance box introduced into the circuit, the null point for a cell of 20 mV is found to
be 60 cm. The value of R is . Find 

29.  
A charge particle is moving in a uniform magnetic fied 2i  3j T . If it has an

 
acceleration of i  4j m / s 2 , then the value of  will be

30. A cyclotron is used to accelerate protons. If the operating magnetic field is 1.0 T and the
radius of the cyclotron dees is 60 cm, the kinetic energy of the accelerated protons in
MeV will be 2x. Find x

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This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,31, Q,32 and Q,33 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
A charged particle (electron or proton) is introduced at the origin (x=0 v=0 , z=0) with a
given initial velocity v. A uniform electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B exist
everywhere. The velocity v, electric field E and magnetic field B are given in columns 1,
2 and 3, respectively. The quantities E0 , B0 are positive in magnitude
Column-I Cloumn-II Cloumn-III

Electron with
E  E0 z
I) E0  i) P) B   B0 x
v2 x

E0 
II) Electron with v  y ii) E   E0 y Q) B  B0 

III) Proton with v  0 iii) E   E0 x R) B  B0 y

E0 
IV) Proton with v  2 x iv) E  E0 x S) B  B0 z

31. In which case would the particle move in a straight line along the negative direction of
Y-axis (i.e. move along- y )

A) (IV) (ii) (S) B) (II) (iii) (Q) C) (III), (ii) (R) D) (III) (ii) (P)

32. In which case will the particle move in a straight line with constant velocity?

A) (II) (iii) (S) B) (III) (iii) (P) C) (IV) (i) (S) D) (III) (ii) (R)

33. In which case will the particle describe a helical path with axis along the positive z-

A) (II) (ii) (R) B) (III) (iii) (P) C) (IV) (i) (S) D) (IV) (ii) (R)

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Answer Q,34, Q,35 and Q,36 by appropriately matching the information given in
the three columns of the following table.
Assume all particles move in same magnetic field perpendicular to plane of motion
Column-I Cloumn-II Cloumn-III
Has maximum Each particle has
A) Electron I) P)
radius same speed
Has minimum
Each particle has
B) Proton II) radius Q)
same momentum

Has maximum
Deuteron (nucleus of Each particle has
C) III) frequency of R)
H2 same kinetic energy
Each particle is
accelerated through
Has minimum
same potential
D)  particle IV) frequency of S)
difference starting
from rest

34. For condition given in P in column-3


35. For condition given in R in column-3


36. For condition given in S, in column-3


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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases

Which of the following statements are correct?

D) R to S conversion can also be possible by using DIBAL–H.

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(1) LiAlH4
(2) CHCl3 + KOH

H3O+ LiAlH4 CH3Br / DMF


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

1 PhSO Cl
A) W 
 2 aq. KOH  Clear solution White ppt
2 aq. HCl

1 PhSO Cl
B) Y  2
White ppt 
aq . KOH
 Clear solution

C) Z has no reaction with Hinsberg reagent.

Q  Foul smelling poisonous compound  .

D) W 


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

A) ‘A’ is N,N–dimethyl Formamide B) ‘B’ is dimethyl amine

C) ‘D’ can also reduce Fehlings solution D) ‘E’ is N,N–dimethyl benzene sulphonamide

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Then which of the following is most suitable in the given below

A) P = HBr B)

C) D) R = KCN
41. Compound A is converted to B on reaction with CHCl3 and KOH. The compound B is
toxic and can be decomposed by C. A, B and C respectively are :

A) primary amine, nitrile compound, conc. HCl

B) secondary amine, isonitrile compound, conc. NaOH

C) primary amine, isonitrile compound, conc. HCl

D) secondary amine, nitrile compound, conc. NaOH

42. Which of the following reaction DOES NOT involve Hoffmann Bromamidedegradation



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43. An organic compound "A" on treatment with benzene sulphonyl chloride gives
compound B.

B is soluble in dil. NaOH solution. Compound A is :

A) C6 H 5  N   CH 3 2 B) C6 H 5  NHCH 2CH 3

C) C6 H 5  CH 2 NHCH 3 D)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

(i) NaOEt
N K + BrCH(COOC2H5)2 X Y
(ii) Cl - CH2 - CH2 - S - Me

(i) NaOH
Z + W
(Amino acid) (ii) H3O+ /

If % of Sulphur by mass in ‘Z’ is x, then the value of x/7 is_______________

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Narayana IIT Academy 11-05-24_ISR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-45_QP

The number of moles of CO2 liberated, when 1 mole of the given compound is strongly

46. A reaction of 0.1 mole of Benzylamine with bromomethane gave 23 g of Benzyl

trimethyl ammonium bromide. The number of moles of bromomethane consumed in this
reaction are n  101 , when n = _______. (Round off to the Nearest Integer).

(Given : Atomic masses : C : 12.0 u, H : 1.0 u, N : 14.0 u, Br : 80.0 u]


The number of Oxygen atoms present in the molecular formulae of Z is

48. Number of moles of NaOH required to convert one mole of acetamide into
methanenitrile by Hoffmann Bromamide degradation.

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This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,49, Q,50 and Q,51 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.

Column – I Column – II Column – III

Ethanolic NaCN / H2 /
(P) Butanamide (I) (i) Phenyl isocyanide

(Q) Benzamide (II) CHCl3 / KOH (ii) Butan–1–amine

(R) Chloroethane (III) Br2 / NaOH (iii) Propan–1–amine

(S) Aniline (IV) LiAlH 4 (iv) Benzenamine

49. The correct combination from the following is:

A) P – IV – iii B) Q – III – iv C) R – II – iii D) S – III – i

50. The incorrect combination is:

A) P – III – iii B) P – IV – ii C) R – I – ii D) S – II – i

51. The correct combination is:

A) R – I – iii B) Q – II – iv C) S – IV – i D) P – II – ii

Answer Q,52, Q,53 and Q,54 by appropriately matching the information given in
the three columns of the following table.
Column – I Column – II Column – III

(1) Acetic Anhydride

2 – Bromo Benzoic
(P) Aniline (I) (2) Br2 / CH 3COOH (i)
(3) H 2O / H 

(1) Br2 / Fe
(Q) 4 – nitro toluene (II) (ii) P – Bromo aniline
(2) Sn / HCl

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(3) NaNO2 / HCl / 00 C

(4) H 3 PO2

(5) KMnO4

Benzene diazonium (1) HBF4

(R) (III) (iii) P – nitroaniline
chloride (2) NaNO2 , Cu / 

(1) HNO3  H 2 SO4

(S) Acetanilide (IV) (iv) Nitrobenzene
(2) H 2O / H 

52. The correct combination from the following is:

A) P – III – iii B) Q – II – i C) R – III – iii D) S – IV – iv

53. The only correct combination from the following is:

A) P – I – ii B) Q – III – iv C) R – IV – iii D) S – I – i

54. The incorrect combination from the following is:

A) P – I – ii B) S – IV – iii C) R – III – iv D) Q – II – ii

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