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A. Change these following sentences into passive !

1. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon

2. The teacher is going to explain the topics
3. Kathy had returned the book to the library
4. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement
5. I didn’t write that note. Jim wrote it
6. Jacky scored the winning goal last night
7. The assistant manager interviewed me last Monday
8. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village
9. Hundreds of people visit The Washington monument every day
10. The Chinese invented paper, the main writing material today
11. George made this antique table in 2010
12. She was making the coffee when I walked into the kitchen
13. Translators have translated that book into many languages
14. A local advertising company has offered Maria a good job
15. They will send me a bill at the end of the month
16. Mark Twain wrote Life on the Amazon
17. My company imported this olive oil from Spain
18. People play soccer in many countries
19. People speak Spanish in some countries
20. The teacher is asking me to use the passive
B. Use who, whom, which or whose to relate these following sentences.
1. A waiter served me at a restaurant. He was polite
2. A barber cut my hair. He did a good job
3. A clerk cashed the check. He asked for identification
4. A man stopped me on the street. He asked for directions
5. A car drove through a red light. It hit another car
6. A woman came into the room. I recognize her
7. They were reading a book. I finished it
8. The geologist predicted another earthquake. He lectured at Browning Hall last night
9. Matthew speaks Russian. He applied for the job
10. The rice was very good. We had it for dinner last night
11. Rice is grown in many countries. It is a staple food throughout much of the world
12. I live in a town. It is situated in a valley
13. A river is not safe for swimming. It is polluted
14. Tom got into the car. It was parked behind the house
15. She is wearing the dress. It is new

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