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编号 002

名称 美式咖啡 Americano

IBA 分类 难忘系列 The Unforgettables


原料 30 ml 金巴利 30 ml Bitter Campari

30 ml 甜味美思(红色) 30 ml Sweet Red Vermouth
少许苏打水 A splash of Soda Water

方法 将成分直接混合在装有冰块的老式玻璃杯中。添加一 Mix the ingredients directly in an old fashioned glass filled

点苏打水。轻轻搅拌。 with ice cubes. Add a splash of Soda Water. Stir gently.

装饰 用半个橙片和柠檬皮装饰。 Garnish with half orange slice and a lemon zest.

历史/变体 美式咖啡的历史可以追溯到 1800 年代下半叶米兰的 The story of the Americano dates back to the second half
Gaspare Campari 酒吧。多年来,这款鸡尾酒因电影 of the 1800s in Gaspare Campari’s bar in Milan. Over the
界的一些致敬而声名狼藉,其中包括詹姆斯 ·邦德 years the cocktail acquires notoriety thanks to some
(007 皇家赌场),他最喜欢的鸡尾酒正是美式咖 homages from the world of cinema, including James Bond
啡。 (007 Casino Royale) whose favorite cocktail was,
“美国人”这个绰号是在意大利巨人拳击手普里莫·卡 precisely, the Americano.
内拉在纽约麦迪逊广场花园成为世界重量级冠军时诞 The nickname “American” was born when Primo Carnera,
生的。当卡内拉带着冠军头衔回到意大利时,迎接他 a giant Italian boxer, became world heavyweight
的是这款非常意大利的鸡尾酒,当时被称为“美式咖 champion at Madison Square Garden in New York. When
啡”。 Carnera returned to Italy with the title, he was greeted with
美式咖啡直到 1987 年才进入 IBA 鸡尾酒名单,但实 this very Italian cocktail which, for the occasion, was
际上,它是一种在 20 世纪 30 年代风靡意大利的鸡尾 called “Americano”.
酒。 The Americano entered the IBA Cocktail List only in 1987
but, in reality, it was a cocktail that spread all over Italy
during the 1930s.

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